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Call for Applications: EAVE PRODUCERS WORKSHOP 2025 - deadline August 19, 2024

Who is it for?

EAVE is aimed at producers (fiction, documentary and TV series), who are already working in the film and television industries who wish to expand their operation internationally by increasing their knowledge of producing and co-producing in Europe and by building up a pan European professional network. We also welcome applications from associated branches of the industry – e.g. commissioning, funding, legal and finance, festivals & markets, media administration. Each year 56 participants are selected from most of the EU countries and beyond and take part in three one-week long workshops.

Please check the section “Who should apply” for more detailed information.

How does it work?

Half the participants attend the course with projects and it is an excellent means of development through intense focus on the project with colleagues and experts throughout the year. The other half come to EAVE in order to focus on developing their companies or careers. Most participants attending with a project also bring their writer for the first two weeks which enables producer and writer to benefit together from one-to-one sessions with script experts.

During the first two workshops, participants work within groups led by experienced producers and with several experts on script analysis, development and production financing, legal aspects of co-production, marketing, pitching, packaging and more. In the third workshop some 50 Future Partners (commissioning editors, national and regional media funds, financiers, sales agents, etc.) join the participants to discuss the projects, companies and careers of the participants, a process which offers unusual access to Europe's Key Industry Players. 

EAVE graduates join a unique network of active European producers which forms one of the backbones of the industry. Furthermore, EAVE participants and members benefit from our partnerships with the leading European film festivals and markets where EAVE facilitates graduate participation. 


The interviews with a pre-selection of candidates will take place in autumn 2024 and the selection will be announced in December 2024. The 3 workshops take place in March 7-14, 2025 in Luxembourg (LU), June 2025 (location and exact dates TBC), and October 2025 exact dates TBC) in Thessaloniki (GR).


The EAVE Marketing Workshop participants are joined every year by selected graduates of the renowned EAVE Producers Workshop, who have trained over one year as specialized marketing professionals.

EAVE is a residential workshop programme with a strong focus on network building.


Check out or contact for more information.

Start your application here:


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International Sami Film Institute and Netflix invite emerging and mid-career Sami producers to apply for a unique workshop designed by the training organization EAVE.

This program, set to start in October 2024, offers several modules, including a residential session in Guovdageaidnu, Norway/Sápmi, and online follow-ups over a period of six months.


The workshop addresses project development, financing, budgeting, applications, and reporting; co-production, sales & distribution, defining the target audience; and company and business planning.

Starting in October 2024 with a residential module in Guovdageaidnu, followed by two online modules in November 2024 and January/February 2025.

Program Highlights:

  • Skills Development: Enhance your abilities in film development, financing, budgeting, funding applications and reports, co-production, distribution planning, and business strategy.
  • Methodology: The workshop will use the successful EAVE methodology, with group work, plenary sessions, and individual consultations. It will focus on real projects to produce tangible outcomes and have concrete case studies.
  • Networking: Build lasting professional relationships through our intensive group work and expert sessions.

First module: Residential in Guovdageaidnu

The first module and kick-off are set for Guovdageaidnu, Sápmi/Norway, at International Sami Film Institutes premises. It will be a four-day program from October 7th to 10th, 2024.

Second and third modules: Online sessions

The second and third modules are half–day online sessions.

2nd module dates: November 21st and 22nd, and November 25th to 29th, 2024

3rd module dates: January 27th to 31st, and February 3rd and 4th, 2025

Confirmed Key Experts

  • Head of Studies: Tamara Dawit (Gobez Media, CA)
  • Group Leader: Emile Hertling Péronard (Ánorâk Film / Polarama Greenland, GL/DK)
  • Expert on funding/applications & reports/company planning: Petri Kemppinen (P1 Kemppinen, FI)


We seek ten emerging and mid-career Sami producers developing documentary-, feature-, or short film projects.

Applicants should have produced at least one short film or completed a university course on film production (or have equivalent education or work experience in the film or media industry).

Application Requirements:

  • Company profile
  • CV/professional background
  • Project portfolio, including synopsis, script, or treatment (max 2 pages)
  • Estimated production budget and finance plan
  • Personal statement outlining your motivations and what you aim to gain from the program.

Submit your application through this application site:

Submission deadline: August 12th, 2024

Selection Process:

Applications will be reviewed by ISFI, focusing on your motivation, professional potential, and project viability. You can expect to receive a response by mid-August.

Apply Now!

For questions or more information, please contact:

Maren Benedicte Nystad Storslett,

Project coordinator, International Sami Film Institute, / +47 971 22 760.

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1970 by Darko Lungulov receives funding

Film Fund Luxembourg

Film Fund Luxembourg supports 25 projects through its latest round of funding: nine fiction features, four animated features, four documentary features, two fiction series, one documentary series, two fiction shorts, one animated short, one VR project and one transmedia project. Among them:

  • 1970 by Darko Lungulov, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen, EAVE group leader and EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges
  • CAMPEONA by Lucia Valverde, producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault
  • DEATH HAS NO MASTER by Jorge Thielen Armand, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandra Hoesdorff
  • DIE BLUTGRÄFIN by Ulrike Ottinger, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • FUTURE RITES by Sandra Rodriguez and Alexander Whitley, producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth
  • JESUS LEOPARD by Patrick-Mario Bernard and Pierre Trividic, producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial
  • LIZARDQUEEN by Jacques Molitor, producer: EAVE graduate André Fetzer
  • ORA ET LABORA by Claude Lahr, producer: EAVE graduate André Fetzer
  • WHAT REMAINS by Yeşim Ustaoğlu, producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno
  • WHO CARES by Ina Ivanceanu, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu



Finnish Film Foundation

The Finnish Film Foundation has granted production support to 4 film projects by EAVE graduates.

  • AMANDA OF THE NIGHT by Alli Haapasalo, producer: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy
  • THE ETERNITY MAN by Ivan Nikolaichuk, producer: EAVE graduate Ilkka Matila
  • THE SQUIRREL by Markus Lehmusruusu, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff
  • EDERLEZI by Carmen Baltzar, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki



Croatian Audivisual Centre

  • MOM, DAD AND ME by Vanja Juranic, producer: EAVE graduate Katarina Prpic receives support from the Croatian Audivisual Centre.



Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film Centre

The Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film Centre has announced the results of the first 2024 session of its Film Commission, which supports the production of the following films by EAVE graduates:

  • A BAS LE SOLEIL by Lucien Lepoutre, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • ALI N’A PAS L’ÂGE by Géraldine Doignon, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc
  • CAGE by Paul Vincent de Lestrade, producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan, PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont
  • COMME UNE GRANDE by Adriana Da Fonseca, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • DIAMANT PALACE by Noé Reutenauer, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • DIEU RECONNAÎTRA LES SIENS by Hassan Legzouli, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • DISSONANCE by Aline Magrez, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • GENÈSES by Nastasja Saerens, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc
  • GIRLS OF TOMORROW by Nora Philippe, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • JONAH WAS HERE by Nathalie Teirlinck, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • LA MONTAGNE DU SILENCE by Thomas Damas, Nil-Enzo Clémentin, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc
  • MOTHER by Teona Strugar Mitevska, producer: EAVE graduate Sebastien Delloye
  • MIRKOURI by Ish and Moins Ait-Hamou, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • PAROLE D’HOMME(S) by Marie Mc Court, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • PLACE OF GHOSTS by Bretten Hannam, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • ROUGE by Zoé Arene, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland
  • SAMIA by Bruno Tracq, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland



IDM Film Commission Südtirol

  • WOODWALKERS 2 by Sven Unterwaldt, co-producer: EAVE President Danny Krausz receives financial support by IDM Film Commission Südtirol, following the first call of 2024.



In pre-production

  • THE REVOLUTION ACCORDING TO KAMO by Kornel Mundruczo, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, EAVE graduates Jonas Dornbach, Beata Rzezniczek is in pre-production. Shooting for the Georgian-language film is due to start in 2025. The film’s story spans 30 years, from 1891-1922, and paints the portrait of the birth of the world’s most murderous dictator through the eyes of his best friend, ally, devoted disciple and henchman. The two grew up together in the small town of Gori, close to Tblisi – Stalin, or Soso as he was then known, in extreme poverty, and Kamo as part of a wealthy merchant family. Although Soso leaves Gori to attend a seminary, the two are reunited in their late teens in Tiflis (modern-day Tbilisi), where the charismatic Soso has become an agitator and leader in the new revolutionary movement to bring down the monarchy. Kamo is dragged alongside Soso into a world of gangland violence, murder and social upheaval. “It’s an epic movie about history, but it also sits firmly in the gangster-movie genre,” said Mundruczo. “It’s less about a man being born evil, but about the mechanics of power and how one man rises to the top. But it’s also about a passionate friendship between these two men who knew each other since they were boys.” THE REVOLUTION ACCORDING TO KAMO will be produced by UK outfit Good Chaos and France’s Hype Studios together with MK Productions (France), Komplizen Film (Germany), Madants (Poland), Proton Cinema (Hungary) and Takes Film (Georgia).

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DON’T LET ME DIE by Adrian Epure is in post-production

In production

  • SAVONS LES MEUBLES by Catherine Cosme, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes, co-producer: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub and PUENTES graduate Delphine Schmit is in production. With SAVONS LES MEUBLES, the director returns to the themes already present in her short films, namely the family and siblings. The film centres on Lucile and Paul, in their forties, who are called back home to their parents because their mother is dying. They were not aware of her illness, but also discover another secret: their mother has usurped Lucile’s identity and fallen deeply into debt. In this emergency, before their mother passes away, Lucile and Paul will have to find their way to forgiveness and save a lot more than just the furniture. The film is produced by EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes for Hélicotronc and co-produced by Swiss Alva Films and French Tripode Productions. It has received support from the Fédération Wallonie -Bruxelles (light productions fund), Be TV, the RTBF, Proximus, the Tax Shelter via Shelter Prod, the Loterie nationale, the Région Occitanie and the Office Fédéral de la Culture suisse.


In post-production

  • DIE ABENTEUER DER LAUSITZERIN WILMA by Maren-Kea Freese, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert is in post-production. The film tells the story of Wilma, a woman in her fifties who has spent most of her life in rural Germany, in the region of Lusatia, which is known for its lignite mining and has been plagued by high rates of unemployment since the mining activities were abandoned. Wilma is one of the people who end up without a job. This sees her spiral into a crisis, after which she decides that she needs a change of scenery. She then arrives in Vienna, exploring the big city and seeking out fresh inspiration. She gains renewed energy and embarks on a new life project. DIE ABENTEUER DER LAUSITZERIN WILMA is being staged by Filmproduktion in co-production with TV channel MDR. It has been funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM), the Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, DFFF and Creative Europe.

  • DON’T LET ME DIE by Adrian Epure, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandru Teodorescu, co-producer: EAVE graduate Thomas Lambert is in post-production. The script written by Epure together with Ana Gheorghe follows Maria, who discovers the body of a neighbour with no family in front of her apartment building, and decides to arrange her funeral. Though the woman was a stranger, her disappearance haunts Maria. She needs to know who Isabela Ivan was. Ana Gheorghe and Alexandru Teodorescu of Saga Film are producing in co-production with Angel Ivanov and Virginia Venkova of Handplayed (Bulgaria), and Thomas Lambert of Tomsa Films (France). National coproducers include Ana Ciobanu of Arrogant Films and Theo Nissim of Conceptual Lab by Theo Nissim. The project was supported by the Romanian Film Centre with 520,000 RON in 2022 and also by the Bulgarian National Film Center. It also received the Alex Leo Șerban Scholarship at the Transilvania IFF in 2022 and the SEE Cinema Network development grant in 2023. The script was developed through Next Step - Semaine de la Critique and the Residence du Festival de Cannes.

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Best Talent Project for A GIRL UNKNOWN in Shanghai

Tribeca Film Festival

  • BIKECHESS by Assel Aushakimova, producer: EAVE graduate Antoine Simkine won Best International Narrative Feature at the Tribeca Film Festival
  • SAMIA by Yasemin Samdereli, producerss: EAVE graduates Michele Fornasero, David Herdies receives a Special Jury Mention for an International Narrative Feature
  • SOME RAIN MUST FALL by Qiu Yang, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua won Best Performance in an International Narrative Feature and Best Cinematography in an International Narrative Feature
  • DON’T YOU LET ME GO by Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Agustina Chiarino won the Nora Ephron Award
  • MADE IN ETHIOPIA by Xinyan Yu, Max Duncan, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit received a Special Jury Mention for a Documentary Feature



Krakow Film Festival

  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel won the Silver Horn in the International Documentary Competition and the FIPRESCI Award
  • SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert won the Golden Hobby-Horse for a Feature-length Film and a Special Mention in the International Documentary Competition



DocuDays UA

  • NICE LADIES by Mariia Ponomarova, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramier received a Special Mention.
  • THE KIOSK by Daniel Stopa, producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron received a Special Mention.
  • CHANGE project A BIT OF A STRANGER by Svitlana Lishchynska, producers: CHANGE graduate Anna Kapustina, EAVE graduate Fredrik Lange won the Andriy Matrosov Priz.



Annecy Film Festival

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LIVING LARGE by Kristina Dufkova, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Agata Jelenekova received the Jury Prize of the Contrechamp Competition
  • HURIKÁN by Jan Saska, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, EAVE MW graduate Kamila Dohnalova won the Audience Award in the Short Films Official Competition
  • MY LIFE IN VERSAILLES “VERSAILLES GHOST” by Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat, Nathaniel H’limi, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol won the Jury Prize for Best TV Series
  • HELLO SUMMER by Martin Smatana, Veronika Zacharova, producer: EAVE MW graduate Kamila Dohnalova won the Young Audience Award



Shanghai International Film Festival (June 14 – 23)

  • A GIRL UNKNOWN by ZOU Jing, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri won the Best Talent Project.



Filmfest Emden-Norderney

  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You won the Creative Energy Award at the International Filmfest Emden-Norderney.



Animafest Zagreb

  • THE MIRACLE by Nienke Deutz, producer: EAVE graduate Derk-Jan Warrink won the Grand Prix in the Grand Competition Short Film section at the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb



Bishkek International Film Festival

  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser was awarded Best Acting (Mouna Hawa) at the Bishkek International Film Festival
  • SHAMBHALA by Min Bahadur Bham, co-producer: EAVE graduate Verona Meier won Best Cinematography



Biografilm Festival Bologna

  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producers: EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo and Veselka Kiryakova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides won the Manifesto Award at the Biografilm Festival Bologna.



SEEfest Los Angeles

  • EAVE project NON-ALIGNED: SCENES FROM THE LABUDOVIC REELS by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky wins the BRIDGING THE BORDERS AWARD 
  • FREEDOM by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu wins the BARCO HDR MASTER LIGHTSTEERING COLOR GRADE PRIZE
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub receives a Honorable Mention
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo wins a Honorable Mention




  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, executive producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij received the Feature Film Grand Prize City Of Lisbon Special Mention
  • GOLD SONGS by Ico Costa, producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves won the MAX Award for Best Portuguese Feature Film and received a Special Mention from the Universities Jury
  • GREICE by Leonardo Mouramateus, producer: EAVE+ graduate Pandora Telles won the Nova FCSH Award for Best Director in a Portuguese Film
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina won the Silvestre Award for Best Feature Film
  • BANZO by Margarita Cardoso, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis won the Arvore de Vida Award and the Universities Award for Best Portuguese Feature Film
  • TALES OF OBLIVION by Dulce Fernandes, producer: EAVE+ graduate Pandora Telles received a Special Mention
  • WE MADE A FILM by Tota Alves, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes received a Special Mention and the Audience Award
  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira won the QUEERARTLAB Award



Lithuanian Silver Crane Awards

14 awards for EAVE graduates at the Lithuanian National Silver Crane film awards:

  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius won 6 awards – Best Feature Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Leading Actress, Best Leading Actor, Best Editor
  • TWITTERING SOUL 3D by Deimantas Narkevicius, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite also won 6 awards – Best Cinematography, Best Costumes, Best Music, Best Production Design, Best Costume Design, Best Make-up
  • MY FREEDOM by Ilze Kunga-Melgaile, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina was awarded Best Supporting Actor
  • FIVE AND A HALF LOVE STORIES IN AN APARTMENT IN VILNIUS, LITHUANIA by Tomas Vengris, co-producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis won Best Supporting Actress



Austrian Film Awards

10 awards for EAVE graduates at the Austrian Film Awards:

  • THE DEVIL’S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper won Best Feature Film, Best Leading Actress (Anja F Plaschg), Best Supporting Actress (Maria Hofstätter), Best Cinematography (Martin Gschlacht), Best Film Editing, Best Score (Anja F Plaschg), Best Production Design and Best Make-up
  • SISI & I by Frauke Finsterwalder, co-producer: EAVE President Danny Krausz won Best Costume Design
  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber won the Viewers’ Choice Award

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GREEN BORDER in cinemas around Europe

In French cinemas

  • GLORIA! by Margherita Vicario, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. June 12.
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo. June 12.
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. June 26.


In Belgian cinemas

  • GOODBYE JULIA by Mohamed Kordofani, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingrid Lill Hogtun. June 12.
  • BEING MARIA by Jessica Palud, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo. June 19.


In UK cinemas

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. June 17.
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. June 28.


In Dutch cinemas

  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producers: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung. June 13.


In Swiss cinemas

  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser. June 6.


In German cinemas

  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. June 6.
  • A SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman, EAVE group leader and EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo. June 13.


In Irish cinemas

  • TREASURE by Julia Von Heinz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski. June 14.
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. June 28.


In Romanian cinemas

  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic. June 28.


In Swedish cinemas

  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. June 28.


In Spanish cinemas

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. June 7.
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi. June 7.
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. June 28.


In Hungarian cinemas

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. June 27.

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EAVE Marketing Workshop projects LIVING LARGE and HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS selected for Karlovy Vary

Zlin Film Festival (May 30 – June 5)

  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo 
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • EAVE project PSYCHOBITCH by Martin Lund, producer: EAVE graduate Ruben Thorkildsen
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas



Internationales Filmfest Emden Norderney (June 5 – 12)

  • AKIKO, DER FLIEGENDE AFFE, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer
  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You
  • ELBOW by Asli Özarslan, producer: EAVE graduate Jamila Wenske, co-producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam & Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart
  • EAVE project NOT A WORD by Hanna Slak, producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué
  • MEINEN HASS BEKOMMT IHR NICHT by Kilian Riedhof, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • MILK TEETH by Sophia Bösch, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • PERSIAN LESSONS by Vadim Perelman, producer: EAVE graduate Sol Bondy, Jamila Wenske
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno
  • TREASURE by Julia Von Heinz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski



Tribeca Film Festival New York (June 5 – 16)

  • BIKECHESS by Assel Aushakimova, producer: EAVE+ and MW graduate Antoine Simkine
  • DON’T YOU LET ME GO by Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate, PUENTES group leader Agustina Chiarino
  • FUCK-A-FAN by Muriel d'Ansembourg, producer: TTB graduate Els Vandevorst
  • MADE IN ETHIOPIA by Xinyan Yu, Max Duncan, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit
  • SAMIA by Yasemin Samdereli, producerss: EAVE graduates Michele Fornasero, David Herdies
  • SOME RAIN MUST FALL by Qiu Yang, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua
  • SWIMMING HOME by Justin Anderson, producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • THE DAMNED by Thordur Palsson, producers: EAVE graduates Guđmundur Arnar Guđmundsson, Anton Mani Svansson, Benoit Roland
  • THE DEVIL'S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • TREASURE by Julia Von Heinz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski



Sydney Film Festival (June 5 – 16)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • AFTERWAR by Birgitte Stærmose, producers: EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari
  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt 
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producer: EAVE graduates Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Geneviève De Bauw
  • THE OUTRUN by Nora Fingscheidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTb graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Stefano Renting, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries



Biografilm Bologna (June 7 – 17)

  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producers: EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo, Veselka Kiryakova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides
  • THE LOST NOTEBOOK by Ida Marie Gedbjerg Sørensen, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER by Jacob Perlmutter, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen



Annecy International Animated Film Festival (June 9 – 15)

Feature Films

  • THE MOST PRECIOUS OF CARGOES by Michel Hazanavicius, producer: EAVE group leader Patrick Sobelman
  • A BOAT IN THE GARDEN by Jean-François Laguionie, producer: EAVE graduate Stéphan Roelants
  • ROCK BOTTOM by Maria Trenor, producer: EAVE graduate Alba Sotorra Clua

Feature Films Contrechamp

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LIVING LARGE by Kristina Dufkova, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Agata Jelenekova

Short Films – Competition: Official

  • FREE THE CHICKENS by Matus Vizar, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • HURIKÁN by Jan Saska, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, EAVE MW graduate Kamila Dohnalova
  • MAYBE ELEPHANTS by Torill Kove, producer: EAVE graduate Lise Fearnley


  • I DIED IN IRPIN by Anastasiia Falileieva, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky

Young Audiences

  • HELLO SUMMER by Martin Smatana, Veronika Zacharova, producer: EAVE MW graduate Kamila Dohnalova

TV Films

  • MY LIFE IN VERSAILLES “VERSAILLES GHOST” by Clémence Madeleine-Perdrillat, Nathaniel H’limi, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol



Midnight Sun Film Festival Helsinki (June 12 – 16)

  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova 
  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma Vilhunen, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • KALAK by Isabella Eklöf, co-producers: EAVE graduates David Herdies, Leontine Petit
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic



Festival of Mediterranian Film Split (June 13 – 22)

  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze 
  • DORMITORY by Nehir Tuna, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam & Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart 
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • PUENTES project EL PARAISO by Enrico Maria Artale, producer: PUENTES graduate Carla Altieri
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer
  • THE SUCCESSOR by Xavier Legrand, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman



Shanghai International Film Festival (June 14 – 23)

  • EAVE project SILENCE OF THE SEASHELL by Kamar Ahmad Simon, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Afreen, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jonas Weydemann, Yvonne Wellie
  • A GIRL UNKNOWN by ZOU Jing, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • HER SECOND CHANCE by Vito Palmieri, producer: EAVE graduate Chiara Galloni




Transilvania International Film Festival (June 14 – 24)

  • A CAUTIONARY TALE by Ilinca Calugareanu, producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci
  • ALICE ON & OFF by Isabela Von Tent, producer: EAVE graduate Irina Malcea-Cândea
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • HOLY WEEK by Andrei Cohn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • HYPNOSIS by Ernst De Geer, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Elise Fernanda Pirir
  • HORIA by Ana-Maria Comanescu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • NASTY. MORE THAN TENNIS by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu 
  • SOVIET JEANS by Stanislavs Tokalovs, Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • SUMMER BROTHER by Joren Molter, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • THE LIFE AND DEATH OF MAX LINDER, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Edward Porembny
  • THE MOROMETE FAMILY 3 by Stere Gulea, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu and Tudor Giurgiu
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • UN SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producer: EAVE graduate Anton Iffland-Stettner and Eva Kuperman in co-production with EAVE group leader and EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges



Sheffield Doc/Fest  (June 14 – 19)

  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producer: EAVE graduates Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Geneviève De Bauw
  • EAVE project WHERE DRAGONS LIVE by Suzanne Raes, producer: EAVE graduate Ilja Roomans, co-producer: EAVE graduate Reece Cargan
  • PAVILION 6 by Goran Devic, producer: EAVE graduate Hrvoje Osvadic
  • RELENTLESS MEMORY by Paula Rodriguez, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen
  • DREAMS TRAVEL WITH THE WIND by Inti Jacanamijoy, producer: PUENTES graduate Jorge Forero
  • MADE IN ETHIOPIA by Xinyan Yu, Max Duncan, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit
  • DEMOCRACY NOIR by Connie Field, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • MY SEXTORTION DIARY by Patricia Franquesa, producer: PUENTES graduate Mireia Graell
  • OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Meena Nanji, Zippy Kimundu, producer: EAVE graduate Eliane Ferreira, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt



New Directors New Films Festival, Espinho (June 19 – 26)

  • MELK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit 
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki



Frameline Festival San Francisco (June 19 – 29)

  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze 
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer



Art Film Fest Kosice (June 21 – 28)

  • 8 VIEWS OF LAKE BIWA by Marko Raat, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Dora Nedeczky
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze 
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: Borislav Chouchkov, Carine Chichkowsky, Denis Vaslin
  • EAVE project MARIA’S SILENCE by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kestutis Drazdauskas
  • ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE LAKE by Lav Diaz, producer: producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew 
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne
  • GLORIA! by Margherita Vicario, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina 
  • FREEDOM by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu
  • GOODBYE JULIA by Mohamed Kordofani, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingrid Lill Hogtun
  • KALMAN’S DAY by Szabolcs Hajdu, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas
  • THE EDITORIAL OFFICE by Roman Bondarchuk, producer: Darya Bassel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dagmar Sedlackova, Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer, EAVE graduate and Slovak National Coordinator Katarina Krnacova
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marius Wlodarski
  • THE UNIVERSAL THEORY by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, David Bohun, Dario Schoch
  • TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova
  • TREASURE by Julia Von Heinz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski 
  • TTB project MAMMALIA by Sebastian Mihailescu, producers: EAVE graduate Diana Paroiu & EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese



Mediterrane Film Festival, Malta (June 22 – 30)

  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney   
  • BACKSTAGE by Afef Ben Mahmoud and Khalil Benkirane, co-producer: EAVE graduate Lil Høgtun
  • SHAMBHALA by Min Bahadur Bham, co-producer: EAVE graduate Verona Meier, executive producer: Ruben Thorkildsen, associate producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Léontine Petit
  • THE DEVIL’S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper 
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTb graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Stefano Renting, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries



Taipei Film Festival (June 22 – July 8)

  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach 
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, executive producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij



FID Marseille (June 25 – 30)

  • AMUSEMENT PARK by Ricardo Alves Jr., producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • BLUISH by Lilith Kraxner, Milena Czernovsky, producer: EAVE graduate David Bohun
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt 
  • MAKAMISA: PHANTASM OF REVENGE by Khavn De La Cruz, producer: TTB graduate Stephan Holl
  • THE FLAME OF A CANDLE by André Gil Mata, producer: PUENTES graduate Clementine Mourão-Ferreira


  • FAUSTO by Jazmin Lopez, producer: PUENTES graduate Leandro Listorti
  • FRAGMENTS OF THIS BEAUTY by Burak Cevik, producer: EAVE graduate Ipek Erden
  • LA NUIT by Beatrice Gibson, producer: PUENTES graduate Valentina Novati
  • OBJET A by Ann Oren, producer: EAVE participant Fabian Altenried
  • TALES OF FRUITS AND MONSTERS by Gregor Bozic, producer: EAVE graduate Marina Gumzi



Brussels International Film Festival (June 25 – July 3)

  • HUMAN | ANIMAL by Alessandro Pugno, producer: EAVE graduate Daniele Segre
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • KATIKA BLUU by Stéphane Vuillet & Stéphane Xhroüet, producer: PUENTES graduate Anthony Rey
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney   
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • THE PERMANENT PICTURE by Laura Ferrés, producer: EAVE graduate Adria Mones

Brussels Co-Production Market

Gap Financing Sessions

  • FOLK PLAY by Mirjana Karanovic, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen
  • SERAFIMA by Veiko Ounpuu, producer: EAVE graduate Esko Rips

Up: Up-and-Coming Producers

  • BEAR HUG by Alexandros Skouras, producer: EAVE MW graduate Eleni Oulani
  • DEMANDS OF A TEENAGE HEART by Lisa Meyer, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson

Short Film Sessions

  • MARIE, SWEETIE by Vivian Säde, producer: EAVE graduate Pille Rünk
  • THE GALIPOT’S LAIR by Raphaël Delorme-Duc, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc



Munich Film Festival (June 28 – July 7)

  • ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producers: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, CPI graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial 
  • DORMITORY by Nehir Tuna, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • FRISCH by Damian John Harper, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • HEARTLESS by Nara Nomande, Tião, producer: EAVE graduate Nadia Trevisan
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • IM ROSENGARTEN by Leis Bagdach, producer: EAVE graduate Arek Gielnik
  • IN THE LAND OF BROTHERS by Alireza Ghasemi, Raha Amirfazli, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • KALAK by Isabella Eklöf, co-producers: EAVE graduates David Herdies, Leontine Petit
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • MOTEL DESTINO by Karim Ainouz, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • POISON by Désirée Nosbusch, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandra Hoesdorff
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • SONGS WITHIN by Katalin Gödrös, producer: EAVE + graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer
  • SWIMMING HOME by Justin Anderson, producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • THE HYPERBOREANS by Cristóbal León, Joaquín Cociña, producer: PUENTES graduate Catalina Vergara
  • THE PRACTICE by Martin Rejtman, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • THE SUCCESSOR by Xavier Legrand, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman 
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • TO A LAND UNKNOWN by Mahdi Fleifel, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • ZWEI ZU EINS by Natja Brunckhorst, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTb graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Stefano Renting, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij
  • XOFTEX by Noaz Deshe, executive producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki



Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (June 28 – July 6)

Crystal Globe Competition

  • BANZO by Margarida Cardoso, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, EAVE graduate Filipa Reis
  • CELEBRATION by Bruno Ankovic, producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • PANOPTICON by George Sikharulidze, producers: EAVE graduates Vladimer Katcharava, Anamaria Antoci
  • PIERCE by Nelicia Low, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Igel
  • THREE DAYS OF FISH by Peter Hoogendoorn, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper
  • XOFTEX by Noaz Deshe, executive producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki

Proxima Competition

  • NOTHING IN ITS PLACE by Burak Cevik, producer: EAVE graduate Ipek Erden
  • STRANGER by Zhengfan Yang, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • WINDLESS by Pavel G. Vesnakov, producer: EAVE graduates Veselka Kiryakova, co-producers: EAVE graduate Luigi Chimienti and PUENTES graduate Alessandro Amato

Special Screenings

  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • IN THE LAND OF BROTHERS by Alireza Ghasemi, Raha Amirfazli, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • WAVES by Jiri Madl, co-producer: EAVE graduate Wanda Adamik Hrycova


  • ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producers: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, CPI graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial 
  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You
  • BRIEF HISTORY OF A FAMILY by Lin Jianjie, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze 
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LIVING LARGE by Kristina Dufkova, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Agata Jelenekova
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi 
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne
  • GLORIA! by Margherita Vicario, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt 
  • JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, co-producers: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, in association with EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski & PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam & Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart
  • MY SUMMER WITH IRENE by Carlo Sironi, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Naomi Denamur
  • NASTY by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu 
  • ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • SHAMBHALA by Min Bahadur Bham, co-producer: EAVE graduate Verona Meier, executive producer: Ruben Thorkildsen, associate producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua
  • SILENT TRILOGY by Juho Kuosmanen, producer EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marius Wlodarski
  • THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas
  • THE RESCUE: THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD by Daniela Goggi, producers: PUENTES graduates Benjamin Domenech, Santiago Gallelli
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTb graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Stefano Renting, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij
  • WHO DO I BELONG TO by Meryam Joobeur, producer: EAVE graduate Sarra Ben Hassen

Out of the Past

  • ACTRESS by Theodora Remundova, producer: EAVE graduate Alice Tabery

Future Frames: Generation NEXT of European Cinema

  • A STUDY OF EMPATHY by Hilke Rönnfeldt, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Møller Christoffersen

Pragueshorts at KVIFF

  • ELECTRA by Daria Kashcheeva, co-producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky
  • POND by Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust, producer: EAVE graduate Sarah Born



Festival La Rochelle Cinéma (June 30 – July 9)

  • ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producers: EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve, CPI graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial 
  • BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper
  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • CREATURA by Elena Martín Gimeno, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE participant Ariadna Dot
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze 
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • EL PROFESOR by Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam & Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart
  • STORMSKERRY MAJA by Tiina Lymi, producer: EAVE graduate Jukka Helle
  • THE FLAME OF A CANDLE by André Gil Mata, producer: PUENTES graduate Clementine Mourão-Ferreira
  • THIS IS WHAT I REMEMBER by Aktam Aryn Kubat, co-producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • TO A LAND UNKNOWN by Mahdi Fleifel, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, sales: Salaud Morisset
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij

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@ PUENTES Workshop 1, July 15 - 21, Udine (IT)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp (July 15 - 17), EAVE Project Manager Ana Ruiz Miralles

@ Durban FilmMart, June 18 - 23, Durban (ZA)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

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Apply now for TIES THAT BIND 2024/2025!

The call for applications for the 16th edition of TIES THAT BIND, EAVE's Asia - Europe Co-Production Workshop 2024/2025 is now open until July 23rd!

We are very proud to renew the partnership with TAICCA - Taiwan Creative Content Agency and to unveil the new dates and location of the Asian session of the workshop!!

What is TTB?

TIES THAT BIND is the leading training programme for European-Asian co-production. The participants will work with top-notch industry professionals from both continents. The sessions will focus on script development, co-production between Asia and Europe, public and private financing in the two regions, pitching, marketing and distribution. They will meet leading Asian and European sales agents, funders and potential co-producers during FOCUS ASIA in Udine.

Target Group

TTB is targeted at European & Asian producers focusing on project development. We will select 5 European and 5 Asian producers. In addition to feature fiction films, we are open to TV series or animation fiction films in development. We encourage you to bring your directors to the workshop.

We also welcome applications from European professionals interested in working with Asia such as sales agents, financiers, distributors, festival programmers, co-production market representatives, or European producers who wish to focus on their career development. We will select 5 career participants to be an active part of the group. In order to benefit from all aspects of the programme, they will be able to partner with project participants and attend the meetings with the experts and decision makers together.

2 Workshops

  • Workshop 1 will take place November 3 - 8, 2024, in Taipei, Taiwan, within the framework of the TCCF - Taiwan Creative Content Fest.
  • Workshop 2 will take place April 27 - May 1, 2025, in Udine, Italy, within the framework of the Udine Far East Film Festival & FOCUS ASIA.

Participation fees & conditions

  • Participants focusing on project development: 600 Euro*
  • Participants focusing on career development: 400 Euro

The fee includes the tuition costs, accommodation and subsistence costs during the workshop stay.

*Participants focusing on project development will have the possibility to attend the workshop with the project director. In this case, the participation fee for directors is 200 Euro and includes tuition and subsistence costs during the workshop stay.

To name just some of the success stories from the last few years, TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell Eu (Cannes Critics’ Week Grand Prix 2023), MAMMALIA by Sebastian Mihailescu (Berlinale Forum 2023), LEONOR WILL NEVER DIE by Martika Escobar (World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award: Innovative Spirit at Sundance 2022), AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Makbul Mubarak (FIPRESCI Award for Best Film at Venice Horizons 2022), TO THE NORTH by Mihai Mincan (Venice Horizons 2022), ARNOLD IS A MODEL STUDENT by Sorayos Prapapan (Filmmakers of the Present Locarno 2022), MONEYBOYS by C.B. Yi (Un Certain Regard in Cannes 2021), HOLY EMY by Araceli Lemos (Special Mention Award in Locarno 2021), WHETHER THE WEATHER IS FINE by Carlo Francisco Manatad (Youth Jury Award in Locarno 2021), THE SEEN AND UNSEEN by Kamila Andini (Grand Prize of the Generation 14plus International Jury at Berlinale 2018), A YELLOW BIRD by K. Rajagopal (Cannes Critics’ Week 2016).

"Ties That Bind is a great workshop, building bridges between Europe and Asia in a super professional and nice environment!
We managed to build a new and credible strategy for the development and the production of our project. Thanks to the workshop we also managed to find new potential business partners from Asia and new projects."

- Guillaume Dreyfus, Tripode Productions, France - TTB participant 2023/2024

"I am very happy with how my project and I have evolved during the Ties That Bind workshop.
While I understand that the growth for the project takes time, I could see significant personal growth within myself, and I feel much more confident."

- Mina Moteki, Kowatanda Films, Japan - TTB participant 2023/2024

Find out all about the application criteria and regulations and apply by filling in the form here.


The selection will be made by a selection committee and will be announced by late September 2024.

TIES THAT BIND is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival and TAICCA, and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union. A special thanks goes to SAAVA and ATF Asia TV Forum & Market for hosting the workshop since 2015 in Singapore and for continuing offering special support for the future plans of Ties That Bind.

For more information please contact: 

TTB Coordinator – Alessandra Pastore:,

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Continuation of the successful cooperation between EAVE, Netflix and Ukrainian Film Academy to support Ukrainian Filmmakers

Netflix together with a network of institutions continue their partnership supporting Ukrainian filmmakers and the country’s film industry affected by the war. The Ukrainian Film Academy has announced 25 film projects that will receive $10,000 grants each supporting script development, plus tailor-made consultations and mentoring by EAVE with leading industry experts.

For the second time in collaboration with EAVE, the main goal of the Grant Program: "Script Development and Exclusive Online Sessions with EAVE Experts" is to support Ukrainian creators in Ukraine and around the world who have been affected or displaced by the war, aiming to continue and develop their work.

Original feature films with a duration of 70 minutes or more that were in the development stage at the time of application were accepted.

Due to the high level of projects submitted, Netflix has increased the number of grants awarded to 25, each going to a two-person scriptwriter / producer team working on a feature film project.

“Overall, I consider this initiative extremely useful and one of the best examples of practical help to Ukrainian filmmakers during the war. Thank you once again!”

Pavlo Cherepin, producer, recipient of the Grant Program 2023

The full list of 25 projects that will receive funding and mentoring is below:

  • ALL CLEAR, scriptwriter Christina Tynkevysh, producer Sergei Konnov
  • COLOR OF THE WIND, scriptwriter Antonina Noyabrova, producer Anastasiia Bukovska
  • EXODUS, scriptwriter Sergii Masloboishchykov, producer Oleksii Moskalenko
  • FLOWERS OUTSIDE THE WINDOW, scriptwriter Trofimenko Victoria, producer Lukyanenko Olesya
  • HAPPY DAYS, scriptwriter Vladlen Odudenko, producer Iya Myslytska
  • MAGIC MOUNTAIN, scriptwriter Mykola Zasieiev, producer Natalia Libet
  • MILKWEED MAN, scriptwriter Oksana Grytsenko, producer Mykola Korotkiy
  • MOM, WHERE ARE YOU?, scriptwriter Oleksiy Mamedov, producer Roman Klympush
  • NEW DAD, scriptwriter Anastasiia Lodkina, producer Hanna Koval (pen name Anna Eliseeva)
  • NOAH, scriptwriter Marysia Nikitiuk, producer Solomiya Ilnytska
  • ON THIS LAND WE ARE FREE FLOWERS, scriptwriter Ivan Timshyn, producer Bella Terzi
  • PHANTOMS, scriptwriter Andriy Babik, producer Andriy Suyarko
  • POLYN, scriptwriter Oksana Artemenko, producer Olena Yakovenko
  • SEIZURE, scriptwriter Maksym Dankevych, producer Yuriy Prylypko
  • SIBLINGS, scriptwriter Anna Yatsenko, producer Volodymyr Yatsenko
  • SOMETHING STRANGE HAPPENED TO ME, scriptwriter Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk, producer Vika Khomenko
  • STOLEN HAPPINESS, scriptwriter Kukoba Oksana, producer Diana Novyk
  • SURROGATES, scriptwriter Nadiia Shmelova, producer Andrii Osipov
  • THE DAM, scriptwriter Yaroslav Voitseshek, producer Iryna Kostyuk
  • THE ENEMY I KNEW, scriptwriter Anton Bazelinsky, producer Igor Storchak
  • THE NUCLEAR CLUB, scriptwriter Igor Savychenko, producer Dmytro Kozhema
  • VIRA’S HEART DESIRE scriptwriter Tamara Nikitchyna (Molotkova), producer Tetiana Shulika
  • WHERE THE SUN RISES, scriptwriter Egor Olesov, producer Olha Maksiuk
  • WOMEN SUICIDE SEASON, scriptwriter Anastasiya Gruba, producer Oleksandra Kostina
  • YOU ARE NOT ALONE, scriptwriter Olena Shatseva, producer Mariia Semenova

Additionally, the Ukrainian Film Academy will translate all scripts into English at the end of the Program. Exclusive online sessions with EAVE experts will also be conducted specifically for the Grant Recipients. The Grant Recipients will receive support through group sessions discussing the main industry trends and individual sessions from EAVE on script development and project development, which will cover strategies for financing and marketing.

This initiative is part of the support for the Ukrainian film and TV industry by the Netflix Fund for Creative Equity. Over the last two years, 200 industry professionals have received stipends for creative purposes, and education and mentoring have been offered to over 650 Ukrainian filmmakers, scriptwriters, producers, and others in the creative community. With the support of Netflix, the Ukrainian Film Academy has also aided 48 projects with script development grants and 10 advanced film projects, offering financial assistance to help with post-production.

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ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch 2024

The leading programme for Asian-European co-productions EAVE TIES THAT BIND is very proud to renew the partnership with Asia's leading entertainment content market Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) and to announce the call for entries of its second lab tailored specifically to the needs of the animation industry.

After the successful 2023 edition, TIES THAT BIND and Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) are joining forces yet again for the ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch 2024. This initiative will bring together producers with projects from Asia and Europe with the potential and desire to explore new financing and co-production opportunities, new markets, and new audiences in both continents.

This unique initiative for animation producers and projects will complement the existing EAVE TIES THAT BIND Asia-Europe co-production workshop for feature projects.

What is TTB x ATF Animation Lab?

The Animation Lab brings together selected producers with animation projects from Asia and Europe and offers an insight into the animation markets, financing and co-production possibilities in both continents.

Two intensive online prep sessions in autumn followed by an onsite lab and other onsite activities with renowned industry decision-makers in December. The aim of the training is to prepare the participants for the market launch and pitch of their projects, which will take place at the Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) in Singapore in December.

Target Group

We will select 8—10 selected animation projects (4—5 each from APAC Asia-Pacific countries and Europe). Accepted formats include feature-length animated films, as well as TV formats (series or mini-series) and short films in development or financing stage. Preference will be given to projects with great creative potential, exciting visuals, interest and potential for co-production, and potential for travel across borders and continents. The program is not open to pre-school content. Preference will be given to animated films for youth, families and adults.  

3 Sessions

1) 2-days online prep session by experts will take place October 28 – 29, 2024 online

The main objectives of the first online module are:

  • Get an insight into funding opportunities between Europe and Asia
  • Receive feedback on your financing plans and strategies

2) 2-days online prep session by experts will take place November 18 – 19, 2024 online

The main objectives of the second online module are:

  • Understand how to prepare and structure a package for the international market
  • Refine the preparation and delivery of a quality pitch

3) In-person lab @ATF will take place December 3—6, 2024 in Singapore.

The main objectives of the on-site presence at the ATF market in Singapore are:

  • Participate in lab sessions by key decision makers
  • Networking with fellow attendees
  • Participate in the ATF Open Pitch to showcase projects
  • Join in the curated matchmaking session with Asian / European experts / decision-makers

Condition of participation

The deadline is August 20th, 2024.

There is no submission or participation fee.

All selected participants should cover their travel and accommodation to Singapore during the ATF market.

Talks are ongoing with European and Asian national/regional funds and promotion agencies in order to fully cover the costs of the participants from the respective countries/regions. Please contact us for further information.

In addition, a limited number of partial travel & accommodation scholarships are available in priority for applicants from countries/regions not providing any scholarships for this kind of activities or participants in any other proven situation of need for financial support.
Selected projects will receive up to 2 all-access passes to ATF.

The selection will be made by a selection committee and will be announced by late September.

Selection procedure

We aim to be transparent and unbiased in our selection process. EAVE TTB is keen to ensure the widest possible participation in our programmes and has a strong focus on securing as diverse a selection of people and projects as possible.  Diversity is viewed as a primary focus, not only with regards to nationality, geographic spread, race, age and gender, but also type of projects, experience and background. Our experience is, that the richer the pool of people and projects, the richer the overall experience of the participants and the more dynamic the group, the mutual learning exchange and inspiration.

ATFxTTB Animation Lab & Pitch is open to applicants from all over Europe*, i.e. all countries eligible for Creative Europe - MEDIA support and from the APAC countries in Asia*.
The selected participants need to be animation producers in their respective countries and continents, possessing a solid understanding of development, funding and distribution systems within their own territories and regions. They should aspire to work on an international scale and to create long-term relationships between Europe and Asia.

Producers are required to submit a project for consideration. Projects should be short film, feature films or TV formats (series or mini-series) at development or financing stage.

The selection is based on the assessment of the applicants’ and their company’s track record and the level of professional background and suitability of the project for the lab.

The selection committee also takes into account the following two criteria:

  • the extent to which the applicant will benefit from her/his experience at ATFxTTB;
  • the extent to which the applicant’s presence will be beneficial to the rest of the group/the other participants.

The selection committee is made by approx. 3 professionals coming from Europe and 3 professionals coming from Asia.

The selection process will be carried out in 2 phases:

  • In the first phase, the selection committee will evaluate each of the applications received. They will separately assess their evaluation according to structured criteria in order to create a shortlist of projects.
  • The final selection is conducted by the ATFxTTB Coordinator and the ATFxTTB Curator: in a joint call they will review and discuss the shortlisted projects to shape the final group of participants.

The final selection decision is commented upon and approved by the EAVE and FVG board.

The final decision will be taken 1 month before the first online session, after which participants will be notified and required to confirm their attendance within one week.


ATF x TTB is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, ATF and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union. It is supported by the Southeast Asian Audio-Visual Association (SAAVA), a non-profit organization that seeks to unify film producers from the region.

For more information please contact: Animation Lab Coordinator – Alessandra Pastore:


* Reference:

European countries/regions eligible

APAC countries/regions eligible

Please contact RX Global – – to enquire about the countries/regions currently listed in compliance with the Economic & Trade Sanctions Policy

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Professional Development Opportunity for African Film Producers at the 4th Creative Producers’ Indaba

The Creative Producers’ Indaba (CPI), the highly successful film-producer professional development fellowship hosted by the Cape Town-based Realness Institute, in collaboration with EAVE, the International Film Festival Rotterdam's IFFR Pro, and the Marrakech International Film Festival's Atlas Workshops, has announced that submissions are now open for its fourth edition.

The CPI comprises three workshop modules over six months, combining in-person and online sessions. These workshops aim to equip participants with practical tools to enhance their film production management skills, develop essential leadership skills, and gain the capacity to operate sustainable businesses at a strategic level.

The fellowship is led by programme director Elias Ribeiro and group leaders Diana Elbaum, and Mehret Mandefro in addition to story expert Tracey Lee Rainers and marketing expert Constanza Arena. The selected cohort will have the opportunity to engage with seasoned professionals—including active, successful producers, lawyers, finance experts, and sales experts who will share their diverse perspectives and professional experiences through case studies, roundtables, and work sessions.

Forty-five producers from 18 countries have been through the fellowship with many success stories since its inception in 2021. Producer Bartolomeu Luiz (Brazil) who attended last year’s CPI said that his participation yielded concrete results, including securing a co-production with a Canadian partner he met in Rotterdam, with further funding prospects awaiting announcements in Brazil. “The workshop has truly been a catalyst for profound personal and professional growth.”

Fifteen film professionals from Africa and international producers interested in producing in Africa will be selected: five creative producers from Africa with audiovisual projects in development; five international producers without projects and five African film professionals from international sales, funding, festivals, markets, or an institutional background interested in working across continents.

“Recognizing the vital role of the film industry in social and macroeconomic development, we aim to develop these producers into key influencers who can shape favourable policies and financial infrastructures essential for the growth of Africa’s film industry,” says Mehret Mandefro, Director of Development and Partnership at the Realness Institute. “We also aim to foster collaboration between Europe, America, Asia, and Africa, facilitating the exchange of ideas and promoting international co-productions.”

"It fills me with so much joy to see Creative Producers’ Indaba go into its 4th edition and that EAVE was able to inspire the programme and contribute since its inception,” says Kristina Trapp, CEO at EAVE. “Seeing the latest success stories of the Indaba alumni at A-list festivals and in the creation of networks on the continent is a strong sign of the impact of the programme.”

“We remain motivated and enthusiastic about being part of Indaba once more,” says Facundo Lema , Talent Manager IFFR PRO. “This programme not only enhances producers' skills and solidifies their creative methods for projects and sustainable careers, but it also fosters deep connections, which benefit both individual paths and the industry as a whole.”

"We are part of one and the same community of cinema storytellers,” says Hédi Zardi, Head of the Atlas Workshops. “It is always important and exciting to build bridges within the  continent to enable people to have dialogue, get to know each other, share expertise and think of  future creations together. We are delighted to develop this collaboration and empower talents.”

Brazilian foundation Projecto Paradiso, Canada Media Fund, Swiss Audiovisual Training Organisation Focal and the Austrian Film Fund each have one spot specifically reserved for a producer in their country wanting to co-produce an African project, further enhancing cross-cultural collaboration.

Creative Producers Indaba participants will attend the Atlas Ateliers during the Marrakech International Film Festival in November 2024 and sessions at the International Film Festival Rotterdam in January 2025 followed by online sessions to close the circle of their projects.

Mehret Mandefro and Diana Elbaum, will provide the cohort with invaluable mentorship and guidance through the process. Guest speakers who will generously share their expertise, insights, and guidance include Constanza Arena  founder of the talent promotion and representation agency LA LUZ (Chile),  Sata Cissokho, who is charge of acquisitions at the Paris-based sales agent Memento International, Tracey Lee Rainers an international story practitioner and independent creative executive who spearheads story development company Story Oasis (SA) and Isioma Idigbe who heads media and entertainment practice group at PUNUKA Attorneys & Solicitors (Nigeria).

Applicants must meet specific requirements, such as having produced at least one feature fiction, series, or documentary film, or a minimum of two short films as a lead or co-producer. Film professionals should possess a minimum of four years of professional experience.

The deadline for submissions is 15 July at 12:00 Central African Time.

For more information and submission details, visit the Realness Institute website at

The Realness Institute gratefully acknowledges the support of the Austrian Film Fund, Canada Media Fund, CNC-ACP/European Union, DEENTAL,  Focal, Jeune Création Francophone, the Institut français as part of the Création Africa program, the Brazilian foundation Projeto Paradiso, Spcine and The Storyboard Collective, in partnership with European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs (EAVE), International Film Festival Rotterdam Pro (IFFR Pro), and Marrakech International Film Festival (Atlas Workshops).

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EAVE MARKETING WORKSHOP 2024 - Deadline extension!

The EAVE Marketing Workshop call for applications is now extended until June 16th!

Based on the EAVE methodology, Design Thinking techniques and visual, tangible and playful exercises, this tailor-made workshop gives a 360° overview of traditional and innovative marketing techniques and Audience-centred strategies.

Co-Heads of Studies Alya Belgaroui-Degalet and Sarah Calderón have designed a unique programme where participants are collectively working on the group’s projects more than half of the time. The result is a hands-on approach with concrete tools and the latest technologies such as AI that anyone can apply immediately within their own teams in today and tomorrow’s industry. This horizontal learning approach not only enhances networking but also fosters a sense of community among our diverse international participants.

If you are interested in learning more about innovative digital marketing strategies, social media management, analysing audience data, how to work with the press, and how to implement the latest AI tools in the marketing campaigns for your films, apply to the EAVE MARKETING WORKSHOP until June 16th!

"The training was very intensive, engaging and full – it really inspired me to create significantly larger marketing strategies. THINK BIG!”

Brigita Beniusyte, M-Films, Lithuania (EAVE Marketing Workshop 2023)


The workshop is targeted at producers as well as profesionals working in sales, distribution and marketing departments. We also welcome applications from other areas of the industry (e.g. regional and national funding institutions, film festivals and markets etc.) and from relevant trainers and consultants who want to innovate in their marketing techniques.

EAVE is committed to equal opportunities for all and strongly encourages applications from qualified European and international candidates from diverse backgrounds and across all abilities. A specific scholarship for European residents and citizens who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour will be available. Application for those should be mentioned in the scholarship motivation letter.


The call for applications is now extended until June 16th!

Participants can apply without a project, or with a project in advanced development, pre-production and post-production to work with cutting-edge marketing specialists, such as Alya Belgaroui-Degalet (MK2) and Sarah Calderón (The Film Agency – EAVE marketing consultant) and contributors like Michael Arnon (Wolf Consultants), Boris Pugnet (The Jokers Films), Elena Neira (La Otra Pantalla), Guillaume Boscher (ex–META) and Manori Ravindran (Screen International).

The final selection will be announced at the beginning of August.

The 2024 edition of the EAVE MARKETING WORKSHOP will take place in Luxembourg from November 5-10, 2024, in partnership with Film Fund Luxembourg. The workshop is funded by Creative Europe, the MEDIA subprogramme of the European Union.

“I am very grateful for the enriching experience of the workshop, where I not only gained valuable insights but also formed meaningful connections with inspiring individuals from around the world. The collaborative spirit and diverse perspectives shared have left a mark on my professional journey.”

Sigrid Bersmann, Film i Väst, Sweden (EAVE Marketing Workshop 2023)



EAVE is proud to announce ongoing steady partnerships thanks to which we will welcome selected participants from, M:brane, Thessaloniki Crossroads, LA INCUBADORA and Great Lakes Creative Producers Lab.

Members of CICAE, Europa International, Europa Distribution, ERICH POMMER INSTITUTE, and EAVE graduates will benefit of special discounts.


The EAVE Marketing Workshop participants are joined every year by selected graduates of the renowned EAVE Producers Workshop, who have trained over one year as specialized marketing professionals.

For further information, please contact your EAVE team: 

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EAVE Producers Workshop 2024:  the second week kicks off in Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway is the unique location of the second session of the EAVE Producers Workshop 2024 from June 7-14, bringing together 56 participants from 36 countries and 12 scriptwriters with a selection of 30 top industry experts.

The second workshop will take place in Scandic Lerkendal, a Nordic Swan Ecolabel certified hotel, which is listed among the world’s most environmentally friendly buildings, with one of Norway’s largest congress facilities. EAVE is strongly committed to host workshops in partnership with ecologically responsible companies.

Workshop Highlights

  • Balancing Co-productions: with EAVE Group Leaders Ankica Juric Tilic (Kinorama, HR), Michael Kitzberger (NGF Geyrhalterfilm, AT), EAVE graduates Tamara Dawit (Gobez Media, ET/CA), Emile Hertling Péronard (Ánorâk Film / Polarama Greenland, GL) and Heejung Oh (Seesaw Pictures, NL).
  • Series Case Study: Estonia: by EAVE graduate Matti Halonen (Wolfberry Film, FI)
  • Case Study: About a Hero: by EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen (Tambo Film, DK)
  • Working with Investors and Strategic Recoupment: by EAVE Finance Expert Jean des Forêts (Petit Film, FR) and Peter Bille Krogh (European Collection Agency, DK)
  •  Challenges of Working with Talent (& how to solve them): by EAVE graduate Arash T. Riahi (Golden Girls Filmproduktion, AT)
  • session for scriptwriters: Kill Your Babies – The art of getting feedback & staying sane by EAVE graduate Victoria Gilbert (UK)

Participants will also gain fresh perspectives on financing their projects in Finance Brainstorms, featuring industry leaders such as Jean des Forêts (Petit Film, FR), Peter Jäger (Jaeger Creative, AT), Petri Kemppinen (P1 Kemppinen, FI), Nicola Ofoego (Oku-Tiné, UK), and Luis Singer (StickUp Filmproduktion, DE).

Special for Career Participants: Participants focusing on career development will discuss their companies and career trajectories in group sessions led by Petri Kemppinen (P1 Kemppinen, FI).

Round Tables Session: An opportunity to share and discuss topics like impact producing, innovative distribution initiatives, company models and alternative content such as podcasts and VR.

Special Feature Debut Case Study for writers: Norwegian writer-director Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel presents his feature debut ARMAND, winner of the Caméra d'Or at Cannes Film Festival 2024, in a parallel session for scriptwriters.

Spotlight on Co-production with Norway

The possibilities of Producing with Norway will be presented in a special session by Stig Bech (FilmInvest, NO), EAVE participant Benedikte Danielsen (Norwegian Film Institute, NO), Elin Kristensen (Midtborsk Filmsenter, NO), Kjetil Omberg (Norwegian Film Institute, NO) and Solveig Ræstad (Midtgard Film Commission, NO).

11 producers from all over Norway will join the EAVE group for two intensive days of group work and script consultancies on their own projects, as well as plenary sessions and networking with the EAVE participants. In addition, further local producers are invited to join the open plenary sessions of the week.

Other regular sessions include Digital Marketing by EAVE Marketing Expert Sarah Calderon (The Film Agency, ES), Legal Aspects of Co-production by EAVE Legal Expert Pierre-Emmanuel Mouthuy (Mouthuy Avocats, BE), Lobbying Strategies by EAVE Group Leader Didar Domehri (Maneki Films, FR) and EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller (Magic Hour Films, DK), as well as The Stress Challenge by EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller (Magic Hour Films, DK), pitching training by Sibylle Kurz (DE).

The EAVE 2024 core pedagogical team consists of EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller (Magic Hour Films, DK), the four group leaders Didar Domehri (Maneki Films, FR), Ankica Jurić Tilić (Kinorama, HR), Michael Kitzberger (NGF Geyrhalterfilm, AT) and Riina Sildos (Amrion, EE); the script consultants Martin Daniel (US), Clare Downs (UK), Nayeem Mahbub (SE/BD), TV series consultant Esther Springer (UK), and documentary expert Sylvia Stevens (Faction Films, UK).

This workshop promises to be an inspiring and transformative experience for all participants, fostering new collaborations and connections.

Special Thanks and Recognition

We are grateful to our partners that made this workshop possible: FilmInvest, Norwegian Film Institute, Midtnorsk Filmsenter, Filmfond Nord, Sørnorsk Filmsenter, Midtgard Film Commission, Norwegian Film Commission, MEDIA Desk Norway and Virke Produsentforeningen.

EAVE is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union, Film Fund Luxembourg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli Venezia Giulia, PACT – the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television, Doha Film Institute, Telefilm Canada, SODEC, IDM Südtirol Alto Adige, Fonds Jeune Création Francophone, Projeto Paradiso, Romanian Cultural Institute, Institut Français Nigeria, French Embassy in Nigeria, Berlinale Co-Production Market, the DEENTAL-ACP programme, implemented by the CNC with the financial collaboration of the European Union and the support of the Organisation of ACP Countries, as well as the partners who have hosted the workshops since 1988.

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Best Practices for Equitable Co-Productions ⁠- EAVE Think Tank report and panel discussion

Dear EAVE Producers,

We are thrilled to share our recently released report, "Inclusive Co-Productions" unveiled at the Cannes' Marché du Film, as part of its impACT and Co-Production Day programs. Based on recommendations from the January 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank at When East Meets West, this report equips industry professionals with valuable insights for fostering inclusive collaborations in the screen sector. 

Our report is divided into two main sections:

  • Actionable Strategies for Producers: This section offers practical recommendations tailored to producers, providing strategies for navigating collaborations with integrity and innovation.
  • Recommendations for Decision Makers: Here, you will find recommendations for funding agencies and film institutions to promote inclusivity in co-productions. From evaluating current policies to applying critical thinking to decision-making, these strategies aim to future-proof our industries and foster more collaborative frameworks.

In a rapidly evolving industry, understanding and implementing inclusive co-production practices are more relevant than ever to offer stability and growth in our sector. We believe this report will provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to apply to your own practices.

"Right now, we’re seeing a global demand for more diverse stories on film. When we work to bring these stories to the screen, it’s crucial that we don’t end up colonizing the stories, or the talents and cultures they belong to. With the report on inclusive co-production, we have looked for ways to empower rather than exploit new voices. If we can make diverse storytelling sustainable, we will all benefit from it not only now, but also in the long run."

Emile Hertling Péronard, Ánorâk Film Denmark

You can watch the panel discussion about the report here, which was recorded during the Marché du Film, impACT x Co-Production Day:

We look forward to hearing your feedback and learning how this report influences your approach to co-productions.

Thanks to the support of the Marché du Film and When East Meets West:

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HAMLET FROM THE SLUMS by Ahmed Fawzi-Saleh receives funding

Francophonie Image Fund

The Francophonie Image Fund of the International Organisation of Francophonie presented at the Cannes Film Festival the 14 fiction films, eight documentaries and two series which received development, production and finishing grants. Among them:

  • MARIE & JOLIE by Erige Sehiri, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • HAMLET FROM THE SLUMS by Ahmed Fawzi-Saleh, producer: EAVE participant Ahmed Amer
  • NOMADISH by Yassine Marco Marroccu, producer EAVE graduate Andrea Taschler

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ART THERAPY by Erle Veber is in production

In production

  • SAUVONS LES MEUBLES by Caterine Cosme, producers: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes and PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Britte Rindelaub is in production. The film centres on Lucile and Paul, in their forties, who are called back home to their parents because their mother is dying. They were not aware of her illness, but also discover another secret: their mother has usurped Lucile’s identity and fallen deeply into debt. In this emergency, before their mother passes away, Lucile and Paul will have to find their way to forgiveness and save a lot more than just the furniture. The film is produced for Hélicotronc and co-produced by French Tripode Productions, and Swiss Alva Films. It has received support from the Fédération Wallonie -Bruxelles, Be TV, the RTBF, Proximus, the Tax Shelter via Shelter Prod, the Loterie nationale, the Région Occitanie and the Office Fédéral de la Culture suisse.

  • WHITES WASH AT NINETY by Marko Nabersnik, co-producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic is shooting. The story starts off in Ljubljana in the 1980s. Young Bronja is growing up with her parents, Janez and Mita, her brother Rok and her grandmother Dada. As she gets older, she has to face the death of her mother, her brother’s fatal accident, her own cancer diagnosis and her grandma’s passing. Luckily for her, she always has something to live for… WHITES WASH AT NINETY is an adaptation of a best-selling autobiographical novel by Bronja Zakelj, who also co-wrote the script with the filmmaker. Ales Pavlin and Andrej Stritof are the producers for Perfo. The film is being co-produced by Nikolina Vucetic-Zecevic (Biberche), Ankica Juric Tilic (Kinorama), Miljan Vucelic (Protos Film), Tomi Salkovski and Kristijan Burovski (Black Cat Production), as well as Michele Codarin and Giorgio Milocco for Italy’s Quasar. The film has received financial support from the Slovenian Film Centre, POP TV, Viba Film, Film Center Serbia, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the North Macedonia Film Agency, the Film Centre of Montenegro, the Friuli-Venezia-Guilia Film Commission and Eurimages. According to the shooting schedule, it will last for 32 days and continue until the end of June on location in Slovenia (Ljubljana and Tržič), Italy (Trieste and Udine) and Croatia (Rovinj), with eight more shooting days pencilled in for the end of September.

  • ART THERAPY by Erle Veber, producer: B’EST graduate Anneli Ahven is currently in production. The documentary about Estonian artist Marko Mäetamm and the healing effect of contemporary art on the spirit of both the artist and the audience dives into the world of Mäetamm, into what serving the people as an artist is, and examines the role of a sensitive and courageous creator in influencing the thought patterns of society. At the same time, the film asks what the role of the contemporary artist is. Can we accept what the artist offers and benefit from it? As contemporaries, do we know the language of our artists? Who is the artist talking to? Where is the artist's place in the collective image of our society? Anneli Ahven is producing through Estonia’s Kopli Kinokompanii. “The Estonian financing is planned at 70% and we are looking for 30% as international contribution. In 2024, we participate in several coproduction markets to find potential coproducers and sales agents interested in documentaries about contemporary art. The film also includes animation elements which reflect different periods of Marko Mäetamm’s artist journey, so an animation partner from another country would enrich the project very much”, producer Anneli Ahven said. Art Therapy will be completed in the spring of 2026.

  • SKATEBOARDING IS NOT FOR GIRLS by Dina Duma, producer: EAVE graduate and Macedonian National Coordinator Labina Mitevska, co-producers: EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye, EAVE participant Vanja Sremac, and EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar is shooting. The script, penned by Dina Duma and co-penned by Lidija Mojsovska and Teona Strugar Mitevska, follows three generations of women as they navigate the clash between tradition and the challenges of modern times. Through the worldview of 12-year-old Adela, the film opens a world in which three generations of women dare to rewrite their own destinies and challenge the boundaries of a society shaped by tradition. The co-production between North Macedonia, Belgium, Slovenia and Croatia is supported by the North Macedonia Film Agency, Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC), the Slovenian Film Centre and Eurimages are supporting the project. The film was developed during Cannes Residence in 2022 and received the Film Center Serbia and the Female Voices awards at CineLink 2022.

  • OTTER by Srdan Vuletic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Prpic, Daniele Segre is shooting. The script written by Stefan Boskovic tells the story of Hana, an introverted teenager secretly in love with Balsa, a schoolmate and a lesser-known member of the "Street Self Defence" page, popular on social media. Through Hana's character, the audience is supposed to confront a complex emotional journey filled with hope, disappointments, sorrow, the struggle for oneself and one's beliefs, as well as the discovery of one's own strength. The film is produced by Durovic through Montenegro’s Artikulacija film in co-production with Daniele Segre through Redibis film (Italy), Katarina Prpic through Izazov 365 (Croatia), Ishak Jaliman through Realstage (Bosnia and Herzegovina), and Fatmir Spahiju through Buka production (Republic of Kosovo). The Film Centre of Montenegro, the Ministry of Culture of Italy, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC), the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, the Sarajevo Film Foundation, and the Kosovo Cinematography Center are supporting the project. OTTER won the Eurimages Award at CineLink, as well as the Best Pitch Award at When East Meets West. Additionally, the project has been selected for the Cinéfondation programme Cannes L'Atelier.



In post-production

  • N24 by John Andreas Andersen, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kestutis Drazdauskas is currently in post-production with a film about the WW2 Resistance fighter Gunnar Sønsteby. In 1940, the German war machine invaded Norway, and Gunnar Sønsteby, a young 22-year-old accountant, immediately offered his services to the resistance. He turned out to have a very special and unique talent for leadership, and quickly became the head of all resistance-actions in the Oslo-area. The story of Gunnar, aka «No. 24», has never been more relevant. This skinny, modest, unassuming man, with the accuracy and meticulousness of an accountant, and the audacity and bravery of a real hero, gave the Gestapo years of relentless, tough resistance. The script was penned by Erlend Loe after an original script by Espen von Ibenfeldt, which was based on the book by Petter Ringen Johannessen and Arnfinn Moland. "The narrative of the main hero of the film serves today as a reminder of the human cost of war and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Sharing the stories of WW2 educates future generations about the realities of conflict and the importance of standing up against tyranny. Preserving and sharing these stories is a testament to the enduring legacy of those who fought for freedom and justice during one of the darkest chapters in human history. Especially today after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine", so producer Violeta Drazdauskė from Artbox. Espen Horn, Kristian Strand Sinkerud, John M. Jacobsen and Terje Strømstad are producing through Motion Blur (Norway), while Violeta Drazdauske and Kestutis Drazdauskas are co-producing through Artbox. The project was co-financed from Lithuania by the Lithuanian Film Centre with a minority co-production grant, and it was also approved for the Lithuanian tax incentives. The film was shot in 24 shooting dates on locations in Norway and Lithuania.

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3 awards for EAVE producers at Hot Docs Forum

Cannes Film Festival

15 awards for EAVE graduates at the Cannes Film Festival: the Grand Prix, Jury Prize and 13 more awards!

Competition awards

  • ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producers: EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve, INDABA graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial received the Grand Prix
  • EMILIA PEREZ by Jacques Audiard, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis won the Jury Prize
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt won Best Director
  • EMILIA PEREZ by Jacques Audiard, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis won Best Actress
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won Best Actor
  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Derk-Jan Warrink won the Camera d’Or
  • MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang & You Qiao Yin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas received the Camera d'Or Special Mention
  • THE MAN WHO COULD NOT REMAIN SILENT by Nebojsa Slijepcevic, producer: EAVE graduate Danijel Pek, Katarina Prpic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katya Trichkova, Bostjan Virc won the Short Film Palme d'Or


Un Certain Regard

  • ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won the Directing Prize
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, executive producers: EAVE graduate Palmye Badinier, EAVE + graduate Philippe Coeytaux won Best Actress


Cannes Critics’ Week

  • BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper won the Louis Roederer Foundation Rising Star Award
  • JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, producers: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski won the Gan Foundation Award for Distribution and the SACD Award


Director’s Fortnight

  • THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas won the Europa Cinemas Label for best European film


Golden Eye Documentary Prize

  • EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh, producer: EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir won the Golden Eye Documentary Prize



Hot Docs Forum

  • AUTUMN OF THE PATRIARCH by Anna Bogoliubova, co-producers: EAVE graduates Valéria Montmartin, Sinisa Juricic won the first look second Pitch Prize (CAD 10.000)
  • UNDER THE FLAGS, THE SUN by Juanjo Pereira, producers: PUENTES graduates Paula Zyngierman, Gabriela Sabaté, Leandro Listorti won the first look third Pitch Prize (CAD 5.000)
  • THIS LAND OF OURS directed and produced by ACCESS graduate Ngardy Conteh George won the CMF-Hot Docs Forum Canadian Pitch Prize (CAD 10,000)



German Lola Awards

  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch won Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Visual Effects at the German Lola Awards
  • 15 YEARS by Chris Kraus, producers: EAVE President Danny Krausz, EAVE graduate Andi G. Hess, co-producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges won Best Supporting Actress (Adele Neuheuser)
  • SEVEN WINTERS IN TEHRAN by Steffi Niederzoll, producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach won Best Editing and Best Documentary
  • THE DIVE by Maximilian Erlewein, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jonas Katzenstein won Best Sound



David di Donatello Awards

  • THERE'S STILL TOMORROW by Paola Cortellesi, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa won the David of the Spectator, the David for Best Actress, Best New Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress and David of the Youth at the David di Donatello Awards 2024.



goEast Film Festival

  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic won the Award of the City of Wiesbaden for Best Director at goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film in Wiesbaden
  • BAURYINA SALO by Askhat Kuchinchirekov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anna Kachko won the 3sat Prize (television broadcast package)
  • A PICTURE TO REMEMBER by Olga Chernykh, co-producer: TTB graduate Flavia Oertwig won the CEEOL Award for Best Documentary
  • KIX by David Mikulan, Balint Revesz, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic received a Special Mention and the FIPRESCI award in the documentary film category
  • CHANGE project SACRED SONGS by Nona Giunashvili, producer: CHANGE graduate Mariam Bitsadze received a Special Mention in the East-West Talent Lab’s Project Market Pitch
  • CHANGE project ECHOES OF AVEY by Atanur Nabiyeva, producer: CHANGE graduate Durna Safarova won the Pitch-the-Doc Award
  • THE AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHER’S FAMILY PORTRAIT by Nurlan Hasanli, producer: CHANGE graduate Irina Gelashvili won a Renovabis Research Grant



Crossing Europe

Main awards for EAVE graduates at Austria’s Crossing Europe:

  • MILK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit won Best Fiction Film
  • THE HYPNOSIS by Ernst De Geer, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir won the Audience Award (Best Fiction Film)
  • LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT by Inari Niemi, producer: EAVE graduate Oskari Huttu won the YAAAS! Youth Jury Prize
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius won the MIOB New Vision Award



Critics Awards for Arab Films

4 main awards for EAVE graduates at the Critics Awards for Arab Films:

  • GOODBYE JULIA by Mohamed Kordofani, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingrid Lill Hogtun won Best Feature Film and Best Screenplay 
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser won Best Actress (Mouna Hawa) and Best Cinematography.



Dok.fest München

  • KAMAY by Ilyas Yourish, Shahrokh Bikaran, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo won the VIKTOR DOK.horizonte Competition at the International Documentary Film Festival Munich.
  • KIX by David Mikulan, Balint Revesz, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic won the Dok.edit Award presented by Adobe




  • TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova was awarded Best Czech Creation at the Anifilm International Festival of Animated Films which took place in Liberec, Czech Republic.
  • ELECTRA by Daria Kashcheeva, co-producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky won Best Czech Student Film



Mastercard OFF CAMERA International Festival of Independent Cinema

  • POWER ALLEY by Lillah Halla, producer: PUENTES graduate Clarissa Guarilho won the main award, the Andrzej Wajda Krakow Film Award.
  • IMAGO by Olga Chajdas, producers: EAVE graduate Izabela Wojcik, EAVE+ graduate Violetta Kaminska, co-producers: EAVE graduates Laurette Schillings, Arnold Heslenfeld, Frans van Gestel, Antoine Simkine  won the main award in the Polish Film Competition.
  • ANXIETY by Slawomir Fabicki, producers: EAVE graduate Izabela Wojcik, EAVE+ graduate Violetta Kaminska, co-producers: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert, EAVE+ graduate Michela Pini was awarded with the Female Voice Award for its screenwriter, Monika Sobien-Gorska, while Magdalena Cielecka and Marta Nieradkiewicz shared the Best Actress Award. The film also received the Audience Award
  • IN THE REARVIEW by Maciek Hamela, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Palenchuk won the Polish Producers Alliance Award.



National Film Festival Vasil Gendov

EAVE graduates win 6 awards at the National Film Festival Vasil Gendov – Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers Awards.

  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Denis Vaslin was awarded Best Feature Film and Best Cinematography
  • EAVE project THE REEDS by Cemil Agacikoglu, producer: EAVE graduate Sezgi Üstün San, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova wins Best Sound
  • A PROVINCIAL HOSPITAL by Ilian Metev, Ivan Chertov, Zlatina Teneva, producer: EAVE graduate Ingmat Trost won Best Screenplay and Best Documentary
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova won Best Leading Actress (Eli Skorcheva) and Best Supporting Actress (Rozalia Abgarian) 
  • ARCADIA by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova won Best Original Music


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CinEuro nominations revealed in Cannes

CinEuro Prize

The CinEuro Prize announced its finalists. During the Cannes Film Festival, the network for cross-border co-production presented the seven projects in the running for its development fund. Among them:

  • CAPITALE(S) EUROPE, LA BATAILLE DES SIÈGES by Alexis Metzinger, producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno
  • COMMENT JE M’APPELLE by Frank Beauvais and Elsa Charbit, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth
  • HELTER SKELTER by Paul Vincent de Lestrade, producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan, PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont
  • LES DANSEURS DE STRASBOURG by Zoé Labasse, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin

CinEuro is a cross-border network of almost 40 organisations supporting the cinema and audiovisual sector in France, Luxemburg, Germany, Switzerland and Belgium. Last year, the Grand Est Region, the Film Fund Luxembourg, the Medien- und Filmgesellschaft Baden-Württemberg, the Saarland Medien GmbH, the Ministerium für Familie, Frauen, Kultur und Integration Rheinland-Pfalz, Wallimage,, Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens launched the CinEuro Prize together, joined this year by the Eurométropole of Strasburg.

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EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT in UK cinemas

In French cinemas

  • ETAT LIMITE by Nicolas Peduzzi, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Ruszniewski in French cinemas. May 1. 
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova. May 8.
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi. May 8.  


In Belgian cinemas

  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producers: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung. May 22.
  • CLUB ZERO by Jessica Hausner, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. May 29.


In UK cinemas

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper. May 3.   
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Denis Vaslin. May 7. 
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll. May 10. 
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. May 10.
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith. May 17.
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute. May 24.


In Swiss cinemas

  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser. May 8. 
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer. May 30.


In Austrian cinemas

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. May 17. 
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. May 9.  


In German cinemas

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. May 15.   
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. May 8.  
  • SLEEPING WITH A TIGER by Anja Salomonowitz, producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Svoboda May 23.  


In Swedish cinemas

  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch. May 25.


In Hungarian cinemas

  • THE SIREN by Sepideh Farsi, producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach. May 30.   


In Greek cinemas

  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. May 30.  

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CHANGE project A BIT OF A STRANGER selected for DocuDays UA

SEEfest Southeast European Film Festival Los Angeles (April 26 – May 3)

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • CLARA by Sabin Dorohoi, producer: EAVE graduate Daniel Burlac
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • HIGHWAY OF A BROKEN HEART by Nikos Kyritsis, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • FREEDOM by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu
  • EAVE project NON-ALIGNED: SCENES FROM THE LABUDOVIC REELS by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • THE DOLL by Emine Uysal Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Nesra Gürbüz
  • THE SONG OF FLYING LEAVES, directed and produced by EAVE graduates Armine Anda



DOK.fest International Documentary Film Festival Munich (May 1 – 12)

  • AMOR by Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri, producer: EAVE graduate Stefano Tealdi
  • A SHEPHERD by Louis Hanquet, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Montmartin
  • DEMOCRACY NOIR by Connie Field, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • KAMAY by Ilyas Yourish, Shahrokh Bikaran, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • KIX by David Mikulan, Balint Revesz, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • MOUNTAIN RIDE by Dominique Margot, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer
  • OMI NOBU – THE NEW MAN by Carlos Yuri Ceununck, producer: EAVE graduate Aurelian Bodinaux, EAVE MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt, EAVE graduate Alyay Musa
  • OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Zippy Kimundu, Meena Nanji, producer: EAVE graduate Eliane Ferreira
  • PATRICIJA by Davids Ernstreits, Inese Klava, producers: EAVE graduates Elina Gedina-Ducena, Gints Grube
  • SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • THE ANDERSSON BROTHERS by Johanna Bernhardson, producer: EAVE graduate Erika Malmgren, co-producer: EAVE graduate Annika Hellström
  • THE BLACK GARDEN by Alexis Pazoumian, producer: EAVE graduate Clara Vuillermoz
  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producers: EAVE graduates Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Geneviève De Bauw



Docs Barcelona (May 2 – 12)

  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You
  • BREATHE, MOM by Meri Collazos Solà, producer: EAVE graduate Alba Sotorra
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • MY SEXTORTION DIARY by Patricia Franquesa, producer: PUENTES graduate Mireia Graell
  • OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Zippy Kimundu, Meena Nanji, producer: EAVE graduate Eliane Ferreira
  • SISTERS FOREVER, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Sigve Endresen
  • THE CLICK TRAP by Peter Porta, producer: EAVE graduate Marieke van den Bersselaar



Docaviv – Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival (May 11 – 20)

  • ANHELL69 by Theo Montoya, producer: EAVE graduate Maximilian Haslberger
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan
  • BALDIGA – UNLOCKED HEART by Markus Stein, producer: EAVE graduate Olaf Jacobs
  • CLOSE TO VERMEER by Suzanne Raes, producer: EAVE graduate Ilja Roomans
  • MATTER OUT OF PLACE by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Austrian National Coordinator Michael Kitzberger
  • EAVE project NON-ALIGNED: SCENES FROM THE LABUDOVIC REELS by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • PIANOFORTE by Jakub Piatek, producer: EAVE graduate Maciej Kubicki
  • PORNOMELANCOLIA by Manuel Abramovich, producers: EAVE graduates Gema Juarez Allen, Rachel Daily Ellis
  • SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi



Millenium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival, Warsaw (May 12 – 21)

  • AFTER WORK by Erik Gandini, producer: EAVE graduate Carsten Aanonsen
  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • PORNOMELANCOLIA by Manuel Abramovich, producers: EAVE graduates Gema Juarez Allen, Rachel Daisy Ellis
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER by Jacob Perlmutter, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • YOUNG PLATO by Neasa Ni Chianain, Declan McGrath, co-producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo



Cannes Film Festival (May 14 – 25)

In Competition

  • ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producer: Creative Producer Indaba graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial, sales: Luxbox
  • EMILIA PEREZ by Jacques Audiard, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis, sales: The Veterans
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt, sales: Match Factory 
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: Searchlight Pictures
  • LIMONOV – THE BALLAD OF EDDIE by Kirill Serebrennikov, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa, sales: Alpha Violet  
  • MOTEL DESTINO by Karim Ainouz, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, associate producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira, sales: The Match Factory
  • THE APPRENTICE by Ali Abbasi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Ditte Milsted, Ruth Treacy, sales: Rocket Science
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marius Wlodarski, sales: Match Factory 
  • THE MOST PRECIOUS OF CARGOES by Michel Hazanavicius, producer: EAVE group leader Patrick Sobelman, sales: STUDIO CANAL
  • WILD DIAMOND by Agathe Riedinger, producer: TTB graduate Judith Nora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina, sales: Pyramide International

Un Certain Regard

  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Derk-Jan Warrink sales: Charades  
  • MOI AUSSI by Judith Godreche, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: A24
  • SEPTEMBER SAYS by Ariane Labed, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: The Match Factory
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, executive producers: EAVE graduate Palmye Badinier, EAVE+ graduate Philippe Coeytaux, sales: Urban Sales 
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: Totem Films
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTB graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduates Stefano Centini, Nguyen Thi Xuan Trang, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo, sales: Pyramide International 
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, sales: The Party Film Sales

Midnight Screenings

  • THE SURFER by Lorcan Finnegan, producer: EAVE graduate Brendan McCarthy, sales: North.Five.Six

Cannes Premiere

  • BEING MARIA by JEssica Palud, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo
  • EVERYBODY LOVES TOUDA by Nabil Ayouch, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marleen Slot, Katrin Pors, sales: MK2 Films

Special Screenings

  • AN UNFINISHED FILM by Lou Ye, co-producer: EAVE graduate Clemens Köstlin, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo
  • NASTY by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu

Critics’ Week

Feature Film Competition

  • BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, sales: M-Appeal
  • JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, co-producers: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, in association with EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski & PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj, sales: New Europe Film Sales
  • EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh and EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, producer: EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, sales: The Party Film Sales

Short Film Competition

  • ALAZAR by Beza Hailu Lemma, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit

Feature Film Special Screenings

  • ANIMALE by Emma Benestan, producer: PUENTES graduate Naomi Denamur, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • GHOST TRAIL by Jonathan Millet, producers: EAVE graduates Nicole Gerhards, Julie Esparbes
  • QUEENS OF DRAMA by Alexis Langlois, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland, sales: Charades

Short Film Special Screenings

  • SAUNA DAY by Anna Hints & Tushar Prakash, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä
  • SOUTHERN BRIDES by Elena Lopez Riera, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler

Directors’ Fortnight

  • MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang & You Qiao Yin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, sales: Alpha Violet
  • SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING BORROWED, by Hernán Rosselli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas, sales: Memento International
  • TO A LAND UNKNOWN by Mahdi Fleifel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Maria Drandaki, Maarten van der Ven, sales: Salaud Morisset

Special program: DIRECTORS FACTORY PHILIPPINES by TTB graduates Bianca Balbuena, Bradley Liew


  • KYUKA – BEFORE SUMMER'S END by Kostis Charamountanis, producers: EAVE graduate Danae Spathara, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE graduate Marija Dimitrova, sales: Heretic  
  • MOST PEOPLE DIE ON SUNDAYS by Iair Said, co-producers: PUENTES and SLATE graduate Alessandro Amato, EAVE graduate Luigi Chimienti, sales: Heretic
  • PUENTES project MI BESTIA by Camila Beltran, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Paola Perez Nieto, sales: Pulsar Content

Frontières Platform

  • DELIVERY RUN by Joey Palmroos, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Aleksi Hyvärinen
  • NESTING by Chloé Cinq-Mars, producer: EAVE+ graduate Nicolas Comeau


  • DANIELA FOREVER by Nacho Vigalondo, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland

Cannes Docs

  • BITTER SUGAR by Ana Barjadze, producer: CHANGE graduate Irina Gelashvili
  • KARATARA – ‘PLACE OF DEEP SHADOWS’ by Teboho Edkins, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • PONY BOYS by Joseph Mangat, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Alemberg Ang
  • THE BLUE SWEATER WITH A YELLOW HOLE by Tetiana Khodakivska, producer: TTB graduate Johann Chapelan

Cannes Ecran Junior

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic, Jelena Mitrovic, EAVE Norwegian national coordinator and EAVE graduate Gary Cranner
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri

Les cinémas du monde | La Fabrique Cinéma de l’Institut Français

  • DAUGHTERS OF THE SEA by Martika Escobar, producer: TTB graduate Monster Jimenez
  • ÉTRANGER by Joel Akafou, co-producer: Creative Producer Indaba graduate Souleymane Kebe
  • LE DERNIER ROI by Victor Checa, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Julia Cherrier, TTB graduate Josune Hahnheiser
  • MOA by Marcel Beltran, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Dumoulin, EAVE+ graduates Mariana Oliva and Luana Lobo
  • PUENTES project RESISTENCIA by Yanillys Pérez, producer: PUENTES graduate Thibaud Billiard

Producers on the Move 

9 out of 20 PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE, the European Film Promotion networking platform PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE at the Cannes International Film Festival are EAVE graduates:

  • Elisa Heene, Mirage, Belgium
  • Kalin Kalinov, Invictus, Bulgaria
  • Tibor Keser, KOMPOT, Croatia
  • Delphine Schmit, Tripode Productions, France
  • Evan Horan, Keeper Pictures, Ireland
  • Katarzyna Ozga, Iris Productions, Luxembourg
  • Isabel Machado, C.R.I.M., Portugal
  • Dragana Jovovic, Non-Aligned Films, Serbia
  • Wanda Adamik Hrycova, Wandal Production, Slovakia

EAVE @ Cannes Producers Network

Network EAVE is proud to be partner of the Cannes Producers Network! In the framework of this partnership 9 EAVE graduates have been selected:

  • Géraldine Ohana, France
  • Mario Adamson, Sisyfos Film Production, Sweden
  • Maria Ibrahimova, Cinex Productions, Azerbaidjan
  • Darya Bassel, Moon Man, Ukraine
  • John Lundsten, Tack Films, Finland
  • Erika Malmgren, Cinenic Film, Sweden
  • Julia Alves, Quarta-Feira, Brazil
  • Rogier Kramer, Labyrint Film, Netherlands
  • Milos Ivanovic, Set Sail Films, Serbia

Also participating in the Cannes Producers Network:

Melissa Adeyemo OMINIRA STUDIOS, YETU (UN)LIMITED *Coral Aiken AIKEN HEART FILMS * Jose Alba PECADO FILMS * Serena Alfieri VIVO FILM * Amra Baksic-Camo SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL * Yulia Evina Bhara KAWANKAWAN MEDIA * Valérie Delpierre INICIA FILMS * Maarten D’Hollander KRATER * Federico Eibuszyc PUCARA CINE * Gita Fara CINERIA FILMS * Olmo Figueredo Gonzalez-Quevedo LA CLAQUETA * Felize Frappier AZIMUT FILMS * Chiara Galloni ARTICOLTURE * Yanis Gaye GOREE CINEMA, YETU (UN)LIMITED * Katleen Goossens BULLETPROOF CUPID * Mireia Graell RINGO MEDIA * Verena Gräfe-Höft JUNAFILM * Evan Horan KEEPER PICTURES * Aleksi Hyvarinen DON FILMS * Khalid Maimouni EVIL DOGHOUSE STUDIOS & EUROPAFILM * Veselka Kiryakova RED CARPET * Laura Kloeckner SEERA FILMS * Aleksandra Kostina BOSONFILM * Florian Krügel DOR FILM * Judith Lichtneckert EMILIA PRODUCTIONS * Ingrid Lill Hogtun BARENTSFILM * Alex Lo CINEMA INUTILE * Luana Lobo MARIA FARINHA FILMES * Giancarlo Nasi QUIJOTE FILMS * Patrice Nezan LES CONTES MODERNES * Marek Novak XOVA FILM * Mariana Oliva MARIA FARINHA FILMES * Anna Palenchuk 435 FILMS * Ferenc Pusztai KMH FILM * Mika Ritalahti SILVA MYSTERIUM * Annemiek van der Hell WINDMILL FILM * Catalina Vergara GLOBO ROJO FILMS * Jakub Viktorin NUTPRODUKCIA * Hugh Welchman BREAKTHRU FILMS

EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo is a Producers Network Guest of Honour on Monday, May 20, 2024.

Marché du Film

  • 78 DAYS by Emilija Gasic, producer: EAVE participant Milos Ivanovic, EAVE MW graduate Andrijana Sofranic Sucur
  • A BEAUTIFUL IMPERFECTION by Michiel van Erp, co-producers: EAVE graduates Peter Bouckaert, Giovanni Pompili, sales: Global Screen
  • ADMISSION by Quentin Hsu Kun-Hua, producer: TTB graduate Chi-An Lin, co-producer: TTB and MW graduate Nancy Schoesetters
  • ALAZAR by Beza Hailu Lemma, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit
  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Derk-Jan Warrink sales: Charades  
  • AFTER US, THE FLOOD by Arto Halonen, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Latvia Aija Berzina
  • AKIKO: THE FLYING MONKEY, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer, sales: Loco Films
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele, sales: Bendita Film Sales
  • ARCADIA by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova, sales: Beta Cinema
  • BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, sales: M-Appeal
  • BORGO by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate Jean des Forêts
  • BRANDO WITH A GLASS EYE by Antonis Tsonis, executive producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, sales: Ficino Films
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévi, sales: Les Films du Losange
  • DEMBA by Mamadou Dia, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • DON’T YOU LET ME GO by Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Agustina Chiarino, sales: Alpha Violet
  • DON’T LET THE SUN (CATCH YOU CRYING) by Jacqueline Zünd, EAVE graduate Louis Mataré
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by EAVE graduate Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Denis Vaslin
  • EAVE project MARIA'S SILENCE by by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kęstutis Drazdauskas
  • EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh and EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, producer: EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • EVERYBODY LOVES TOUDA by Nabil Ayouch, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marleen Slot, Katrin Pors, sales: MK2 Films
  • FAMILY THERAPY by Sonja Prosenc, producer: EAVE graduate Rok Secen, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marta Zaccaron, Tamara Babun
  • FATHER by Tereza Nvotová, producers: EAVE graduates Mariusz Wlodarski, EAVE participant Marta Gmosinska
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt, sales: Match Factory 
  • JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, producer: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski
  • KONTRA by Jonas Risvig, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Ehrhardt, sales: The Yellow Affair
  • KYUKA – BEFORE SUMMER'S END by Kostis Charamountanis, producers: EAVE graduate Danae Spathara, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE graduate Marija Dimitrova, sales: Heretic
  • LIMONOV – THE BALLAD OF EDDIE by Kirill Serebrennikov, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa, sales: Pathé
  • MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang & You Qiao Yin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, sales: Alpha Violet
  • MOST PEOPLE DIE ON SUNDAYS by Iair Said, co-producers: PUENTES and SLATE graduate Alessandro Amato, EAVE graduate Luigi Chimienti, sales: Heretic
  • MOTHERSHIP by Muriel Caravatte, producer: EAVE graduate Geneviève De Bauw
  • MOTEL DESTINO by Karim Ainouz, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, associate producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira, sales: The Match Factory
  • ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: A24 Films
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, sales: Intramovies
  • PORTRAIT OF A CERTAIN ORIENT by Marcelo Gomez, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • QUEENS OF DRAMA by Alexis Langlois, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland, sales: Charades
  • SNOT & SPLASH by Teemu Nikki, producer: EAVE graduate Ari Matikainen, sales: Filmsharks
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D’ETAT by Johan Grimonprez, co-producer: EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve, sales: Mediawan Rights
  • STOCKHOLM BLOODBATH by Mikael Hafström, producer: EAVE graduate Helena Danielsson, sales: Trustnordisk
  • STORMSKERRY MAJA by Tiina Lymi, producer: EAVE graduate Jukka Helle, sales: Picture Tree International
  • THE APPRENTICE by Ali Abbasi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Ditte Milsted, Ruth Treacy, sales: Rocket Science
  • THE EXPOSURE by Thomas Imbach, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marius Wlodarski, sales: Match Factory 
  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • THE LAUNDRY by Zamo Mkhwanazi, producer: EAVE+ graduate Philippe Coeytaux
  • THELMA'S PERFECT BIRTHDAY by Reinis Kalnaellis, producer: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges
  • THE MISSILE by Miia Tervo, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä, sales: Picture Tree International
  • THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas, sales: Memento International
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, executive producers: EAVE graduate Palmye Badinier, EAVE+ graduate Philippe Coeytaux, sales: Urban Sales 
  • THE STORK by Isa Qosja, producer: EAVE + graduate Ivan Djurovic
  • THE SURFER by Lorcan Finnegan, producer: EAVE graduate Brendan McCarthy, sales: North.Five.Six
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: Totem Films
  • TO A LAND UNKNOWN by Mahdi Fleifel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Maria Drandaki, Maarten van der Ven, sales: Salaud Morisset
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTB graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduates Stefano Centini, Nguyen Thi Xuan Trang, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo, sales: Pyramide International 
  • WET MONDAY by Justyna Mytnik, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski, sales: Reel Suspects
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • WILD DIAMOND by Agathe Riedinger, producer: TTB graduate Judith Nora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina, sales: Pyramide International
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri

EAVE Partnership with Marché du Film

Yetu UnLimited – Growing a virtuous and sustainable eco-system for African and diasporic cinemas

Moderated by EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

  • EAVE graduate Melissa Adeyemo
  • EAVE graduate Yanis Gaye
  • EAVE graduate Carole Kioko
  • Creative Producer Indaba graduate Chloé Ortolé

EAVE IMPACT THINK TANK: Empowering Producers: Best Practices for Equitable Co-Productions

Producers, unpack the 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank recommendations on inclusive co-productions and delve into actionable strategies and success stories to empower fellow producers to navigate collaborations with integrity and innovation.

Moderated by EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit, Gobez Media

  • EAVE graduate Ada Solomon, Micro Film
  • EAVE graduate Karen Harnisch, Film Forge
  • EAVE graduate Emile Hertling Péronard, Ánorâk Film
  • Mohamed Ouma, Documentary Africa

SPOTLIGHT ASIA: IP from Asia Pitching Session

This year, for the first time, we will shine a light on Asia’s ever-evolving intellectual property (IP) market, allowing participants to dive into today’s latest IPs through an engaging pitching session meticulously curated in collaboration with institutional partners from different territories in Asia.

EAVE SESSION: Asymmetrical Co-production

Asymmetrical co-productions refer to those type of the co-productions that take place between countries with different costs levels, countries that differ in financing capacities, and countries that greatly differ in market size. What does that actually mean and how can you balance asymmetrical co-production in a ‘fair’ and equal way?

Speaker: EAVE graduate and group leader Ankica Juric Tilic, Kinorama

SPOTLIGHT ASIA: Roadmap to Co-Production with Asia Funding Landscape

A dedicated platform - in partnership with Ties That Bind (organised by Fondo Audiovisivo FVG, EAVE, Far East Film Festival, TAICCA) & Focus Asia - for connecting fund representatives from diverse continents to showcase their unique funding opportunities and connect with producers interested in international co-production with Asia.

Moderators: Lorna Tee & TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher

EAVE IMPACT THINK TANK: Pathways to equitable co-productions

closed-door event for heads of funding agencies

Heads of film funds discuss the 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank recommendations for funding bodies on inclusive co-productions

Keynote: Susan Newman-Baudais, EURIMAGES

Moderator: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit



IndieLisboa – International Film Festival (May 23 – June 2)

  • 78 DAYS by Emilija Gasic, producers: EAVE MW graduate Andrijana Sofranic Sucur, EAVE graduate Milos Ivanovic
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You
  • BANZO by Margarita Cardoso, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis
  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producers: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Oliver Damian
  • FIVE AND A HALF LOVE STORIES IN AN APARTMENT IN VILNIUS, LITHUANIA by Tomas Vengris, co-producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis
  • FOREMOST BY NIGHT by Victor Iriarte, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • GOLD SONGS by Ico Costa, producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • GREICE by Leonardo Mouramateus, producer: EAVE+ graduate Pandora Telles
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE by Yuyan Wang, producer: Creative Producer Indaba graduate Thomas Hakim
  • PEDAGIO by Carolina Markowicz, producer: EAVE+ graduate Karen Castanho
  • SHROOMS by Jorge Jacome, producer: EAVE+ graduate Pandora Telles
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • TALES OF OBLIVION by Dulce Fernandes, producer: EAVE+ graduate Pandora Telles 
  • THE EMPIRE by Bruno Dumont, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, executive producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij
  • THE SUMMER WITH CARMEN by Zacharias Mavroeidis, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti
  • THE VOURDALAK by Adrien Beau, producer: EAVE graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • WE MADE A FILM by Tota Alves, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes



Krakow Film Festival (May 26 – June 2)

  • ARSENIE. AN AMAZING AFTERLIFE by Alexandru Solomon, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef
  • BALDIGA – UNLOCKED HEART by Markus Stein, producer: EAVE graduate Olaf Jacobs
  • CLOSE TO VERMEER by Suzanne Raes, producer: EAVE graduate Ilja Roomans
  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel
  • NICE LADIES by Mariia Ponomarova, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramier
  • SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, produced by EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau
  • THE ANDERSSON BROTHERS by Johanna Bernhardson, producer: EAVE graduate Erika Malmgren, co-producer: EAVE graduate Annika Hellström



DocuDays UA (May 31 – June 9)

  • CHANGE project A BIT OF A STRANGER by Svitlana Lishchynska, producers: CHANGE graduate Anna Kapustina, EAVE graduate Fredrik Lange
  • BODY by Petra Seliskar, co-producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Babun
  • MACHTAT by Sonia Ben Slama, producer: EAVE graduate Cecile Lestrade
  • MAGIC MOUNTAIN by Mariam Chachia, Nik Voigt, producer: CHANGE graduate Mariam Chachia
  • NICE LADIES by Mariia Ponomarova, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramier
  • THE KIOSK by Daniel Stopa, producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron

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@ Producers Workshop 2, June 7 - 14, Trondheim (NO)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo, EAVE Project Managers Sarah van den Hoogen, Ana Ruiz Miralles, Tanika Sajatovic

@ KIDS Regio Forum, June 27 - 28, Erfurt (DE)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

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EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS wins the Golden Eye in Cannes!

Great success at the Cannes Film Festival: EAVE graduates won the Grand Prix, the Jury Prize and 13 other prestigious awards!

We are delighted to announce that THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh and EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir has won the most important documentary film award: l'Œil d'or - the Golden Eye! The film was developed at the EAVE Producers Workshop 2019 and celebrated its premiere at the Critics' Week in Cannes.

The Jury's statement: The Brink of Dreams “whisks us away to a Coptic village in southern Egypt, following the activities of a small group of young women who are rebelling by forming a street-theatre troupe. Harbouring dreams of becoming actresses, dancers or singers, they try to carve out a place for themselves, defying their families and the patriarchal traditions of their country. The film is at once simple and radiant, an almost unassuming movie that allows us to see, in all its complexity, their struggle to win their freedom as well as the turmoil this struggle creates around them.”


Cannes 2024 Competition awards

Grand Prix

ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producers: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, Creative Producer Indaba graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial  

Jury Prize

EMILIA PEREZ by Jacques Audiard, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis

Best Director

GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt

Best Actress

EMILIA PEREZ by Jacques Audiard, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis (Karla Sofía Gascón, Zoe Saldana, Selena Gomez and Adriana Paz)

Best Actor

KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney (Jesse Plemons)

Camera d’Or

ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Koji Nelissen & Derk-Jan Warrink

Camera d’Or Special Mention

MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang & You Qiao Yin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas 

Short film Palme d’Or

THE MAN WHO COULD NOT REMAIN SILENT by Nebojsa Slijepcevic, producer: EAVE graduate Danijel Pek, Katarina Prpic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katya Trichkova, Bostjan Virc


Un Certain Regard

Best Director

ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney

Best Actress

THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, executive producers: EAVE graduate Palmye Badinier, EAVE + graduate Philippe Coeytaux (Anasuya Sengupta)


Cannes Critics’ Week

Louis Roederer Foundation Rising Star Award

BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper

Gan Foundation Award for Distribution

JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, co-producers: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, in association with EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski & PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj

SACD Award

JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, co-producers: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, in association with EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski & PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj 


Director’s Fortnight

THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas won the Europa Cinemas Label for best European film


Golden Eye Documentary Prize

EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh and EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, producer: EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir 

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PUENTES ITALIA 2024: Call for Italian producers and professionals interested in co-producing with Latin America

Dopo il successo delle precedenti edizioni, EAVE PUENTES, il principale workshop di co-produzione tra Europa e America Latina, rinnova la collaborazione con Fondo per l'Audiovisivo FVG e MiC. All’interno della prima sessione europea del workshop, EAVE organizzerà PUENTES ITALIA, un programma speciale dedicato a produttori italiani interessati ad approfondire le opportunità di collaborazione con l'America Latina.
PUENTES ITALIA si terrà a Udine e offrirà a tutti i partecipanti la straordinaria possibilità di:

  • partecipare alle sessioni di gruppo guidate da esperti del mercato sudamericano per analizzare il potenziale di co-produzione e distribuzione dei progetti italiani selezionati per il workshop; 
  • prendere parte alle diverse sessioni plenarie dedicate al panorama delle opportunità offerte dal mercato dell'America Latina, al programma IBERMEDIA e alle strategie di vendita internazionale; 
  • avere degli incontri individuali con professionisti del network di EAVE Puentes per definire le possibili strategie di sviluppo dei propri progetti con i relativi Paesi con cui si intende co-produrre;  
  • sedersi a tavoli tematici dedicati alle opportunità offerte dai diversi territori sudamericani; 
  • accedere a un unico network di professionisti provenienti da Europa e America Latina.

Il workshop inizierà martedì 16 luglio alle ore 15.00 e terminerà venerdì 19 in tarda mattinata (arrivo previsto il 16 mattina e rientro il 19 pomeriggio).
Tra gli esperti confermati: Jacques Akchoti, Raquel Cabrera (The Film Agency), Agustina Chiarino (Bocacha Films), Fernanda del Nido (Setembro Cine), Sophie Erbs (Gaijin), Tatiana Leite (Bubbles Project), Marcin Lucaj (New Europe Film Sales) e Aleksandra Zakharchenko (Marché du Film).

Target group:

  • produttori italiani che stiano sviluppando un nuovo progetto di finzione o documentario con un potenziale di co-produzione internazionale con l'America Latina
  • produttori italiani senza progetto interessati a esplorare le opportunità offerte dal mercato dell’America Latina
  • professionisti italiani (sales agents, rappresentanti di mercati & workshops, film commissions) interessati a sviluppare la propria conoscenza del mercato sudamericano


  • lettera di motivazione riguardo alla partecipazione al workshop (max 1 pagina)
  • profilo società e profilo personale 
  • *sinossi di 1 pag. del progetto che si desidera approfondire durante il workshop (in italiano e inglese)
  • *profilo del regista
  • *piano finanziario e budget di produzione

*solo per i produttori interessati a partecipare con un progetto

Dal momento che tutte le sessioni si terranno in lingua inglese, i materiali relativi alla propria candidatura dovranno essere redatti solo ed esclusivamente in lingua inglese.
Costi di partecipazione:
Grazie al sostegno del MiC la partecipazione a PUENTES ITALIA è gratuita e ad ogni partecipante verranno offerte 3 notti di ospitalità e i relativi pasti.
Deadline per l'iscrizione:
Tutti i documenti devono essere inviati via email entro lunedì 10 giugno 2024 all’indirizzo:
La selezione finale verrà annunciata dopo la metà giugno 2024 e includerà circa 5 produttori con un progetto in sviluppo e 5 produttori/professionisti senza progetto.
Per ulteriori info su programma e modalità di iscrizione vi preghiamo di contattare:

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EAVE in Cannes 2024

EAVE is happy to announce the selection of 39 films in the OFFICIAL & SIDEBAR SECTIONS OF THE FESTIVAL, 5 at LA FABRIQUE CINÉMA, 9 out of 20 PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE, over 45 EAVE producers at the PRODUCERS NETWORK and 58 films at the Marché du Film!

In Competition

  • ALL WE IMAGINE AS LIGHT by Payal Kapadia, producer: Creative Producer Indaba graduate Thomas Hakim, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial, sales: Luxbox
  • EMILIA PEREZ by Jacques Audiard, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis, sales: The Veterans
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt, sales: Match Factory  
  • KINDS OF KINDNESS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: Searchlight Pictures
  • LIMONOV – THE BALLAD OF EDDIE by Kirill Serebrennikov, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa, sales: Alpha Violet   
  • MOTEL DESTINO by Karim Ainouz, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, associate producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira, sales: The Match Factory 
  • THE APPRENTICE by Ali Abbasi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Ditte Milsted, Ruth Treacy, sales: Rocket Science
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marius Wlodarski, sales: Match Factory  
  • THE MOST PRECIOUS OF CARGOES by Michel Hazanavicius, producer: EAVE group leader Patrick Sobelman, sales: STUDIO CANAL
  • WILD DIAMOND by Agathe Riedinger, producer: TTB graduate Judith Nora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina, sales: Pyramide International

Un Certain Regard

  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Derk-Jan Warrink sales: Charades   
  • MOI AUSSI by Judith Godreche, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: A24
  • SEPTEMBER SAYS by Ariane Labed, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: The Match Factory 
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, executive producers: EAVE graduate Palmye Badinier, EAVE+ graduate Philippe Coeytaux, sales: Urban Sales  
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: Totem Films
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTB graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduates Stefano Centini, Nguyen Thi Xuan Trang, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo, sales: Pyramide International  
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, sales: The Party Film Sales

Midnight Screenings

  • THE SURFER by Lorcan Finnegan, producer: EAVE graduate Brendan McCarthy, sales: North.Five.Six

Cannes Premiere

  • BEING MARIA by JEssica Palud, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo
  • EVERYBODY LOVES TOUDA by Nabil Ayouch, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marleen Slot, Katrin Pors, sales: MK2 Films

Special Screenings

  • AN UNFINISHED FILM by Lou Ye, co-producer: EAVE graduate Clemens Köstlin, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo
  • NASTY by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu

Critics’ Week

Feature Film Competition

  • BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, sales: M-Appeal
  • JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, co-producers: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, in association with EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski & PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj, sales: New Europe Film Sales
  • EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh and EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, producer: EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, sales: The Party Film Sales

Short Film Competition

  • ALAZAR by Beza Hailu Lemma, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit

Feature Film Special Screenings

  • ANIMALE by Emma Benestan, producer: PUENTES graduate Naomi Denamur, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • GHOST TRAIL by Jonathan Millet, producers: EAVE graduates Nicole Gerhards, Julie Esparbes
  • QUEENS OF DRAMA by Alexis Langlois, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland, sales: Charades 

Short Film Special Screenings

  • SAUNA DAY by Anna Hints & Tushar Prakash, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä
  • SOUTHERN BRIDES by Elena Lopez Riera, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler

Directors’ Fortnight

  • MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang & You Qiao Yin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, sales: Alpha Violet
  • SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING OLD, SOMETHING BORROWED, by Hernán Rosselli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas, sales: Memento International
  • TO A LAND UNKNOWN by Mahdi Fleifel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Maria Drandaki, Maarten van der Ven, sales: Salaud Morisset

Special program: DIRECTORS FACTORY PHILIPPINES by TTB graduates Bianca Balbuena, Bradley Liew

MI BESTIA © Films Grand Huit


  • KYUKA – BEFORE SUMMER'S END by Kostis Charamountanis, producers: EAVE graduate Danae Spathara, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE graduate Marija Dimitrova, sales: Heretic   
  • MOST PEOPLE DIE ON SUNDAYS by Iair Said, co-producers: PUENTES and SLATE graduate Alessandro Amato, EAVE graduate Luigi Chimienti, sales: Heretic
  • PUENTES project MI BESTIA by Camila Beltran, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Paola Perez Nieto, sales: Pulsar Content

Frontières Platform

  • DELIVERY RUN by Joey Palmroos, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Aleksi Hyvärinen
  • NESTING by Chloé Cinq-Mars, producer: EAVE+ graduate Nicolas Comeau


  • DANIELA FOREVER by Nacho Vigalondo, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland

Cannes Docs

  • BITTER SUGAR by Ana Barjadze, producer: CHANGE graduate Irina Gelashvili
  • KARATARA – ‘PLACE OF DEEP SHADOWS’ by Teboho Edkins, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • PONY BOYS by Joseph Mangat, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Alemberg Ang
  • THE BLUE SWEATER WITH A YELLOW HOLE by Tetiana Khodakivska, producer: TTB graduate Johann Chapelan

Cannes Ecran Junior

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic, Jelena Mitrovic, EAVE Norwegian national coordinator and EAVE graduate Gary Cranner
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri

Les cinémas du monde | La Fabrique Cinéma de l’Institut Français

  • DAUGHTERS OF THE SEA by Martika Escobar, producer: TTB graduate Monster Jimenez
  • ÉTRANGER by Joel Akafou, co-producer: Creative Producer Indaba graduate Souleymane Kebe
  • LE DERNIER ROI by Victor Checa, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Julia Cherrier, TTB graduate Josune Hahnheiser
  • MOA by Marcel Beltran, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Dumoulin, EAVE+ graduates Mariana Oliva and Luana Lobo
  • PUENTES project RESISTENCIA by Yanillys Pérez, producer: PUENTES graduate Thibaud Billiard



Producers on the Move  

9 out of 20 PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE, the European Film Promotion networking platform PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE at the Cannes International Film Festival are EAVE graduates:

  • Elisa Heene, Mirage, Belgium
  • Kalin Kalinov, Invictus, Bulgaria
  • Tibor Keser, KOMPOT, Croatia
  • Delphine Schmit, Tripode Productions, France
  • Evan Horan, Keeper Pictures, Ireland
  • Katarzyna Ozga, Iris Productions, Luxembourg
  • Isabel Machado, C.R.I.M., Portugal
  • Dragana Jovovic, Non-Aligned Films, Serbia
  • Wanda Adamik Hrycova, Wandal Production, Slovakia

EAVE @ Cannes Producers Network

Network EAVE is proud to be partner of the Cannes Producers Network! In the framework of this partnership 9 EAVE graduates have been selected:

  • Géraldine Ohana, France
  • Mario Adamson, Sisyfos Film Production, Sweden
  • Maria Ibrahimova, Cinex Productions, Azerbaidjan
  • Darya Bassel, Moon Man, Ukraine
  • John Lundsten, Tack Films, Finland
  • Erika Malmgren, Cinenic Film, Sweden
  • Julia Alves, Quarta-Feira, Brazil
  • Rogier Kramer, Labyrint Film, Netherlands
  • Milos Ivanovic, Set Sail Films, Serbia

Also participating in the Cannes Producers Network:

Melissa Adeyemo OMINIRA STUDIOS, YETU (UN)LIMITED *Coral Aiken AIKEN HEART FILMS * Jose Alba PECADO FILMS * Serena Alfieri VIVO FILM * Amra Baksic-Camo SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL * Yulia Evina Bhara KAWANKAWAN MEDIA * Valérie Delpierre INICIA FILMS * Maarten D’Hollander KRATER * Federico Eibuszyc PUCARA CINE * Gita Fara CINERIA FILMS * Olmo Figueredo Gonzalez-Quevedo LA CLAQUETA * Felize Frappier AZIMUT FILMS * Chiara Galloni ARTICOLTURE * Yanis Gaye GOREE CINEMA, YETU (UN)LIMITED * Katleen Goossens BULLETPROOF CUPID * Mireia Graell RINGO MEDIA * Verena Gräfe-Höft JUNAFILM * Evan Horan KEEPER PICTURES * Aleksi Hyvarinen DON FILMS * Khalid Maimouni EVIL DOGHOUSE STUDIOS & EUROPAFILM * Veselka Kiryakova RED CARPET * Laura Kloeckner SEERA FILMS * Aleksandra Kostina BOSONFILM * Florian Krügel DOR FILM * Judith Lichtneckert EMILIA PRODUCTIONS * Ingrid Lill Hogtun BARENTSFILM * Alex Lo CINEMA INUTILE * Luana Lobo MARIA FARINHA FILMES * Giancarlo Nasi QUIJOTE FILMS * Patrice Nezan LES CONTES MODERNES * Marek Novak XOVA FILM * Mariana Oliva MARIA FARINHA FILMES * Anna Palenchuk 435 FILMS * Ferenc Pusztai KMH FILM * Mika Ritalahti SILVA MYSTERIUM * Annemiek van der Hell WINDMILL FILM * Catalina Vergara GLOBO ROJO FILMS * Jakub Viktorin NUTPRODUKCIA * Hugh Welchman BREAKTHRU FILMS

EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo is a Producers Network Guest of Honour on Monday, May 20, 2024.


Marché du Film

  • 78 DAYS by Emilija Gasic, producer: EAVE participant Milos Ivanovic, EAVE MW graduate Andrijana Sofranic Sucur
  • A BEAUTIFUL IMPERFECTION by Michiel van Erp, co-producers: EAVE graduates Peter Bouckaert, Giovanni Pompili, sales: Global Screen
  • ADMISSION by Quentin Hsu Kun-Hua, producer: TTB graduate Chi-An Lin, co-producer: TTB and MW graduate Nancy Schoesetters
  • ALAZAR by Beza Hailu Lemma, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit
  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Derk-Jan Warrink sales: Charades   
  • AFTER US, THE FLOOD by Arto Halonen, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Latvia Aija Berzina
  • AKIKO: THE FLYING MONKEY, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer, sales: Loco Films
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele, sales: Bendita Film Sales
  • ARCADIA by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova, sales: Beta Cinema
  • BABY by Marcelo Caetano, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, sales: M-Appeal
  • BORGO by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate Jean des Forêts
  • BRANDO WITH A GLASS EYE by Antonis Tsonis, executive producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, sales: Ficino Films
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévi, sales: Les Films du Losange
  • DEMBA by Mamadou Dia, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • DON’T YOU LET ME GO by Ana Guevara and Leticia Jorge, producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Agustina Chiarino, sales: Alpha Violet
  • DON’T LET THE SUN (CATCH YOU CRYING) by Jacqueline Zünd, EAVE graduate Louis Mataré
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by EAVE graduate Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Denis Vaslin
  • EAVE project MARIA'S SILENCE by by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kęstutis Drazdauskas
  • EAVE project THE BRINK OF DREAMS by Nada Riyadh and EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, producer: EAVE graduate Ayman El Amir, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • EVERYBODY LOVES TOUDA by Nabil Ayouch, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marleen Slot, Katrin Pors, sales: MK2 Films
  • FAMILY THERAPY by Sonja Prosenc, producer: EAVE graduate Rok Secen, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marta Zaccaron, Tamara Babun
  • FATHER by Tereza Nvotová, producers: EAVE graduates Mariusz Wlodarski, EAVE participant Marta Gmosinska
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer
  • GRAND TOUR by Miguel Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt, sales: Match Factory  
  • JULIE KEEPS QUIET by Leonardo van Dijl, producer: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski
  • KONTRA by Jonas Risvig, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Ehrhardt, sales: The Yellow Affair
  • KYUKA – BEFORE SUMMER'S END by Kostis Charamountanis, producers: EAVE graduate Danae Spathara, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE graduate Marija Dimitrova, sales: Heretic 
  • LIMONOV – THE BALLAD OF EDDIE by Kirill Serebrennikov, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa, sales: Pathé 
  • MONGREL by Chiang Wei Liang & You Qiao Yin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, sales: Alpha Violet
  • MOST PEOPLE DIE ON SUNDAYS by Iair Said, co-producers: PUENTES and SLATE graduate Alessandro Amato, EAVE graduate Luigi Chimienti, sales: Heretic
  • MOTHERSHIP by Muriel Caravatte, producer: EAVE graduate Geneviève De Bauw
  • MOTEL DESTINO by Karim Ainouz, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, associate producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira, sales: The Match Factory 
  • ON BECOMING A GUINEA FOWL by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney, sales: A24 Films
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, sales: Intramovies
  • PORTRAIT OF A CERTAIN ORIENT by Marcelo Gomez, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • QUEENS OF DRAMA by Alexis Langlois, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland, sales: Charades 
  • SNOT & SPLASH by Teemu Nikki, producer: EAVE graduate Ari Matikainen, sales: Filmsharks 
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D’ETAT by Johan Grimonprez, co-producer: EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve, sales: Mediawan Rights
  • STOCKHOLM BLOODBATH by Mikael Hafström, producer: EAVE graduate Helena Danielsson, sales: Trustnordisk
  • STORMSKERRY MAJA by Tiina Lymi, producer: EAVE graduate Jukka Helle, sales: Picture Tree International 
  • THE APPRENTICE by Ali Abbasi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Ditte Milsted, Ruth Treacy, sales: Rocket Science
  • THE EXPOSURE by Thomas Imbach, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marius Wlodarski, sales: Match Factory  
  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • THE LAUNDRY by Zamo Mkhwanazi, producer: EAVE+ graduate Philippe Coeytaux
  • THELMA'S PERFECT BIRTHDAY by Reinis Kalnaellis, producer: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges
  • THE MISSILE by Miia Tervo, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä, sales: Picture Tree International
  • THE OTHER WAY AROUND by Jonas Trueba, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas, sales: Memento International
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, executive producers: EAVE graduate Palmye Badinier, EAVE+ graduate Philippe Coeytaux, sales: Urban Sales  
  • THE STORK by Isa Qosja, producer: EAVE + graduate Ivan Djurovic
  • THE SURFER by Lorcan Finnegan, producer: EAVE graduate Brendan McCarthy, sales: North.Five.Six
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: Totem Films
  • TO A LAND UNKNOWN by Mahdi Fleifel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Maria Drandaki, Maarten van der Ven, sales: Salaud Morisset
  • VIET AND NAM by Truong Minh Quy, producers: TTB graduate Bradley Liew and TTB group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduates Stefano Centini, Nguyen Thi Xuan Trang, EAVE graduate Marie Dubas, EAVE+ graduate Joost de Vries, executive producer: EAVE participant Alex C. Lo, sales: Pyramide International  
  • WET MONDAY by Justyna Mytnik, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski, sales: Reel Suspects
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • WILD DIAMOND by Agathe Riedinger, producer: TTB graduate Judith Nora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina, sales: Pyramide International
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri




May 17 / 15.10-15.40

Yetu UnLimited – Growing a virtuous and sustainable eco-system for African and diasporic cinemas (Panel 2)

Moderated by EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

  • EAVE graduate Melissa Adeyemo
  • EAVE graduate Yanis Gaye
  • EAVE graduate Carole Kioko
  • Creative Producer Indaba graduate Chloé Ortolé

@Village International - Pavillons Cinémas du Monde  (107)


May 18 / 10:00-11:00

EAVE IMPACT THINK TANK: Empowering Producers: Best Practices for Equitable Co-Productions

Producers, unpack the 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank recommendations on inclusive co-productions and delve into actionable strategies and success stories to empower fellow producers to navigate collaborations with integrity and innovation.

Moderated by EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit, Gobez Media

  • EAVE graduate Ada Solomon, Micro Film
  • EAVE graduate Karen Harnisch, Film Forge
  • EAVE graduate Emile Hertling Péronard, Ánorâk Film
  • Mohamed Ouma, Documentary Africa

@Palais Stage (-1 Palais Festival)


May 18 / 11:30-13:00

SPOTLIGHT ASIA: IP from Asia Pitching Session

This year, for the first time, we will shine a light on Asia’s ever-evolving intellectual property (IP) market, allowing participants to dive into today’s latest IPs through an engaging pitching session meticulously curated in collaboration with institutional partners from different territories in Asia.

@Palais Stage (-1 Palais Festival)


May 18 / 15:30-16:30

EAVE SESSION: Asymmetrical Co-production

Asymmetrical co-productions refer to those type of the co-productions that take place between countries with different costs levels, countries that differ in financing capacities, and countries that greatly differ in market size. What does that actually mean and how can you balance asymmetrical co-production in a ‘fair’ and equal way?

Speaker: EAVE graduate and group leader Ankica Juric Tilic, Kinorama

@Producers Club


May 19 / 11:00 – 12:30

SPOTLIGHT ASIA: Roadmap to Co-Production with Asia Funding Landscape

A dedicated platform - in partnership with Ties That Bind (organised by Fondo Audiovisivo FVG, EAVE, Far East Film Festival, TAICCA) & Focus Asia - for connecting fund representatives from diverse continents to showcase their unique funding opportunities and connect with producers interested in international co-production with Asia.

Moderators: Lorna Tee & TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher

Followed by: SPOTLIGHT ASIA: Networking Lunch with Fund sponsored by TAICCA

By invitation-only lunch for partners and identified delegation per partnering institution of producers to offer a further opportunity to network.

@Producers Club


May 20 / 11:00-12:00

EAVE IMPACT THINK TANK: Pathways to equitable co-productions

closed-door event for heads of funding agencies

Heads of film funds discuss the 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank recommendations for funding bodies on inclusive co-productions

Keynote: Susan Newman-Baudais, EURIMAGES

Moderator: EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit

@Producers Club



At the European Pavilion No. 118, International Village

At the Producers Club, Riviera, J.

during May 16 - 21

  • EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp
  • EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo



EAVE is a proud partner of The Red Balloon Alliance Team.

Supporting all the parents and families attending Cannes with their little ones, Le Ballon Rouge is here to help from 14-24 May!

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Based on the EAVE methodology, Design Thinking techniques and visual, tangible and playful exercises, this tailor-made workshop gives a 360° overview of traditional and innovative marketing techniques and Audience-centred strategies.

Co-Heads of Studies Alya Belgaroui-Degalet and Sarah Calderón have designed a unique programme where participants are collectively working on the group’s projects more than half of the time. The result is a hands-on approach with concrete tools and the latest technologies such as AI that anyone can apply immediately within their own teams in today and tomorrow’s industry. This horizontal learning approach not only enhances networking but also fosters a sense of community among our diverse international participants.

If you are interested in learning more about innovative digital marketing strategies, social media management, analysing audience data, how to work with the press, and how to implement the latest AI tools in the marketing campaigns for your films, apply to the EAVE MARKETING WORKSHOP until June 7th!

"The training was very intensive, engaging and full – it really inspired me to create significantly larger marketing strategies. THINK BIG!”

Brigita Beniusyte, M-Films, Lithuania (EAVE Marketing Workshop 2023)


The workshop is targeted at producers as well as profesionals working in sales, distribution and marketing departments. We also welcome applications from other areas of the industry (e.g. regional and national funding institutions, film festivals and markets etc.) and from relevant trainers and consultants who want to innovate in their marketing techniques.

EAVE is committed to equal opportunities for all and strongly encourages applications from qualified European and international candidates from diverse backgrounds and across all abilities. A specific scholarship for European residents and citizens who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour will be available. Application for those should be mentioned in the scholarship motivation letter.


Applications are now open until June 7th!

Participants can apply without a project, or with a project in advanced development, pre-production and post-production to work with cutting-edge marketing specialists, such as Alya Belgaroui-Degalet (MK2) and Sarah Calderón (The Film Agency – EAVE marketing consultant) and contributors like Michael Arnon (Wolf Consultants), Boris Pugnet (The Jokers Films), Elena Neira (La Otra Pantalla), Guillaume Boscher (ex–META) and Manori Ravindran (Screen International).

The final selection will be announced at the beginning of August.

The 2024 edition of the EAVE MARKETING WORKSHOP will take place in Luxembourg from November 5-10, 2024, in partnership with Film Fund Luxembourg. The workshop is funded by Creative Europe, the MEDIA subprogramme of the European Union.

“I am very grateful for the enriching experience of the workshop, where I not only gained valuable insights but also formed meaningful connections with inspiring individuals from around the world. The collaborative spirit and diverse perspectives shared have left a mark on my professional journey.”

Sigrid Bersmann, Film i Väst, Sweden (EAVE Marketing Workshop 2023)



EAVE is proud to announce ongoing steady partnerships thanks to which we will welcome selected participants from, M:brane, Thessaloniki Crossroads, LA INCUBADORA and Great Lakes Creative Producers Lab.

Members of CICAE, Europa International, Europa Distribution, ERICH POMMER INSTITUTE, and EAVE graduates will benefit of special discounts.


The EAVE Marketing Workshop participants are joined every year by selected graduates of the renowned EAVE Producers Workshop, who have trained over one year as specialized marketing professionals.

For further information, please contact your EAVE team: 

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SENTIMENTAL VALUE by Joachim Trier receives funding

Romanian Film Centre

Romania announces production grants: Ten feature films, including three minority co-productions, received production support.

  • A LONG-AWAITED VACATION by Bogdan Theodor Olteanu, producers: EAVE graduates Anda Ionescu, Anamaria Antoci
  • DOR by Valeria Testagrossa, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • FIVE TIMES MY FATHER FORGOT HIS BAG by Dragomir Sholev, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • I MATTER by Alina Serban, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • IN DEZECHILIBRU by Paula Onet, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • JURNALUL ALEGERILOR by Alexandru Solomon, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • PADUREA LETEA by Eva Pervolovici, producer: EAVE graduate Anca Damian
  • WHEN THE KIDS SING THE HITS by Mina Dukic, producers: EAVE graduates Anda Ionescu, Anamaria Antoci
  • YESTERDAY FINISHED LAST NIGHT by Oana Tenter, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon



Croatian Audiovisual Centre

Two co-productions by EAVE graduates receive minority support by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre:

  • MOTHER FREEDOM, FATHER LAND by Elena Cemerska, producer: EAVE graduate Tibor Keser
  • WHITES WASH AT NINETY by Marko Nabersnik, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic



National Film Centre of Latvia

Among the 14 new productions, that receive funding by the National Film Centre of Latvia are 2 projects by EAVE graduates:

  • SORCERER’S EYE by Aik Karapetian, producer: EAVE graduate Gints Grube
  • TABITA by Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate Alise Gelze




Production support by the German-French Funding Commission goes to:

  • EIN KURZER SOMMER by Nastia Korkia, producer: EAVE graduate Dirk Decker
  • THE MYSTERIOUS GAZE OF THE FLAMINGO by Diego Cespedes, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann

Funding from the German Federal Film Board FFA:

  • SENTIMENTAL VALUE by Joachim Trier, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach



Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film Centre

  • VIGILANTE by Olivier Pairoux, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri receives funding by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film Centre.



The Austrian Film Institute & Film Fund Vienna grants production support to:

  • RIOT/GIRL by Arman T. Riahi, producer: EAVE graduate Arash T. Riahi
  • MÜSSEN WIR ALLE STERBEN? by Werner Boote, producer: EAVE graduate Erich Lackner
  • DIE BLUTGRÄFIN by Ulrike Ottinger, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu



Finnish Film Foundation

The following films receive production support from the Finnish Film Foundation:

  • EAGLES OF THE REPUBLIC by Tarik Saleh, producer: EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff and Misha Jaari
  • HÄJYT by Aleksi Mäkelä, producer: EAVE + graduate Jukka Helle  
  • THE ELF by Hannes Vartiaine and EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll



  • MY SOUL STARTLED by Syllas Tzoumerkas, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nadia Trevisan is in pre-production. In his next feature-length project, Tzoumerkas is weaving a tapestry of interconnected stories in the vein of Arabian Nights. Set against the backdrop of the Dodecanese islands, the film delves into the transformation of the idyllic location under the pressure of mass tourism, uncovering the hidden underbelly of a world that was once vibrant and untainted. The story reflects both a lament for lost purity, and an examination of the islands' complex blend of paganism and Christianity. This dichotomy serves as a fertile ground for exploring mythological themes, intertwining tales of gods and titans with the lives of the characters in a way that offers new perspectives on ancient myths. The film will be shot mostly in Greece, with some scenes filmed in Italy. With development wrapped, Tzoumerkas and the producers are completing the financing, aiming to start production in 2025. MY SOUL STARTLED is a Greek-Italian-French-Austrian-Cypriot co-production being staged by Homemade Films, and co-produced by Nefertiti Film, Sister Productions, Nabis Film Group, Felony Productions and the Onassis Foundation. The project has been supported by the Greek Film Centre, ERT SA, MIC – Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo, the Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Film Fund and Creative Europe – MEDIA.

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FRANZ by Agnieszka Holland is shooting

In production

  • SUKKWAN ISLAND by Vladimir de Fontenay, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart is in production. Adapted by the director himself from the novel Legend of a Suicide by US author David Vann, the story revolves around a young man who heads off to a secluded and hostile island to rekindle memories of his father. Ten years beforehand, they shared an experience that profoundly altered the course of their lives. Produced by Carole Scotta and Eliott Khayat for Haut et Court, SUKKWAN ISLAND is being co-produced by Norwegian outfit Maipo Film, Belgian firm Versus Production and the UK’s Good Chaos. Also on board as co-producers are Finland’s Aurora Studios, Norway’s Fjordic Film and Filmfond Nord, Belgium’s Proximus, VOO-Be TV and RTBF, as well as France’s Proarti. Other sources of support include the Brittany region, Creative Europe – MEDIA, the Norwegian Film Institute, the Inver Tax Shelter, the Global Screen Fund and Curzon. The 25-day shoot in Norway and Scotland will wrap in June.

  • FRANZ by Agnieszka Holland, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marcin Wierzchoslawski and David Grumbach, is currently filming in Prague, including the area of the Old Town near Franz Kafka’s birthplace. The film, written by Holland and Marek Epstein, explores Kafka’s life in a mosaic form, from his birth in late 19th century Prague to his death in Austria in 1924. Sarka Cimbalova and Agnieszka Holland are producing through Czech Marlene Film Production in co-production with Marcin Wierzchoslawski through Polish Metro Films, Uwe Schott and Jorgo Narjes through German X-FILME, David Grumbach and Alexis Hofmann through French Bac Films, as well as the Czech Television, Barrandov Studio and Czech Anglo Production. Mike Downey, Daniel Bergmann and Kevan Van Thompson are executive producers. The project has been backed by the Czech Film Fund, the Prague Audiovisual Fund, Eurimages and the Czech Region of Pilsen. The production in Prague started at the beginning of April 2024 and it will continue until the end of May 2024, with additional filming planned in Germany.

  • MADE IN EU by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova is currently in production. The story follows Iva, a seamstress in a small town, who is forced to hide the fact that she’s ill in order to keep her job, but after the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in town, all the blame for the infection falls on her and she will be demonised by the community. “I don't like to give ready answers, but rather to raise questions with my films. In MADE IN EU we raise questions about the garment (textile) manufacturing that exist today in the EU in small factories far from the lights of the big cities. We also raise questions about the negative and positive sides of globalisation, and about the division between centre and periphery in Europe. We are interested in what is happening at the periphery: the story follows a seamstress who works six days a week for 12 hours and is unfairly accused as a public enemy. The story is set against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it deals primarily with the much more serious pandemic of modern slavery. Everything in the script is based on real stories, because the first COVID-19 outbreaks in Bulgaria happened in such provincial sewing factories”, Stephan Komandarev said. Komandarev is producing together with Katya Trichkova through Argo Films (Bulgaria) in co-production with Eike Goreczka and Christoph Kukula through 42film (Germany) and Pavel Strnad through Negativ (Czech Republic). The film has been supported by the Bulgarian National Film Center, MDM and the Czech Film Fund. The project was developed at MFI (Greece, 2021), Cannes Film Festival’s L’Atelier (2022) and Arras Days (2023), where it won the award for best project. The postproduction will take place in Germany and the Czech Republic, and it will be completed till the end of 2024. The premiere of the film is set for 2025. The producers are currently looking for additional funding from co-production as well as presales from TV broadcasters. The film is currently being shot for 27 days from 18 March 2024 to 1 May 2024 in Dimitrovgrad, Haskovo, Rudozem and Madan (Bulgaria) and also in Leipzig (Germany).

  • GLOBAL PROJECT by Ivo Marques Ferreira, producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno is in production. Made up of a 6x45-minute series and a 100-minute feature, Ferreira’s new effort is “anchored in the political, economic and social reality of the late 1970s and early 1980s, and the illusions and disenchantments of a far left that was glorified in 1959, with the Cuban Revolution and the revolutionary myth of Che Guevara, who shouted, ‘Power to the Imagination!’ on May 1968, and which started to decline after the fall of the Berlin Wall”. In detail, the 1970s saw European left-wing armed movements thriving: ETA in Spain, the IRA in Ireland, the Red Brigades in Italy and the Baader-Meinhof Group in Germany. Portugal would have to deal with a similar phenomenon in the 1980s with the Popular Forces 25 April (FP-25), a far-left organisation defending the achievements of the 1974 Carnation Revolution, which brought 48 years of dictatorship to an end. The organisation gradually lost touch with the people it had aimed to protect, and was dismantled by a massive police operation in 1984. The feature and series condense and fictionalise these events. In the vibrant and decadent city of Lisbon, we follow FP-25 members and the police officers chasing them. Rosa, an actress and single mother; Queiroz, her best friend; and Jaime, a disillusioned young soldier – they all belong to the FP-25. Refusing to accept the death of their ideals, they must soon abandon everything and go undercover. On the other side of the barricade, Marlow, an officer with a troubled personality, faces his first big mission against the organisation. He and Rosa were former lovers, and he becomes obsessed with finding her while fulfilling his duty. Donato Rotunno and Luis Urbano, co-producing for Portuguese outfit O Som e a Furia, about the production: “We’re going to finish filming right after the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. We’re filming for 80 days, and we’ve already started editing. We first aim to release the feature-film version in the first semester of 2025, and ideally release it in Portugal on 24 April 2025, one day before the 51st anniversary of the Carnation Revolution. In order to fulfil this schedule, we will be showing the film at the EFM in Berlin in 2025, together with our world sales agent, The Match Factory. Then, the six-episode TV series will be premiered on RTP and on RTL in the second half of 2025.



In post-production

  • APUNTES PARA UNA FICCIÓN CONSENTIDA by Ana Serret Ituarte, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Cristina Zumarraga is in post-production. The film tells the story of Lea Grand, a Swiss woman lost in Madrid, who will have to find her own path to becoming an actress in a country she wasn’t born in. However, she will have some help from an array of different characters whom she crosses paths with: A young actress, her ex, a pianist who does not talk, a neighbour of hers and a nurse specialising in bats. Regardless, she’s looking in the wrong place. “It’s a fiction authorised by actress Isabelle Stoffel, based on her own experiences, where reality and fiction are totally indistinguishable from one another. That’s how a series of notes came about as well as a string of characters that populate her life and accompany her as she struggles to be an actress in a foreign country whose language is so different to her own”, said Ituarte. The film is a Atiende Films and Tandem Films production, its producers are Xesc Cabot, Pep Garrido, Cristina Zumárraga and Pablo E Bossi. It has secured funding from the ICAA, the Community of Madrid and Madrid City Council, and it also boasts the involvement of the Filmin platform. The film was shot in Madrid and Basel.

  • DANIELA FOREVER by Nacho Vigalondo, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland is in post-production. According to its producers, the film is Vigalondo's most personal project to date. A dystopia about love, personal dilemmas and dreams that tells the story of how life loses all meaning for Nicolas (played by Henry Golding) with the loss of his girlfriend Daniela (Beatrice Grannò). But one day he is invited to take part in a clinical trial that will allow him to control his dreams and he agrees in the hope of recovery. Now Nicolas can dream of Daniela every night and resume their relationship, more idyllic than ever... even if only in dreams. And at the risk of getting lost in them forever. Daniela Forever (with music by the duo Hidrogenesse) is produced by Nahikari Ipiña and Nacho Vigalondo from Sayaka Producciones, in co-production with Benoit Roland from the Belgian company Wrong Men, Leire Apellaniz from Señor y Señora, Gustavo Ferrada from Mediacrest Entertainment and US company XYZ Films. The film has the participation of Filmin, Movistar Plus+ and Wallimage, as well as financing from the ICAA.

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EAVE project TO THE NORTH Best First Feature at the Romanian Gopo Awards

Premios Platino

EAVE graduates scooped 8 awards at the Premios Platino, the Ibero-American academy awards:

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre Best First Feature Fiction, Best Screenplay, Best Film and Education in Values and Best Supporting Actress (Ane Gabarain)
  • CLOSE YOUR EYES by Víctor Erice, producer: EAVE+ graduates José Alba, Odile Antonio-Baez won Best Supporting Actor
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas won Best Ibero-American Animated Film and Best Original Score
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi was awarded Best Ibero-American Documentary



Estonian Film and Television Awards

THE INVISIBLE FIGHT and SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints won most of the film awards at the Estonian Film and Television Awards.

  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov won nine awards including Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Actress and Best Actor
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat was awarded in the Best Documentary, Best Director, Best Cinematographer and Best Sound categories.



Austrian Diagonale

  • SLEEPING WITH A TIGER by Anja Salomonowitz, producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Svoboda won Outstanding Production Services, Best Actress (Birgit Minichmeyer), Best Production Design (Martin Reiter)
  • THE DEVIL’S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, producer: EAVE + graduate Martina Brokemper won Best Sound Design (Matz Müller, Tobias Fleig)


Irish Film & Television Awards

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won Best International Actress (Emma Stone) and Best Cinematography (Robbie Ryan) Irish Film & Television Awards (IFTA) in Dublin.



Romanian Gopo Awards

  • FREEDOM by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu wins Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay ex aequo, Best Lead Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Production Design, Best Costumes, Best Make-up and Hairstyling at the Romanian National Film Awards, the Gopo Awards.
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler won Best Screenplay ex aequo and Best Lead Actress
  • EAVE and TTB project TO THE NORTH by Mihai Mincan, producers: EAVE and TTB graduates Radu Stancu, co-producers: TTB and EAVE graduate Konstantinos Vassilaros, EAVE graduate Mikulas Novotny, EAVE MW graduate Ioana Lascar won Best Cinematography, Best First Feature and Best New Hope (Niko Becker actor)
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan won Best Documentary



 Slovak Film and Television Academy’s Sun in a Net

  • TONY, SHELLEY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producers: EAVE graduates Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova, Jakub Viktorin won Best Animated Film, Best Cinematography, Best Visual Effects



Armenian National Film Academy Awards

  • THE SONG OF FLYING LEAVES, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Armine Anda won Best Animated Film at the Armenian National Film Academy “Anahit” Awards. The film also won Best Short Animation in the International Competition of the Beirut International Women Film Festival, Lebanon


Cyprus Film Days

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha won Best Director and Best Cinematographer (Monika Lenczewska) in the Glocal Images International Competition
  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE graudate Mario Piperides won Best Cypriot Film and Best Director of a Cypriot Film
  • AFRICA STAR by Adonis Florides, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Piperides won Best Performance in a Cypriot Film (Marina Makris)
  • THE TEACHER by Farah Nabulsi, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi won the Audience Award Industry Days

  • MOTHER TONGUE by Caterina Biasiucci, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Anda Ionescu won the Agora Networking Award
  • SHIBBOLETH by Alexandra Matheou, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki received the PS Movies and Stories Award
  • EAVE project SUN IN SATURN by Ary Zara, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes won the Best Debut Project Pitch Award



Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival

  • FRANKY FIVE STAR by Birgit Möller, producer: EAVE graduate Jamila Wenske won the Silver Méliès at the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival.
  • FLIES by Aritz Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Merry Colomer received a Special Mention.




One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

East Doc Platform awards

  • BIRDIE by Aneta Ptak, producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron won the HBO Max Award

Ex Oriente awards

  • THE POOR CRY TOO by Viktorija Mickute, Ieva Balsiunaite, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite won the Cut Thru the Noise Award

EDP partner awards

  • NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF MAKING FRIENDS by EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan won the Sunny Side of the Doc Prize.




  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy won the Movies That Matter Award of the ZagrebDox International Documentary Film Festival.
  • KIX by David Mikulan, Balint Revesz, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic won the Big Stamp in the Regional Competition, the Small Stamp Award of the Young Jury and the FIPRESCI prize.



Reims Polar

  • BORGO by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate and French National Coordinator Jean des Forêts won the Jury Prize
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova was awarded the Sang Neuf Prize



Las Palmas International Film Festival

  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi won the Silver Lady Harimaguada
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard won Best Performance
  • THROUGH THE GRAVES THE WIND IS BLOWING by Travis Wilkerson, co-written and co-produced by EAVE graduate Ivan Peric received a Special Mention




  • OPERATION SABRE by Vladimir Tagić, Goran Stanković, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen won a Special Interpretation Award.

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS in Swedish cinemas

In French cinemas

  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer. April 3. 
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin. April 3.
  • THROUGH THE NIGHT by Delphine Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart. April 10. 
  • HOLY WEEK by Andrei Cohn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. April 10.
  • BORGO by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate and French National Coordinator Jean des Forêts. April 17.
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele. April 17. 
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust. April 24.



In Belgian cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. April 3. 
  • LITTLE GIRL BLUE by Mona Achache, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland. April 3.
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves. April 3. 
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith. April 24.  




In Dutch cinemas

  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele. April 27. 
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. April 18.



In Swiss cinemas

  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber. April 11. 
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer. April 10.
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper. April 10.



In Austrian cinemas


  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska. March 29.   



In German cinemas

  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber. April 13. 
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele. April 3.
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. April 19. 
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. April 24.



In Estonian cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. April 10. 
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. April 22.  



In Finnish cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. April 19. 
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. April 26.  



In Polish cinemas

  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius. April 19.  



In Romanian cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. April 19.



In Swedish cinemas

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduates Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. April 26.



In Spanish cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. April 19.



In Hungarian cinemas

  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. April 25.  



In Chinese cinemas

  • GONE WITH THE BOAT by Xiaoyu Chen, co-producer: TTB graduate Alina Qu. April 12

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EAVE project SOUVENIRS OF WAR selected for Bolzano Film Festival

Cleveland International Film Festival (April 3 – 13)

  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain 
  • CREATURA by Elena Martin, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic  
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi 
  • TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producers: EAVE graduates Jakub Viktorin, Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi



D’A Barcelona International Auteur Film Festival (April 4 – 14)

  • 8 VIEWS OF LAKE BIWA by Marko Raat, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Dora Nedeczky
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Carine Chichkowsky, Gergana Stankova, Denis Vaslin
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LÉGUA by Filipa Reis and João Miller Guerra, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas.
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • THE PRACTICE by Martin Rejtman, producer: PUENTES, TTB and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


D'A Film Lab Barcelona

  • LA FURIA by Gemma Blasco, producer: PUENTES graduate Mireia Graell 
  • LA MITAD DE ANA by Marta Nieto, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora



Canneseries (April 5 – 10)

  • OPERATION SABRE by Vladimir Tagić, Goran Stanković, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen
  • MORESNET by Frank van Passel, co-producers EAVE graduates Gabriele Simon and Martin Heisler



Reims Polar (April 9 – 14)

  • BORGO by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate and French National Coordinator Jean des Forêts
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu



Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (April 9 – 21)

  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • FLIES by Aritz Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Merry Colomer   
  • FRANKY FIVE STAR by Birgit Möller, producer: EAVE graduate Jamila Wenske 
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas



Visions du Réel, Nyon (April 12 – 21)

  • DIARIES FROM LEBANON by Myriam El Hajj, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • KAMAY by Ilyas Yourish & Shahrokh Bikaran, produced by Hanne Phlypo
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • PREPARATIONS FOR A MIRACLE BY Tobias Nölle, producer: EAVE + graduate Christof Neracher and Gabriele Simon
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • A SHEPHERD by Louis Hanquet, produced by EAVE graduate Valérie Montmartin
  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Genevièvre De Bauw
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE, PUENTES and TTB graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, EAVE graduates Germen Boelens and Julia Alves, TTB graduate Stefano Centini THE MIRACLES OF ALMERIA (Collective work), produced by EAVE graduate Emmy Oost
  • ZLATA by Mattias Bavré, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Brosens


Selected for the VdR-Industry section of the Visions du Réel festival:

  • MAGNETIC LETTERS by Demie Dangla, producer: EAVE participant Laura Kloeckner
  • TO THE MOON AND BACK by Elisa Gomez Alvarez, producer: EAVE graduate Palmyre Badinier



Bolzano Filmfestival, Bozen (April 12 – 21)

  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber
  • EAVE project SOUVENIRS OF WAR by Georg Zeller, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Rattini, Moritz Bonatti
  • ELBOW by Asli Özarslan, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske, co-producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit
  • PERSONA NON GRATA directed and produced by EAVE graduate Antonin Svoboda
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • SALTY WATER by Henrika Kull, producer: EAVE participant Fabian Altenried
  • SLEEPING WITH A TIGER by Anja Salomonowitz, producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Svoboda
  • TOUCHED by Claudia Rorarius, producer: EAVE+ and MW graduate Harry Flöter
  • THE BURITI FLOWER by João Salaviza, Renée Nader Messora, producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE FEVER by Maya Da-Rin, producer: PUENTES and EAVE SLATE graduate Leonardo Mecchi
  • VISTA MARE by Julia Gutweniger, Florian Kofler, producer: EAVE graduate Bernhard Holzhammer
  • WHILE THE GREEN GRASS GROWS by Peter Mettler, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer



ZagrebDox (April 14 – 21)

  • 1001 NIGHTS directed and produced by EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • ARSENIE . AN AMAZING AFTERLIFE by Alexandru Solomon, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • CABIN PRESSURE by Eszter Nagy, Sára Czira, producer: EAVE participant Patricia D'intino
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producer: EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo, Veselka Kiryakova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides
  • FAIRY GARDEN by Gergő Somogyvari, co-producer: EAVE graduate Sára László
  • GIRL AWAY FROM HOME by Simon Lereng Wilmont, Alisa Kovalenko, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Stevnbak Westergren
  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, produced by EAVE graduates Katarína Tomková, Tomas Michalek
  • SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, produced by EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau, CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze
  • THE STANDSTILL by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Austrian National Coordinator Michael Kitzberger
  • WHILE THE GREEN GRASS GROWS by Peter Mettler, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer



Istanbul Film Festival (April 17 – 28)

  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • ELBOW by Asli Özarslan, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske, co-producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart, PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard 
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE graudate Mario Piperides
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoît Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


Meetings on the Bridge:

Film Development Workshop

  • ILLETLER by Deniz Tortum, producer: EAVE graduate Annamaria Aslanoglu
  • PIATRAMARE by Gökce Erdem, producer: EAVE graduate Ipek Erden

Work in Progress

  • APOLLON BY DAY ATHENA BY NIGHT by Emine Yildirim, producer: EAVE graduate Emine Yildirim
  • BEST OF FUNERAL SONGS, producer: EAVE graduate Annamaria Aslanoglu

German-Turkish Co-Production Development Fund

  • HEZEYAN by Ali Özgür Baltaoglu, producer: EAVE participant Linus Günther



Las Palmas International Film Festival (April 19 – 28)

  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard
  • THROUGH THE GRAVES THE WIND IS BLOWING by Travis Wilkerson, co-written and co-produced by EAVE graduate Ivan Peric
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis



Cyprus Film Days (April 21 – 29)

  • AFRICA STAR by Adonis Florides, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Piperides
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • EAVE project BEHIND THE HAYSTACKS by Asimina Proedrou, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti
  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE gradudate Mario Piperides
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • THE TEACHER by Farah Nabulsi, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi


Dot.on.the.Map Industry Days

  • MIA HARA by Simon Farmakas, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • MOTHER TONGUE by Caterina Biasiucci, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Anda Ionescu
  • SHIBBOLETH by Alexandra Matheou, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki 
  • EAVE project SUN IN SATURN by Ary Zara, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes
  • UNDER THE JUDAS TREE by Christos Houliaras, producer: EAVE SLATE graduate and EAVE participant Mina Dreki



goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, Wiesbaden (April 24 – 30)

  • BAURYNA SALU by Ashkat Kuchinchirekov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anna Katchko
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Carine Chichkowsky, Gergana Stankova, Denis Vaslin
  • DAYBREAK by Gentian Koci, co-producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou
  • EAVE project LOOKING FOR VENERA by Norika Sefa, producer: EAVE graduate Besnik Krapi
  • HOLY WEEK by Andrei Cohn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • JANUARY by Viesturs Kairiss, producers: EAVE graduates Inese Boka-Grube, Gints Grube, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • MILLION MOMENTS by Amalie Kovarova, producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny
  • OXYGEN STATION by Ivan Tymchenko, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Krupenin
  • SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, produced by EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau, CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, producer: EAVE graduates Agnieszka Dziedzic, Jan Naszewski
  • WORKING CLASS GOES TO HELL by Mladen Djordjevic, producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Maria Drandaki, Anamaria Antoci



Far East Film Festival (April 24 – May 2)

  • ROOKIE by Samantha Lee, producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena
  • WHEN THIS IS ALL OVER by Kevin Mayuga, producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena



All Genres Project Market 2024

  • 1982 directed and produced by TTB graduate Diep Nguyen Hoang
  • A BALLAD OF LONG HAIR by Giovanni Rustanto, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Fran Borgia
  • EAVE project KYUSHU MOON by Stéphanie Argerich, producer: EAVE graduate Katia Monla
  • THE HORSE by Yi-tzu Lan, producer: TTB graduate Celine Kao

Far East in Progress 2024

  • I, THE SONG by Dechen Roder, producer: TTB graduate Stefano Centini, Fernanda Renno, Johann Chapelan
  • MONGRELS by Yerome Yoo, producer: EAVE ACCESS graduate Nach Dudsdeemaytha
  • TALE OF THE LAND by Loeloe Hendra, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Yulia Evina Bhara


TIES THAT BIND, EAVE’s Asia – Europe Co-Production Workshop is taking place during Far East Film Festival, from April 28th until May 2nd.



Hot Docs (April 25 – May 5)

  • 7 BEATS PER MINUTE by Yuqi Kang, producer: CPI graduate Sherien Barsoum
  • THE CLICK TRAP by Peter Porta, producer: EAVE graduate Marieke van den Bersselaar
  • DEVI by Subina Shrestha, producer: EAVE graduate Heejung Oh
  • DIARIES FROM LEBANON by Myriam El Hajj, producers: EAVE graduates Myriam Sassine, Carine Ruszniewski
  • DRAWING A LINE by Sama Pana, producer: EAVE graduates Hanne Phlypo, Estelle Robin You, Marion Guth, François Le Gall
  • THE FABULOUS GOLD HARVESTING MACHINE by Alfredo Pourailly De La Plaza, producer: EAVE graduate Annemiek van der Hell
  • FARMING THE REVOLUTION by Nishtha Jain, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Montmartin
  • A FRENCH YOUTH by Jérémie Battaglia, producer: EAVE graduate Elodie Pollet
  • IMMORTALS by Maja Tschumi, producer: EAVE graduate Nadine Lüchinger
  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel
  • MARCHING IN THE DARK by Kinshuk Surjan, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • MY SEXTORTION DIARY by Patricia Franquesa, producer: PUENTES and MW graduate Mireia Graell
  • THE NEW MAN by Carlos Yuri Ceuninck, producer: EAVE graduate Alyaa Musa, Aurélien Bodinaux, MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt
  • NICE LADIES by Mariia Ponomarova, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramer
  • SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, produced by EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau, CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze
  • THE STORY OF NE KUKO by Festus Toll, producer: EAVE graduate Janneke Doolaard
  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producer: EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo, Veselka Kiryakova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides
  • AN UNFINISHED JOURNEY by Aeyliya Husain, Amie Williams, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Uzu
  • WOMAN OF GOD by Maja Prettner, EAVE graduate Bostjan Virc

Hot Docs Forum

  • AUTUMN OF THE PATRIARCH by Anna Bogoliubova, co-producers: EAVE graduates Valéria Montmartin, Sinisa Juricic
  • IMAGO by Déni Oumar Pitsaev, producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guégan, PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont
  • POWER, ELAINE by Mila Turajlić, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • TEA WITH THE TALIBAN by Ovidio Salazar, producer: EAVE Documentary Expert Sylvia Stevens
  • THIS LAND OF OURS directed and produced by ACCESS graduate Ngardy Conteh George
  • UNDER THE FLAGS, THE SUN by Juanjo Pereira, producers: PUENTES graduates Paula Zyngierman, Gabriela Sabaté, Leandro Listorti

Deal Maker

  • THE ART OF WAR by Grecia Barbieri, Gonzalo Benavente Secco, producer: PUENTES graduate Carolina Denegri
  • THE GOOD MAN OF PACHALUM by Renato Borrayo Serrano, producer: PUENTES graduate Inés Nofuentes
  • WAR ON WOMEN by Maris Salumets, producer: EAVE graduate Elina Litvinova



San Francisco International Film Festival (April 25 – May 5)

  • THE TEACHER by Farah Nabulsi, producer: Ossama Bawardi
  • THE PRACTICE by Martin Rejtman, producer: PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi



Crossing Europe, Linz (April 30 – May 5)

  • BAAN by Leonor Teles, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY von Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • DAY OF THE TIGER by Andrei Tanase, producers: EAVE graduates Anamaria Antoci, Konstantina Stavrianou
  • ELBOW by Asli Özarslan, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske, co-producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit, Annamaria Aslanoglu
  • ELECTRA by Daria Kashcheeva, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky
  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE graudate Mario Piperides
  • HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • LAZZARO FELICE by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • MELK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • PLANET B by Pieter Van Eecke, producers: EAVE graduates Hanne Phlypo, Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • REPRODUKTION by Katharina Pethke, producer: EAVE graduate Julia Cöllen
  • SILENT SUN OF RUSSIA by Sybilla Tuxen, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic
  • THE HYPNOSIS by Ernst De Geer, producer: PUENTES and EAVE graduate Elise Fernanda Pirir
  • VIKA! by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert


THE SONG OF FLYING LEAVES, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Armine Anda has been selected for the Music & Cinema International Festival Marseille, France and the Reel2Reel Film Festival for Youth, Canada.



IDA Getting Real Conference

Stronger Together: Collectives and Mobilizing Around the World

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 4:00 PM PDT

Moderator: Pulkit Datta (Tikkun Olam Productions)

Panelists: Mohamed Saïd Ouma (DocA/East Africa Screen Collective), EAVE participant Laura Kloeckner (SAVVY Contemporary/United Screens), EAVE graduate Melissa Adeyemo (Yetu Collective)

Filmmakers perpetually face challenges from fundraising to pairing up with solid partners, managing post-production details and legal requirements, and launching and promoting their final work, not to mention simple job security in a world of contract work. Filmmakers from the Global South and from underrepresented groups also face the colossal task of trying to shift well-worn narratives about their communities, homes, and lives. But we don't have to do this alone. One of the most powerful and simplest strategies to tackling these difficulties involves deliberately coming together to pool resources, share knowledge, and perhaps most importantly, provide intangible encouragement for each other's projects and cheerleading for each other's successes.

In this session, we’ll hear from members of different collectives that were formed in order to move member projects, careers, and companies forward in strategic and coordinated ways. What problems are these collectives trying to address? What methods are they using to do so? What have they been able to accomplish and build? What setbacks have they faced along the way?  Most importantly, how are they setting up models for relationships that when replicated on a larger scale, will help us move towards a more just and distributed future?

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@ TIES THAT BIND W2, April 28 - May 2, Udine (IT)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp (April 28 - 30), EAVE Project Manager Tanika Sajatovic

@ Cannes Film Festival, May 16 - 21, Cannes (FR)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo

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TIES THAT BIND kicks-off in Udine!

The second workshop of the 15th edition of TIES THAT BIND will take place between April 28 – May 2, 2024, in Udine, in parallel to FOCUS ASIA, the Industry section of the Udine Far East Film Festival.

Under the guidance of the two group leaders, Bianca Balbuena (Kroma Entertainment - Anima Studios, PH) and Jonas Weydemann (Weydemann Bros., DE), the participants will continue developing their projects, companies and careers.

The rich programme of plenary sessions is prepared in collaboration with FOCUS ASIA. It will feature three case studies:

  • Thomas Bruxelle (Bright Lights Films, FR) will give insight into the remake and Netflix success story of RESTLESS
  • TTB graduates Bianca Balbuena and Bradley Liew (Epicmedia Productions, PH) and Stefano Centini (Volos Films, IT/TW) produced VIET AND NAM by Trương Minh Quý (Un Certain Regard Cannes 2024). Together with Christian Jilka (Scarlet Visions, DE) they will share their experience on this 8-country-co-production.
  • Vincent Wang will elaborate on co-producing BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako (Berlinale Competition 2024)

Furthermore, Sami Arpa (Largo Films, CH) will give a hands-on workshop on AI usage for film industry.

VIET AND NAM © Epicmedia Productions, Volos Films


The TTB participants will receive feedback on the distribution potential of their projects from top-notch European and Asian distributors such as Kana Koido (The Klockworks, JP), Vincent Quek (Anticipate Pictures, SG), Albert Yao (Swallow Wings Films, TW), Johanna Mayer (Jour2Fête, FR), Alberto Vandenbroucke (Surtsey Films, ES) and TTB graduate Stephan Holl (Rapid Eye Movies, DE).

Individual meetings with TTB experts will be organised on topics such sales strategies with Nathalie Jeung (Kinology, FR) and PUENTES graduate Marie Lamboeuf (Urban Sales, FR), private equity financing with Winnie Lau (JEM Production, HK), Asian films and festival strategies with Roger Garcia (General Film Services, UK/HK) and Marco Müller (Taormina Film Festival, IT). TTB’s script consultants Clare Downs (UK) and Nayeem Mahbub (EE/BD) will focus on developing the participants’ scripts, and the TTB’s pitching consultant Sibylle Kurz (DE) will work on their presentation and communication skills. Career participants will meet with TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher (Ici et Là Productions, FR) to address company-, career- or project-related questions.

The participants will also have individual meetings with key industry professionals at Focus Asia and benefit from meeting the participants of the second edition of the Distribution Lab organised in partnership with Europa Distribution and Focus Asia. Once again it will bring to Udine over 20 distributors from over 15 countries. The 2-day workshop will include case studies, group work and screenings, and will be entirely dedicated to discovering and sharing best practices and innovative strategies for promoting the distribution of Asian cinema in Europe and vice versa.

The selected participants are:


  •  Acone Acone, IFFR Pro | International Film Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands


  •  Haziqah Azemi, Kapsul Studio, Malaysia
    • Project: GAREK by Cech Adrea


  •  Svetlana Cherrier, Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire, France


  • Stefano Chiavarini, Piroetta, Italy


  • Marta Cruañas, Canada, Spain


  •  Guillaume Dreyfus, Tripode Productions, France
    • Project: THREE TIMES JENNY by Milena Beurer Doenst


  •  Florence Giovani, Studio Antelope, Indonesia
    • Project: FIRST BREATH AFTER COMA by Jason Iskandar


  • Martin Horyna, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Czech Republic


  • Frauke Kolbmüller, Oma Inge Film, Germany
    • Project: IF I STAY by Su-Jin Song


  •  Maya Korn, MHK Productions, UK/Germany
    • Project: ICON by Christina YR Lim


  • Mina Moteki, Kowatanda Films, Japan
    • Project: TIDES by Anshul Chauhan


  • Alex Poblete, Los Otros, Philippines
    • Project: THE BOY AND THE FIGHT OF SPIDERS by Jarell Mahinay Serencio


  •  Yu-Hao Su, InLight Film Studio, Taiwan
    • Project: WILL YOU STILL BE MY FRIEND by Po Shun Lu


  • Katalina Tobón, BAM - Bogotá Audiovisual Market, Spain


  • Carna Vucinic, Naked, Serbia
    • Project: HOLY DAD by Dusan Zoric & Matija Gluscevic


TIES THAT BIND is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival and the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union.

For more information please contact:

EAVE Project Manager - Tanika Sajatovic:,

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Equitable Co-Productions: Join Us for the EAVE Impact Think Tank Panel in Cannes!

Dear EAVE members,

The 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank took place in Trieste in January this year in partnership with When East Meets West and it focused on equitable approaches to co-production. The collaborative event brought together key professionals to come up with concrete suggestions and innovative ideas for our future.

We will present the key findings of the EAVE Impact Think Tank in Cannes, thanks to the partnership with Marché du Film, and as part of its programs, impACT, at a public panel to which you are warmly invited! The event takes place during the Co-production Day of the Marché du Film.

Empowering Producers: Best Practices for Equitable Co-Productions

Saturday, May 18th,  from 10:00-11:00

At Palais Stage (-1 Palais des Festivals)

Producers, unpack the 2024 EAVE Impact Think Tank recommendations on inclusive co-productions and delve into actionable strategies and success stories to empower fellow producers to navigate collaborations with integrity and innovation.

Moderated by EAVE graduate Tamara Dawit, Gobez Media


  • EAVE graduate Ada Solomon, Micro Film
  • EAVE graduate Karen Harnisch, Film Forge
  • EAVE graduate Emile Hertling Péronard, Ánorâk Film 
  • Mohamed Ouma, Documentary Africa

If you wish to attend, please save the date!

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EAVE Producers Workshop in Trondheim (June 7 - 14, 2024) also opens its doors to Norwegian producers and professionals with a tailor-made programme.

All plenary sessions of the workshop will be open for all interested industry professionals and film students to attend.

In addition, 10 participants from Norway with a project (fiction feature or documentary) will be selected for a special local EAVE programme tailor-made for their needs.

EAVE@Trondheim will take place over 2 days in between June 8 - 9th, 2024.

This workshop will consist of  group work, one-to-one mentoring and plenary sessions by various EAVE experts (on topics such as career development, co-production finance, the international market, festival strategies, marketing and story development), and of networking with the 56 EAVE participants from 36 different countries as well as with all EAVE experts, guests and team.

The exact contents will be defined according to the final selection of participants.

Check out the list of some of the EAVE experts already confirmed for the workshop.

  • Sarah CALDERON (The Film Agency, ES)
  • Martin DANIEL (US)
  • Jean DES FORETS (Petit Film, FR)
  • Didar DOMEHRI (Maneki Films, FR)
  • Clare DOWNS (UK)
  • Matti HALONEN (Wolfberry Film, FI)
  • Ankica JURIC TILIC (Kinorama, HR)
  • Petri KEMPPINEN (P1 Kemppinen, FI)
  • Michael KITZBERGER (Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion, AT)
  • Peter Bille KROGH (European Collection Agency, DK)
  • Sibylle KURZ (DE)
  • Lise LENSE-MØLLER (Magic Hour Films, DK)
  • Nayeem MAHBUB (EE/BD)
  • Pierre-Emmanuel MOUTHUY (Mouthuy Avocats, BE)
  • Nicola OFOEGO (Balck Mic Mac, FR)
  • Arash T. RIAHI (Golden Girls Filmproduktion, AT)
  • Lucas SCHMIDT (Studio Zentral, DE)
  • Riina SILDOS (Amrion, EE)
  • Esther SPRINGER (Creators Inc, UK)
  • Sylvia STEVENS (UK)

Our target group are upcoming producers who already have a track record and credit as producer (of short or long feature films and/or documentaries) and who are willing to open up to the international market and to co-produce internationally.

To apply for this special programme, please download the application form here and send the enclosed application form, as well as other documents specified in it, to by May 3, 2024.

Participation at EAVE@Trondheim is free of cost. For the travel and accommodation costs, you might be eligible for a travel grant from your regional film centre, after the selection is confirmed (early May).

EAVE@Trondheim is organized in co-operation with FilmInvest, The Norwegian Film Institute, Midtnorsk Filmsenter and Mantra Film c/o Gary Cranner.

Further information:

Satu Elo,

Gary Cranner (local coordinator of the workshop in Trondheim),

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Empowering Moroccan female filmmakers: Interview with EAVE graduate Lamia Chraibi on Tamayouz Cinéma Foundation

Since its creation in 1988, EAVE has been actively involved in the global transformation of the European film industry as a key player, promoting cross-border and interdisciplinary collaboration. We empower graduates to become agents of change, shaping their local, regional and national communities like "rings in the water". The EAVE community is committed to sharing its experience and expertise to support and transform business - and society - in a collaborative effort.

New tutors and experts constantly emerge from the pool of past participants, and knowledge spreads globally through community members. We explore this "ripple effect" in a series of interviews where EAVE graduates talk about their inspiring new initiatives, such as training programs, funding initiatives or networking events in their countries, with the aim of making an impact on the industry.

EAVE graduate Lamia Chraibi is one of the five founders of the Tamayouz Cinéma Foundation in Morocco, which aims to give young Moroccan women easier access to the film industry, particularly in the production sectorIt also aims to encourage young female talent, foster exchanges and collaboration in the region, and create equal opportunities and greater visibility for Moroccan filmmakers at home and internationally.

EAVE: Could you give us an overview of the Tamayouz Cinéma Foundation's activities in Morocco and the specific professionals it targets?

Lamia Chraibi: The Tamayouz Cinéma Foundation aims to provide young female talent with the necessary platform to professionalize their production skills, help them move from improvisation to professionalism in independent film production and gain visibility on the national and international scenes.


What kind of support do you give to female talent, and how does your initiative contribute to better access to the national and international film industry?

Our initiative provides support for female talent aspiring to enter the film industry. We offer scholarships to young women wishing to enter Morocco's private film school, ESAV. In addition, we support them in the development phase of their first feature film by organizing workshops that accompany them through the development phase of their first feature film. We offer ongoing mentoring to guide them through the process of structuring the project, both in terms of writing and financing.

We are aware of the financial difficulties that often accompany the development of film projects in our part of the world. To remedy this, we want to provide financial assistance to project owners, covering various development expenses.

It's very important to establish networks within the Moroccan film industry and among our participants: through these connections, we facilitate dialogue and awareness-raising on gender issues, creating a supportive community that strengthens talent and gives them better access to opportunities in the national and international film industry.


What are the main issues and challenges facing the Moroccan film industry that you hope to address with the program?

First of all, we're tackling the problem of insufficient communication between industry professionals and supervisory bodies. The main objective is to improve coordination and alignment between stakeholders, in order to facilitate operations and growth within the industry. We are also tackling the limited representation of women in the film professions. We strive to break down barriers and create pathways for female talent to enter and thrive in diverse roles within the industry, promoting diversity and inclusion. Our program tackles gender disparities, both on screen and behind the camera. We seek to challenge stereotypes and promote equality between men and women throughout the film production process.

We also try to address the problem of elitist access to the industry by offering opportunities, resources and support to budding filmmakers from diverse backgrounds. By democratizing access and creating pathways for emerging talent, we aim to create a more inclusive and representative film community.

We need to recognize the pervasiveness of the problem of harassment, particularly in male-dominated industries like film. Through education, advocacy and support systems, we are trying to create safer and more respectful working environments, ensuring that all individuals can pursue their passion for filmmaking without fear or intimidation.

Finally, our program aims to address the significant absence of creative producers capable of driving change. By providing training, mentoring and networking opportunities, we aim to give a new generation of producers the skills, knowledge and vision to positively transform Moroccan cinema.


How does the Tamayouz Foundation plan to contribute to the long-term sustainability and growth of the Moroccan film industry? Are there any strategic partnerships or collaborations in the pipeline?

We have strategic partnerships with leading academic institutions, notably our collaboration with Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, and we are working closely with the Ministries of Culture and the Moroccan Film Center. Also, by working with Moroccan film schools, ISMAC and ESAV, we ensure that we remain connected to the next generation of talent. We open our doors to young graduates and offer them concrete opportunities in the film world. We are committed to supporting their successful transition into the industry.

Our aim is to collaborate with the Atlas workshops of the Marrakech International Film Festival, a prestigious platform for international film professionals. By joining this festival, we will be offering young Moroccan producers a unique opportunity to showcase their work and prove themselves on the international scene. This is an important first step for them, as it's taking place in their own country.

We would also like to emphasize that during our training courses, we attach great importance to the rigorous selection of speakers. We ensure that they are experienced and recognized professionals in their field, to guarantee that participants benefit from diverse expertise and constant updates on the realities of the film industry.


In your experience, what role does mentoring play in nurturing emerging talent, particularly in the context of the Moroccan film industry? Can you share any success stories or notable impacts resulting from the mentoring programs?

We are currently in discussion with internationally recognized Moroccan producers to host young producers for a mentoring program throughout the making of their first feature film. We firmly believe in the importance of personalized support for emerging talent, and this mentorship will offer them a unique opportunity to learn from seasoned experts in the Moroccan film industry, who have proven themselves on a global scale. The exchange of knowledge will encourage innovation and strengthen ties between generations of Moroccan film professionals. Collaborating with a reputable production company with an extensive filmography can bring invaluable credibility to young producers starting out in the field. They will benefit not only from advice and expertise but also from the enhancement of their legitimacy through association with the established track record of the company.

Mentoring plays a crucial role for emerging talent in the Moroccan film industry. Despite formal education, there are practical challenges to navigating the industry, often without accessible guidance. Mentoring goes beyond sharing facts; it's about exchanging experiences, providing advice and creating a safe space to ask questions without judgment. For example, the invaluable support and advice provided by Noreddine Sail was instrumental in the early stages of my career, and the lessons learned from this mentoring still stay with me today.

In its early years, the Tamayouz Cinéma Foundation had the privilege of supporting talented individuals through scholarships. Zineb Ouakrim stood out, her short film winning a prize in the Cinef' program at the Cannes Film Festival. Basma Rkioui successfully completed her studies at the FEMIS summer school and the Filmakademie, marking a milestone in her cinematic career. Houda El Anbri entered the professional arena by securing a position in the dubbing industry.


What are your upcoming events and projects? Are there any initiatives on the horizon that you're particularly excited about, or that you think will have a significant impact?

I'm delighted with the launch of the first of three sessions of TAP01 (our first program designed to support our talented young professionals in developing their projects in line with international industry standards), and we're already planning the second edition, taking into account current developments. We look forward to continuing our scholarship program. In addition, we recognize a great need for knowledge in the field of distribution, and are therefore planning to organize a workshop for producers and distributors. We are also looking forward to expanding our team to approach more funding opportunities and to plan the future of Ateliers professionnels Tamayouz with a stronger budget for more action.

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EAVE+ 14th Edition: Strategies for Sustainable Film Production Companies

The 14th edition of EAVE+ takes place from April 19-24, 2024 at Hotel Légère Premium in Luxembourg. The workshop will gather 14 experienced producers from 10 countries to discuss the structure of their companies, best management practices and new business models, guided by a hand-picked selection of seasoned industry professionals

We are grateful to our scholarship partners and their support to the selected workshop participants:

  • Canada Media Fund with a special scholarship for companies owned by persons from Racialized or Indigenous communities: Éric Idriss-Kanago (Yzanakio, Canada) 
  •  SODEC: Daniela Mujica (Productions Ocho, Canada)
  • CineLink: Tamara Babun (Wolfgang&Dolly, Croatia)

See the complete list of participants below.

In tailor-made sessions according to the participants’ needs and company profiles, EAVE+ will tackle the most pressing issues for producers who want to run a sustainable company: Transformational processes in film companies, diversification, new business models and company constellations, which we will explore via a series of inspiring company case studies by Frédéric Fioré (Logical Pictures, FR) and Line Winther Skyum Funch & Helen Ahlsson (Nordic Drama Queens, SE).

The workshop will tackle the business requirements of running a sustainable film company and address the challenges related to working with streamers and private equity.

Marc Bordure (FR), General and Financial CFO of the French production company AGAT FILMS & Cie / Ex Nihilo, will explore questions related to company finance. Sophie Erbs (Gaïjin, FR) will analyse together with the participants their company business plans and strategies.

Program Director of Leadership Academy of Poland Olga Brzezińska and Polish producer Anna Różalska (Match&Spark) will offer a half-day module on Leadership & Entrepreneurship.

Management coach Michael Comyn (The Time Signal Limited, IE) will work with the participants in individual meetings on their personal leadership and management skills.

Alexander Glehr from FILM AG (AT), Bernard Michaux from Samsa Film (LU) & Noémie Sornet from FUSE Film (FR) and Jožko Rutar from SPOK Films (SI) will share their insights into some recent innovative initiatives and survival strategies for small and medium-sized companies.

EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges (Samsa Film, LU), will lead group discussions analysing in depth the individual company cases of the selected participants.

Additionally, participants will be able to go into more detail into the topics which are most urgent and most important to them and to their particular companies, during one-to-one meetings with the EAVE+ pedagogical team and with each other.

“If the EAVE Producers workshop was a turning point for my career as a producer, the EAVE+ is a similarly important step for me as an entrepreneur.”

Boštjan Virc, Studio Virc D.O.O., Slovenia

“A workshop that all producers should attend to learn more about their company and their production ecosystem, but also themselves.”

Jeanne-Marie Poulain, Art et Essai, Canada

EAVE+ takes place once a year in Luxembourg with different experts and curates the most urgent, contemporary topics for each session according to industry needs.

EAVE+ is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union and Film Fund Luxembourg.


  • Amka Films Productions: Michela Pini & Amel Soudani (IT/CH)
  • Biônica Filmes: Karen Castanho (BR)
  • Fiction Park: Maria Tsigka (DE)
  • Fralita Films : Zivile Gallego (LT)
  • Harmonica Films: Per Janérus (SE)
  • Kinocompany: Katja Koivisto & Ari Matikainen (FI)
  • Nafta Films: Diana Mikita (EE)
  • Productions Ocho: Daniela Mujica (CA)
  • Samsara Filmproduktion: Loredana Rehekampff & Andreas Schmied (AT)
  • Yzanakio: Éric Idriss-Kanago (CA)
  • Wolfgang&Dolly: Tamara Babun (HR)

More information on

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Diversity of filmmakers in the Irish screen industry: Interview with EAVE graduates Katie Holly and Evan Horan on X-Pollinator

EAVE has been actively engaging in the overall transformation of the European film industry as a key player, promoting cross-border and cross-disciplinary collaboration since its inception in 1988. We empower graduates to become agents of change and shape their local, regional and national communities, like “rings in the water”. The EAVE community is committed to sharing experience and expertise to sustain and transform the business - and society – in a collaborative effort.

New tutors and experts constantly emerge from the pool of past participants and knowledge spreads globally through the members of the community. We are exploring this ‘ripple effect’ in a series of interviews where EAVE graduates talk about their inspiring new initiatives, such as training programmes, funding initiatives or networking events in their countries, with the scope of having on impact on the industry.


In this interview, Katie Holly and Evan Horan of X-Pollinator, both EAVE graduate producers, talk about their inspiring initiative to foster diversity in the Irish screen industry. Gain valuable insights into their mission to promote gender equality and inclusivity while advocating for emerging talent and nurturing cross-disciplinary collaborations.


EAVE: What is X-Pollinator and how did you come up with the name for your initiative?

Katie Holly: The idea for X-Pollinator came from the desire to try and make a real change in the diversity of filmmakers in the Irish screen industry.  It was inspired by my own experience doing an initiative called Catalyst (through which I produced my first feature, many moons ago) which the Irish Film Board, as it was known at the time, ran over two weekends, with a view to fully funding three low budget films. 150 aspiring writers, directors and producers spent time together and from that three films were made through the scheme, but at least 7 more came out of it directly from the relationships made at the workshops. I thought if we could do the same for female, non-binary and trans talent we could actually make some change so recruited my colleague Evan Horan who had brilliant experience with festivals and events, and Lara Hickey who was coming from a stellar background producing theatre into film to start X-Pollinator. 

The name was a play on the X-chromosome, and also our desire to have a true cross disciplinary approach, bringing in artists and practitioners across writing, directing and producing, and other practitioners working in film and TV, but also artists from other creative industries such as theatre, comedy, performance, advertising, literature and journalism who have ambitions to create and want to make work for the screen. Lara was instrumental in helping recruit practitioners beyond those already working for the screen.

Evan Horan: Our initiative, which has been running for five years now, provides the space for our participants to meet, develop, network and share ideas, and to help with the cross pollination of future creative teams and projects.


Could you share an overview of the programs offered by X-Pollinator and who are the specific professionals they target?

EH: When we set out our goal was to support participants at the more emerging stage of their career, so anyone who hadn’t yet made a feature or similar was eligible to apply.  Over the course of the five years of X-Pollinator, we have managed to run different programmes that each year has a distinct purpose, addressing an identified gap in the Irish screen industry. In 2019, we started our goal of addressing gender diversity with X-Pollinator 2019, a two-weekend event which saw 140 participants, 37 sessions and 63 industry guest speakers inspire collaborations and networking amongst the next wave of female Irish talent.  

After our launch, we were then affected by the pandemic and had to pivot our initiative’s event online. We then followed up with INCUBATOR, a female-driven development initiative that aimed to build on the success of X-Pollinator 2019 to encourage and support collaborations between teams of X-Pollinator participants to create new feature film or TV pitches and treatments. INCUBATOR offered a paid and structured period of development for six projects, providing support in the form of mentorship, script editing and pitch creation, enabling writers to work up treatments with creative and practical input from their director and producer teammates.

In 2021, we launched ELEVATOR, a development programme that identified and supported twenty emerging and diverse female and non-binary writers and directors; it was our goal to actively seek out and support a deeper range of under-represented and emerging voices. Through case studies and panels, ELEVATOR offered participants a comprehensive understanding of the development process, and of the opportunities and careers in writing and directing for the screen, pitching, how to find a producer, and a chance to build a network of collaborators.  

KH: After two years online, X-Pollinator was keen to get back in the room; in 2023, we then ran CREATOR, an immersive residential talent development lab for twelve directors who took part in a week-long residency in Adare, Co. Limerick, working on their own individual projects under the guidance of renowned director Aisling Walsh (MAUDIE, SONG FOR A RAGGY BOY) as our lead Creative Mentor, and featured speakers such as Clio Barnard (ALI & AVA), Sophie Hyde (GOOD LUCK TO YOU, LEO GRANDE), Kate Dolan (YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER), and Frank Berry (AISHA).

And this year, we felt there was a need to run a large-scale event again, with 140 participants, and X-Pollinator 2024 was held in TU Dublin School of Media earlier this year.  We also try to do an event every year at a film festival, which have always been really well attended and shows the need and importance of such networks, so this aspect is something we hope to be able to offer more of, in terms of more regular networking opportunities.


How do you measure the success of your initiatives in promoting gender diversity and equality within the screen industry?

KH: As we have grown and delivered a range of different programmes, we have continued to champion our X-Pollinator participants and their productions and successes. X-Pollinator participation is frequently noted as a marker in participants careers, and we are so thrilled to be a part of their professional journeys. Beyond the intangible impact and positive feedback there have also been multiple tangible outcomes from X-Pollinator with collaborations and productions such as the establishment and launch of Raising Films Ireland; various award winning Screen Ireland funded shorts including SHADOW (Janna Kemperman), LAMB (Sinead O’Loughlin), and WAITING DAY (Grace Dyas); three former participants were named Screen Rising Stars Ireland - Collie McCarthy, Mia Mullarkey and Katie McNeice; three projects from INCUBATOR have since received development support from Screen Ireland - HIT WHERE IT HURTS (Roisin Agnew), DAUGHTERHOOD (Karen Healy and Claire Frances Byrne) and SHAY (Mia Mullarkey), and finally one of CREATOR participants director Claire Frances Byrne will be launching her feature debut READY OR NOT.  We were also thrilled to be nominated for a Big Screen Diversity & Inclusion Award last year which felt like a real recognition of our work.  We continue to see the need and the positive impact we have for the opportunity to contribute to making the Irish screen industry more diverse, inclusive and successful.


How have you observed gender diversity and equality evolve within both the Irish and international film industries since the inception of your initiatives?

EH: While as an initiative, X-Pollinator’s position on this point remains positive and hopeful; our viewpoint is to create opportunity and action change in order to address the lack of gender diversity, and not dwell on the general state of the industry. Of course, there has been a lot of advancements in recent years but more needs to be done.

The statistics in relation to female writers, directors and producers remain at a critically low level. In particular, we look to the European Audiovisual Observatory who recently released findings that only 26% of European feature films were directed by women from 2018 – 2022. Justine Triet, this year, became the eighth woman ever to be nominated for the Best Director Academy Award. And we have also seen the Re-Framing the Picture report that recently showed the UK film industry may achieve gender parity by 2085 – only sixty-one years to go!  

In terms of Ireland specifically, there have certainly been improvements in the number of female writers and directors getting funded and produced and studies show that projects helmed by women tend to have more diversity throughout both in front of and behind the camera, so it’s a virtuous circle that helps further change happen. 

When it comes to other equality measures and across crew representation progress is slower, and data is lacking to understand our starting point so we can measure and set meaningful targets for change.  We would also be curious to know more about total funding awards and budget levels broken down by gender, we’d expect there is still quite a disparity there. With costs of production increasing and challenges in the market, it’s more important than ever to ensure that those at the earlier stage in their careers particularly those from more diverse groups can have opportunities to make their first features, and that it’s sustainable.  Shorts and other schemes are great but really market finance beyond local funders will only come after people have made their first feature, Kate Dolan is a brilliant recent example of that, so we hope we can help advocate for first feature funding pathways locally too.  It is clear there is still a crucial need to improve gender balance and diversity in the industry worldwide, and in terms of our work, specifically in Ireland, we remain motivated to keep going and continue this work.


Could you elaborate on the process of establishing an Irish branch of Raising Films, a support network for parents and carers in the screen sectors?

KH: The establishment of Raising Films Ireland has most definitely been one of our biggest measures of success across our years of running X-Pollinator.

In 2019, during our inaugural event in 2019, we invited writer/director Hope Dickson Leach (THE LEVELLING) for a Director in Focus panel. Hope is a co-founder of Raising Films, and was interested in helping set up an Irish branch of the organisation. During a coffee break after the panel, Hope was approached by a large number of participants, inspired by her talk and eager to be a part of establishing this new body; emails were exchanged and not too long after, Raising Films Ireland was launched and it’s been hugely active in trying to make the Irish screen industries a more welcoming place to work for those that are carers.

Working towards a more inclusive screen industry is a main goal for X-Pollinator, which is a shared mission for Raising Films Ireland who want to make the screen industry accessible for parents and carers. Over our recent X-Pollinator events, we have had childcare onsite available for our participants as well as an accessibility fund set aside in our budget, in order to address any barriers for our participants and help those who may not have been able to attend otherwise.


What upcoming events or projects do you have planned? Are there any initiatives on the horizon that you're particularly excited about?

KH: We just wrapped on X-Pollinator 2024 which took place over one weekend in late February. This marked our return to a large-scale event which saw 140 participants, 23 sessions and 39 industry guest speakers including directors Ella Glendining (IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THERE?), Aoife McArdle (SEVERANCE), Sofia Exarchou (ANIMAL) and producers Cleona Ní Chrualaoí (AN CAILÍN CIÚIN) and Maria Drandaki of Homemade Films and EAVE Producers Workshop alumni.

We intend to run one major X-Pollinator event every year so we are now in the process of figuring out our 2025 plans. We do see potential in taking our cross-pollination idea further, for instance with our CREATOR Directors Lab, might there be opportunities to expand this into Europe, partnering with other European screen agencies for a bi-lateral event.

EH: We have also managed to secure some funding from our long-standing supporters Coimisiún na Meán to develop our network of over 310 participants, and run smaller events throughout the year to ensure our previous participants remain engaged with X-Pollinator, and to continue to highlight and cheerlead their work.  We plan to do some year-round meet ups, which could be screenings, networking reception, or panels.  We want to keep this networking growing and support our participants as they develop their careers.

I have always been an admirer of the BFI Flare x BAFTA development programme which showcases and supports six LGBTQIA+ filmmakers each year. I have recently joined the Board of GAZE International LGBTQIA+ Film Festival in Dublin, and would love to see a similar programme developed for Irish LGBTQIA+ talent.

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EAVE on Demand Montenegro coming up!

EAVE is organizing in partnership with Film Center of Montenegro and Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Montenegro an EAVE on Demand workshop for producers from Montenegro.

The tailor-made workshop is kicking off in Podgorica on April 9th, 2024!

The objective is to provide insights into the role of the producer from development to production, positioning of your project and building international festival and market strategies. The participants will also be given an overview of European funding sources as well as tips and trick for producers from low production capacity countries and/or working with low-budget feature films.

The workshop will consist of interactive masterclasses by EAVE Experts Vicky Miha (asterisk*, GR) and Katriel Schory (IL):

  • Role of the Producer from Development to Production
  • Tips & Tricks for Producers from Low Production Capacity Countries and of Low-Budget Feature Films
  • European Funding Sources
  • Positioning Your Project and Building International Festival and Market Strategies

More information:

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Eurimages support for EAVE project SERAPHINE


At the first Eurimages Project Evaluation Session of 2024, the Executive Committee of the Fund has decided to support the co-production of 26 feature films, including 5 documentaries and 1 animation, for a total amount of €6 992 000.

14 projects are produced by EAVE graduates:

  • CHANGE project 9-MONTH CONTRACT by Ketevan Vashagashvili, producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze
  • DESIRE LINES by Dane Komljen, producer: EAVE graduate Natasa Damnjanovic
  • DON’T LET ME DIE by Andrei Epure, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandru Teodorescu, co-producer: EAVE graduate Thomas Lambert
  • EAGLES OF THE REPUBLIC by Tarik Saleh, producer: EAVE graduate Kristina Aberg
  • EAVE project SERAPHINE by Sarah Van Den Boom, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Montmartin
  • FANTASTIQUE by Marjolijn Prins, producer: EAVE graduate Ellen De Waele
  • FED UP by Júlia de Paz Solvas, producer: EAVE graduate Sergio Grobas
  • FRANZ by Agnieszka Holland, co-producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach
  • GOD WILL NOT HELP by Hana Jusic, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • PASTORAL PATHWAYS by Ahmet Necdet Cupur, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • ROMERIA by Carla Simon, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • SENTIMENTAL VALUE by Joachim Trier, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar
  • STRANGE RIVER by Jaume Claret Muxart, producer: PUENTES graduate Xavi Font
  • WHITES WASH AT NINETY by Marko Nabersnik, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlin


Netherlands Film Fund

Five minority co-productions receive grant from Netherlands Film Fund. Among them:

  • BEHIND THE GREEN CURTAIN by Neasa Ni Chianain, co-producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phylpo
  • THE BIRTHDAY PARTY by Miguel Angel Jiménez, EAVE + graduate Giorgos Karnavas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit 
  • LEARNING TO BREATHE UNDER WATER by Rebekah Fortune, Richard Brabin, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Hanneke Niens
  • SLAVATION by Emin Alper, co-producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper
  • HEADLINER by Martijn Winkler, producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen received a production grant from the Netherlands Film Fund


Lithuanian Film Centre

The Lithuanian Film Centre announced production grants and minority co-production grants in March 2024:

  • CALL ME CALENDER by Juris Poskus, producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norvieliene
  • TIGER MARTINDALE’S SURVIVAL EXPERT by Pavel Gumennikov, producer: EAVE+ graduate Kestutis Drazkauskas
  • SMELIS TAVO PLAUKOSE by Mantas Verbiejus, producer: EAVE graduate Zivile Gallego
  • UZMARSTIS by DANIELUS MINKEVICIUS, producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norvieliene
  • VICTOR IN PARADISE by Brendan McHugh, producer: B’EST graduate Lukas Trimonis


Estonian Film Institute

Estonian Feature, Documentary and Animated Film Production Grants announced in March:

  • EMALOVI by Liina Triskina-Vanhatalo, producer: EAVE + graduate Pille Rünk
  • FRÄNK by Tonis Pill, producer: EAVE graduate + Pille Rünk
  • SERAFIMA JA BOGDAN by Veiko Onpuu, producer: EAVE graduate Esko Rips
  • NAISED, KES… by Volia Chajkouskaya, producer: EAVE graduate Pille Rünk
  • VARA KÜPS by Martti Helde, producer: EAVE graduate Elina Litvinova



12 projects have been selected in the CNC’s first advance on receipts session for 2024.

Aong them: UNE JEUNESSE RUSSE by EAVE graduate Patric Chiha, producer: B’EST graduate  Charlotte Vincent.



Arte France Cinéma

Arte France Cinéma is co-producing and pre-buying on six projects. Among them:

  • LES CLOCHETTES DE KABOUL by Chabname Zariab, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • ON LAND AND SEA by Hlynur Palmason, producers: EAVE group leader Didar Domehri, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin.
  • UN ANNO DI SCUOLA by Laura Samani, producer: EAVE graduate Nadia Trevisan
  • RENOIR by Chie Hayakawa, producer: TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher


  • LA COULEUR DU RING by Valéry Gaillard, producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth  is in development. The documentary tells a story of blows. A story about bodies. A story of skin colour. America is criss-crossed by a deep, immense, yet almost invisible frontier: the one that separates white from black. This unnamed dividing line determines property prices, unemployment rates and the attitude of police forces; it divides states, parcels out cities and divides neighbourhoods. And it is embodied, perhaps more than anywhere else, in a 5 x 5 metre square of light, circumscribed and highly symbolic.... The boxing ring.

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EAVE project DIRTY LAND is shooting

In production

  • CALL ME CALENDAR by Juris Poskus, producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norviliene is in production. The film tells the story of Oskar, a 30-year-old, who falls hopelessly in love with the girl of his dreams and takes first steps towards independence from his old mother. To prove his worth, Oskar recruits a motley crew of companions who, despite their age, have never lost their sense of childhood. Together, they create a heartbreaking, tragicomic chain of events to prove that escape from loneliness is possible if you act from the heart. The film is produced by Madara Melberga through FA Filma (Latvia) in co-production with Ieva Norviliene through the Lithuanian production company Tremora. The project has received support from the National Film Centre of Latvia and the Lithuanian Film Centre. Additional financing is committed from the Latvian streaming platform TET and the Latvian National Television.

  • EAVE project DIRTY LAND, written, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Luis Campos is shooting in Portugal. It is a co-production between Portugal (Matiné, BRO Cinema, Um Segundo Filmes, Agente A Norte) and Italy (dispàrte) with support from the Portuguese Film Institute and Italy Ministry of Culture. The story: Struggling with the effects of climate change, a boy helps his alcoholic father fishing and selling lamprey while his teenage female neighbours start exploring their sexuality. Faced with the decline of the activity, his father's erratic behaviour and the growing scarcity of means, sustainability depends on changes they resist making.

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4 Oscars for POOR THINGS!

American Academy Awards – The Oscars

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney scooped four Oscars at the American Academy Film Awards. The film won Best Actress (Emma Stone), Best Production Design, Best Make-up & Hairstyling and Best Costume Design.


Finnish Jussi Awards

  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki wins big at the Finnish Jussi Awards. The film won Best Film, Best Director, Best Script.
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi won Best Leading Role (Alma Pöysti)
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll won Best Music, Best Sound Design and Best Costume Design
  • HOW TO PLEASE by Elina Talvensaari, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki was awarded Best Short Film


Polish Film Awards

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum won the Polish Eagle for Best Film at the Polish Film Awards 
  • ANXIETY by Sławomir Fabicki, producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Wójcik, co-producers: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert, EAVE+ participant Michela Pini won Best Actress (Magdalena Cielecka)
  • PIANOFORTE by Jakub Piątek, producer: EAVE graduate Maciej Kubicki won Best Documentary
  • TRIANGLE OF SADNESS by Ruben Östlund, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen, Danae Spathara, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler won Best European Film


Belgian Magritte Awards

  • EAVE project LOVE ACCORDING TO DALVA by Emmanuelle Nicot, producers: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes, PUENTES graduate Delphine Schmit won seven awards: Best Film, Best First Film, Best Director, Best Supporting Actress (Sandrine Blancke)(ex aequo), Best Female Newcomer (Zelda Samson), Best Original or Adapted Screenplay and Best Sound.
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele won Best Supporting Actress (Yves-Marina Gnahoua)(ex aequo) Best Photography, Best Set Design, Best Costumes, Best Original Music
  • LE SYNDROME DES AMOURS PASSÉES by Ann Sirot and Raphaël Balboni, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes won Best Male Newcomer (Lazare Gousseau) and Best Editing
  • THE BLUE CAFTAN by Maryam Touzani, producers: EAVE graduate Kartin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin won Best Actress (Lubna Azaba)
  • WHEN IT MELTS by Veerle Baetens, producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Ellen Havenith won Best Flemish Film
  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin won Best Foreign Film in Co-Production


Swiss Film Prize

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producers: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin, EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper, EAVE FFF graduate Ketie Danelia scooped three awards at the Swiss Film Prize 2024. The film won Best Film, Best Script and Best Editing. 
  • THE LAND WITHIN by Fisnik Maxville, producers: EAVE graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin, EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora won Best Film Score
  • BISONS by Pierre Monnard, producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan won Best Actor (Karim Barras), Best Film Score and Best Cinematography
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina won Best Sound


Czech Film and Television Academy Awards

  • RESTORE POINT by Robert Hloz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marko Paljic won Best Conematography, Best Editing, Best Sound, Best Set Design and the Film Fans’ Award at the Czech Lions, the Czech Film and Television Academy Awards.
  • TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producers: EAVE graduates Jakub Viktorin, Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova was awarded Best Animated Film
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum won Extraordinary Audiovisual Achievement
  • ELECTRA by Daria Kashcheeva, co-producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky won Magnesia Award for Best Student Film



  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, produced by EAVE graduates Genevièvre De Bauw,  Jean-Laurent Csinidis won the main prize DOX:AWARD
  • TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER by Jacob Perlmutter, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen received a Special Mention


  • TIMESTAMP by Kateryna Gornostai, co-producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen won the Eurimages New Lab Outreach Award


Series Mania

Series Mania Festival has unveiled its winners:

  • REMATCH directed Yan England, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi won the Grand Prize in the International Competition.
  • DATES IN REAL LIFE by Jakob Rørvik, producer: EAVE graduate Kristin Ulseth won Best Series in the International Panorama
  • SOVIET JEANS by Stanislavs Tokalovs, Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina won Best Actor (Karlis Arnolds Avots) in the International Panorama and the Audience Award

Series Mania Forum

  • OUR PEOPLE by Tereza Nvotova, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin won the Co-Pro Pitching Sessions Award


Sofia International Film Festival

  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve won Best Documentary Film.
  • ALL ABOUT THE LEVKOVICHES by Adam Breier, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi won the FIPRESCI Award
  • MEDIUM by Christina Ioakeimidi, producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova won the Best Balkan Film Award
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova won Best Bulgarian Feature Film and received the Award of the Bulgarian Guild of Film Critics
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne won Best DirectorM by Vardan Tozija, producers: EAVE graduates Darko Popov, Patrice Nezan, Adolf El Assal, Valon Bajgora was given a Special Mention
  • DYAD by Yaan Titova, producer: EAVE graduate Vanya Rainova received the Youth Audience Award

Sofia Meetings

  • EAVE project SYDNEY SMILE FUTURE PERFECT by Gregoris Rentis, producer: EAVE graduate Mando Stathi won the Chaos VFX Award
  • BALLERINA SHOES by Teodor Kuhn, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin won the Producers Network (Cannes Market) Award
  • IN THE MEANTIME by Gordon Matic, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlin won the Go-Residences Award


Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival

8 awards for EAVE graduates at the Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival:

  • FIGHTING DEMONS WITH DRAGONS by Camilla Magid, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen won the Silver Alexander in the Newcomers International Competition.
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost won the Golden Alexander in the Film Forward International Competition and the Mermaid Award
  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producers: EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo, Rea Apostolides, Veselka Kiryakova received 2 Special Mentions: a Special Mention in the International Competition and the Amnesty International Special Mention

AGORA Awards

  • LAKE by Nikos Ziogas, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou won the Beldocs Networking Award and the Sunny Side of the Doc Award
  • EAVE project WHY THE F*** AM I SO SAD? by Nela Märki, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Rattini won the MFI Doc Lab Script 2 Film Workshop Award
  • DON’T WORRY SARI! By Sari Haragonics, producers: EAVE graduates Sara Laszlo, Marcell Gerő, Boris Despodov won the 119 Marvila Studios Award
  • DARK WATERS by Marianna Economou, producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides won the Onassis Film Award
  • MAILIN by Maria Silvia Esteve, co-producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu won the 2|35 Post-production Award


Tampere Film Festival

  • WANDER TO WONDER by Nina Gantz, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, EAVE+ graduate Maarten Swart won the Grand Prix
  • HOW TO PLEASE by Elina Talvensaari, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki received the Risto Jarva Award from the Finnish Film Foundation.


Dublin International Film Festival

  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler won Best Film by the Dublin Film Critics Circle at the Dublin International Film Festival.
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper won Best Actress (Eka Chavleishvili)
  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. “Fiery” Obasi, producer: EAVE graduate Oge Obasi was awarded Best Cinematography  
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum won Best Ensemble Film  
  • OINK by Mascha Halberstad, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot won the Special Jury Prize


Luxembourg City Film Festival

  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost won the Documentary Award of the Luxembourg City Film Festival.
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis received the Prix 2030 Award


FIFDH International Film Festival On Human Rights Geneva 

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin won the Grand Prix Fiction at the International Film Festival and Forum for Human Rights (FIFDH), Geneva.
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum won the Youth Jury Award
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomas Michalek won the Youth Jury Prize - Documentary


Febiofest Bratislava

  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi won the Main Competition Award at the International Film Festival Febiofest Bratislava.
  • GLORIOUS UTOPIA by Marek Moucka, producer: EAVE graduate Katarina Krnacov won the Best Febio Pitch Award and the Pop Up Film Residency Visegrad Award


Association of French Film Critics

The Association of French Film Critics has crowned the best films of 2023, among which:

  • 1976 by Manuela Martelli, producer: EAVE graduate Dominga Sotomayor won Best International Debut



  • PESTA by Hanne Berkaak, producer: EAVE graduate Lise Fearnley, co-producer: EAVE graduate Kristine Knudsen won the Eurimages Co-Production Development Award (20,000 euros).

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TTB project TIGER STRIPES in French cinemas

In French cinemas

  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser. March 6.
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel. March 6.
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith. March 13.
  • THROUGH THE NIGHT by Delphine Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart. March 20.
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. March 20.
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves. March 27.
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron. March 27.


In Belgian cinemas

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre. March 6.
  • SKUNK by Koen Mortier, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve. March 13.
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. March 27.


In UK cinemas

  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. March 8.
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser. March 18.
  • CREATURA by Elena Martín, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora. March 21.
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. March 22. 
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves. March 22.
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska. March 29.   
  • SILVER HAZE by Sacha Polak, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot. March 29. 


In Dutch cinemas

  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain. March 21.
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves. March 28. 


In German cinemas

  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer. March 7.
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius. March 20. 


In Irish cinemas

  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas. March 22. 
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska. March 29.   


In Finnish cinemas

  • GODLAND by Hlynur Palmason, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri. March 24.   


In Swedish cinemas

  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain. March 29.

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EAVE project STRAY BODIES travels to Thessaloniki and to CPH:DOX

Belgrade International Film Festival – FEST (February 23 – March 3)

  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung
  • CREATURA by Elena Martin, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LA BÊTE DANS LA JUNGLE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Jean-Yves Roubin, Ebba Sinzinger
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE EMPIRE by Bruno Dumont, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic 
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith



Luxemburg City Film Festival  (February 29 – March 1)

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung
  • ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE LAKE by Lav Diaz, producer: producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • MELK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • SKUNK by Koen Mortier, producer: EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE OUTRUN by Nora Fingscheidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts



Malaga Film Festival (March 1 –10)

  • LOS ULTIMOS by PUENTES graduate Sebastian Pena Escobar, producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Agustina Chiarino
  • NAUFRAGIOS by Vanina Spataro y Daniel García Molt, producers: EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Agustina Chiarino, EAVE+ graduate Fernando Epstein
  • WOMAN OF by Malgorzata Szumowska, Michal Englert, producer: EAVE graduate Beata Rzezniczek



CARTOON MOVIE Bordeaux (March 5 – 7)

  • DOM FRADIQUE by José Cavalheiro, co-producer: EAVE graduate Enrica Capra
  • EAVE project DREAM OF GRAPE GARDENS by Sahra Mani, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Alemberg Ang
  • FINDING HOME by Anja Mánou Hellem, producer: EAVE MW graduate Lillian Løvseth
  • HUMBUGGED by Todd Edwards, Timothy Hooten, Sean Mc Cormack, producer: EAVE graduate Adrien Chef
  • KAJA THE GREAT by Martin Lund, producer: EAVE graduate Ruben Thorkildsen
  • KENSUKE’S KINGDOM by Kirk Hendry, producer: EAVE graduate Stéphan Roelants
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LIVING LARGE by Kristina Dufkova, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Agata Jelenekova
  • NIKO – BEYOND THE NORTHERN LIGHTS by Kari Juusonen, Jørgen Lerdam, producer: EAVE graduate Hannu Tuomainen
  • PALE PINK by Kuba Mikurda, producer: EAVE graduate Beata Rzeźniczek
  • PESTA by Hanne Berkaak, producer: EAVE graduate Lise Fearnley, co-producer: EAVE graduate Kristine Knudsen
  • ROSE AND THE MARMOTS by Alain Ughetto, co-producer: EAVE graduate Enrica Capra
  • THE DEFECTS by Federico Milella, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • THE ISLAND OF SALAMANDERS by Catherine Maximoff, producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan, co-producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky
  • THE POLAR BEAR PRINCE by Mikkel B. Sandemose, producer: EAVE graduate Viviane Vanfleteren



Tampere Film Festival (March 5 – 9)

  • CROSSING THE BLUE by Victoria Aleksanyan, producer: EAVE graduate Armine Anda
  • HOW TO PLEASE by Elina Talvensaari, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • WANDER TO WONDER by Nina Gantz, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, EAVE+ graduate Maarten Swart



Thessaloniki International Documentary Festival (March 7 – 17)

  • A SHELTER OF ONE’S OWN by Éva Tourrent, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • FIGHTING DEMONS WITH DRAGONS by Camilla Magid, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • FROM ABDUL TO LEILA by Leila Albayaty, producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producers: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo, Rea Apostolides, Veselka Kiryakova
  • TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER by Jacob Perlmutter, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • UNCLICKABLE by Babis Makridis, producer: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


Thessaloniki Pitching Forum

  • EAVE project WHY THE F*** AM I SO SAD? by Nela Märki, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Rattini
  • LAKE by Nikos Ziogas, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou
  • WHILE OUR SUN BURNS by David Krøyer, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides

Agora Docs in Progress

  • DARK WATERS by Marianna Economou, producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides
  • DON’T WORRY SARI! By Sari Haragonics, producers: EAVE graduates Sara Laszlo, Marcell Gerő, Boris Despodov
  • LO by Thanassis Vassiliou, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Vassilaros
  • MAILIN by Maria Silvia Esteve, co-producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu
  • SUPER PARADISE by Steve Krikris, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Titus Kreyenberg



Mons International Film Festival (March 8 – 16)

  • A SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo
  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung
  • INEXORABLE by Fabrice du Welz, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • ORLANDO by Daniele Vicari, producer: EAVE graduate Marica Stocchi
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • SKUNK by Koen Mortier, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve



FIFDH International Film Festival On Human Rights Geneva  (March 8 – 17)

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomas Michalek
  • THE TEACHER by Farah Nabulsi, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi

FIFDH Impact Days

FIFDH Impact Days is a specialised programme dedicated to impact strategies for documentaries at various stages of production. Among the selected projects in 2024:

  • AN UNFINISHED JOURNEY by Aeyliya Husain, Amie Williams, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Uzu
  • HAWAR, OUR BANISHED CHILDREN by Pascale Bourgaux, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc, impact producer: EAVE graduate Emmy Oost
  • I MADE A MISTAKE COMING HERE by Kseniya Halubovich, producer: EAVE graduate Esther van Messel
  • NIÑXS by Kani Lapuerta, producer: EAVE+ graduate Martha Orozco



Belgrade Irish Festival (March 8 – 18)

  • DEAR MOTHER by Kevin Hughes, line producer: EAVE graduate Damien Donnelly
  • BALTIMORE by Joe Lawlor & Christine Molloy, line producer: EAVE graduate Edwina Forkin
  • NOTHING COMPARES by Kathryn Ferguson, executive producer: EAVE graduate Lesley McKimm



Febiofest Bratislava (March 13 – 19)

  • CAT CALL by Rozalia Szeleczki, producer: EAVE graduate Petra Ivanyi
  • ECHO by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi



CPH:DOX Copenhagen  (March 13 – 24) 


  • BALOMANIA by Sissel Morell Dargis, producers: EAVE graduates Marie Schmidt Olesen, Marieke van den Bersselaar
  • IMMORTALS by Maja Tschumi, producer: EAVE graduate Nadine Lüchinger
  • THE BLACK GARDEN by Alexis Pazoumian, producer: EAVE graduate Clara Vuillermoz
  • THE FLATS by Alessandra Celesia, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis
  • TWO STRANGERS TRYING NOT TO KILL EACH OTHER by Jacob Perlmutter, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen


  • CHANGE project BLUEBERRY DREAMS by Elena Mikaberidze, producers: CHANGE graduate Elen Margvelashvili, EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc
  • EROS by EAVE graduate Rachel Daisy Ellis
  • THE NIGHTS STILL SMELL OF GUNPOWDER by Inadelso Cossa, producer: INDABA graduate Thomas Kaske, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve


  • A PLACE IN THE SUN by Mette Carla Albrechtsen, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen


  • MARCHING IN THE DARK by Kinshuk Surjan, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • THE SKY ABOVE ZENICA by Nanna Frank Møller & Zlatko Pranjic, producer: EAVE Head of Studies Lange Lense-Møller 
  • SILENT TREES by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert


  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producers: EAVE graduates Ivan Madeo, Rea Apostolides, Veselka Kiryakova
  • CAN’T FEEL NOTHING by David Borenstein, producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • DEMOCRACY NOIR by Connie Field, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert

Out of competition

  • ALREADYMADE by Barbara Visser, producer: EAVE graduate Monique Busman
  • AFTERWAR by Birgitte Stærmose, producers: EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, Fredrik Lange
  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Estelle Robin You
  • BRAVEHEARTS by Mette Korsgaard, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Skov Thomsen
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • DANCING ON THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO by Cyril Aris, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • ENTROPY directed and produced by Inuk Jørgensen
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE graduate Nataša Damnjanovic, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • PALM OIL IN THE LAND OF ORANGUTANS by Dan Säll, producer: EAVE graduate Ulrik Gutkin
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • THANKS FOR YOUR SERVICE by Carina Randløv, producer: EAVE graduate Marie Schmidt Olesen
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE, PUENTES and TTB graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, EAVE graduates Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • THE LOST NOTEBOOK by Ida Marie Gedbjerg Sørensen, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo
  • THE PERFECT MEAL – THE SECRETS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET by Alexandros Merkouris, producer: EAVE graduate Rea Apostolides
  • THERE WAS NOTHING HERE BEFORE by Yvann Yagchi, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


  • CINDERELLA UNBOUND by Ilinca Calugareanu, producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci
  • FREEDOM (WT) by Camilla Nielsson, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • KARSAI VS. HUNGARY by Marcell Gerő, producers: EAVE graduates Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Sara Laszlo, Marcell Gerő
  • TOWARDS THE ABYSS by Mads Brügger, producer: EAVE graduate Carsten Aanonsen

CPH:WIP 2024 

  • ABOUT A HERO by Piotr Winiewicz, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • NORTH SOUTH MAN WOMAN by Morten Traavik, Mary Sun Kim, producer: EAVE graduate Verona Meier

CHANGE projects (training programme in partnership with EAVE)

  • BETWEEN STRANGE BORDERS by Sabina Asadova & Mira Oyetoro, producer: CHANGE graduate Mira Oyetoro
  • ECHOES OF AVEY by Atanur Nabiyeva, producer: CHANGE graduate Durna Safarova
  • LAND OF FAIRY TALES AND DREAMS by Denis Pavlovic, producer: CHANGE graduate Julia Meyer-Pavlovic
  • LANGUAGE X by Tanya Haurylchyk, producer: CHANGE graduate Katerina Barushka
  • LESSONS OF CHEMISTRY by Magda Grudniewska, producer: CHANGE graduate Egor Efimov
  • NANA’S WINGS by Maradia Tsaava, producer: CHANGE graduate Mariam Chachia
  • SACRED SONGS by Nona Giunashvili, producer: CHANGE graduate Mariam Bitsadze
  • THE FERRYMAN by Pavlo Dorohoi, producer: CHANGE graduate Olha Symonenko



Vilnius International Film Festival (March 14 – 27)

  • AFTER WORK by Erik Gandini, producer: EAVE graduate Carsten Aanonsen
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • CREATURA by Elena Martin, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • EAVE project MARIA’S SILENCE by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kęstutis Drazdauskas
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic  
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart, PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • MY FREEDOM by Ilze Kunga-Melgaile, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina, PUENTES and EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith



Series Mania (March 15 – 22)

  • #ANNAISMISSING by Pavel Soukuo, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • ALL AND EVA by Johanna Runevad, producer: EAVE graduate Sofie Palage
  • DATES in REAL LIFE by Jakob Rørvik, producer: EAVE graduate Kristin Ulseth
  • REMATCH directed Yan England, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • SOVIET JEANS by Stanislavs Tokalovs, Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • SLAVA THE DOG by Maria von Heland, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier

Selected for the Series Mania Forum’s Co-Pro Pitching Sessions:

  • JUDGEMENT OF SOLOMON written by Teodora Markova and Nevena Kertova, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova
  • KISS MY FEET written by Daan Gielis & Mark Van De Grift, producer: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy 
  • OUR PEOPLE by Tereza Nvotova, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin  

EAVE session: The Use of AI in Marketing Tools with EAVE Marketing Expert Sarah Calderon – March 20th, Lille Grand Palais

Embracing Change: COVID forced us to innovate in project pitching. Now, AI's democratization is a game-changer, enabling immersive mood reels and decks on a budget. But how do we keep the emotional touch in AI-driven marketing tools?



Sofia International Film Festival (March 16 – 31)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • ALL ABOUT THE LEVKOVICHES by Adam Breier, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • DORMITORY by Nehir Tuna, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • FREEDOM by EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer 
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HORIA by Ana-Maria Comanescu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • IMAGO by Olga Chajdas, producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Wojcik, Violetta Kaminska, co-producers: EAVE graduates Laurette Schillings, Arnold Heslenfeld, Frans van Gestel
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE + graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • M by Vardan Tozija, producers: EAVE graduates Darko Popov, Patrice Nezan, Adolf El Assal, Valon Bajgora
  • MEDIUM by Christina Ioakeimidi, producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova
  • OBSERVING by Janez Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Miha Cernec, Jozko Rutar
  • PLANET B by Pieter Van Eecke, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • THE CAPTURE by Adi Voicu, producer: EAVE graduate Marcian Lazar
  • WHEN YOU ARE 17 by Giorgi Mukhadze, producer: EAVE+ graduate Titus Kreyenberg

Sofia Meetings

  • APOLLON BY DAY ATHENA BY NIGHT by EAVE graduate Emine Yildirim, producer: EAVE graduate Emine Yildirim
  • BALLERINA SHOES by Teodor Kuhn, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin 
  • BEAR HUG by Alexandros Skouras, producer: EAVE MW graduate Eleni Oulani 
  • BRAIN DRAIN produced by EAVE graduate Maja Popovic
  • COLD CLOUDS by Kakhaber Kikabidze, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimer Katcharava
  • GERI’S WISH by Tonislav Hristov, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho
  • EAVE project PORTRAIT OF FORTUNA by Tomasz Jurkiewicz, producer: EAVE graduate Magdalena Sztorc
  • EAVE project SYDNEY SMILE FUTURE PERFECT by Gregoris Rentis, producer: EAVE graduate Mando Stathi
  • EAVE project THE LOST SON by Darko Stante, producers: EAVE graduates Nina Robnik, Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • MUM by Nikola Lezaic, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic
  • SILENT OBSERVERS by Eliza Petkova, producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova 
  • STRANDZHA by Pepa Hristova, producer: TTB and EAVE graduate Julia Cöllen
  • TAERIKA by Milko Lazarov producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova 
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, producer: EAVE graduate Palmyre Badinier
  • TRIUMPH by Kristina Grozeva, Petar Valchanov, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou
  • WOMANIZER by TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, Mina Mileva, producer: TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova

EAVE producers selected in the frame of the partnership with Sofia Meetings:

  • Ognen Antov, Dream Factory, Macedonia
  • Aurelian Nica, Kinetoscop, Romania
  • Marek Novak, Xova Film, Czech RepublicFlavia Oertwig, Intrigo Internazionale, Italy
  • Flavia Oertwig, Intrigo Internazionale, Italy
  • Juan Mauricio Ruiz, Malta Cine, Columbia



One World Film Festival Prague  (March 20 – April 21)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic  
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius



Movies That Matter Festival, The Hague (March 22 – 30)

  • DRAWING A LINE by Sama Pana, producers: EAVE graduates Hanne Phlypo, Estelle Robin You, Marion Guth, François Le Gall
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, co-Producers: EAVE graduates Oana Giurgiu, Guillaume de Seille
  • NICE LADIES by Mariia Ponomarova, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramer
  • OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Meena Nanji, Zippy Kimundu, producer: EAVE graduate Eliane Ferreira
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomas Michalek
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve



Cinéma du Reel (March 22 – 31)

  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • IMPERIAL PRINCESS by Virgil Venier, producer: EAVE graduate and French National Coordinator Jean des Forêts
  • SAUVE QUI PEUT (WHO CARES?) by Alexe Poukine, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ÉTAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve



Cinélatino, Rencontres de Toulouse (March 24 – April 2)

  • 1976 by Manuela Martelli, producer: EAVE graduate Dominga Sotomayor
  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • LOST IN THE NIGHT by Amat Escalante, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • NOCHE DE FUEGO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • RULE 34 by Julia Murat, producer: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juárez Allen
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi
  • THE PRACTICE by Martin Rejtman, producer: PUENTES, TTB and EAVE + graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen



East Doc Forum (March 22 – 28)

  • AND SUDDENLY THE REVOLUTION HAS A FEMALE FACE… by Cordelia Dvorák, co-producer: EAVE graduate Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer
  • BIRDIE by Aneta Ptak, producer: EAVE graduate Małgorzata Staroń
  • EAVE project FIUME O MORTE! by Igor Bezinovic, producers: EAVE graduates Tibor Keser, Marina Gumzi
  • FLOWERS OF UKRAINE by Adelina Borets, producer: EAVE graduate Natalia Grzegorzek
  • KAPRALOVA by Petr Záruba, producer: EAVE graduate Alice Tabery
  • LAST LETTERS OF MY GRANDMA by Olga Lucovnicova, producer: EAVE graduate Denis Vaslin
  • NOT IN THE BUSINESS OF MAKING FRIENDS directed and produced by EAVE graduate Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan
  • THE POOR CRY TOO by Viktorija Mickute, Ieva Balsiunaite, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite
  • VOICE/OVER by Balint Revesz, producer: EAVE graduate Radovan Síbrt
  • WHAT’S TO BE DONE by Goran Devic, producer: EAVE graduate Hrvoje Asvadic
  • ZERO ZONE by Mark Hammond, producer: EAVE+ graduate Kestutis Drazdauskas

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@ EAVE on Demand Montenegro, April 9, Podgorica (ME)

EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo

@ EAVE+, April 19 - 24, Luxembourg

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo, EAVE Project Manager Sarah van den Hoogen

@ TIES THAT BIND W2, April 28 - May 2, Udine (IT)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Project Manager Tanika Sajatovic

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EAVE on Demand Quezon City coming up!

EAVE is organizing in partnership with Quezon City Film Development Commission an EAVE on Demand workshop for producers and production companies from Philippines from March 16-17, 2024 in Quezon City (Philippines).

The objective is to provide insights into international co-productions and developing for the international market, marketing and audience design, social media marketing, festival strategies, international sales, international markets as well as working with streamers.

The workshop will consist of interactive masterclasses by Solmaz Azizi (Studio Zentral, DE), Thibaut Bracq (FR), Jeremy Chua (Potocol, SG), Gabor Greiner (Films Boutique, DE), Mathias Noschis (Alphapanda, DE) and Brigid O’Shea (DAE, DE), Géraldine Ohana (FR).

The workshop is presented by:

  • EAVE
  • Quezon City Film Development Commission

The Quezon City Film Commission (QCFC)  is a local government agency tasked to support the growth of the local film industry, promote the City as a destination for film production, and contribute to the cultural and economic development of Quezon City.

The workshop is supported by:

  • Quezon City
  • Quezon City District 1

Special Thanks:

  • CMB
  • TBA
  • ABS CBN Film Restoration
  • FPJ Productions
  • Inasal Republic
  • Quezon City Tourism Department

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The EAVE Producers Workshop’s 2024 programme takes off in Luxembourg!

In partnership with Film Fund Luxembourg and supported by Creative Europe, EAVE welcomes 56 handpicked producers and industry professionals from 36 countries to participate in this year’s programme.

Participants will have the unique opportunity to develop the 28 selected documentary, feature film and series projects, as well as to focus on their careers, company structures and entrepreneurial skills over one year.

This workshop takes place from March 7–14 at the Légère Premium Hotel Luxembourg and  is the starting point of  a transformative training journey spanning over 3 residential workshops. Workshop 2 will take place in Trondheim (Norway) in June and Workshop 3 in Karlskrona (Sweden) in October.

A rich variety of plenary sessions during this workshop week will include topics such as:

  • script development of fiction features and TV series
  • the producer’s role from development to release
  • thinking audience & marketing tools for producers
  • legal aspects in development
  • the specifics of documentary and TV series production
  • film financing
  • company management tools.

All plenary sessions are open for interested local professionals. For the detailed programme and registration, please contact EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo

Guidance from top-notch Industry Leaders

The participants’ journey this year will be led by:

  • EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller (Magic Hour Films, DK)
  • the four group leaders, Didar Domehri (Maneki Films, France), Ankica Jurić Tilić (Kinorama, HR), Michael Kitzberger (Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH, AT) and Riina Sildos (Amrion, EE)
  • the script consultants Martin Daniel (US), Clare Downs (UK), Nayeem Mahbub (EE/BD), TV series consultant Esther Springer (Creators Inc, UK), and documentary expert Sylvia Stevens (Faction Films, UK).

They are joined by leading EAVE industry experts in different areas:

  • Marketing: Sarah Calderon (The Film Agency, ES) and Nicola Ofoego (Black Mic Mac, FR)
  • Pitching: Sibylle Kurz (DE)
  • Legal Issues: Katrine Schlüter Schierbeck (The Law Factory, DK)
  • Financing:  Jean des Forêts (Petit Film, FR)
  • Company management: Sophie Erbs (Gaijin, FR)
  • Producing series & career planning: Petri Kemppinen (P1 Kemppinen, FI).

Guest experts at workshop 1 include

  • Sarah Bamberg (Film Fund Luxembourg, LU)
  • Carole Kremer (Film Fund Luxembourg/Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Luxembourg, LU).

The EAVEmarketing incubator programme

EAVE marketing consultants Sarah Calderon and Nicola Ofoego will run a special ‘marketing incubator programme’ in the groups and over the whole year, offering an intense PMD marketing training in cooperation with the EAVE Marketing Workshop.

Special Thanks and Recognition

EAVE expresses special gratitude for the support of Workshop 1 to:
Film Fund Luxembourg; CREATIVE EUROPE Desk Luxembourg - MEDIA sub-programme; Légère Premium Hotel Luxembourg.

EAVE is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union, Film Fund Luxembourg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli Venezia Giulia, PACT – the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television, Doha Film Institute, Telefilm Canada, SODEC, IDM Südtirol Alto Adige, Fonds Jeune Création Francophone, Projeto Paradiso, Romanian Cultural Institute, Institut Français Nigeria, French Embassy in Nigeria, Berlinale Co-Production Market, the DEENTAL-ACP programme, implemented by the CNC with the financial collaboration of the European Union and the support of the Organisation of ACP Countries, as well as the partners who have hosted the workshops since 1988.

The selected participants of EAVE Producers Workshop 2024 are:


Lena Weiss, Glitter and Doom


Letícia Friedrich, Vitrine Filmes


Nikolay Urumov, BOF Pictures


Dominique Dussault, Nemesis Films

Caitlin Grabham, Prowler Film


Diana Camargo, Laberinto Cine y Televisión


Vanja Sremac, Terminal 3


Jitka Kotrlová, Frame Films

Radovan Síbrt, PINK


Mette Mikkelsen, New Tales

Marta Mleczek, Profile Pictures


Ahmed Amer, A. A. Films


Ilona Tolmunen, Made


Adrien Barrouillet, Furyo Films

Raphaël Gindre, RG FILMS

Katia Khazak, Aurora Films

Ulysse Payet, Elzévir Films


Fabian Altenried, Schuldenberg Films

Linus Günther, klinkerfilm production

Laura Kloeckner, Seera Films

Marion Wagner, Hessen Film & Medien


Mina Dreki, Marni Films

Dimitris Logiadis, Filmiki Productions


Inuk Jørgensen


Patricia D'Intino, Good Kids


Claire Mc Cabe, Pipedream Productions

Tina O’Reilly, Front Room Films


Lara Costa-Calzado, Kino Produzioni

Claudio Giapponesi, Kiné Società Cooperativa


Rūta Adelė Jekentaitė, Baltic Productions


Olivier Caudron, Film Fund Luxembourg


Renko Douze, Een van de jongens

Edwin Goldman, Goldman Film


Chioma Onyenwe, Raconteur Productions


Benedikte Danielsen, Norwegian Film Institute

Thorvald Nilsen, Indie Film Bergen


Mary Liza Diño, Fire and Ice Media and Productions


Marta Gmosińska, Lava Films

Krystyna Kantor, Shipsboy


Andreia Nunes, Wonder Maria Filmes


Ioana Lascar, deFilm


Angèle Diabang, Karoninka


Čarna Vučinić, Čarna Vučinić Entp


Tiny Mungwe, STEPS and CTRL ALT Shift


Marian Férnandez Pascal, Garabi Films

Inés Massa Puigsubirà, Materia Cinema


Erik Andersson, Läsk

Caroline Drab, BCD Film

Malin Hüber, HER Film

Eliza Jones, Grand Slam Film


Thomas Reichlin, Alva Film Production


Don Omope, Pictograph Media


Olesia Lukyanenko, FILM.UA

Olha Matat, EVOS Film


Alex Lo, Cinema Inutile


Mariam Al-Dhubhani

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SPLEEN-OFF by Claude Schmitz receives support

Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film Centre

The Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film Centre has granted support to five so-called lightweight productions, i.e. works with limited budgets, mainly produced in Belgium and completed in a relatively short space of time. Among them:

  • SPLEEN-OFF by Claude Schmitz, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland

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REDOUBT by John Skoog is in post-production

In production

  • CAP FAREWELL by Vanja d’Alcantara, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc, Denis Vaslin is in production. After exploring the steppes of Central Asia and the cliff landscapes of Japan in these two previous films, the director is now setting up shop in Belgium to follow Toni, a young 24-year-old woman who is released from prison and finds herself having to return home to live with her mother Betty, with whom relations are strained. Determined to reconnect with her daughter Anna, whom Betty has raised in her absence, Toni gets a job in her uncle’s brasserie nearby the port. But she soon finds herself mired once again in the smuggling shenanigans of her childhood sweetheart Max, who’s the reason she first went to prison, and who’s also Anna’s father. Pulled in all directions, Toni must fight to break free from this toxic environment and to take up her place as a mother and free woman. The film is produced by Isabelle Truc on behalf of Iota Production, who’ll soon be releasing Elodie Lélu’s first fiction feature RÉTRO THERAPY. CAP FAREWELL is co-produced by Canadian producers Robert Lacerte and Marc Daigle of ACPAV and by Denis Vaslin of Volya Films in the Netherlands. It enjoys support from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film and Audiovisual Centre, Wallimage, Magellan Films, UMedia, RTBF, BeTV, Proximus, SODEC, Téléfilm Canada, Canadian distributor Maison 4:3, the Netherlands Film Fund. The movie will be shot between 26 February and 5 April between Belgium and the Netherlands.



In post-production

  • THE SHADOW by Jaak Kilmi, producer: EAVE+ graduate Kristian Taska is in post-production. The story, penned by Indrek Hargla, zooms in on Juhan Liiv, a struggling poet and unlikely detective in Estonia, the “Wild West” of the Tsar's crumbling empire in the 1890s. Juhan is fighting crime and his own inner demons. He is considered mad and pronounced crazy. But by standing for justice and truth, at the end of the day, he comes out the sanest of them all. In the movie, he has to solve several gruesome murder cases behind which is – the witnesses say – the devil itself. THE SHADOW is being produced by Kristian Taska for Taska Film (Estonia), Tanel Tatter and Veiko Esken for Apollo Film Productions (Estonia), and Armin Karu for HansaFilm (Estonia). Tuuli Roosma, of Reede (Estonia), is co-producing. It has received backing from the Tartu Film Fund and was awarded development support from the Estonian Film Institute.

  • REDOUBT by John Skoog, producer: EAVE participant Caroline Drab, co-producers: EAVE graduates Kaarle Aho, Leontine Petit, Dan Wechsler, is in post-production. The picture draws inspiration from Karl-Göran Persson, a real-life farmer known as a good Samaritan on the verge of madness, who lived near the helmer’s home town of Kvidinge during World War II. After receiving a warning by the Swedish government of potential strikes by the Soviet army, he sets off to turn his house into a fortified shelter for fellow villagers. The story, however, will unfold during the second half of the 20th century, “post-World War II, but before the internet became something for everyone and before the fall of the Berlin Wall”. The movie was shot in two parts, with the first taking place in summer and the second set ten years later, in winter. REDOUBT is being produced by Erik Hemmendorff and Caroline Drab for Ruben Östlund’s banner Plattform Produktion (Sweden), in co-production with Film i Skåne (Sweden), Film i Väst (Sweden), SVT (Sweden), BCD Film (Sweden), Bufo (Finland), Lemming Film (Netherlands), No-Mad Films (Italy) and Paloma Production (Denmark), and in association with Bord Cadre Films (Switzerland) and Sovereign Films (UK).

  • BLUE BLOOD by Juris Kursietis, producers: EAVE graduates Alise Gelze, Evelin Penttilä and Vicky Miha is on post-production. When world-renowned German organist Anna uncovers her Latvian husband's involvement in a sprawling corruption scandal, her meticulously curated life alongside their prosperous family starts to unravel. The deepening contrast in their perspectives on corruption, shaped by their Western and Eastern backgrounds, intensifies, jeopardising the core of Anna and Andris' relationship. Will she be able to live with this new image of her husband? BLUE BLOOD is produced by Alise Gelze of Latvian White Picture and coproduced by Evelin Penttila of Estonian Stellar Film and Vicky Miha of Greek asterisk. The project is co-financed by Creative Europe MEDIA, the National Film Centre of Latvia, the State Culture Fund of Latvia, the Estonian Film Institute, the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and the Greek Film Centre.

  • YOUTH ETERNAL by Armands Zacs, producer: EAVE graduate Alise Gelze is in post-production. It is summer and a group of millennials is at a music festival, relishing their seemingly carefree lives, while their close friends, Ieva and Alex, are embarking on parenthood. Kitija is suffering from depression and fails to find support as the friends start to become more alienated from each other. Anna is trying to take care of her mental health by quitting weed, which turns out to be a challenge to her relationship with Kaspars, who grows it in their house. Unable to influence Martin's self-destructive lifestyle, Dainis starts to document it on video, becoming a participant and a creator of a reality show of his own. The friends start a wild journey into the new reality of becoming responsible for themselves and those around them. The project is produced by Alise Ģelze through Latvian White Picture and financed by the National Film Centre of Latvia and European REACT-EU Funding as part of the Union’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic. YOUTH ETERNAL was shot by Estonian cinematographer Erik Pollumaa mostly in Riga and in the suburbs of Riga in the summer of 2023, and it has a Greek editor, Yorgos Zafeiris.

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18 awards at the Berlinale for EAVE graduates!

Berlin International Film Festival

18 awards at the Berlinale and 4 awards at the Berlinale Co-production Market for EAVE graduates!

  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy wins the main prize, the Golden Bear
  • THE EMPIRE by Bruno Dumont, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier wins the Silver Bear Jury Prize
  • THE DEVIL’S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, producer: EAVE + graduate Bettina Brokemper wins the Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution
  • DIRECT ACTION by Guillaume Cailleau and Ben Russell, co-producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué wins Best Film in the Encounters Section and receives a Special Mention for the Berlinale Documentary Award
  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira wins Best Director Award in the Encounters Section
  • SOME RAIN MUST FALL by Qiu Yang, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, EAVE participant Alex Lo wins Best Jury Award in the Encounters Section
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard wins the GWFF Best First Feature Award
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze wins the Panorama Audience Award, second prize and the Teddy Jury Award
  • PUENTES project REINAS by Klaudia Reynicke, producers: EAVE + graduate Britta Rindelaub and EAVE graduate Thomas Reichlin scoops the Grand Prix of the International Jury in the Kplus Competition
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri wins the Crystal Bear for Best Short Film - Special Mention
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam & Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart wins the FIPRESCI Award and the Ecumenical Jury Award
  • EAVE project MARIA’S SILENCE by Davis Simanis, producers: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube wins the Ecumenical Jury Award
  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, co-producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel receives the Ecumenical Special mention
  • THE STRANGER’S CASE by Brandt Andersen, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi won the Amnesty International Film Award
  • DISCO AFRIKA: A MALAGASY STORY by Luck Razanajaona, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards receives the AG Kino Gilde – Cinema Vision 14plus Honorable Mention

Berlinale Co-Production Market 

  • SCREAMING GIRL by Antonio Lukich, producer: EAVE graduate Volodymyr Yatsenko wins the Eurimages Co-production Development Award
  • ICH BIN MARIKA by Hajni Kis, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi wins the ArteKino International Prize
  • ASTANA INTERNET STARS by Assel Aushakimova, producer:EAVE+ and MW graduate Antoine Simkine receives the VFF Talent Highlight Award Honorable Mention
  • HOLD TIME FOR ME by Fradique, producer: EAVE participant Laura Kloeckner won the World Cinema Fund Audience Strategies Award


British Academy Film Awards (BAFTA)

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won 5 awards at the BAFTAs, the British Academy Film Awards. The film was awarded Best Leading Actress (Emma Stone), Best Production Design, Best Special Visual Effects, Best Make-up & Hair and Best Costume Design.


French César Awards

  • CHIEN DE LA CASSE (JUNKYARD DOGS) by Jean-Baptiste Durand, producer: EAVE graduate Anaïs Bertrand wins Most Promising Actor (Raphaël Quenard), Best First Feature Film


Spanish Goya Awards

EAVE graduates scoop 7 Goyas at the Spanish Academy Awards:

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre won Best New Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress (Ane Gabarain)
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas won Best Animated Film and Best Adapted Screenplay
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens won Best New Actress (Janet Novas)
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi won Best Ibero-American film


Danish Robert Awards

13 Roberts for EAVE graduates at the Danish Film Awards:

  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic won Best Film, Best Original Screenplay, Best Actor (Mads Mikkelsen), Best Supporting Actor (Simon Bennebjerg), Best Cinematography, Best Make-Up, Best Visual Effects
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron won Best Documentary Feature, Best Director, Best Editing, Best Sound Design, Best Original Score
  • CLOSE by Lucas Dhont, producers: EAVE graduates Laurette Schillings, Jacques-Henri Bronckart won the Robert for Best Non-English-Language Film


Belgian Ensor Awards

EAVE graduates win big at the Ensors, the Belgian Academy Awards:

  • WIL by Tim Mielants, producers: EAVE graduates Hans Everaert, Tomas Leyers, co-producers: EAVE graduates Laurette Schillings, Arnold Heslenfeld, Frans van Gestel takes Best Film, Best Director and 5 more awards
  • 1985 by Wouter Bouvijn, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert wins 10 awards
  • OINK by Mascha Halberstad, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot won Best Animated Film
  • SEA SPARKLE by Domien Huyghe, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot won the Audience Award
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele Best was awarded Best French-Language Film
  • MASCOTTE by Remy van Heugten, producer: EAVE graduate Joram Willink wins Best Co-production


Latvian National Film Awards

Numerous awards for EAVE graduates at the Latvian National Film Awards Lielais Kristaps in Riga:

  • THE BRAZEN by Aik Karapetian, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis won Best Director, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Best Original Score
  • SOVJET JEANS by Stanislavs Tokalovs and Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Latvia Aija Berzina won Best TV Series, Best Scriptwriter, Best Leading Actor (Karlis Arnolds Avots)
  • MY FREEDOM by Ilze Kunga Melgaile, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Latvia Aija Berzina won Best Leading Actress (Erika Eglija-Gravele) and Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Darius Meskauskas)  
  • RULE OF THE HEART by Roze Stiebra, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis Best Animated Film, Best Director of an Animated Film and Best Production Design in an Animated Film
  • BLACK VELVET by Liene Linde, producer: EAVE graduate Marta Bite, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norviliene won Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Sabine Tikmane)
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov won Best Costumes


Göteborg Film Festival

4 Awards for EAVE graduates at the Göteborg Film Festival:

  • EAVE project MADAME LUNA by Daniel Espinosa, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies wins the Sven Nykvist Cinematography Award
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic scoops the FIPRESCI Award and Audience Dragon Award for Best Nordic Film
  • THERE'S STILL TOMORROW by Paola Cortellesi, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa won the Dragon Award in the International Competition


HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat won the HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award 2024 (Icelandic composer Edvard Egilsson)

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS in UK and German cinemas

In French cinemas

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. February 7.

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre. February 14.

  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch. February 21.

  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung. February 28.

  • WHEN IT MELTS by Veerle Baetens, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Ellen Havenith. February 28.

  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. February 28.



In Belgian cinemas

  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele. February 7.

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. February 7.

  • THE EMPIRE by Bruno Dumont, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier. February 21.

  • THE SIREN by Sepideh Farsi, producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach. February 28.



In UK cinemas

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. February 9.

  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. February 16.

  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic. February 16.

  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen. February 21.



In Swiss cinemas

  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch. February 1.

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. February 1.

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. February 1.



In Austrian cinemas

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. February 2.

  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. February 23.

  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber. February 23.



In German cinemas

  • MY SAILOR, MY LOVE by Klaus Härö, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho. February 8.

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. February 15.



In Finnish cinemas

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. February 23.




In Norwegian cinemas

  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic. February 16.



In Polish cinemas

  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin. February. 23.



In Swedish cinemas

  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel. Febuary 23.

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PUENTES project EL PARAISO travels to Santa Barbara

Shortfilmwire Clermont-Ferrand (January 27 – February 4)

  • L’ENVOÛTEMENT by Nicolas Giuliani, producer: EAVE graduate Michel Klein
  • PAVANE by Pauline Gay, producer: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan, PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont
  • SUPERNOVA by Leslie Lagier, producers: PUENTES graduate Delphine Schmit
  • WANDER TO WONDER by Nina Gantz, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper



Santa Barbara International Film Festival (February 8 – 17)

  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • COLD by Erlingur Thoroddsen, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Heene
  • ESTONIA by Måns Månsson, Juuso Syrjä, producer: EAVE graduate Matti Halonen
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • LE VOURDALAK by Adrien Beau, producer: EAVE graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • MEDIUM by Christina Ioakeimidi, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Veselka Kiryakova
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomas Michalek
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • PUENTES project EL PARAISO by Enrico Maria Artale, producer: PUENTES graduate Carla Altieri
  • EAVE project THE REEDS by Cemil Agacikoglu, , producer: EAVE graduate Sezgi Üstün San, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova



Berlin International Film Festival (February 16 – 26)


  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert, co-producers: EAVE graduates Clara Vuillermoz, Estelle Robin You
  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy
  • GLORIA! By Margherita Vicario, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart, PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • SHAMBHALA by Min Bahadur Bham, co-producer: EAVE graduate Verona Meier, executive producer: Ruben Thorkildsen, associate producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua
  • THE DEVIL’S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, co-producer: EAVE graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • THE EMPIRE by Bruno Dumont, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • WHERE DO I BELONG TO by Meryam Joobeur, producer: EAVE graduate Sarra Ben Hassen, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dyveke Graver and Andrea Berentsen Ottmar


  • ARCADIA by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova
  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira
  • DEMBA by Mamadou Dia, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • DIRECT ACTION by Guillaume Cailleau and Ben Russell, co-producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué
  • SOME RAIN MUST FALL by Qiu Yang, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, EAVE participant Alex Lo
  • THROUGH THE GRAVES THE WIND IS BLOWING by Travis Wilkerson, co-written and co-produced by EAVE graduate Ivan Peric


  • AFTERWAR by Birgitte Stærmose, producers: EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, Fredrik Lange
  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber
  • BALDIGA – ENTSICHERTES HERZ by Markus Stein, producer: EAVE graduate Olaf Jacobs
  • BRIEF HISTORY OF A FAMILY by Jianjie Lin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • CHANGE project A BIT OF A STRANGER by Svitlana Lishchynska, producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Kapustina
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard
  • DIARIES FROM LEBANON by Myriam El Hajj, producers: EAVE graduates Myriam Sassine, Carine Ruszniewski
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • I SAW THREE BLACK LIGHTS by Santiago Lozano Álvarez, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt
  • THE OUTRUN by Nora Fingscheidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann


  • EAVE project MARIA’S SILENCE by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kęstutis Drazdauskas
  • HOLY WEEK by Andrei Cohn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, co-producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel
  • OASIS OF NOW by Chee Sum Chia, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Fran Borgia
  • SLEEPING WITH A TIGER by Anja Salomonowitz, producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Svoboda
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • REPRODUCTION by Katharina Pethke, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Julia Cöllen
  • SKIN IN SPRING by Yennifer Uribe, producer: EAVE MW graduate Rebeca Gutiérrez Campos
  • THE EDITORIAL OFFICE by Roman Bondarchuk, producer: Darya Bassel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dagmar Sedláčková, Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer, EAVE graduate and Slovak National Coordinator Katarina Krnacova
  • THE NIGHTS STILL SMELL OF GUNPOWDER by Inadelso Cossa, producer: CPI graduate Thomas Kaske, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, EAVE graduate Elisa Pirir
  • TRACES OF MOVEMENT BEFORE THE ICE by René Frölke, producer: EAVE graduate Ann Carolin Renninger

Forum Special 

  • THOSE DAYS IN TEREZIN by Sibylle Schönemann, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert


  • ABOVE THE DUST by Wang Xiaoshuai, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • DISCO AFRIKA: A MALAGASY STORY by Luck Razanajaona, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • ELBOW by Asli Özarslan, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske, co-producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit
  • MY SUMMER WITH IRENE by Carlo Sironi, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili
  • PUENTES project REINAS by Klaudia Reynicke, producers: PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin, EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri

Berlinale Special

  • CUCKOO by Tilman Singer, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Tsigka
  • THE STRANGER’S CASE by Brandt Andersen, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi

Berlinale Co-Production Market

  • ANTONIVKA by Kateryna Gornostai, producers: EAVE graduates Darya Bassel, Dagne Vildziunaite
  • A WOMAN BUILDS by Huang Ji, Ryuji Otsuka, producer: EAVE graduate and TTB group leader Fran Borgia
  • DIVORCE DURING THE WAR by Andrius Blazevicius, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Marija Razgute
  • FOLK PLAY by Mirjana Karanovic, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen, co-producer: EAVE participant Ulysse Payet 
  • FRAGMENTS OF THIS BEAUTY by Burak Cevik, producer: EAVE graduate Ipek Erden
  • THE GIRL WITH THE LEICA by Alina Marazzi, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli
  • IDDA’S BREATH by Irene Dionisio, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili
  • ICH BIN MARIKA by Hajni Kis, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • LAST TRIP by Ziad Kalthoum, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh
  • MARRIAGE By ABDUCTION by Sophia Mocorrea, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • REMAINS OF LIFE by Sevda Shishmanova, producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova
  • SCREAMING GIRL by Antonio Lukich, producer: EAVE graduate Volodymyr Yatsenko
  • THE SIDE EFFECTS OF TRUSTING LIFE by Ahmad Ghossein, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • TO DIE ON YOUR FEET by Maria Paz Gonzalez, producer: EAVE +, TTB and PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi

Series Market Selects

  • SOVIET JEANS by Stanislavs Tokalovs, Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • ZORRAS (TRAMPS) by Aritz Moreno, Ana Vázquez, produced in collaboration with EAVE graduate Merry Colomer

Co-Pro Series

  • DEATH TO LOVE by Carlota Pereda, producer: EAVE graduate Merry Colomer
  • MIRRORS by AIDA BEGIC, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo
  • THE CORONER’S ASSISTANT by Elina Psykou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • THE PALM LINE by Fulvio Bernasconi, producer: EAVE + graduate Christof Neracher
  • THE WEREWOLF & RENÉE by Katrin Gebbe, producer: EAVE graduate Verena Gräfe-Höft
  • WOLVES by Sina Ataeian Dena, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert

Rotterdam-Berlinale Express

  • HOLD TIME FOR ME by Fradique, producer: EAVE participant Laura Kloeckner 
  • LES DIPLOMATES by Andreas Fontana, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler

Talent Project Market

  • ASTANA INTERNET STARS by Assel Aushakimova, producer: EAVE + and MW graduate Antoine Simkine
  • POGANA by David Kapac, producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • EAVE project BAD GAYS by Loïc Hobi, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Graf
  • UPTIGHT ASS by Matija Gluscevic, producer: TTB graduate and EAVE participant Carna Vucinic

Company Matching Programme

  • Hobab, Sweden (Nima Yousefi)
  • Special Touch Studios, France
  • Ukbar Filmes, Portugal (Pandora Da Cunha Telles)

Berlinale Talents

  • TTB graduate Taro Imai
  • EAVE graduate Michael Graf
  • EAVE graduate Fani Skartouli
  • EAVE MW graduate Tetiana Mala
  • EAVE MW graduate Kamila Dohnalova
  • EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • EAVE graduate Clemens Köstlin
  • TTB graduate Huang Junxiang
  • TTB graduate and EAVE participant Čarna Vučinić
  • EAVE graduate Laurine Pelassy

Script Station

  • AWAITING BIRDS by Sofia Quiros, producer: PUENTES graduate Mariana Murillo
  • MARCH 14TH by Alberto Gross Molo, producer: EAVE MW graduate David Aymerich



ACE Round Table Consultancy Sessions

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp presented EAVE and its various programmes at the round table “Strategies on how to develop your project at International Training Platforms” in cooperation with ACE Producers.


Only Writers In The Building is an international showcase of eleven talented writers committed to working professionally in the TV series industry, who have trained their drama writing skills within TorinoFilmLab and MIDPOINT Institute series-oriented intensive programmes. In collaboration with EAVE.

EFM Roundtable: #DocSafe Initiative

Presentation of #DocSafe, an initiative towards a Global Code of Conduct to make our documentary industry a safer space for all.

Speakers: Magdalene Reddy (DFMI), Nivedita Das (BGDM), EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp and Jane Mote (The Whickers) will share their experience and perspective with the group.

European Equity & Inclusion Pathways Seminar

EAVE is an ambassador of the EFM’s Equity and Inclusion Pathways seminar, funded by Creative Europe MEDIA and taking place yearly at the European Film Market 2023, 2024 and 2025. The Equity & Inclusion Pathways Seminar is an industry-wide consultation forum that brings together European decision-makers, advocacy groups, stakeholders and change-makers with the aim of shifting the needle regarding equity, inclusion and accessibility in terms of policymaking, strategy, measures and actions.



Ibizacinefest – Ibiza International Independent Film Festival (February 17 – 26)

  • EL AGUA by Elena Lopez Riera, Producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas



Dublin International Film Festival (February 22 – March 2)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAT / SLEEP / CHEER / REPEAT by Tanya Doyle, producer: EAVE graduate Daniel Hegarty
  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. “Fiery” Obasi, producer: EAVE graduate Oge Obasi
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma Vilhunen, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum 
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • OINK by Mascha Halberstad, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • REAWAKENING written, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Virgina Gilbert
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch



Glasgow Film Festival (February 28 – March 10)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • FALLING INTO PLACE by Aylin Tezel, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma Vilhunen, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MILK TEETH by Sophia Bösch, producers: TTB and EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • THE VOURDALAK by Adrien Beau, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévy


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EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp , EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo, EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE Project Manager Sarah van den Hoogen

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PUENTES: Extended Deadline for Applications

Applications for PUENTES, EAVE’s training programme for developing Latin-American-European co-productions is now extended until February 26th!

What ties together successful films such as REINAS, THE FISHBOWL, EL PARAISO, BLANQUITA, JESUS LOPEZ, KILLING THE DEAD, CLARA SOLA or LA CIVIL? All these films were developed at PUENTES in recent years. Apply today and join the network of EAVE producers!

Approaching the industry from a producer's perspective, PUENTES focuses on evaluating artistic potential, formulating marketing and distribution strategies, guiding through the development process and identifying market and financing opportunities in both Latin America and Europe.

The core experts include PUENTES Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido (Setembro Cine – AR/ES), known for her prestigious track record of co-productions involving Europe and Latin America (UNA MUJER FANTASTICA, LA BODA DE ROSA, NERUDA, PEQUEÑA FLOR, BLONDI, etc.), group leader and EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs (Gaijin – FR, Producer of LOS PERROS, COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON, MILLA, THE HARVESTERS, THE LOAD, etc.), script consultant Jacques Akchoti (FR), and Agustina Chiarino (Bocacha Films – UY, Producer of THE HEIRESSES, GIANT, SO MUCH WATER, EL 5, THE WAVES, I WOKE UP WITH A DREAM, 3, MONOS, etc.). They will be joined by various guest experts from both Europe and Latin America.


The workshop is targeted to film professionals from Latin America and Europe who wish to strengthen connections between the two regions.

The selected cohort consists of 10 producers focused on project development (fiction films only), along with 4-5 European film professionals with a focus on career development (not bringing a project), including sales agents, financiers, distributors, festival programmers, co-production market representatives, and European producers.

Latin American and European Film producers focusing on project development:

  • Experienced feature film producers with a strong interest with working with Europe and Latin America. The project must be able to demonstrate a clear involvement with Latin America, and vice versa.

European Film Professionals focusing on career development:

  • EU Citizens or residents that are sales agents, distributors, festival and market representatives, financiers, or European producers focusing on career development who wish to deepen their knowledge on Latin-American co-productions and market.


Applications are open until February 26th, and the selection will be announced by end of April 2024.

PUENTES takes place in the course of two weeks of the year. The first workshop of the 2024 edition will take place in Italy from July 15 – 21, 2024 in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund and MiC (Ministero dei Beni Ambientali e Culturali).

The second workshop will be held in Uruguay late November/early December (TBC), in partnership with Bocacha Films and supported by IBERMEDIA. Thanks to a special partnership, the PUENTES participants will attend VENTANA SUR after workshop 2, in order to strengthen their ties between both continents through networking in the most important market for audiovisual content in Latin America.


“Through this workshop, I gained insights into both my limitations and my untapped potential. Moreover, I had the pleasure of connecting with colleagues from across the globe, and I'm eagerly anticipating the prospect of collaborating with them on exciting new co-productions.”

Claudio Esposito, The Piranesi Experience, IT (PUENTES Participant 2023)

“PUENTES changed the way I approached film production. It creates a web of knowledge and contention on which one can rely on.”

Leandro Listorti, Maravillacine, AR (PUENTES Participant 2023)


Click here to Start your application and find out more information about the selection criteria.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with the EAVE team:

The PUENTES workshop is made possible with the support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union and Programa IBERMEDIA, and with the recognition of the Directorate-General for Cinema of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

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EAVE @ the 74th Berlin International Film Festival

EAVE is proud to announce a very strong presence of EAVE projects & producers at this year's Berlin Film Festival: 9 films in COMPETITION, 6 films in the ENCOUNTERS section, 11 films in PANORAMA, 11 at the FORUM, 6 at the GENERATION sections, 2 in BERLINALE SPECIAL, 22 projects at the BERLINALE CO-PRODUCTION MARKET and its sidebar sections, 3 projects at the TALENT PROJECT MARKET


  • ARCHITECTON by Victor Kossakovsky, producers: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert, co-producers: EAVE graduates Clara Vuillermoz, Estelle Robin You, sales: The Match Factory
  • BLACK TEA by Abderrahmane Sissako, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault, TTB graduate Tsai Hsin-Hung, sales: Gaumont
  • DAHOMEY by Mati Diop, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Lévi, sales: Les Films du Losange
  • GLORIA! By Margherita Vicario, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina, sales: Rai Cinema International
  • MY FAVOURITE CAKE by Maryam Moghaddam and Behtash Sanaeeha, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Zitterbart, PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi, sales: Totem Films
  • SHAMBHALA by Min Bahadur Bham, co-producer: EAVE graduate Verona Meier, executive producer: Ruben Thorkildsen, associate producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, sales: Totem Films
  • THE DEVIL’S BATH by Veronika Franz, Severin Fiala, co-producer: EAVE graduate Bettina Brokemper, sales: Playtime
  • THE EMPIRE by Bruno Dumont, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier, sales: Memento International  
  • WHERE DO I BELONG TO by Meryam Joobeur, producer: EAVE graduate Sarra Ben Hassen, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dyveke Graver and Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, sales: Luxbox


  • ARCADIA by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova, sales: Beta Cinema
  • CIDADE; CAMPO by Juliana Rojas, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Simone Oliveira
  • DEMBA by Mamadou Dia, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: The Party Film Sales
  • DIRECT ACTION by Guillaume Cailleau and Ben Russell, co-producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué, sales: Shellac
  • SOME RAIN MUST FALL by Qiu Yang, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, EAVE participant Alex Lo, sales: Goodfellas
  • THROUGH THE GRAVES THE WIND IS BLOWING by Travis Wilkerson, co-written and co-produced by EAVE graduate Ivan Peric


  • AFTERWAR by Birgitte Stærmose, producers: EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, Fredrik Lange
  • ANDREA GETS A DIVORCE by Josef Hader, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber, sales: Pluto Film
  • BALDIGA – ENTSICHERTES HERZ by Markus Stein, producer: EAVE graduate Olaf Jacobs, sales: Autentic
  • BRIEF HISTORY OF A FAMILY by Jianjie Lin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen, sales: Films Boutique
  • CHANGE project A BIT OF A STRANGER by Svitlana Lishchynska, producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Kapustina
  • CROSSING by Levan Akin, co-producer: CHANGE graduate Anna Khazaradze, sales: Totem Films
  • CU LI NEVER CRIES by Pham Ngoc Lan, co-producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew, EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Claire Lajoumard, sales: Square Eyes 
  • DIARIES FROM LEBANON by Myriam El Hajj, producers: EAVE graduates Myriam Sassine, Carine Ruszniewski, sales: MAD Solutions
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin, sales: Square Eyes 
  • I SAW THREE BLACK LIGHTS by Santiago Lozano Álvarez, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt, sales: ArtHood Entertainment
  • THE OUTRUN by Nora Fingscheidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, sales: Protagonist Pictures

A BIT OF A STRANGER © Albatros Communicos Ukraine, ZDF, Vilda Bomben AB, Film I Vast


  • EAVE project MARIA’S SILENCE by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduates Gints Grube, Inese Boka-Grube, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Kęstutis Drazdauskas
  • HOLY WEEK by Andrei Cohn, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, sales: Shellac
  • INTERCEPTED by Oksana Karpovych, co-producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel, sales: Lightdox
  • OASIS OF NOW by Chee Sum Chia, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Fran Borgia, sales: Diversion
  • REAS by Lola Arias, producer: EAVE + graduate Gema Juarez Allen, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, sales: Luxbox
  • REPRODUCTION by Katharina Pethke, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Julia Cöllen, sales: Pluto Film
  • SKIN IN SPRING by Yennifer Uribe Alzate, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Rebeca Gutierrez Campos
  • SLEEPING WITH A TIGER by Anja Salomonowitz, producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Svoboda
  • THE EDITORIAL OFFICE by Roman Bondarchuk, producer: Darya Bassel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dagmar Sedláčková, Tanja Georgieva-Waldhauer, EAVE graduate and Slovak National Coordinator Katarina Krnacova
  • THE NIGHTS STILL SMELL OF GUNPOWDER by Inadelso Cossa, producer: CPI graduate Thomas Kaske, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve, EAVE graduate Elisa Pirir, sales: Syndicado Film Sales
  • TRACES OF MOVEMENT BEFORE THE ICE by René Frölke, producer: EAVE graduate Ann Carolin Renninger

MARIA'S SILENCE © Mistrus Media, photo: Lauris Aizupietis

Forum Special

  • THOSE DAYS IN TEREZIN by Sibylle Schönemann, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert


  • ABOVE THE DUST by Wang Xiaoshuai, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • DISCO AFRIKA: A MALAGASY STORY by Luck Razanajaona, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, sales: Sudu Connexion
  • ELBOW by Asli Özarslan, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske, co-producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume Dreyfus, Delphine Schmit
  • MY SUMMER WITH IRENE by Carlo Sironi, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili
  • PUENTES project REINAS by Klaudia Reynicke, producers: PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin, EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre, sales: The Yellow Affair
  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Xavier Rombaut, co-producers: EAVE graduates Floor Onrust, Annabella Nezri, sales: Films Boutique

REINAS © Alva Film, Inicia Films, Maretazo Cine, photo: Diego Romero

Berlinale Special

  • CUCKOO by Tilman Singer, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Tsigka, sales: Neon
  • THE STRANGER’S CASE by Brandt Andersen, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi, sales: Mister Smith Entertainment

Berlinale Co-Production Market

  • ANTONIVKA by Kateryna Gornostai, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite
  • A WOMAN BUILDS by Huang Ji, Ryuji Otsuka, producer: EAVE graduate and TTB group leader Fran Borgia
  • DIVORCE DURING THE WAR by Andrius Blazevicius, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Marija Razgute
  • FOLK PLAY by Mirjana Karanovic, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen, co-producer: EAVE participant Ulysse Payet 
  • FRAGMENTS OF THIS BEAUTY by Burak Cevik, producer: EAVE graduate Ipek Erden
  • THE GIRL WITH THE LEICA by Alina Marazzi, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli
  • IDDA’S BREATH by Irene Dionisio, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili
  • ICH BIN MARIKA by Hajni Kis, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • LAST TRIP by Ziad Kalthoum, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh
  • MARRIAGE By ABDUCTION by Sophia Mocorrea, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • REMAINS OF LIFE by Sevda Shishmanova, producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova
  • SCREAMING GIRL by Antonio Lukich, producer: EAVE graduate Volodymyr Yatsenko
  • THE SIDE EFFECTS OF TRUSTING LIFE by Ahmad Ghossein, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • TO DIE ON YOUR FEET by Maria Paz Gonzalez, producer: EAVE +, TTB and PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi

Series Market Selects

  • SOVIET JEANS by Stanislavs Tokalovs, Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • ZORRAS (TRAMPS) by Aritz Moreno, Ana Vázquez, produced in collaboration with EAVE graduate Merry Colomer

Co-Pro Series

  • DEATH TO LOVE by Carlota Pereda, producer: EAVE graduate Merry Colomer
  • MIRRORS by AIDA BEGIC, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo
  • THE CORONER’S ASSISTANT by Elina Psykou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • THE PALM LINE by Fulvio Bernasconi, producer: EAVE + graduate Christof Neracher
  • THE WEREWOLF & RENÉE by Katrin Gebbe, producer: EAVE graduate Verena Gräfe-Höft
  • WOLVES by Sina Ataeian Dena, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert

Rotterdam-Berlinale Express

  • THE DIPLOMATS by Andreas Fontana, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler
  • HOLD TIME FOR ME by Fradique, producer: EAVE participant Laura Kloeckner

Talent Project Market

  • ASTANA INTERNET STARS by Assel Aushakimova, producer:EAVE+ and MW graduate Antoine Simkine
  • POGANA by David Kapac, producer: EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • EAVE project BAD GAYS by Loïc Hobi, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Graf
  • UPTIGHT ASS by Matija Gluscevic, producer: TTB graduate and EAVE participant Čarna Vučinić

Company Matching Programme

  • Hobab, Sweden (Nima Yousefi)
  • Ukbar Filmes, Portugal (Pandora Da Cunha Telles)

Berlinale Talents

  • TTB graduate Taro Imai
  • EAVE graduate Michael Graf
  • EAVE graduate Fani Skartouli
  • EAVE MW graduate Tetiana Mala
  • EAVE MW graduate Kamila Dohnalova
  • EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • EAVE graduate Clemens Köstlin
  • TTB graduate Huang Junxiang
  • TTB graduate and EAVE participant Čarna Vučinić
  • EAVE graduate Laurine Pelassy

Script Station

  • AWAIITING BIRDS by Sofia Quiros, producer: PUENTES graduate Mariana Murillo
  • MARCH 14TH by Alberto Gross Molo, producer: EAVE MW graduate David Aymerich

Jury Members

Part of the GWFF Best First Feature Award Jury: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors


ACE Round Table Consultancy Sessions

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp will present EAVE and its various programmes at the round table “Strategies on how to develop your project at International Training Platforms” in cooperation with ACE Producers.

Saturday, February 17th, 11:00 - 12:00



Only Writers In The Building is an international showcase of eleven talented writers committed to working professionally in the TV series industry, who have trained their drama writing skills within TorinoFilmLab and MIDPOINT Institute series-oriented intensive programmes. In collaboration with EAVE.

Monday, February 19th, 16:00 – 18:00


EFM Roundtable: #DocSafe Initiative

Presentation of #DocSafe, an initiative towards a Global Code of Conduct to make our documentary industry a safer space for all.

Speakers: Magdalene Reddy (DFMI), Nivedita Das (BGDM), EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp and Jane Mote (The Whickers) will share their experience and perspective with the group. 

Sunday February 19th, 16:30-18:00 (fully booked)


European Equity & Inclusion Pathways Seminar

EAVE is an ambassador of the EFM’s Equity and Inclusion Pathways seminar, funded by Creative Europe MEDIA and taking place yearly at the European Film Market 2023, 2024 and 2025. The Equity & Inclusion Pathways Seminar is an industry-wide consultation forum that brings together European decision-makers, advocacy groups, stakeholders and change-makers with the aim of shifting the needle regarding equity, inclusion and accessibility in terms of policymaking, strategy, measures and actions.

The change and advances that this Seminar aims to bring about for the European film industry are resolutely structural and involves not only integrating marginalised groups into a European film sector that is free of biases, barriers and exclusions but also valuing the hitherto unrealised potential of the contributions of marginalised film professionals to the industry as well as redistributing resources and decision-making power more equitably.

Tuesday, February 20th, 9.00-13:45 (closed and by invitation only)


EAVE at the Creative Europe MEDIA stand (Central Hall, Stand number: 24) of the EFM: February 15 - 21

Kristina Trapp, CEO:  February 16 - 21

Satu Elo, Deputy CEO:  February 15 - 21, +352 661 44 52 10

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EAVE+ Extended Deadline for applications

The EAVE+ Call for Applications is now extended until February 9th, 2024!

Join this compact workshop to get a comprehensive industry update and an insight into the latest business models. EAVE+ offers 15 producers the opportunity to discuss their company structures and management practices together with high-profile industry experts during 4,5 days to tackle the business side of running a film company.

The upcoming edition will focus on company sustainability and how to reinvent yourself in times of change. Under the title ‘transforming companies’ we will feature a series of company case studies and inspiring new business models and tackle the role of the producer as a leader.

Together with top-notch experts, we will also explore topics such as cashflow management, company strategies, negotiation with financiers and partners, and raising finance from investors and how to create viable business models for the future. All producers will work on their individual leadership qualities and resilience in private coaching sessions.

EAVE+ will take place from April 19-24, 2024 in Luxembourg.

“It brought us inspiring perspectives from our Business and challenged us to make brave reflections about our own strategies.”

Mariana Oliva, Maria Farinha Filmes, Brazil

“Terrific workshop to rethink and improve the structure and administration of our company.”

Jose Alba, Pecado Films, Spain

Applications are open for independent producers with a solid track record and international experience from Europe and the rest of the world until February 9th, 2024. 

The programme is designed for producers who have been running their own company for five years+ and/or who have worked five years+ at senior management level in another company. We strongly recommend that two individuals at senior management level attend from each company

The workshop will tackle topics such as: How to structure my company more efficiently? How to grow as a company? How to sustain a viable business? How to diversify your company slate? What kind of leader am I? How to improve my team management? How to achieve a better life work balance? 

EAVE allocates a specific scholarship for European residents and citizens who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour. EAVE also offers a limited number of scholarships covering the participation fee (incl. accommodation). Priority is given to candidates from LCC countries as defined by Creative Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia).

Thanks to our partnerships, SODEC will offer a scholarship for one participant from Quebec and Canada Media Fund (CMF) will offer a scholarship for 1-2 participants from one Canadian company owned and controlled by persons from Racialized or Indigenous communities. To be eligible, the company needs to have a slate of content and have received production funding from the CMF in the past 4 years. Projeto Paradiso will offer a scholarship for one Brazilian participant attending EAVE+.

EAVE+ is organised once a year in Luxembourg with support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union and Film Fund Luxembourg.

For more information, please visit here or contact

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ARCANES and THE KOLLECTIVE receive Series Co-Production support

Netherlands Film Fund

In the fourth round of 2023 Netherlands Film Production Incentive invests in 6 feature films, 1 documentary, 1 animated feature film, 2 drama series, 1 documentary series and 2 animated series including 6 international co-productions. Among them:

  • DAY AND NIGHT 2 by Joram Lürsen, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • REEDLAND by Sven Bresser, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot
  • ROKJESNACHT by Johan Nijenhuis, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • STREETCOACHES VS ALIENS by Michael Middelkoop, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit


Supported by the Czech Film Fund:

  • MADE IN EU by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • MARATHON by Peter Kerekes, co-producer: EAVE graduate Juliana Ugrin


Film Centre of Montenegro

Montenegro Production grants have been announced:

  • PRIMAVERA by Dusan Kasalica, producer: EAVE graduate Jelena Angelovski
  • MELTING OF THE RULER by Ivan Salatic, producers: EAVE graduates Jelena Angelovski, Dragana Jovovic



The Council of Europe’s new Pilot Programme for Series Co-Productions supports seven series co-productions. Among them:

  • ARCANES by Michèle Jacob, producers: EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar, EAVE graduate Miha Cernec
  • THE KOLLECTIVE, created by Femke Wolting, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert

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BOTH OF YOUR MOTHERS by Giedre Zickyte is in post-production

In production

  • NINO DANS LA NUIT by Laurent Micheli, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland is in production. In the adaptation of Simon and Capucine Johannin’s much remarked-upon novel, Micheli is exploring the turmoil of modern-day youth and their search for meaning in a daily life marked by precariousness. The story sees 20-year-old Nino Paradis successfully escaping an evening gone wrong, but after a failed attempt to join the Foreign Legion, he finds himself shambolically back at square one. Nino meets up with Lale, the woman who sets his heart ablaze, together with Malik and Charlie, his two partners in crime. From badly paid, rubbish odd jobs to nights full of drugs corresponding to all letters of the alphabet, Nino snatches a place for himself in a world which doesn’t seem obliging. But at what cost?

  • BALTIC UXO by Alexander Belinski and Agne Dovydaityte, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator for Lithuania Dagne Vildziunaite, co-produced by EAVE graduates Elisa Pirir and Julia Cöllen is currently in production. The documentary is a brooding and meditative cinematic journey about the effects that the dumping of 1.6 million tons of unexploded military munition (UXO) into the Baltic and Northern Seas after WW2 has on nature and people around the Baltic. “The feeling we hope to convey to the viewer can be described by a simple life situation that many people have experienced: you are swimming in unfamiliar waters or maybe just a dark pond, and you have this uncomfortable feeling as if someone is about to grab your leg. It's so real that you might even start to feel something physically. This feeling of tension is born out of the innate fear of the unknown, primal instinct and one's imagination filling the gaps of the uncharted”, directors Agne Dovydaite and Alexander Belinski say. BALTIC UXO is produced by Lithuanian Just a Moment in co-production with Fünferfilm (Germany) and Staer (Norway). Dagne Vildziunaite and Karsten Krause are the producers. The project received financial support from the Lithuanian Film Centre, from Tax Incentive Lithuania and from MOIN Film Fund Hamburg.


In Post-production

EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij has partially relocated to Tbilisi, Georgia and is now producing from both Georgia and his home country The Netherlands, has currently several films in post-production:

  • THE OCCUPANT by Hugo Keijzer, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij wrapped shooting last winter in Georgia and Northern Ireland. The picture is currently in advanced stage of post-production. Sales are handled by Altitude Films with Orogen Media as lead financier. The film is produced by Raymond van der Kaaij for Revolver, Jay Taylor and Kwesi Dickson for Electric Shadow Company and co-produced in Georgia by Lasha Khalvashi for Artizm and Vladimer Khatcharava for 20Steps.
  • ELECTRIC CHILD by Simon Jacquemet, co-producers: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, and EAVE + graduate Titus Kreyenberg. 
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij is also in post-production. The story: ‘Young People Fighting Their Inner and Outer Demons.’ Runarsson serves as producer together with Heather Millard of Iceland’s Compass Films, in co-production with local banner Halibut, Revolver Amsterdam for Benelux, France’s Eaux Vives/Jour2Fête and Croatia’s MP Film.   MUY LEJOS (ZO VER WEG) by Gerard Oms, producer: EAVE graduate Raymond van der Kaaij is in post-production. The film, whose screenplay was penned by the director, tells of a journey, a rite of passage for Dani, who travels to Utrecht with his family to watch a sporting event. But before going back to Barcelona, he has a panic attack and makes the decision to stay in the Netherlands. Unable to give any rational explanation to his loved ones, he severs all contact with his past. From that moment on, he will have to survive, with no money, friends or place to call home, and with no ability to speak the local language, until he is finally able to find himself. MUY LEJOS (ZO VER WEG) is a Spanish-Dutch co-production staged by Zabriskie Films and Revolver Amsterdam. It has received support from the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme, the ICEC (Catalan Institute of Cultural Industries), the ICAA (Institute of Film Arts and Sciences) and the Netherlands Film Fund, and it boasts the involvement of TV3 (Televisió de Catalunya) and TVE (Televisión Española).

  • YUGO FLORIDA by Vladimir Tagic, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Stojanovic and Katya Trichkova is in post-production. Serbian filmmaker Vladimir Tagic has now come up with a personal story, written and directed by Tagic himself and inspired by the last seven months before his father’s death. Tagic’s alter-ego Zoran is a chronically fatigued night-shift worker on a reality-TV programme, where he closely follows sleeping participants on around 50 monitors. Zoran’s awkward and almost pointless life, also including a pothead roommate and an unavailable ex-girlfriend, is turned upside-down when his estranged and intolerable father is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Eventually, Zoran finds himself committed to helping him through his final weeks. Producer Marija Stojanovic, from Serbia’s Sense Production, defines YUGO FLORIDA as an arthouse drama that is aimed first and foremost at an audience of arthouse-film lovers. “However, judging by the example of Tagic's work so far, his treatment may be of interest to a wider audience as well,” adds Stojanovic. The co-production between Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Croatia is being backed by Bulgaria’s Contrast Films, with Katya Trichkova as head of production; Croatia’s Eclectica; and Montenegro’s Adriatic Western. Besides funding bodies from the aforementioned territories, the film was also financed by Creative Europe – MEDIA and Eurimages. It has a total budget of approximately €600,000. Editing is currently happening in Serbia, colour grading and mastering will be executed in Croatia, while the sound post-production will be completed in Bulgaria.

  • BOTH OF YOUR MOTHERS by Giedre Zickyte, producer: EAVE graduate Pille Rünk is in post-production. The film follows the last years of professor Irena Veisaite's life. A distinguished Germanist and theatre scholar, Irena, now in her 90s, is unapologetically modern, inspiring, building bridges between people of different ages, religions and nationalities. Her home is always full of different people and languages. BOTH OF YOUR MOTHERS challenges viewers to reflect on the enduring impact of war, the strength found in love and the potential for positive change even in the darkest moments of history. The narrative weaves together personal stories and historical events, honouring Irena’s legacy as a beacon of hope and a staunch advocate for understanding amidst the chaos of the past and present. “Irena was my friend despite the 52 years age gap. I was inspired by her unbreakable spirit and exceptional humanity. I was trying to understand how she could stay after surviving and witnessing such crimes, where the surroundings constantly reminded her of past horrors. Why did she decide to stay here and, most importantly, to forgive the past? How she, having lived through two horrible realities, Nazi and Stalinist, did not lose her love for people? Unfortunately, and sadly, Irena passed away during the film’s production. This film is going to be my farewell letter for Irena, for the woman who deeply affected me with her empathy, irrepressible intellectual curiosity, commitment to understanding the other and a vigorously open mind”, Giedre Zickyte said. BOTH OF YOUR MOTHERS is produced by Giedre Zickyte through Lithuanian Moonmakers and co-produced by Pille Rünk through Estonian Allfilm and Martichka Bozhilova through Bulgarian Agitprop. The project is supported by the Lithuanian Film Centre, Eurimages, Creative Europe MEDIA, the Estonian Film Institute, the Bulgarian National Film Center, Vilnius Goethe Institute, the Estonian Cultural Endowment and the Lithuanian National Radio and Television (LRT). The film was shot in Lithuania, Estonia and Poland during 2020-2023, and it will be completed and released in 2024.

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2 Golden Globes for POOR THINGS

Golden Globes

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney scooped 2 awards at the 81st Golden Globe Awards. The film won Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy and Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy (Emma Stone).


Sundance Film Festival

EAVE graduates won 4 awards at Sundance:

  • IN THE LAND OF BROTHERS by Raha Amirfazli and Alireza Ghasemi, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve received the Directing Award: World Cinema Dramatic
  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ETAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve won the World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award for Cinematic Innovation
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne (script consultant: EAVE expert Clare Downs) won the Audience Award: World Cinema Dramatic and the World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award for Acting


Trieste Film Festival

  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic won the Trieste Award for best film by a debut director at the Trieste Film Festival.
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic wins Special Mention for Best Actor
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan won the Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa Award for best documentary in competition
  • MOTHERLAND by Hanna Badziaka, Alexander Mihalkovich, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson receives a Special Mention


These are the When East Meets West WEMW 2024 award winners:

  • The EAVE Producers Workshop 2024 Scholarship went to: Maria Kontogianni | Wild at Heart, Greece
  • THE BLUE SWEATER WITH A YELLOW HOLE by Tetiana Khodakivska, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel won the EWA Network’s Award for Equality & Inclusion and free badges for the Marché du Film Producers Network 
  • CHANGE project STRANGE SEA by Lala Aliyeva, producer: CHANGE graduate Aysel Akhundova won the Ciclic WEMW Award
  • TURQUOISE MOUNTAIN by Barbora Chalupova, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Markova Zackova received the Laser Film Post-production Award
  • CHANGE project BLUEBERRY DREAMS by Elene Mikaberidze, producers: CHANGE graduate Elene Margvelashvili and EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc won the Film Center Montenegro Award
  • BEATRICE by Vallo Toomla, producers: EAVE graduates Evelin Penttilä, Giovanni Pompili won the Italy-Baltic Development Award for Co-Production
  • THE WATERLINE by Aurora Mischi, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar won the Italy-Baltic Development Award for Co-Production


Guldbaggen Awards

EAVE graduates won 2 main awards at the Swedish Guldbaggen Awards:

  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi won Best Film
  • OPPONENT by Milad Alami, producer: EAVE graduate Annika Rogell, co- producers: EAVE graduates Peter Possne, Ruben Thorkildsen won Best Actress (Marall Nasiri)


Lumières Awards

3 awards for EAVE graduates at the French Lumières Awards:

  • JUNKYARD DOG by Jean-Baptiste Durand, producer: EAVE graduate Anaïs Bertrand won Best Upcoming Actor (Raphael Quenard) 
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff won Best International Co-production
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska won Best Music


Tromsø International Film Festival

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj won the main award of the Tromsø International Film Festival, the Aurora Award.
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll scooped the Tromsø Palm for Best Film in the Nordic Competition.


Ramdan Festival Tournai

  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele was awarded Best Feature Film at the Ramdan Festival Tournai.


Paris International Animation Film Festival

  • THE SONG OF FLYING LEAVES, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Armine Anda received the Audience Award in the "Horizons" Competition of PIAFF - Paris International Animation Film Festival.



  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat wins International Documentary Grand Prix of FIPADOC, Biarritz


Ensor Awards

  • MASCOTTE by Remy van Heugten, producer: EAVE graduate Joram Willink, wins Best Co-production at the Ensors, the Belgian Academy Awards. The awards ceremony takes place on February 3.

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2 Directors Guild of America Awards nominations for EAVE producers

American Academy Awards – the Oscars

We are proud to announce 13 Oscar nominations for EAVE graduates in 2024:

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney is nominated for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Production Design, Best Makeup and Hairstyling, Best Costume Design, Best Original Score
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi vies for Best Documentary
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas competes for Best Animated Feature

The award ceremony will take place on March 12, 2024.


European Women’s Audiovisual Network

The European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA) has announced the eight producers selected to take part in its Series Accelerator programme. The initiative, backed by Netflix’s Fund for Creative Equity, aims “to bring together emerging or mid-career European women film producers who want to deepen their understanding of the series production landscape”. EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci, executive director of EWA, said: “After a decade-long commitment to empowering women in film, this is our first programme focusing on the European series production landscape. We received applications from 27 European countries and could see the breadth of compelling narratives that women across the region can offer.

Four of the eight selected producers and their production companies are EAVE graduates:

  • EAVE graduate Stelana Kliris - Meraki Films | Cyprus
  • EAVE graduate Maja Popovic Milojevic - Sense Production | Serbia
  • EAVE participant Ioana Lascar - DeFilm | Romania
  • EAVE graduate Géraldine Ohana - Nekeva | France


Directors Guild of America Awards

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney is nominated for Outstanding Directorial Achievement at the Directors Guild of America Awards.
  • CHILE ’67 by Manuela Martelli, producer: EAVE on Demand graduate Dominga Sotomayor is nominated for Outstanding Directorial Achievement in First-Time Theatrical Feature Film.

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POOR THINGS in cinemas around Europe

In French cinemas

  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma Vilhunen, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi. January 3.

  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts. January 3.

  • A SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo. January 10.

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 17.

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha. January 17.

  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. January 31.



In Belgian cinemas

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper. January 17.

  • A SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo. January 24.



In Dutch cinemas

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre. January 11.

  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin. January 11.

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. January 18.



In UK cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 12.



In Swiss cinemas

  • OINK by Mascha Halberstad, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot. January 4.



In Austrian cinemas

  • RULE 34 by Julia Murat, producer: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite. January 5.

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. January 12.

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 18.



In German cinemas

  • 15 JAHRE by Chris Kraus, producers: EAVE President Danny Krausz, EAVE + Head of Studies Jani Thiltges. January 11.

  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. “Fiery” Obasi, producer: EAVE graduate Oge Obasi. January 11.

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 17.

  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova. January 24.

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum. January 31.



In Polish cinemas

  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. January 12.

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 19.

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. January 19.



In Danish cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 18.

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. January 25.



In Finnish cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 12.



In Irish cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 12.



In Norwegian cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 12.

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. January 19.

  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith



In Estonian cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 12.



In Italian cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 25.

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. January 29.



In Swedish cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. January 26.



In Spanish cinemas

  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE + graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper. January 19.

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EAVE project THE REEDS selected for Göteborg

Palm Springs International Film Festival (January 6 –14)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • EAVE project BEHIND THE HAYSTACKS by Asimina Proedrou, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamín Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel JersinTOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • CHUCK CHUCK BABY by Janis Pugh, producer: EAVE graduate Anne Beresford
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producers: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Oliver Damian
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EX-HUSBANDS by Noah Pritzker, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis 
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • GODLAND by Hlynur Palmason, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduates Bárbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith



Ramdam Festival Tournai (January 12 – 22)

  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • A SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo
  • MATRIA by Alvaro Gago, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • UPON ENTRY by Alejandro Rojas, Juan Sebastián Vásquez, producer: EAVE graduates Alba Sotorra, Carles Torras
  • SEA SPARKLE by Domien Huyghe, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot
  • WHEN IT MELTS by Veerle Baetens, producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Ellen Havenith
  • WHEN WILL IT BE AGAIN LIKE IT NEVER WAS BEFORE by Sonja Heiss, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin



Tromsø International Film Festival (January 15 – 21)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producers: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Oliver Damian
  • CREATURA by Elena Martín, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • PATIENT #1 by Rezo Gigineishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Archil Gelovani
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Barbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi



Solothurner Filmtage (January 17 – 24)

  • 8 TAGE IM AUGUST by Samuel Perriard, producer: EAVE graduate Dario Schoch
  • ANXIETY by Slawomir Fabicki, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, Violetta Kaminska, Izabela Wojcik
  • BERGFAHRT by Dominique Margot, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • EARLY BIRDS by Michael Steiner, producer: EAVE+ graduate Christof Neracher
  • EAVE project SILENCE OF SIRENS by Ganzmend Nela, producers: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin, EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE + graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • STELLA. EIN LEBEN by Kilian Riedhof, co-producer: EAVE President Danny Krausz
  • THE DRIVEN ONES by Piet Baumgartner, producer: EAVE graduate Dario Schoch
  • THE UNIVERSAL THEORY by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch



Sundance Film Festival (January 18 – 28)

World Cinema Dramatic Competition

  • BRIEF HISTORY OF A FAMILY by Jianjie Lin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne (script consultant: EAVE expert Clare Downs)
  • IN THE LAND OF BROTHERS by Raha Amirfazli and Alireza Ghasemi, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • MALU by Pedro Freire, producer: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • PUENTES project REINAS by Klaudia Reynicke, producers: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin, EAVE+ graduate Valerie Delpierre
  • SEBASTIAN by Mikko Mäkelä, co-producers: EAVE graduates Aleksi Bardy, Leontine Petit, Rosie Crerar, Ciara Barry

World Cinema Documentary Competition 

  • SOUNDTRACK TO A COUP D'ETAT by Johan Grimonprez, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve


  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas


  • THE OUTRUN by Nora Fingscheidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann



Trieste Film Festival (January 19 – 27)

Feature Film Competition

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • FREEDOM by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • OBSERVING by Janez Burger, produced by EAVE graduates Miha Cernec, Jozko Rutar
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic

Out of Competition

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova

Special Events

  • BEAUTIFUL BEINGS by Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Mani Svansson, Peter Possne, PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum

Documentary Competition

  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • MOTHERLAND by Hanna Badziaka, Alexander Mihalkovich, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson

Out of Competition

  • ALL MEN BECOME BROTHERS by Robert Kirchhoff, producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat

Focus Germany

  • 3 DAYS IN QUIBERON by Emily Atef, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter
  • ANISOARA by Ana Felicia Scutelnicu, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE + graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • SISI & I by Frauke Finsterwalder, producer: EAVE President Danny Krausz
  • TONI ERDMANN by Maren Ade, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • SYSTEM CRASHER by Nora Fingscheidt, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann


 When East Meets West Co-Production Forum (January 22 – 25)

  • CHANGE project STRANGE SEA by Lala Aliyeva, producer: CHANGE graduate Aysel Akhundova
  • COSMONAUTS by Leo Cernic, producer: EAVE graduate Katja Lenarcic and EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar
  • INVISIBLE, produced and directed by PUENTES graduate Jorge Forero
  • LA MANCHA by Lindsey Cordero, Armando Croda, producer: PUENTES graduate Clémentine Mourão-Ferreira
  • MADE IN MUD by Anna Llargués, producer: EAVE graduate Sergio Grobas
  • MARATHON by Peter Kerekes, producer: EAVE graduate Julianna Ugrin
  • SONIA by Peter Akar and Rita Balogh, producers: EAVE graduates Sara Laszlo and Marcell Gerő
  • REBELLION OF MEMORY by Joël Jent, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Uzu
  • THE BLUE SWEATER WITH A YELLOW HOLE by Tetiana Khodakivska, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel
  • TURQUOISE MOUNTAIN by Barbora Chalupova, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Markova Zackova
  • WOMANISER by Mina Mileva and EAVE graduate Vesela Kazakova, producer: EAVE graduate Vesela Kazakova

Last Stop Trieste

  • ABANDONED by Vytautas Puidokas, producer: EAVE graduate and CHANGE group leader Estelle Robin You
  • CHANGE project BLUEBERRY DREAMS by Elene Mikaberidze, produced by CHANGE graduate Elene Margvelashvili, EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc  
  • DECEMBER by Grzegorz Paprzycki, producer: EAVE graduate Maciej Kubicki, Dagne Vildziunaite
  • PAVILION 6 by Goran Devic, producer: EAVE graduate Hrvoje Osvadic

This is IT

  • BEFORE MEMORY by Joaquín González Vaillant, producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Agustina Chiarino
  • CARAVAN by Zuzana Kirchnerova, producers: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin, EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MAN OF THE HOUSE by Andamion Murataj, producer: EAVE graduate Bojan Kanjera
  • THE LAST SUMMER by João Nuno Pinto, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes
  • THE REMNANTS OF YOU by Gala Gracia, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo d’Ursi
  • WEIGHTLESS by Sara Fgaier, producer: EAVE graduate Serena Alfieri
  • STILL LIFE WITH GHOSTS by Enrique Buleo, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen

First Cut+

  • CONTINENT by Davi Pretto, producer: PUENTES graduate Paola Wink
  • HUNGER STRIKE BREAKFAST by Karolis Kaupinis, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • WHITE FLASH by Laura Hermanides, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • WISHING ON A STAR by Peter Kerekes, producer: EAVE graduate Vanja Jambrovic, TTB graduate Stefano Centini

EAVE session

Paving the Way for Equitable Co-Productions’ on January 22nd -  A session in collaboration with the EAVE Impact Think Tank, with speakers EAVE graduate Karen Harnisch (producer, Film Forge, Canada), EAVE graduate Heejung Oh (producer, Seesaw Pictures, Netherlands/South Korea) and Mohamed Saïd Ouma, (executive director, Documentary Africa), moderated by EAVE graduate Tamara Mariam Dawit (Gobez Media, Canada).

The session explored the challenges and opportunities in fostering equitable co-production relationships, inspiring producers to embrace inclusive and innovative collaboration methods within Europe and globally.

EAVE Think Tank

The annual EAVE Impact Think Tank will take place on January 20 & 21 and it will focus on equitable approaches to co-production. It will bring together key professionals from across the industry value chain in order to come up with concrete suggestions and innovative ideas for our future. The closed-door event is reserved for invited participants.


This innovative programme combines the EAVE group work method with a series of plenary sessions and individual consultancies focusing on strategic company planning, potential risk evaluation and company diversification. EAVE SLATE selects companies that are developing a slate of audiovisual works. The main objective is to define realistic short-, medium- and long-term strategies for the selected companies and explain how to select the right projects for inclusion in the company slates.

EAVE SLATE Group leaders and Experts: EAVE graduates Ankica Juric Tilic, Michael Kitzberger, Agustina Chiarino, Sophie Erbs and guest experts EAVE graduates Luis Singer (Iconoclast, Germany), Giorgos Karnavas (Heretic, Greece) and Maria Møller Christoffersen (Beofilm, Denmark).

The selected participants and companies for the EAVE SLATE are the following:

  • Maria Eugenia Lombardi - 80 Mundos SRL (Argentina)
  • Sara Laszlo - Campfilm (Hungary)
  • Nicolas van Hemelryck - Casatarantula (Colombia)
  • Enid Campos - Chullachaki Cine (Peru)
  • Vlado Bulajic - December (Slovenia)
  • Alessandro Amato – disparte (Italy)
  • Leonardo Mecchi - Enquadramento Producoes (Brazil)
  • Julia Cöllen – Fünferfilm (Germany)
  • Jordanco Petkovski - FILMOSKOPIJA (Serbia)
  • Edwin Goldman - Goldman Film (Netherlands)
  • Miljenka Čogelja - PIPSER (Croatia)
  • Ashley Smith - Sisyfos Film Production (Sweden)


The workshop organized by MIDPOINT Institute in collaboration with EAVE was an insightful session on company sustainability and strategic business planning by expert Juliane Schulze with the following participants:

  • Kristian Van der Heyden, Belgium / HARALD HOUSE BELGIUM
  • Constantinos Nikiforou, Cyprus /  Caretta Films
  • Genoveva Petrovits, Hungary / KINO ALFA
  • Tomas Pertold, Czech Republic / Perfilm
  • EAVE participant Mina Dreki, Greece / Marni Films
  • Kristians Alhimionoks, Latvia / Centaur Films
  • EAVE graduate Katarina Krnacova, Slovakia / Silverart
  • EAVE FFF graduate Karin Berghammer, Austria / berg hammer film
  • Eva Kucera Smon, Slovenia / remkora



Black Movie Festival Geneva (January 20 – 29)

  • A HOLY FAMILY by Elvis A-Liang Lu, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts



Premiers Plans Festival Angers (January 21 – 29)

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia and Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduates Adis Dapo and Sinisa Juricic
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LA NOUVELLE FEMME by Léa Todorov, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastian Haguenauer
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens



Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis Saarbrücken (January 22 – 28)

  • GESTERN, ICH DENKE AN MORGEN by Tom Otte, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Julia Cöllen
  • MILK TEETH by Sophia Bösch, producers: TTB and EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • THE DRIVEN ONES by Piet Baumgartner, producer: EAVE graduate Dario Schoch



Kustendorf Film and Music Festival (January 25 – 29)

  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska
  • HIGHWAY OF A BROKEN HEART by Nikos Kyritsis, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • ONLY THE DEVIL HATES WATER by Lidija Mojsovska, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Dimitrova



International Film Festival Rotterdam  (January 25 – February 4)

Tiger Competition

  • PRAIA FORMOSA by Julia De Simone, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis
  • SWIMMING HOME by Justin Anderson, producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas

Big Screen Competition

  • MILK TEETH by Sophia Bösch, producer: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator, TTB group leader Jonas Weydemann
  • PORTRAIT OF A CERTAIN ORIENT by Marcelo Gomes, producers: EAVE graduate Eliane Ferreira, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite

Bright Future

  • 78 DAYS by Emilija Gašić, producers: EAVE graduate Milos Ivanovic, EAVE MW graduate Andrijana Sofranić Šućur


  • 8 VIEWS OF LAKE BIWA by Marko Raat, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Dóra Nedeczky
  • ANIMALIA PARADOXA by Niles Atallah, producer: PUENTES graduate Catalina Vergara
  • AVANT IL N’Y AVAIT RIEN by Yvann Yagchi, producer : EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer
  • BINARY by David-Jan Bronsgeest, producer: EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producers: EAVE FFF graduate Ketie Danelia, EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub, EAVE participant Thomas Reichlin
  • BLUE IMAGINE by Matsubayashi Urara, producer: EAVE participant Liza Dino
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • FUTURE ME by Vincent Boy Kars, producer: EAVE graduate Olivia Sophie van Leeuwen
  • I DO NOT COME TO YOU BY CHANCE by Ishaya Bako, producer: EAVE CPI graduate and EAVE participant Chioma Onyenwe
  • LEVANTE by Lillah Halla, producer: PUENTES graduate Clarissa Guarilha
  • MELK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • MEMORY DEALERS by Mila van der Linden, producer: EAVE graduate Maarten  van der Ven
  • NOME by Sana Na N'Hada, producer: EAVE graduate Jorge Cohen
  • TRAUMA PORN CLUB by Michael Middelkoop, producer: EAVE graduate Max de Wolf
  • TWITTERING SOUL by Deimantas Narkevičius, producer: EAVE graduate and Lithuanian National Coordinator Dagne Vildziunaite


  • EAVE project MADAME LUNA by Daniel Espinosa, producers: EAVE graduates David Herdies, Michael Krotkiewski
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • KRAZY HOUSE by Steffen Haars, Flip van der Kuil, producer: EAVE+ graduate Maarten Swart
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LOST IN THE NIGHT by Amat Escalante, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • MOSCAS by Aritz Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Merry Colomer
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE IRON CLAW by Sean Durkin, producer: EAVE graduate Angus Lamont
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, co-producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic

Cinema Regained

  • CLOSE YOUR EYES by Victor Erice, producer: EAVE+ graduate José Alba, EAVE FFF graduate Cristina Zumárraga
  • PANDORAS VERMÄCHTNIS by Angela Christlieb, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu

Tiger Short Competition

  • FLATASTIC by Alice Saey, producers: EAVE graduates Koji Nelissen, Derk-Jan Warrink
  • THE WATCHMAN by Ali Cherri, producer: EAVE graduate Janja Kralj

Short & Mid-length

  • ISBLINK by Olga Krüssenberg, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson
  • O FILME FELIZ :) by Duarte Coimbra, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis
  • SLEEPY HEADS by Tudor Cristian Jurgiu, producers: EAVE MW graduate and EAVE participant Ioana Lascar, EAVE graduate Radu Stancu

Art Directions: Sound // Vision

  • PATERNY by Jan Kulka, producer: EAVE graduate Dagmar Sedlackova


  • WANDER TO WONDER by Nina Gantz, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper



  • ALUMBRE by Alejandro Tarraf, producer: EAVE graduate Felipe Lage Coro
  • ANOTHER JOURNEY WITHOUT WOMEN by Illum Jacobi, producer: EAVE graduate Jon Hammer 
  • CHERUB by Barbara Rupik, producer: EAVE graduate Beata Rzezniczek
  • LES DIPLOMATES by Andreas Fontana, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler
  • EAVE project BAD GAYS by Loïc Hobi, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Graf
  • FATHOMING by Sara Tirelli, producer: PUENTES graduate Alessandro Amato 
  • HOLD TIME FOR ME by Fradique, producer: EAVE participant: Laura Kloeckner
  • OTHER PEOPLE’S DREAMS by Daniel Hui, producer: TTB graduate Bee Thiam Tan
  • THE SPIRIT OF LAW by Natalia Meta, producer: EAVE graduate Benjamin Domenech


Rotterdam Lab

  • EAVE graduate Enea Gramo
  • EAVE participant Mette Mikkelsen
  • EAVE graduate Kesmat El Sayed
  • EAVE participant Patricia d’Intino
  • EAVE graduate Evan Horan
  • EAVE MW graduate Caroline Hitland
  • EAVE participant Marta Gmosinska
  • EAVE graduate Alyaa Musa



  • Rotterdam hosted the second workshop of the CREATIVE PRODUCERS INDABA, a film producers’ development programme presented by the Realness Institute, in collaboration with EAVE, International Film Festival Rotterdam's IFFR Pro, and the Marrakech International Film Festival's Atlas Workshops, Creative Producer Indaba aims to provide professional training and empower Africa's emerging producers with creative vision and leadership skills.



Göteborg International Film Festival (January 26 – February 4)


Nordic Competition

  • KALAK by Isabella Eklof, co-producers: EAVE graduates David Herdies, Leontine Petit
  • EAVE project MADAME LUNA by Daniel Espinosa, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies
  • MY WONDERFUL STRANGER by Johanna Pyykkö, producers: EAVE graduates Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, Renée Hansen Mlodyszewski
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Pálmadottir, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lilja Ósk Snorradóttir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin

Ingmar Bergman Competition

  • DORMITORY by Nehir Tuna, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • HEARTLESS by Nara Normande, producer: EAVE graduate Nadia Trevisan
  • MILK TEETH by Sophia Bösch, producers: TTB and EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann and EAVE graduate Karin Koch

Nordic Documentary Competition

  • LEAVING JESUS by Ellen Fiske, producers: EAVE graduates David Herdies, Michael Krotkiewski
  • THE ANDERSSON BROTHERS by Johanna Bernhardson, producers: EAVE graduates Annika Hellström, Erika Malmgren

International Competition

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • EAVE project THE REEDS by Cemil Agacikoglu, producer: EAVE graduate Sezgi Üstün San, co-producer: EAVE graduate Veselka Kiryakova
  • GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS by Shuchi Talati, producer: TTB graduate Claire Chassagne
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producers: EAVE graduates Bárbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • THE UNIVERSAL THEORY by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • THERE’S STILL TOMORROW by Paola Cortellesi, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Lorenzo Gangarossa
  • TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno

Swedish Shorts Competition

  • MY GIG IN SWEDEN by Simon Vahlne, producer: EAVE graduate Fredrik Lange
  • ISBLINK by Olga Krüssenberg, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson


Nordic Film Market

Works in progress

  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, producer: EAVE graduate Andrea Berentsen Ottmar
  • EUROPE by Brwa Vahabpour, producer: EAVE graduate Renée Hansen Mlodyszewski
  • KEVLAR SOUL by Maria Eriksson-Hecht, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • LAURA by Fanny Ovesen, producer: EAVE graduate Marie Kjellson
  • NEVER ALONE by Klaus Härö, producer: EAVE graduate Ilka Matila
  • ORENDA by Pirjo Honkasalo, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari and Mark Lwoff
  • REDOUBT by John Skoog, producer: EAVE participant Caroline Drab
  • THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE by Magnus von Horn, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski
  • THE SWEDISH TORPEDO by Frida Kempff, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies
  • WAY HOME by Charlotte Sieling, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Leick Jensen
  • WHEN THE LIGHT BREAKS by Rúnar Rúnarsson, co-producer: EAVE, TTB and PUENTES graduate Raymond van der Kaaij


  • DJINN by Milad Alami, producer: EAVE graduate Annika Rogell
  • DEMANDS OF A TEENAGE HEART by Lisa Meyer, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson, EAVE SLATE graduate Ashley Smith
  • MAIA AGAINST THE WORLD by Hannah Elbke, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Møller Christoffersen

Talent to Watch

  • MY BEST FRIEND’S BABY by Sophie Vuković, co-producers: EAVE graduate Danijel Pek, EAVE MW graduate Maja Pek-Brünjes

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EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp (February 16-21), EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo

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13 Oscar nominations for films by EAVE Producers!

EAVE is proud to announce that three films by EAVE graudates have received thirteen Oscar nominations in 2024!

POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney was nominated in eleven categories: Best Picture, Best Director,  Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Production Design,  Best Makeup and Hairstyling, Best Costume Design,  Best Original Score 

THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi was nominated for Best Documentary 

ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas was nominated for Best Animated Feature

The 96th Academy Awards ceremony will take place on March 10th, 2024.

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EAVE is happy to announce a vast presence of EAVE graduates at the next edition of When East Meets West! The co-production forum, set to take place from January 21 – 24, 2024, brings back to Trieste over 500 film professionals from more than 50 different countries. Are you ready?

Follow here the activities by EAVE and check out the projects and companies by EAVE graduates presented at the popular co-production platform!

  EAVE SESSION (January 22)

‘Paving the Way for Equitable Co-Productions’ – Jan 22, 17:00-18:00

A session in collaboration with the EAVE Impact Think Tank, with speakers EAVE graduate Karen Harnisch (producer, Film Forge, Canada), EAVE graduate Heejung Oh (producer, Seesaw Pictures, Netherlands/South Korea) and Mohamed Saïd Ouma, (executive director, Documentary Africa), moderated by EAVE graduate Tamara Mariam Dawit (Gobez Media, Canada).

Explore the challenges and opportunities in fostering equitable co-production relationships, inspiring producers to embrace inclusive and innovative collaboration methods within Europe and globally.

  EAVE THINK TANK 2024 (January 20-21)

The annual EAVE Impact Think Tank will take place on January 20 & 21 and it will focus on equitable approaches to co-production. It will bring together key professionals from across the industry value chain in order to come up with concrete suggestions and innovative ideas for our future. The closed-door event is reserved for invited participants. The outcome of the Think Tank will be shared later on – stay tuned!

  EAVE SLATE (January 20 – 23)

This innovative programme combines the EAVE group work method with a series of plenary sessions and individual consultancies focusing on strategic company planning, potential risk evaluation and company diversification. EAVE SLATE selects companies that are developing a slate of audiovisual works. The main objective is to define realistic short-, medium- and long-term strategies for the selected companies and explain how to select the right projects for inclusion in the company slates.

EAVE SLATE Group leaders and Experts: EAVE graduates Ankica Juric Tilic, Michael Kitzberger, Agustina Chiarino, Sophie Erbs and guest experts EAVE graduates Luis Singer (Iconoclast, Germany), Giorgos Karnavas (Heretic, Greece) and Maria Møller Christoffersen (Beofilm, Denmark).

The selected companies for the EAVE SLATE are the following:

  • 80 Mundos | producer: Maria Eugenia Lombardi | Argentina
  • Campfilm | producer: EAVE graduate Sára László | Hungary
  • Casatarantula | producer: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Nicolas van Hemelryck | Colombia
  • Chullachaki Cine | producer: PUENTES graduate Enid Campos | Colombia
  • December | producer: EAVE graduate Vlado Bulajic | Slovenia
  • dispàrte | producer: PUENTES graduate Alessandro Amato | Italy
  • Enquadramento Produções | producer: PUENTES graduate Leonardo Mecchi | Brazil
  • Fünferfilm | producer: EAVE graduate Julia Cöllen | Germany
  • FILMOSKOPIJA | producer: Jordančo Petkovski | Serbia
  • Goldman Film | producer: EAVE graduate Edwin Goldman | The Netherlands
  • PIPSER | producer: EAVE graduate Milenka Cogelja | Croatia
  • Sisyfos Film Production | producer: Ashley Smith | Sweden

EAVE producers’ presence at the WEMW Co-production Forum

EAVE will award one producer with an EAVE Producers Workshop scholarship 2025!

  • COSMONAUTS by Leo Černic, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • INVISIBLE, directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Jorge Forero
  • LA MANCHA by Lindsey Cordero, Armando Croda, producer: PUENTES graduate Clémentine Mourão-Ferreira
  • MADE IN MUD by Anna Llargués, producer: EAVE graduate Sergio Grobas
  • MARATHON by Peter Kerekes, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julianna Ugrin
  • REBELLION OF MEMORY by Joël Jent, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Uzu
  • SONIA by Péter Akar, Rita Balogh, producers: EAVE graduates Sára László, Marcell Gerő
  • CHANGE project STRANGE SEA by Lala Aliyeva, producer: CHANGE graduate Aysel Akhundova
  • THE BLUE SWEATER WITH A YELLOW HOLE by Tetiana Khodakivska, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel
  • TURQUOISE MOUNTAIN by Barbora Chalupová, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Marková Žáčková
  • WOMANISER by Mina Mileva & Vesela Kazakova, producer: EAVE graduate Vesela Kazakova

Works in Progress


  • ABANDONED by Vytautas Puidokas, producer: EAVE graduate and CHANGE group leader Estelle Robin You
  • CHANGE project BLUEBERRY DREAMS by Elene Mikaberidze, produced by CHANGE graduate Elene Margvelashvili
  • DAD’S LULLABY by Lesia Diak, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean Gorgan
  • DECEMBER by Grzegorz Paprzycki, producer: EAVE graduate Maciej Kubicki
  • PAVILION 6 by Goran Dević, producer: EAVE graduate Hrvoje Osvadic


  • BEFORE MEMORY by Joaquín González Vaillant, producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Agustina Chiarino
  • CARAVAN by Zuzana Kirchnerová, producer: EAVE graduate Dagmar Sedláčková
  • MAN OF THE HOUSE by Andamion Murataj, producer: EAVE graduate Bojan Kanjera
  • THE LAST SUMMER by João Nuno Pinto, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes
  • THE REMNANTS OF YOU by Gala Gracia, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo d’Ursi
  • WEIGHTLESS by Sara Fgaier, producer: EAVE graduate Serena Alfieri


  • HUNGER STRIKE BREAKFAST by Marija Razgutė, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgutė
  • WHITE FLASH by Laura Hermanides, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • WISHING ON A STAR by Peter Kerekes, producer: EAVE graduate Vanja Jambrovic, TTB graduate Stefano Centini


ANIMA SPIRIT | Animation Inspirational Lab

  • EAVE graduate Milos Ivanovic | Set Sail Films | Serbia
  • PUENTES graduate Maria Carla Del Rio Betancourt | Fasten Films | Spain
  • EAVE graduate Danae Spathara | Heretic | Greece

COLD OPEN | Drama Series Inspirational Lab

  • EAVE graduate Vicky Miha | Asterisk* | Greece
  • EAVE graduate Effie Skrobola | View Master Films | Greece
  • EAVE graduate Magdalena Sztorc | Mozaika Films | Poland

EAST & WEST | Co-Production Inspirational Lab

  • EAVE graduate Bojana Radulovic | Code Blue Production | Montenegro
  • EAVE graduate Martin Rattini | Helios Sustainable Films | Italy

GENRE FILMS | Fantastic Film Inspirational Lab

  • PUENTES graduate Claudio Esposito | The Piranesi Experience | Italy
  • TTB graduate Maya Korn | Mhk Productions | United States
  • EAVE graduate Marko Paljic | Gargantua Films | Serbia

IMPACT ZONE | Outreach & Impact Inspirational Lab

  • PUENTES graduate Patricia Barbieri | Prana Filmes | Brazil
  • EAVE participant Patricia D’Intino | Good Kids | Hungary


  • EAVE graduate Tena Gojic | Dinaridi Film | Croatia
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop graduate Andraž Jerič | Temporama | Slovenia

VIRTUAL INNOVATION | Virtual Production Inspirational Lab

  • EAVE graduate Mario Adamson | Sisyfos Film Productions | Sweden
  • EAVE graduate Claudia Sümeghy | Juno11 Pictures | Hungary


  • LITTLE HOUSE by Nika Jurman, producer: EAVE+ graduate Katja Lenarcic
  • TOKOS by Ary Zara, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes

  Meet EAVE at WEMW

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Project Managers Tanika Sajatovic and Ana Ruiz Miralles

For more information, please visit:

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Bridging Latin American-European Co-Productions: Apply now for PUENTES 2024

Applications for PUENTES, EAVE’s training programme for developing Latin-American-European co-productions is now open until February 15

What ties together successful films such as REINAS, THE FISHBOWL, EL PARAISO, BLANQUITA, JESUS LOPEZ, KILLING THE DEAD, CLARA SOLA or LA CIVIL? All these films were developed at PUENTES in recent years. Apply today and join the network of EAVE producers!

Approaching the industry from a producer's perspective, PUENTES focuses on evaluating artistic potential, formulating marketing and distribution strategies, guiding through the development process and identifying market and financing opportunities in both Latin America and Europe.

The core experts include PUENTES Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido (Setembro Cine – AR/ES), known for her prestigious track record of co-productions involving Europe and Latin America (UNA MUJER FANTASTICA, LA BODA DE ROSA, NERUDA, PEQUEÑA FLOR, BLONDI, etc.), group leader and EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs (Gaijin – FR, Producer of LOS PERROS, COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON, MILLA, THE HARVESTERS, THE LOAD, etc.), script consultant Jacques Akchoti (FR), and Agustina Chiarino (Bocacha Films – UY, Producer of THE HEIRESSES, GIANT, SO MUCH WATER, EL 5, THE WAVES, I WOKE UP WITH A DREAM, 3, MONOS, etc.). They will be joined by various guest experts from both Europe and Latin America.


The workshop is targeted to film professionals from Latin America and Europe who wish to strengthen connections between the two regions.

The selected cohort consists of 10 producers focused on project development (fiction films only), along with 4-5 European film professionals with a focus on career development (not bringing a project), including sales agents, financiers, distributors, festival programmers, co-production market representatives, and European producers.

Latin American and European Film producers focusing on project development:

  • Experienced feature film producers with a strong interest with working with Europe and Latin America. The project must be able to demonstrate a clear involvement with Latin America, and vice versa.

European Film Professionals focusing on career development:

  • EU Citizens or residents that are sales agents, distributors, festival and market representatives, financiers, or European producers focusing on career development who wish to deepen their knowledge on Latin-American co-productions and market.


Applications are open until February 15, and the selection will be announced by end of April 2024.

PUENTES takes place in the course of two weeks of the year. The first workshop of the 2024 edition will take place in Italy from July 15 – 21, 2024 in partnership with FVG Audiovisual Fund and MiC (Ministero dei Beni Ambientali e Culturali).

The second workshop will be held in Uruguay late November/early December (TBC), in partnership with Bocacha Films and supported by IBERMEDIA. Thanks to a special partnership, the PUENTES participants will attend VENTANA SUR after workshop 2, in order to strengthen their ties between both continents through networking in the most important market for audiovisual content in Latin America.


“Through this workshop, I gained insights into both my limitations and my untapped potential. Moreover, I had the pleasure of connecting with colleagues from across the globe, and I'm eagerly anticipating the prospect of collaborating with them on exciting new co-productions.”

Claudio Esposito, The Piranesi Experience, IT (PUENTES Participant 2023)

“PUENTES changed the way I approached film production. It creates a web of knowledge and contention on which one can rely on.”

Leandro Listorti, Maravillacine, AR (PUENTES Participant 2023)


Click here to Start your application and find out more information about the selection criteria.

In case of questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with the EAVE team:

The PUENTES workshop is made possible with the support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union and Programa IBERMEDIA, and with the recognition of the Directorate-General for Cinema of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities.

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Call for applications EAVE+: Running sustainable film companies and adapting innovative business models

Applications are now open until February 2, 2024 for the 14th edition of EAVE+!

Join this compact workshop to get a comprehensive industry update and an insight into the latest business models. EAVE+ offers 15 producers the opportunity to discuss their company structures and management practices together with high-profile industry experts during 4,5 days to tackle the business side of running a film company.

The upcoming edition will focus on company sustainability and how to reinvent yourself in times of change. Under the title ‘transforming companies’ we will feature a series of company case studies and inspiring new business models and tackle the role of the producer as a leader.

Together with top-notch experts, we will also explore topics such as cashflow management, company strategies, negotiation with financiers and partners, and raising finance from investors and how to create viable business models for the future. All producers will work on their individual leadership qualities and resilience in private coaching sessions.

EAVE+ will take place from April 19-24, 2024 in Luxembourg.

“It brought us inspiring perspectives from our Business and challenged us to make brave reflections about our own strategies.”

Mariana Oliva, Maria Farinha Filmes, Brazil

“Terrific workshop to rethink and improve the structure and administration of our company.”

Jose Alba, Pecado Films, Spain

Applications are open for independent producers with a solid track record and international experience from Europe and the rest of the world until February 2, 2024. 

The programme is designed for producers who have been running their own company for five years+ and/or who have worked five years+ at senior management level in another company. We strongly recommend that two individuals at senior management level attend from each company

The workshop will tackle topics such as: How to structure my company more efficiently? How to grow as a company? How to sustain a viable business? How to diversify your company slate? What kind of leader am I? How to improve my team management? How to achieve a better life work balance? 

EAVE allocates a specific scholarship for European residents and citizens who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour. EAVE also offers a limited number of scholarships covering the participation fee (incl. accommodation). Priority is given to candidates from LCC countries as defined by Creative Europe (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia).

Thanks to our partnerships, SODEC will offer a scholarship for one participant from Quebec and Canada Media Fund (CMF) will offer a scholarship for 1-2 participants from one Canadian company owned and controlled by persons from Racialized or Indigenous communities. To be eligible, the company needs to have a slate of content and have received production funding from the CMF in the past 4 years. Projeto Paradiso will offer a scholarship for one Brazilian participant attending EAVE+.

EAVE+ is organised once a year in Luxembourg with support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union and Film Fund Luxembourg.

For more information, please visit here or contact

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Awards for EAVE producers in 2023:

  • 7 nominations for the American Academy Awards in 2023
  • 37 films by EAVE producers represent their country in the race for the next 2024 Foreign Language Academy Awards and 8 films shortlisted for nominations
  • 3 Golden Globes nominations
  • 21 nominations at the European Film Awards
  • 8 European Film Awards, including Best Documentary for SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD
  • 15 awards in Cannes, including the Critics’ Week Grand Prize for TTB project TIGER STRIPES and FIPRESCI prize for EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS
  • 13 awards at the Berlinale, including 4 Silver Bears
  • 5 awards at Sundance, including World Cinema Dramatic Special Jury Award: Cinematography for EAVE project MAMI WATA
  • Golden Lion and 16 more awards in Venice, including Best Actress and Best Screenplay in Orizzonti for PUENTES project EL PARAISO
  • 13 awards in Locarno
  • 3 Hearts of Sarajevo
  • 8 awards in Karlovy Vary, including the Crystal Globe

…and many more.

EAVE workshops delivered in 2023:

  • 3 Producers Workshop weeks in Luxembourg / in Austria / in the Netherlands
  • 2 PUENTES workshop weeks in Italy / in Uruguay
  • 2 TIES THAT BIND workshop weeks in Italy / in Taiwan
  • 4 TIES THAT BIND labs: distribution lab / sales lab / animation lab (2 modules)
  • 1 Marketing Workshop in Luxembourg
  • 1 EAVE+ workshop in Luxembourg
  • 17 EAVE on Demand workshops all over the globe online and onsite: 2 ACCESS workshop weeks online and in Canada // EoD APFC Canada 3 online workshop weeks // EoD Aurora Studios in Helsinki // EoD Brussels 2 workshop modules in Belgium // 3 CHANGE Co-production workshops in Georgia, Moldova and Denmark // EoD Ukraine 2 online workshop modules // 2 local workshops during Producer Workshops in Austria and in the Netherlands // 2 local workshops during PUENTES in Italy and in Uruguay
  • 3 Green Film Lab workshops in Ireland, in Poland and in Italy
  • 2 Creative Producer Indaba workshops in Marrakech and in Rotterdam
  • 1 EAVE SLATE workshop at WEMW in Trieste
  • 1 EAVE IMPACT Think Tank at WEMW in Trieste
  • SUSTAINABILITY ACHIEVEMENT: EAVE Producers Workshop 2023 gets certified as a "Green Meeting" in Alpbach
  • numerous EAVE sessions at festivals, markets and online

And a thriving EAVE network of over 2.700 professionals!


Thanks to our partners, consultants, experts, pedagogical team, and all the members of the EAVE family for their precious support!

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Films by EAVE Producers shortlisted for the Oscars

Numerous films by EAVE graduates have been submitted for Best International Feature Film and Documentary Feature Film Award nominations at the 96th Academy Awards.

Among the films submitted are six that were developed in recent years in core EAVE programmes (CITIZEN SAINT, MAMI WATA, BEHIND THE HAYSTACKS at the Producers Workshop, THE SETTLERS at the Marketing Workshop, AUTOBIOGRAPHY and TIGER STRIPES at Ties That Bind).

The shortlist of films eligible for the final nominations has been announced. Here are the eight titles produced by EAVE graduates that have been shortlisted in six categories:

Documentary Feature Film

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi

International Feature Film

  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • GODLAND by Hlynur Palmason, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduates Anton Mani Svansson, Peter Possne, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen

Makeup and Hairstyling

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney

Music (Original Score)

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney

Visual Effects

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney

Live Action Short Film

  • AN AVOCADO PIT by Ary Zara, producer: EAVE participant Andreia Nunes

Nominations voting runs January 11-16, 2024, and nominations will be announced on January 23, 2024.

The 96th Oscars will take place on March 10, 2024.

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EAVE project THE LAST NOMADS receives support from Eurimages


The Executive Committee of the Eurimages Fund has decided to support 29 feature films, including 7 documentary and 3 animation features. Among them:

  • BUTTERFLY by Itonje Søimer Guttormsen, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir
  • CUBA & ALASKA by Yegor Troyanovsky, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • EVERYTIME by Sandra Wollner, producer: EAVE graduate David Bohun
  • LAST LETTERS FROM MY GRANDMA by Olga Lucovnicova, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • ROSE by Markus Schleinzer, producers: EAVE graduates Johannes Schubert, Karsten Stöter
  • SIDI KABA AND THE GATEWAY HOME by Rony Hotin, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef
  • SKATEBOARDING IS NOT FOR GIRLS by Dina Duma, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator North Macedonia Labina Mitevska
  • THE GROUND BENEATH OUR FEET by Yrsa Roca Fannberg, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • EAVE project THE LAST NOMADS by Biljana Tutorov and Peter Glomazic, producer: EAVE graduate Biljana Tutorov
  • THE MYSTERIOUS GAZE OF THE FLAMINGO by Diego Céspedes, producer: PUENTES, TTB and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • YEAR OF THE WIDOW by Veronika Liskova, producers: EAVE graduates Miljenka Cogelja, Tomas Michalek
  • YELLOW LETTERS by Ilker Catak, producer: EAVE graduate Enis Köstepen


World Cinema Fund

The World Cinema Fund (WCF) jury made its 2023 selection. Six of the selected films are produced by EAVE graduates.

Production Funding WCF

  • DEMBA by Mamadou Dia, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • THE MYSTERIOUS GAZE OF THE FLAMINGO by Diego Céspedes, producer: PUENTES, TTB and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • THALITHA KUMI by Hadar Morag, producer: EAVE graduate Caroline Daube

WCF Africa

  • THE NIGHTS STILL SMELL OF GUNPOWDER by Inadelso Cossa, producer: CPI graduate Thomas Kaske, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve

Distribution Funding for Germany

  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. “Fiery” Obasi, producer: EAVE graduate Oge Obasi

Distribution Funding WCF Europe

  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach


Film Fund Luxembourg

The Film Fund Luxembourg will be backing 23 new projects – 12 fiction features, five animated features, one documentary feature, one drama series, one animated series, one fiction short and two VR projects.

Development support

  • ALPHA AMEN by Gintaré Parulyte, producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault
  • ARJIN by Christophe Wagner, associate producers: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux, EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges
  • BOY UNDERGROUND by Simon Farmakas, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandra Hoesdorff
  • CAPITALES EUROPE – LA BATAILLE DES SIÈGES directed and produced by by EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno
  • E LETZERBUERGER MANN by Myriam Muller, producers: EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux
  • HEADLESS by Govinda Van Maele, producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial
  • LES ANIMAUX PARLENT by Thierry “Gordon” Guernet, producers: EAVE graduates Stéphane Hueber-Blies, Marion Guth, Francois Le Gall
  • MISSION MAGIQUE À MEXICO by Hefang Wei, producer: EAVE graduate Stephan Roelants
  • EAVE project RED ZONE by Iryna Tsylik, producer: EAVE graduate Darya Bassel, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth

Production grant

  • AMA by Yuki Kawamura, producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial
  • BARONNES by Nabil Ben Yadir and Mokhtaria Badaoui, producers: EAVE graduate Adolf El Assal, EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • KOHINOOR by Udita Bhargava, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • LES ENFANTS DE LA LIBERTÉ by Rémy Schaepman, producer: EAVE graduate Stephan Roelants
  • MARGINAL by Loïc Tanson, producer: associate producers: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux, EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges
  • MIA MIO by Roxanne Péguet, producer: EAVE graduate Vincent Quénault
  • THE EXCURSION by Miroslav Terzic, producers: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges and Adrien Chef
  • THE TIME OF A MOMENT by Kate Voet and Victor Maes, producers: EAVE graduate Emmy Oost, EAVE MW graduate An Oost


Film Center Serbia

Film Center Serbia has announced the results of its latest round of funding across various formats and genres, with a total of 24 projects and ten screenplays in development.

  • WHITE WASHES AT NINETY by Marko Nabersnik, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic 
  • LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS by Urska Djukic, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Prpic and Marina Gumzi, Miha Cernec, Dragana Jovovic


National Film Centre of Latvia

Nine Latvian Projects supported through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to be completed in 2023:

  • SOVJET JEANS by Staņislavs Tokalovs and Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Latvia Aija Berzina
  • BOARDING HOUSE AT THE MANOR by Andis Miziss, Marta Elina Martinsone, Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE graduate Gints Grube
  • COMING OF AGE by Ivars Seleckis, Armands Zacs, producer: EAVE graduate Gints Grube


Romanian Film Centre

The following grants were announced by the Romanian Film Centre.

  • AFTER THE SUMMER by Denis Tanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar, and EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci
  • ALTA POATE. DAR NU ASTA by Paul Cioran, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • CE CREDE DUMNEZEU DESPRE ANIMALE by Claudiu Mitcu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • ELECTING MISS SANTA by Raisa Razmerita, producer: EAVE graduate Annamaria Antoci
  • FLOARE DE COLT by Adriana Racasan, EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu
  • FROSTY BLUE FORGET-ME-NOTS by Cristina Hanes, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Radu Stancu
  • GOD WILL NOT HELP by Hana Jusic, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • LAST LETTERS FROM GRANDMA by Olga Lucovnikova, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • MAI CHEAMA SI UN CAINE by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandru Teodorescu 
  • FLOARE NU ESTE O FLOARE by Cristian Pascariu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu 
  • PLAYTOPIA by Bara Tichova Tyson, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Radu Stancu
  • TRANSPLANT DE INIMA by Ioachim Stroe, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon

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In production

  • FLOOD by Martin Gonda, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Slovakia Katarina Krnacova is in production. The film delves into the unexplored theme of the displacement of the Rusyn, an East Slavic ethnic group from the Eastern Carpathians in Central Europe, during the construction of the Starina reservoir in the 1980s. Set against this tumultuous backdrop, FLOOD intertwines personal and collective stories, bringing to the forefront the often-overlooked plight of the Rusyn minority in Slovakia. The Starina reservoir's construction, which lasted from 1981-1988, led to the largest displacement in Slovak history. Gonda's personal connection to the region, having spent his childhood summers there, adds a layer of authenticity and depth to the narrative. The film not only recounts the physical destruction of the seven Rusyn villages, but also captures the emotional and cultural impact of this event on the community. The cast combines professional and non-professional actors, and FLOOD is destined to be the first film about Rusyns made in the Rusyn language. The project won the main prize at Febiofest Bratislava Industry Days in 2021. FLOOD is being produced by Silverart (Slovakia), and co-produced by Harine Films (Poland), Cineart TV Prague (Czech Republic) and Y-House (Belgium). The Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Polish Film Institute, Radio and Television Slovakia, the Minority Culture Fund, Creative Europe – MEDIA, the Kosice Self-governing Region, the Czech Film Fund and the Belgian Tax Shelter have supported the project. The shoot started in September, and the majority of the footage has already been shot.

  • EAVE project EVERYTHING THAT’S WRONG WITH YOU by Ursa Menart, producers: EAVE graduate Katja Lenarcic, EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar, EAVE graduate Alexander Wadouh is in production. Menart tells the story of the trouble that the younger generation is having fitting into a world that was not created for it. The protagonist, Marusa, connects with Alja, a nurse who works abroad, online, and the two quickly become friends. When Alja falls ill, Marusa travels to her place only to find out that not everything is the way it seemed at the start. “The film tells a story about searching for closeness: the generation the two leading characters belong to is lonelier than any generation before it, and meeting new friends as an adult is even more difficult than forging friendships at a young age,” Menart said. “The world is merciless to young women, especially those who don’t benefit from strong support or have a background in power structures. The film depicts the contrasts between these feelings of invisibility and not belonging, and the longing for a human connection, for deep friendships, like those we often see in the movies, and for someone to finally understand us.” EVERYTHING THAT’S WRONG WITH YOU is a Slovenian-Serbian-German-Croatian co-production involving Vertigo, Radio-Television Slovenia, Living Pictures, Chromosom Films, Tidewater Pictures and Eclectica. It has received technical support from Studio Viba Film and financial backing from the Slovenian Film Centre, Film Center Serbia, Creative Europe – MEDIA and Re-Act. Filming takes place on location in the town of Tolmin, perched up in the mountains in the northwest of Slovenia. It will last for around 30 working days in and around Tolmin, Kranj, Nova Gorica and Ljubljana, as well as on the island of Usedom in the Baltic Sea.



In post-production

  • HÅKAN BRÅKAN 2 by Ted Kjellsson, producer: EAVE graduate Malin Söderlund is in post-production. Håkan has a babysitter, Amanda - the world's most boring one according to him - and he has to run home where he can attend a very important computer game competition. But Håkan is suddenly eye to eye with both burglars and ostriches... Premiering in cinemas is planned for February 2024.

  • STILL LIFE WITH GHOSTS by Enrique Buleo, co-producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen is in post-production. The film is made up of stories about the residents of a small Spanish inland town where believing in paranormal activity is fully accepted. Principal photography began in late September and took place in different locations in Manchuela Conquense, Cuenca (specifically, in Villanueva de la Jara, the director’s place of birth, El Picazo, Casasimarro, Iniesta and Amodóvar del Pinar), Castellón and Valencia. Indeed, in the movie, dark comedy, rural drama, absurd humour, magical realism (specifically that from La Mancha) and even science fiction exist side by side. "The movie is a half-comical, half-morbid portrait of some of the most primal and universal fears and desires… After all, it tackles subjects such as the search for one’s identity, the struggle against solitude and fear of the pointlessness of life.” STILL LIFE WITH GHOSTS is being staged by Spanish outfits Quatre Films and Cuidado con el perro, in co-production with France’s Ikki Films and Serbia’s This and That. It has received support from the ICAA, the Valencian Cultural Institute and Creative Europe – MEDIA. In addition, it boasts the involvement of À Punt Media, Castilla-La Mancha Media and ETuria CLM, following its victory in the feature-film production competition promoted by the Film Commission of the Autonomous Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha. The title triumphed in the When East Meets West Coproduction Forum and Abycine Lanza, besides taking part in the Producers Under the Spotlight programme at the Cannes Marché du Film and the Visitors Programme of the Berlinale’s EFM.

  • HAMBURG by Lino Escalera, producers: EAVE+ graduates Jose Alba, Odile Antonio-Baez is in post-production. The screenplay to this thriller that broaches the thorny issue of mafia-run female prostitution, introduces us to Germán, the man in charge of ferrying around women who work as slaves in gentlemen’s venues on the Costa del Sol. Penniless and completely adrift, he tries to make a living by working for Cacho, an old friend of his who manages several of these venues for the local mafia, until one night, an opportunity presents itself: he leaves it all behind and decides to steal the club’s takings. What seems like a chance to completely turn his life around will put him in more danger than ever before. He will only have one option left – the same as the one being contemplated by the girls he takes from one place to another each night, like Alina: to pull off a successful escape. HAMBURG is a production by Spanish outfits Zeta Cinema, Icónica Producciones, Tandem Films and Pecado Films, and Romania’s Cinelab. The film has secured funding from the ICAA, the Andalusian Regional Government and the Community of Madrid, and boasts the involvement of Netflix and Canal Sur.

  • SNESCHA AND FRANZ by Svetoslav Draganov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova is in post-production. Draganov tells a universal story about the call of freedom vs. the family life, based on the relationship between his aunt and his uncle. Тhe film digs into the call to distant lands, cultures and adventures against the meaning of creating a “family hearth”, and it is looking for an answer to the question: Is it possible to strike a good balance between individual longing and shared family wishes? “Snescha and Franz are my aunt and uncle. One of my brightest childhood memories is how my Austrian uncle Franz projected slides from his adventures on a big white sheet taken from the parent’s bed: skiing in Sahara, boat sailing along the Niger River... Then, during the years, I found his Super 8mm films and his unpublished books. In one of them I found a letter to Snescha and their kids in which he writes: “Yes, the difference between the individual wishes and longings and the common family wishes exists. I know those contradictions and try to see them or at least hold out. I try to do more things with you, to go on and find a good balance. I hope our measurements for balance are close”, Svetoslav Draganov said. Draganov is producing through Bulgaria’s Cineaste Maudit Productions in co-production with Katya Trichkova through Contrast Films (Bulgaria), with support from the Bulgarian National Film Center, Creative Europe MEDIA and Wiener Stadt und Landesarchiv. SNESCHA AND FRANZ was shot in 45 shooting days mainly in Austria. The shooting period started in February 2020 and finished in October 2022. The project was part of the Docu Talents from the East (2021) and MakeCoProDox Forum (2023).

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SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD wins European Documentary

European Film Awards

Heartfelt congratulations to EAVE producers winning eight European Film Awards 2023 for outstanding achievement in European cinema!

European Documentary

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat

On the picture: EAVE producer Marianne Ostrat (2013 graduate), director Anna Hints, editor Tushar Prakash (both director-writer participants at EAVE Producers Workshop 2016).
Picture © Sebastian Gabsch


European Actor, European Cinematography and European Costume Design

  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic

European Discovery – Prix FIPRESCI

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas

European Animated Feature Film

  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas

European Production Design

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina

European Original Score

  • CLUB ZERO by Jessica Hausner, producer: EAVE graduate Johannes Schubert, co-producers: EAVE graduates Per Damgaard Hansen, Clemens Köstlin



TFL Meeting Event

TFL Production Awards

  • MILK TEETH by Mihai Mincan, producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu, co-producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Vassilaros 
  • THE VISITOR by Vytautas Katkus, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute

Co-Production Funds

  • RENIOR by Chie Hayakawa, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Eiko Mizuno-Gray
  • THE MELTDOWN by Alejandra Garcia, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benjamin Domenech 

CNC Award

  • THE BOY AND THE FIGHT OF SPIDERS by Jarell Serencio, co-producer: EAVE graduate Claire Lajourmard

ARRI Award, Sub-ti Award and Green Filming Award

  • RENIOR by Chie Hayakawa, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Eiko Mizuno-Gray


  • WATCH IT BURN by Makbul Mubarak, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Yulia Evina Bhara

EWA Network Female Voices Award

  • AMARI by Domien Huyghe, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot

Green Filming Award

  • MILK TEETH by Mihai Mincan, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Radu Stancu, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Konstantinos Vasillaros



Cinémamed – Brussels’ Mediterranean Film Festival

Grand Jury Prize

  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu

Special Jury Prize

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina

Jury Special Mention, Cineuropa Prize, Citizens’ Jury Award

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha

Audience Award

  • THE SUMMER WITH CARMEN by Zacharias Mavroeidis, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti



Arab Critics' Awards for European Films

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff has won this year’s Arab Critics' Awards for European Films, which is being presented for the fifth time by European Film Promotion (EFP) and Arab Cinema Center (ACC).



Author's Film Festival

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic, Jelena Mitrovic, Gary Cranner won the Gordan Mihic Award for Best Script at the Author's Film Festival, Belgrade.
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj received a Special Mention
  • LOST IN THE NIGHT by Amat Escalante, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis, co-producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Katrin Pors, Dan Wechsler, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin won the Aleksandar Petkovic Award for Best Cinematography
  • LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG by Antonio Lukich, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko won the Audience Award
  • PERO by Damjan Kozole, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar received a Special Mention



Tbilisi International Film Festival

  • DRAWING LOTS by Zeza Khalvashi and Tamta Khalvashi, producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norviliene won Prometheus for the best full-length fiction film
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper received a Special Mention
  • SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, produced by EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau received a Special Mention and the European Union Award "Human Rights in Cinema"
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron won the Georgian Documentary Association - DOCA Award


British Independent Film Awards

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas won Best Lead Performance for Mia McKenna-Bruce and Best Supporting Performance for Shaun Thomas at the British Independent Film Awards, BIFA 2023.



Oulu Film Festival

  • HÅKAN BRÅKAN by Ted Kjellsson, producer: EAVE graduate Malin Söderlund won the Oulun Energia Children's Film Competition Award given by the Children's Jury
  • TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts won the ECFA Award for the Best European Children's Film



Marrakech International Film Festival

  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi won the Jury Prize ex-aequo
  • HOUNDS by Kamal Lazraq, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum won the Jury Prize ex-aequo
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo won Best Actress (Asja Zara Lagumdzija)
  • DORMITORY by Nehir Tuna, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier won Best Actor (Doga Karakas)

Atlas Workshop awards

Atlas Development Awards

  • AMNESIA by Dima Hamdan, producer: EAVE graduate Tony Copti 
  • THE CAMEL DRIVING SCHOOL by Halima Ouardiri, producer: EAVE graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain

Atlas Post-Production Awards

  • MOTHERHOOD by Meryam Joobeur, producer: EAVE graduate Sarra Ben Hassen 
  • THE VILLAGE NEXT TO PARADISE by Mo Harawe, producers: EAVE graduates Oliver Neumann, Nicole Gerhards



Red Sea International Film Festival

  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele was awarded the Silver Yusr for Best Cinematic Contribution at the Red Sea International Film Festival
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser won Best Actress (Mouna Hawa)
  • THE TEACHER by Farah Nabuls, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi won Best Actor (Saleh Bakri) and the Jury Prize

Red Sea Souk Awards

  • MY SEMBA by Hugo Salvaterra, producer: EAVE graduate Jorge Cohen won the Red Sea Souk Post-Production Jury’s Special Mention Award and the Shift Studios award for a promotion package
  • YUNAN by Ameer Fakher Eldin, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier won the Red Sea Souk Post-Production Award
  • NOSTALGIA: A TALE IN FIRST CHAPTERS by Ameer Fakher Eldin, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier won the Mad Solutions Development Award
  • MEN IN THE SUN by Mahdi Fleifel, producer: EAVE graduate Geoff Arbourne won the Oticons Award for a Work-in-Progress film consisting of Music Consulting services and the Shift Studios award consisting of a full DCP package
  • MY FATHER KILLED BOURGHIBA by Fatma Riahi, producer: EAVE graduate Sarra Ben Hassen won the Red Sea Souk Production Award for a Red Sea Lodge project



Industry Village Les Arcs

  • LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS by Urska Djukic, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Prpic and Marina Gumzi, Miha Cernec, Dragana Jovovic won the Work in Progress TitraFilm Award
  • WIND, TALK TO ME by Stefan Dordjevic, produced by EAVE graduates Dragana Jovovic, Miha Cernec, Vanja Jambrovic, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar received a Special Mention
  • THE SWEDISH TORPEDO by Frida Kempff, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies, co-producers: EAVE graduate Elina Litvinova and EAVE graduate and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos won the Work in Progress 22D Music Award
  • THE MELTDOWN by Manuela Martelli, producer: EAVE graduate Benjamin Domenech has won the Coprocity Development Prize.

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3 films by EAVE graduates nominated for LUX Audience Award

LUX Audience Award

3 films by EAVE graduates are competing for the LUX Audience Award:

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat

European audiences are encouraged to watch and rate the films. The winner will be selected jointly by the MEPs and the public ratings, each accounting for 50% of the final result. Eventually, the winning film will be announced in March 2024 at a dedicated ceremony organised on the European Parliament’s premises.


Golden Globes 2024

8 nominations for films by EAVE producers:

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney vies for Best Director, Best Musical or Comedy, Best Script and Best Actress (Emma Stone), Best Supporting Actor (William Dafoe, Mark Ruffalo), Best Score
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff competes for Best Actress (Alma Pöysti) and Best Foreign Language Film


European Shooting Stars

The European Shooting Stars have been announced. EFP (European Film Promotion) has selected the up-and-coming acting talent to be introduced during the 74th Berlin International Film Festival. Three of them played in films by EAVE graduates:

  • Thibaud Dooms in: SKUNK by Koen Mortier, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • Suzy Bemba in: POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • Dziugas Grinys in: SONGS FOR A FOX by Kristijonas Vildziunas, co-producer: FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis


Producers Guild of America

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat was nominated for Outstanding Producer of Documentary Motion Pictures at the 2024 Producers Guild Awards.

the 2024 Producers Guild Awards will take place on Sunday, February 25, 2024 in Los Angeles.

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS in French cinemas

In French cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. December 6.

  • LÉGUA by João Miller Guerra and EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis, producers: EAVE graduate Rachel Daisy Ellis, EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras. December 6.

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. December 13.

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper. December 13.

  • EISMAYER by David Wagner, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber. December 13.



In Belgian cinemas

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. December 13.

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron. December 13.



In UK cinemas

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff. December 1.

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron. December 6.

  • TCHAIKOWSKI’S WIFE by Kirill Serebrennikov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Yohann Comte. December 6.



In Dutch cinemas

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff. December 7.

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. December 21.



In Swiss cinemas

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. December 7.

  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. December 7.



In Austrian cinemas

  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. December 1.

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. December 7.

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina. December 21.



In German cinemas

  • FALLING INTO PLACE by Aylin Tezel, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann. December 7.

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. December 7.



In Danish cinemas

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff. December 25.



In Finnish cinemas

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. December 8.



In Norwegian cinemas

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff. December 25.



In Polish cinemas

  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. December 8.

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TTB project TIGER STRIPES selected for Red Sea International Film Festival

Marrakech International Film Festival (November 24 – December 2)


  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • HOUNDS by Kamal Lazraq, co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • DORMITORY (YURT) by Nehir Tuna, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • PRISON IN THE ANDES by Felipe Carmona, producer: PUENTES graduate Daniel Pech
  • SILENT ROAR by Johnny Barrington, producer: EAVE graduate Christopher Young

Special Screenings

  • THE PROMISED LAND (BASTARDEN) by Nikolaj Arcel, co-producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • GOODBYE JULIA by Mohamed Kordofani, producer: EAVE graduate Ingrid Lill Hogtun
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MACHTAT by Sonia Ben Slama, co-producer: EAVE graduate Cécile Lestrade
  • SIDONIE IN JAPAN by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Haguenauer

The 11th Continent

  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lăzurean-Gorgan
  • CASABLANCA by Adriano Valerio, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • LITTLE GIRL BLUE by Mona Achache, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland

Cinema for Young Audiences

  • MICA by Ismaël Ferroukhi, producer: EAVE graduate Lamia Chraibi



Author's Film Festival, Belgrade (November 25 – December 3)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • COPENHAGEN DOES NOT EXIST by Martin Skovbjerg, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE LAKE by Lav Diaz, producer: producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LOST IN THE NIGHT by Amat Escalante, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis, co-producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Katrin Pors, Dan Wechsler, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG by Antonio Lukich, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko
  • PERO by Damjan Kozole, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj
  • THE OTHER LAURENS by Claude Schmitz, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Forni, Benoit Roland
  • THE PLOUGH (LE GRAND CHARIOT) by Philippe Garrel, producer: EAVE graduate Laurine Pelassy
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch



Tbilisi International Film Festival (November 26 – December 3)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • DRAWING LOTS by Zeza Khalvashi and Tamta Khalvashi, producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norviliene
  • EAVE and TTB project TO THE NORTH by Mihai Mincan, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Radu Stancu, co-producers: TTB and EAVE graduate Konstantinos Vassilaros, EAVE graduate Mikulas Novotny
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • FREEDOM by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic  
  • LUKA by Jessica Woodworth, producer: EAVE graduates Peter Brosens, Diana Elbaum, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • MOTHERLAND by Hanna Badziaka, Alexander Mihalkovich, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • RETURN TO SEOUL by Davy Chou, producer: Interchange and B’EST graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin 
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • SMILING GEORGIA by Luka Beradze, produced by EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj
  • THE DAM by Ali Cherry, producer: EAVE graduate Janja Kralj
  • WHEN THE WAVES ARE GONE by Lav Diaz, producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduates Bradley Liew, Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors



Red Sea International Film Festival (November 30 – December 9)

  • 24 HOURS WITH GASPAR by Yosep Anggi Noen, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Yulia Evina Bhara
  • DANCE FIRST by James Marsh, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • IN THE SHADOW OF BEIRUT by Garry Keane, Stephen Gerard Kelly, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE TEACHER by Farah Nabuls, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • THE WAIT by Imran Hamdulay, producer: EAVE graduate Khosie Dali
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith 
  • YAA by Amartei Armar, producer: EAVE graduate Ike Yemoh



Cinemamed Festival (December 1 – 8)

  • A CUP OF COFFEE AND NEW SHOES ON by Gentian Koci, co-producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sophie Erbs, Katrin Pors, Sergi Moreno, Ingrid Lill Høgtun
  • CREATURA by Elena Martín, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • DANCING ON THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO by Cyril Aris, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE ORDINARIES by Sophie Linnenbaum, producer: EAVE MW graduate Britta Strampe
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LAST DANCE by Delphine Lehericey, producer: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guégan, PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont
  • UPON ENTRY by Alejandro Rojas, Juan Sebastián Vásquez, producer: EAVE graduates Alba Sotorra, Carles Torras



Around the World in 14 Films Festival (December 1 – 9)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producers: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Oliver Damian
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith



Les Arcs European Film Festival (December 16 – 23) 

Official Competition

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Antonino Lombardo, Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • THROUGH THE NIGHT by Delphine Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE SUCCESSOR by Xavier Legrand, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman


  • SILVER HAZE by Sacha Polak, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot


  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron


  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • LIFE’S A BITCH by Xavier Seron, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi

Avant premières

  • SIDONIE AU JAPON by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Haguenauer 
  • A SILENCE by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo

Séance speciale

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina


  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • MELK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin

Oscars au Ski

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia and Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova


Industry Village Les Arcs

EAVE, ACE Producers and Midpoint hosted a joint networking Breakfast on December 18th. EAVE was represented by Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve.

 © Claire Nicol 


Co-Production Village

  • ALSO A LIFE by Anders Emblem, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Pirir
  • BASARDA by Salvador Sunyer, producer: EAVE graduate EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • COWGIRL by Michal Blasko, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • EAVE project A FRIEND by Teppo Airaksinen, producer: EAVE graduate John Lundsten
  • FUGA by Mary Jiménez & Bénédicte Liénard, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • LÉGUA by João Miller Guerra and EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis, producers: EAVE graduate Rachel Daisy Ellis, EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras
  • I MATTER by Alina Serban, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • RIVIERA by Orfeas Peretzis, producers: EAVE graduates Konstantinos Vassilaros, Alexandre Gavras
  • EAVE project STRAY BODIES by Elina Psykou, producers: EAVE graduates Rea Apistolides, Veselka Kiryakova
  • SKUNK by Koen Mortier, producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • SUB by Peter Modestij, producer: PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • TO SEE A WOMAN by Manuela Bastian, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder

The Work in Progress

  • ACTS OF LOVE by Jeppe Rønde, producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen 
  • LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS by Urska Djukic, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Prpic and Marina Gumzi, Miha Cernec, Dragana Jovovic
  • PARADISE by Bobbie Koek, producer: EAVE graduate Janneke Doolaard
  • THE SWEDISH TORPEDO by Frida Kempff, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies, co-producers: EAVE graduate Elina Litvinova and EAVE graduate and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos
  • U ARE THE UNIVERSE by Pavlo Ostrikov, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko
  • WIND, TALK TO ME by Stefan Dordjevic, produced by EAVE graduates Dragana Jovovic, Miha Cernec, Vanja Jambrovic, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • YEAR OF THE WIDOW by Veronika Liskova, producer: EAVE graduate Miljenka Cogelja

Out of competition

  • YOUNG HEARTS by Anthony Schatteman, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust

Talent Village

  • THIS WILL NOT END WELL by Emma Branderhorst, producer: EAVE graduate Derk Jan Warrink


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@ CHANGE, January 15 - 19, Chisinau (MO)

EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo

@ When East Meets West and EAVE SLATE, January 20 - 24, Trieste (IT) 

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Project Manager Ana Ruiz Miralles

@ International Film Festival Rotterdam, January 28 - 31, Rotterdam (NL) 

EAVE Project Manager Sarah van den Hoogen

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Time to celebrate: Introducing the 2024 EAVE Producers Workshop Participants!

As we bid farewell to an incredible year, which also marked EAVE’s 35th anniversary, it is with great joy that we introduce next year’s cohort for the EAVE Producers Workshop!

We welcome the 56 producers and professionals from 36 countries (see complete list below) that have been selected out of 289 applications from 60 countries to EAVE!

We are particularly grateful for the generous support of our 2024 scholarship partners:

  • The French CNC supports the participation of 4 international producers at the EAVE Producers Workshop, namely Mariam Al-Dhubhani (Yemen), Chioma Onyenwe (Nigeria), Čarna Vučinić (Serbia) and - supported by the programme DEENTAL-ACP in partnership with EAVE - Tiny Mungwe (South Africa).
  • Thanks to German regional fund MDM, Ukrainian producers Olesia Lukyanenko and Olha Matat will develop their skills at the EAVE 2024 course.
  • PACT is offering a scholarship to one UK producer (Don Omope) in the name and memory of EAVE expert Dorothy Viljoen.
  • Our partnerships with Telefilm Canada and SODEC made it possible for two producers from Canada (Dominque Dussault and Caitlin Grabham) to attend the programme.
  • The support of Projeto Paradiso was granted to Leticia Friedrich from Brazil.
  • Thanks to our collaboration with Fonds Jeune Création Francophone, Angèle Diabang from Senegal will participate with financial support from Film Fund Luxembourg.

In addition to those, a number of scholarships have been allocated by EAVE, including an EAVE diversity scholarship for European participants who identify as black, indigenous or people of colour. Additional EAVE scholarships were given in priority to participants from European low production capacity countries.

We would like to thank our partners, consultants, pedagogical team, and all the members of the EAVE family for their precious support and wish you all a peaceful holiday season and a good start into the New Year!

Happy Holidays!

The EAVE office is closed from December 25 - 29, 2023

Your EAVE team will be back on January 2, 2024.

The selected participants for the EAVE Producers Workshop 2024 are:


Lena Weiss, Glitter and Doom



Letícia Friedrich, Vitrine Filmes



Nikolay Urumov, BOF Pictures



Dominique Dussault, Nemesis Films

Caitlin Grabham, Prowler Film



Diana Camargo, Laberinto Cine y Televisión



Vanja Sremac, Terminal 3



Jitka Kotrlová, Frame Films

Radovan Síbrt, PINK



Mette Mikkelsen, New Tales

Marta Mleczek, Profile Pictures



Ahmed Amer, A. A. Films



Ilona Tolmunen, Made



Adrien Barrouillet, Furyo Films

Raphaël Gindre, RG FILMS

Katia Khazak, Aurora Films

Ulysse Payet, Elzévir Films



Fabian Altenried, Schuldenberg Films

Linus Günther, klinkerfilm production

Laura Kloeckner, Seera Films

Marion Wagner, Hessen Film & Medien



Mina Dreki, Marni Films

Dimitris Logiadis, Filmiki Productions



Inuk Jørgensen



Patricia D'Intino, Good Kids



Claire Mc Cabe, Pipedream Productions

Tina O’Reilly, Front Room Films



Lara Costa-Calzado, Kino Produzioni

Claudio Giapponesi, Kiné Società Cooperativa



Rūta Adelė Jekentaitė, Baltic Productions



Olivier Caudron, Film Fund Luxembourg



Renko Douze, Een van de jongens

Edwin Goldman, Goldman Film



Chioma Onyenwe, Raconteur Productions



Benedikte Danielsen, Norwegian Film Institute

Thorvald Nilsen, Indie Film Bergen



Mary Liza Diño, Fire and Ice Media and Productions



Marta Gmosińska, Lava Films

Krystyna Kantor, Shipsboy



Andreia Nunes, Wonder Maria Filmes



Ioana Lascar, deFilm



Angèle Diabang, Karoninka



Čarna Vučinić, Čarna Vučinić Entp



Tiny Mungwe, STEPS and CTRL ALT Shift



Marian Férnandez Pascal, Garabi Films

Inés Massa Puigsubirà, Materia Cinema



Erik Andersson, Läsk

Caroline Drab, BCD Film

Malin Hüber, HER Film

Eliza Jones, Grand Slam Film



Thomas Reichlin, Alva Film Production



Don Omope, Pictograph Media



Olesia Lukyanenko, FILM.UA

Olha Matat, EVOS Film



Alex Lo, Cinema Inutile



Mariam Al-Dhubhani


The 3 sessions of the EAVE 2024 Producers Workshop will take place in Luxembourg (March 7-14), Trondheim, Norway (June 7-14) and Karlskrona, Sweden (October 14-21).

Best regards, The EAVE team

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3 projects funded by fund has selected 8 projects in various formats: 4 feature films, 2 animated projects, 1 documentary, 1 TV series. Among them:

  • NINO DANS LA NUIT by Laurent Micheli, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland
  • UNE PART MANQUANTE by Guillaume Senez, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques Henri Bronckart
  • IN THE DARK by Maarten Bernaerts and Bram Conjaerts, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri


Hubert Bals Fund

The Hubert Bals Fund has announced its second Script and Project Development Support lineup for 2023. It includes:

  • LEND by Katy Léna Ndiaye, producer: EAVE graduate Aurélien Bodinaux
  • THE SEA IS CALM TONIGHT by Le Bao, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marie Dubas


  • THE WOLF, THE FOX & THE LEOPARD by David Verbeek, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit, co-producers: EAVE graduates Alexandra Hoesdorff, Sinisa Juricic is in pre-production. The Croatian Minority Co-production is produced by Lemming film (the Netherlands) in co-production with Deal Productions (Luxemburg), Feline Films (Ireland), Nukleus film (Croatia) and Flash Forward Entertainment (Taiwan). THE WOLF, THE FOX & THE LEOPARD is a dystopian story about Isa, who has been found living amongst the wolves. She is brought back to a medical centre only to be kidnapped by a couple of extremists in order to build a new, purer world. The film is a story about strength, faith, and the ability to create an alternate reality. The filming will last for 15 days and will include 108 film workers, of whom 80 are Croatian tax residents. The filmmakers have applied for the incentives of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, through the Filming in Croatia programme.

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ODD FISH by Snævar Sölvason is shooting

In production

  • ODD FISH by Snævar Sölvason, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jukka Helle is in production. The story tackles the themes of identity and acceptance. Set in a small community in Iceland’s northern Westfjords, it follows two childhood friends, Björn and Hjalti, who run a popular seafood restaurant in a fishing village where they were born and raised. The pair are polar opposites: Hjalti is a confident family man and a big fish in town, Björn a reserved, single guy who has always lived in his parents’ house. As the pair suddenly get an opportunity to keep their fish restaurant going all year round, Björn comes out as a trans woman. Can his best friend overcome his prejudice and accept what truly matters in life? ODD FISH is being produced by Julius Kemp and Ingvar Pordarson for The Icelandic Film Company (Iceland), and co-produced by Solar Films (Finland) and Axman Production (Czech Republic). The project has received backing from the Icelandic Film Centre, Iceland’s tax rebate and the Nordisk Film & TV Fond.

  • POLVO SERAN by Carlos Marques-Marcet, producers: EAVE graduates Eugenia Mumenthaler, Giovanni Pompili is in production. Written by the director himself along with Clara Roquet the original soundtrack of the musical tragicomedy is by the artist, singer and composer Maria Arnal and the choreographies are the creation of the dance company La Veronal. According to the synopsis, when Claudia decides that she does not want to wait for a disease to destroy her body, her partner, Flavio, who has not been separated from her for the last forty years, puts into action their old plan to end their life together in Switzerland thanks to the help of an association for voluntary assisted death. Meanwhile, their daughter Violeta becomes an involuntary mediator between her parents and everything they leave behind, while at the same time looking for her place in this story of unconditional love. The film raises questions such as; are we able to prepare ourselves for death? Why do we cling to life? What is it that makes us afraid of death? Is all affection conditional or is some unconditional? Is love for children always unconditional? From love to death through comedy, drama, music and dance. According to Marques-Marcet, "in this mixture of genres, the musical will allow us to approach these complex emotions and the unfathomable hole of death where words cannot reach, expressed through the body and music. The choreographies are intended not as a pause in the narrative, but as a way to keep the film moving forward by exploring the characters from another angle". POLVO SERAN is a production from Lastor Media (Spain), Alina Film (Switzerland) and Kino Produzioni (Italy) with the collaboration of the ICAA, ICEC and MEDIA – Europa Creativa, and supported by RTVE, Movistar Plus+, Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura DGCA - MIC, IDM Film Fund & Commission Südtirol Alto Adige and Eurimages. Filming takes place during October, November and December on location in Barcelona, the Italian Alps and Switzerland.

  • MY FATHER’S SHOES by Hristo Simeonov, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis is shooting. After completing five short films, Bulgarian director Hristo Simeonov deepens his research on human relationships by focusing on a family constellation, with a father who abandoned his closest ones long time ago. The script delves into the world of Mima who was raised by her stubborn mother, Boyka. She had long lost contact with her father when she learns that he has passed away, and when the father's body arrives in their village, no one can recognise him except for Boyka, who refuses to see him. Amidst this complicated situation, mother and daughter must face their own pain as they reconcile with the past. Producer Katya Trichkova reveals that the script was developed over the course of two years. The project was also presented at Sofia Meetings and Crossroads in 2021. Backed by Bulgaria’s Contrast Films and France’s Films de Force Majeure, while relying on the support of the Bulgarian National Film Centre and CNC - Cinema du Monde, the production will have 24 shooting days, starting on 2 November with a small crew and no expensive equipment.

  • LOS DESTELLOS by Pilar Palomero, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Delpierre is shooting. The plot, written by the director, tells how Isabel's life takes an unexpected turn the day her daughter Madalen asks her to visit Ramón, who is ill, on a regular basis. After fifteen years away from her ex-husband, whom she sees as a stranger despite the fact that they were family for years, resentments that she thought she had gotten past begin to resurface in Isabel. However, by accompanying the man at his most vulnerable moment, Isabel will be able to see the failure they experienced through different eyes and focus on the present of her own existence. Based on the story ‘Un corazón demasiado grande’, by the Basque writer Eider Rodríguez, Pilar Palomero states that "from the very first moment I was intrigued by this story which, broadly speaking, was about the forced reunion of a couple that didn't work out. I felt that this conflict allowed me to think about how contradictory and complex the ties we create can be and, above all, to propose a reflection on the impressions that we make and leave behind, and that make us who we are". LOS DESTELLOS is a production from MOD, Misent Producciones and Inicia Films with the participation of RTVE, Movistar Plus+, TVC and À Punt, with funding from ICAA - Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales and the collaboration of the ICEC - Generalitat de Catalunya and IVC - Generalitat Valenciana. The film is being shot on location in Horta de Sant Joan and Tortosa (both in Tarragona, Catalonia) over the months of October and November.

  • SUBMERGÉE by Alanté Kavaïté, producer: EAVE graduate Antoine Simkine is in production. Written by Alanté Kavaïté the story takes us to an island with no future, given that it’s already partly submerged underwater. A woman is caring for ten or so very elderly individuals, but the arrival of five travellers turns their lives upside down… Produced by Les Films D’Antoine, together with Estrella Productions, the film enjoys support from the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region and the department of Charente-Maritime, where filming will continue throughout November, with Chilean-Danish cinematographer Manuel Alberto Claro heading up photography.



In post-production

  • SIMONA KOSSAK by Adrian Panek, producer: EAVE graduate Magdalena Kaminska is in post-production. Written and directed by Adrian Panek, the film tells the story of a Polish biologist. Coming from a renowned family of artists (both her father Jerzy and grandfather Wojciech were famous painters, and her aunts Maria Pawlikowska-Jasnorzewska and Magdalena Samozwaniec were poets), Simona had no talents towards arts whatsoever. Eventually, in the mid 1960s she studied biology and after graduating, she moved to examine Białowieża Forest, where she lived in a small hut for 30 years. She was involved with nature photographer Lech Wilczek, whom she met in the wilderness. According to the press release, Simona Kossak focuses both on that relationship and on Simona’s professional efforts and her struggles as a woman biologist in a male-dominated environment. Adrian Panek states that his character is somewhat “archetypical” because she “rebels and runs away from her family, circumstances, place of birth, and wanders into the unknown in order to forget who she was or who she was told to be. And that way, she finds herself.” He adds that the film is also about Białowieża Forest, its story and the people connected to it. Simona Kossak recently regained popularity among Polish audiences thanks to a documentary by Natalia Koryncka-Gruz, titled Simona. Magdalena Kaminska and Agata Szymanska are producing the film through their Polish company Balapolis, while the co-producers are Documentary and Feature Film Studios, Krakow Festival Office and Hollman Emea Limited.

  • SOVJET JEANS by Staņislavs Tokalovs and Juris Kursietis, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina is in post-production. The eight-episode series set in 1979 Soviet Latvia, the time of the fiercest propaganda against Western culture is based on true stories and follows Renars. The rock & roll fan and petty criminal is committed to a mental asylum for political reasons, where he starts illegal production of counterfeit US cult jeans together with his fellow inmates. The jeans gain popularity among the Latvian youth and Renars becomes an anonymous underground legend while the KGB searches for the jeans tailoring shop all over the country. “The socialist youth, the battles in the KGB, the obedient, the rebels, the thugs… all of them are victims of the same absurd madness. Our characters and their story pose the question: is it here in the madhouse that the only normality is born, while the world outside is crazy? All the authors in the team have different experiences with life in the Soviet era, but we are all born in different parts of the Socialist bloc. For us, this series is important not only because of the extraordinary point of view of the period, but also because of the terrifying parallels with the events of the present. We want to tell this story in its complexity, without going into extremely dark shades, but on the contrary, to feel hope, humour and beauty,” scriptwriter Teodora Markova said. SOVJET JEANS is produced by Aija Berzina through Tasse Film and it is supported by the National Film Centre of Latvia, as well as Go3 and Depo DIY.

  • THE MISSILE by Miia Tervo, Elokuvayhtiö Komeetta, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä is in post-production. The film is a dramedy about personal and national borders and boundaries, and it follows single mother Niina, who drifts into the middle of an international missile crisis in Inari when the Soviet Union shoots a missile across the Finnish border. “The film portrays the journey of Niina, a single mother in an abusive relationship, as she becomes entangled in the investigation surrounding the missile crash. Through this empowering process, Niina discovers her voice and gains the courage to stand up for herself. The film's creative team consists of talented professionals from Finland and Estonia, collaborating under the guidance of director Miia Tervo, and crafting a work with the potential to resonate with audiences all over the world”, producer Johanna Maria Paulson said. Kaisla Viitala and Daniel Kuitunen are producing through Komeetta (Finland) in co-production with Johanna Maria Paulson and EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä through Stellar Film (Estonia). The project was fully financed at the end of 2022 and the production started in February 2023. From Estonia the production of the film was supported by the Estonian Film Institute, Estonian Cultural Endowment and the FilmEstonia cash rebate scheme. The project was also supported by Eurimages. Filming took place in February and March 2023, in Lapland and Estonia. All the exteriors were shot in Northern Finland (in Kemijärvi and Pelkosenniemi), while the interiors were shot in Estonia (Tallinn and nearby).

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS wins at Stockholm

Film Festival Cottbus

6 awards for EAVE graduates at the Film Festival Cottbus:

  • FOREVER-FOREVER by Anna Buryachkova, producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen scooped the Main Award for Best Film.
  • PATIENT #1 by Rezo Gigineishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Archil Gelovani won the Special Award for Best Director
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper won the Award for an Outstanding Individual Performance (Eka Chavleishvili), the Ecumenical Jury Prize and the "Cottbus to Cinema" Award
  • FREEDOM by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu was awarded the FIPRESCI Prize


Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival 

10 awards for EAVE graduates at the Black Nights Film Festival, Tallinn:

  • MISERICORDIA by Emma Dante, producer: EAVE graduate Marica Stocchi won the Grand Prix for the Best Film and Best Actor (Simone Zambelli).
  • NATASHA’S DANCE by Jos Stelling, co-producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert was awarded Best Cinematography (Goert Giltay)
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele won Best Actress (Lubna Azabal)
  • THE MAGNET MAN by Gust Van den Berghe, producer: EAVE graduate Thomas Leyers, co-producers: EAVE graduates Leontine Petit, Gilles Chanial received the award for Best Original Score (David Van Keer, Birger Embrechts)
  • PATIENT #1 by Rezo Gigineishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Archil Gelovani won Best Production Design
  • THE MILKY WAY by Maya Kenig, producer: EAVE MW graduate Gal Greenspan received a Special Jury Mention
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat was awarded Best Baltic Film
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute won the Award for Best Baltic Producer for Co-production
  • FIVE AND A HALF LOVE STORIES IN AN APARTMENT IN VILNIUS, LITHUANIA by Tomas Vengris, co-producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis won the Award for Best Film in the Rebels with a Cause competition
  • FALLING INTO PLACE by Aylin Tezel, producers: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Yvonne Wellie won the FIPRESCI Award
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graudate Ed Guiney received the annual Dennis Davidson Spotlight Award

Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event

  • THE ELF by Hannes Vartiainen, produced by EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll won Best Project Award at the Baltic Event Co-production Market. 
  • FLIGHT FROM KABUL by Sahraa Karimi, produced by EAVE graduate Wanda Adamik Hrycova  won the Screen International Best Pitch Award at the Baltic Event Co-production Market
  • POGANA by David Kapac, produced by EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic won the Cannes Marché du Film Producers Network Award 
  • MAMIFERA by Liliana Torres, producer: EAVE graduate Carla Sospedra won Best International Project in the Works in Progress section
  • SOUTHERN CHRONICLES by Ignas Miskinis, producer: EAVE graduate Lukas Trimonis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Esko Rips won Best Baltic Project Award at the Works in Progress section


Sundance Film Festival

  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY, directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi was given the annual Vanguard Award of the Sundance Film Festival.


Asia Pacific Screen Awards

  • TTB graduate producer Jeremy Chua won the FIAPF Award for outstanding achievement in film in the Asia Pacific region at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2023.  
  • THE SIREN by Sepideh Farsi, producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach won Best Animated Film
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser won Best Performance (Mouna Hawa)
  • BAURYNA SALU by Askhat Kuchinchirekov, producer: EAVE graduate and Russian National Coordinator Anna Katchko won Best Youth Film
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones won the Young Cinema Award in Partnership with NETPAC and GFS
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith received a Special Mention for Best Cinematography (Yoshio Kitagawa)


Stockholm International Film Festival

Four awards for EAVE graduates at the Stockholm International Film Festival:

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin won the Bronze Horse for Best Film
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas won Best Director and Best First Feature
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi was awarded Best Documentary.


Thessaloniki International Film Festival

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki scooped the Best Feature Film Award the “Theo Angelopoulos” Golden Alexander and the Best Actress Award (Dimitra Vlagkopoulou).
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser the Best Actress Award (Mouna Haw) (ex aequo)
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini won the Silver Alexander
  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE gradudate Mario Piperides won the ERT Original Music Award

Agora Crossroads

  • EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti of Atalante Productions won the Thessaloniki EAVE Marketing Workshop Scholarship.
  • AND ME TOO by Sondos Shabayek, producer: EAVE graduate Kesmat Elsayed won the Greener Screen Consultancy Award
  • FRIENDS, BIRTHDAYS, MURDER, ETC by Lida Vartzioti, Dimitris Tsakaleas, producer: EAVE graudate Ioanna Bolomyti won the CNC Development Award
  • I MATTER by Alina Serban, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon won the ArteKino International Award
  • HAPPY PEOPLE by Filip Peruzović, producer: EAVE graduate Tena Gojić won the Authorwave Post-production Award
  • MALDIVES by Daniel Bolda, producer: EAVE+ graduate Nicholas Alavanos won the Onassis Cinema Award


International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam

  • CANUTO’S TRANSFORMATION by Ariel Kuaray Ortega, Ernesto de Carvalho, producer: PUENTES graduate Leonardo Mecchi won the IDFA Award for Best Film in the Envision Competition and the Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution.
  • GERLACH by Aliona van der Horst and Luuk Bouwman, producer: EAVE graduate Ilja Roomans won the IDFA Award for Best Dutch Film


Gijón International Film Festival

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper won the AISGE Award for Best Female Actor (Eka Chavleishvili), the AISGE Award for Best Male Actor (Temiko Chinchinadze) and the Distribution Award.
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH OF THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler Best Feature Film in the Albar Competition.
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach won the section’s Distribution Award


Lëtzebuerger Filmpräis

  • KOMMUNIOUN by Jacques Molitor, producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial won Best Luxembourgish Fiction or Animated Feature Film.
  • CORSAGE by Marie Kreutzer, producers: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux, EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach won Best Female Performance
  • KOMMUNIOUN by Jacques Molitor, producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial won Best Creative Contribution in a Fiction or Documentary Work
  • WHERE IS ANNE FRANK by Ari Folman, producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges won Best Animated Feature Film in Co-production
  • MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH MARRIAGE by Signe Baumane, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis won Best Creative Contribution in an Animation Work
  • THE RESTLESS by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, EAVE graduates Alexandre Gavras and Anton Iffland Stettner, EAVE participant Eva Kuperman, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo won the ALPC Luxembourg Critics Award


Nordic Film Days Lübeck

  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki was awarded the NDR Film Prize at the Nordic Film Days, Lübeck.
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi won the INTERFILM Church Prize and the Youth Jury Award.


Scanorama Lithuania

  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic won the top-prize of the European Film Forum Scanorama, Lithuania.


Amiens International Film Festival

  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juárez Allen won the Grand Prize of the Amiens International Film Festival (FIFAM).


Lecce European Film Festival

4 awards for EAVE graduates at the Lecce European Film Festival:

  • LÉGUA by João Miller Guerra and EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis, producers: EAVE graduate Rachel Daisy Ellis, EAVE and TTB graduate Filipa Reis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras won the Special Jury Prize.
  • COPENHAGEN DOES NOT EXIST by Martin Skovbjerg, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin was awarded the FIPRESCI Prize and the SNGCI Prize for Best European Actor/Actress (Angela Bundalovic)
  • DISCO BOY by Giacomo Abbruzzese, producer: PUENTES graduate Lionel Massol, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska won the Mario Verdone Prize


Arras Film Festival

  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno, Elisa Heene, Antonino Lombardo, Frans Van Gestel won the Arras Film Festival. The film was awarded the Golden Atlas - Grand Jury Prize.
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu won the Silver Atlas
  • LIBERTATE by Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Tudor Giurgiu and Oana Giurgiu received the SFCC Critics’ Award  
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute won the ‘Young Outlook’ Award - Hauts-de-France Region
  • MADE IN EU by Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova was given the Arras Days Development Grant


Zagreb Film Festival

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas received the Golden Pram for Best Feature Film at the Zagreb Film Festival.


Belfast Film Festival

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper won Best Performance (Eka Chaleishvili) at the Belfast Film Festival.
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones won the Best Craft Award



  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat won the FIPRESCI Award at the Austrian Viennale.


Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival

  • DANCING ON THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO by Cyril Aris, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine won the Viewfinder award at the Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival.


Cinemed Montpellier

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre won the Prix du Public Midi Libre at the Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival.


Ljubljana International Film Festival

  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi won the Slovenian Art Cinema Association Award at the Ljubljana IFF


Rolan International Film Festival for Children & Youth, Armenia

  • THE SONG OF FLYING LEAVES directed and produced by EAVE graduate Armine Anda received the award for Best Animated Short Film.
  • OKTHANKSBYE by Nicole van Kilsdonk, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramer won Best Feature Film


Chicago International Children’s Film Festival

  • TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts won 2nd Prize of the Children’s Jury for Live-action Feature Film
  • OKTHANKSBYE by Nicole van Kilsdonk, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramer won the 1st Prize of the Youth Jury for Live-action Feature Film
  • A GREYHOUND OF A GIRL by Enzo d’Alò, producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE graduate, group leader and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos won the 1st Prize of the Professional Jury for Animated Feature Film
  • KIDDO by Zara Dwinger, producer: EAVE graduate Maarten van der Ven won the 1st Prize of the Professional Jury for Live-action Feature Film


Oulu International Children's and Youth Film Festival

  • HÅKAN BRÅKAN by Ted Kjellsson, producer: EAVE graduate Malin Söderlund won the Oulun Energia Children's Film Competition Award
  • TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts won the ECFA Award for the Best European Children's Film

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HOLY EMY and LEONOR WILL NEVER DIE nominated for Film Independent Spirit Awards

Film Independent Spirit Awards

Nominated for Best International Film at the 2023 Film Independent Spirit Awards Los Angeles:

  • CORSAGE by Marie Kreutzer, producers: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux, EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • EAVE and TTB project HOLY EMY by Araceli Lemos, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Vassilaros
  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. 'Fiery' Obasi, producer: EAVE graduate Oge Obasi
  • MURINA by Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Zdenka Gold, Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Slovenia Jozko Rutar
  • TTB project LEONOR WILL NEVER DIE by Martika Ramirez Escobar, producer: TTB graduate Monster Jimenez
  • UPON ENTRY by Alejandro Rojas, Juan Sebastián Vásquez, producer: EAVE graduates Alba Sotorra, Carles Torras was nominated for Best First Feature, Best Script and Best Editing


European Shooting Stars

EAVE graduate Zivile Gallego is in the European Shooting Stars Jury 2024. Five experts including Lithuanian producer Zivile Gallego will pick the 10 European Shooting Stars 2024, who will be announced in mid-December 2023. The 27th edition of European Shooting Stars will be held 16 – 19 February 2024 at the Berlin International Film Festival.


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EAVE project MAMI WATA in UK cinemas!

In French cinemas

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. November 15.

  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele. November 29.



In Belgian cinemas

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff. November 1.

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. November 15.

  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi. November 15

  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele. November 15.

  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel. November 22.

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. November 29.



In UK cinemas

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. November 3.

  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi. November 10.

  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan. November 9.

  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. “Fiery” Obasi, producer: EAVE graduate Oge Obasi. November 17.

  • LOST IN THE NIGHT by Amat Escalante, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis, co-producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Katrin Pors, Dan Wechsler, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. November 24.

  • THE ETERNAL DAUGHTER by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. November 24.



In Dutch cinemas

  • WHEN IT MELTS by Veerle Baetens, producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Ellen Havenith. November 2.

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. November 30.



In Swiss cinemas

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. November 16.

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper. November 1.



In Austrian cinemas

  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch. November 10.



In German cinemas

  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen. November 8.

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat. November 22.

  • THE SIREN by Sepideh Farsi, producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach. November 30.



In Polish cinemas

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. November 24.



In Estonian cinemas

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff. November 24.



In Finnish cinemas

  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE + graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper. November 24.



In Italian cinemas

  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina



In Swedish cinemas

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas. November 24.



In US cinemas

  • BACKLASH: MISOGYNY IN THE DIGITAL AGE by Léa Clermont-Dion and Guylaine Maroist, producer: EAVE+ graduate Eric Ruel. November 2.


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EAVE project SILENCE OF SIRENS selected for Cottbus

  Nordic Film Days Lübeck (November 1 – 5)

  • COPENHAGEN DOES NOT EXIST by Martin Skovbjerg, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • LET THE RIVER FLOW by Ole Giaever, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • OF LIVING WITHOUT ILLUSION by Katharina Lüdin, producer: EAVE graduate Ivan Madeo
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin


 Thessaloniki International Film Festival (November 3 – 13)

International Competition 

  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • MEDIUM by Christina Ioakeimidi, co-producer: Veselka Kiryakova
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE, MW and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE LOST BOYS by Zeno Graton, producer: TTB graduate Valérie Bournonville, co-producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert
  • TOUCHED by Claudia Rorarius, producer: EAVE graduate Harry Flöter

Meet the Neighbors

  • DAY OF THE TIGER by Andrei Tănase, producers: EAVE graduates Anamaria Antoci, Konstantina Stavrianou
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic, Jelena Mitrovic, EAVE Norwegian national coordinator and EAVE graduate Gary Cranner
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • MELK by Stefanie Kolk, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit

>>Film Forward

  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Piperides
  • FOREMOST BY NIGHT by Victor Iriarte, producer: Pandora da Cunha Telles
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • VOURDALAK by Adrien Beau, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy

Agora Crossroads Co-production Forum 

Crossroads Mentor: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou

  • 40, MARIA LUISA BOULEVARD by Kristina Spassovska, producer: EAVE graduate Maya Vitkova-Kosev
  • AND ME TOO by Sondos Shabayek, producer: EAVE graduate Kesmat Elsayed
  • EAVE project SIDNEY SMILE FUTURE PERFECT by Gregoris Rentis, producer: EAVE graduate Mando Stathi
  • FRIENDS, BIRTHDAYS, MURDER, ETC. by Lida Vartzioti, EAVE graduate Dimitris Tsakaleas, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti
  • I MATTER by Alina Serban, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • SINGING HORSES by Luka Papic, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Julia Cöllen
  • TETHYS OCEAN by Anna Jadowska, producer EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska-Lacroix
  • YIANNIS by Kyros Papavassiliou, co-producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou

Company Time - a workshop in collaboration with EAVE, Midpoint and Agora Crossroads

The four days long workshop offered participating producers support in the areas of company sustainability and strategic business planning. This training is designed and co-organized with EAVE.

The workshop was led by EAVE expert Juliane Schulze, a strategic creative economy expert in business, finance, investment and sustainability, who advises European and international audiovisual companies as well as funding institutions and business agencies.


 Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival  (November 3 – 19)

Official Selection

  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • FAMILIAR by Calin Peter Netzer, producers: EAVE graduates Oana Iancu, Sophie Erbs, Stefano Centini
  • FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE by Ivan Marinovic, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Stojanovic
  • MISERICORDIA by Emma Dante, producer: EAVE graduate Marica Stocchi
  • NATASHA’S DANCE by Jos Stelling, co-producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • PATIENT #1 by Rezo Gigineishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Archil Gelovani
  • TERESA by Paula Ortiz, producers: EAVE graduates Alex Lafuente, Valerie Delpierre
  • THE MAGNET MAN by Gust Van den Berghe, producer: EAVE graduate Thomas Leyers, co-producers: EAVE graduates Leontine Petit, Gilles Chanial
  • THE MAN FROM ROME by Jaap van Heusden, co-producer: EAVE graduate Maria Tsigka

First Feature Competition

  • CAT CALL by Rozalia Szeleczki, producer: EAVE graduate Petra Ivanyi
  • FALLING INTO PLACE by Aylin Tezel, producers: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Yvonne McWellie
  • THE FISHERMAN’S DAUGHTER by Edgar de Luque Jácome, producer: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite
  • THE QUIET MAID by Miguel Faus, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo d’Ursi
  • UNMOORED by Carolina Ingvarsson, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski

Critics' Picks Competition

  • HER BODY by Natalie Cisarovska, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovak National Coordinator Katarina Krnacova 
  • KALMAN’S DAY by Szabolcs Hajdu, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • THE MILKY WAY by Maya Kenig, producer: EAVE MW graduate Gal Greenspan

Rebels with a Cause

  • LIFE’S A BITCH by Xavier Seron, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • FIVE AND A HALF LOVE STORIES IN AN APARTMENT IN VILNIUS by Tomas Vengris, EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis

Baltic Film Competition

  • DARK PARADISE by Triin Ruumet, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jeremy Forni 
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • THE BRAZEN by Aik Karapetian, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis
  • TWITTERING SOUL by Deimantas Narkevicius, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite

Out of Competition

  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov

In Focus: Serbia and SEE Neighbours

  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE by Ivan Marinovic, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Stojanovic
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • WORKING CLASS GOES TO HELL by Mladen Djordjevic, producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic, EAVE graduate and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Maria Drandaki, Anamaria Antoci

Best of Fest

  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH OF THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • FOREVER-FOREVER by Anna Buryachkova, producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE + graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • LE SYNDROME DES AMOURS PASSÉES by Ann Sirot and Raphaël Balboni, producers: EAVE graduates Julie Esparbes, Delphine Schmit, Guillaume Dreyfus
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic

Screen International Critics' Choice

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney


  • AFTER WORK by Erik Gandini, producer: EAVE graduate Carsten Aanonsen
  • THE LAST SEAGULL by Tonislav Hristov, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho

Youth Competition

  • HORIA by Ana-Maria Comanescu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT by Inari Niemi, producer: EAVE graduate Oskari Huttu
  • SKUNK by Koen Mortier, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve
  • UNDER THE NAKED SKY by Lilian Sijbesma, producer: EAVE, TTB and PUENTES graduate Raymond van der Kaaij, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen DeWaele

Children's Competition Programme

  • SNOT AND SPLASH by Teemu Nikki, producer: EAVE graduate Ari Matikainen 
  • TOTALLY BOSS by Ingomar Vihmar, producer: EAVE graduate Esko Rips
  • WHO AM I SMILING FOR? by Eeva Mägi, producer: EAVE graduate Dora Nedeczky

Children’s Rights Programme

  • WHO AM I SMILING FOR? by Eeva Mägi, producer: EAVE graduate Dora Nedeczky

PöFF Shorts

  • THE GOLDEN RECORD by Stephen Korytko, producer: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux

Animation Competition

  • ELECTRA by by Daria Kashcheeva, co-producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky

Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event

Baltic Event Co-Production Market

  • DIRT IN YOUR FACE by Jaak Kilmi, produced by EAVE+ graduate Kristian Taska 
  • EAVE project UNCOMFORTABLE BEINGS by Maja Kriznik, produced by Lija Pogacnik
  • FLIGHT FROM KABUL by Sahraa Karimi, produced by EAVE graduate Wanda Adamik Hrycova
  • MONTE ZOMBIE by Danilo Beckovic, produced by EAVE graduate Marko Paljic
  • POGANA by David Kapac, produced by EAVE MW graduate Rea Rajcic
  • THE BOG by Reinis Kalvins, produced by EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • THE ELF by Hannes Vartiainen, produced by EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • WE WON’T GET OLD TOGETHER by Marius Olteanu, produced by Oana Giurgiu

Baltic Event Works in Progress

  • LIFE AND LOVE by Helen Takkin, producer: EAVE+ graduate Kristian Taska
  • EAVE project MARIA’S SILENCE by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • SOUTHERN CHRONICLES by Ignas Miskinis, producer: EAVE graduate Lukas Trimonis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Esko Rips
  • THE BLACK HOLE by Moonika Siimets, producer: EAVE graduate and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos


 St Louis International Film Festival (November 3 – 13)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj 
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MOTHER by Sophia Zornitsa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Marcel Lenz
  • MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH MARRIAGE by Signe Baumane, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis
  • PLASTIC SYMPHONY by Juraj Lehotsky, producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Igel


 Geneva International Film Festival (November 3 – 12)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • A WOLFPACK CALLED ERNESTO by Everardo Gonzalez, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • EMBRYO LARVA BUTTERFLY by Kyros Papavassiliou, producer: EAVE graudate Mario Piperides
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Antonino Lombardo, Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • LES INDOCILES by Joanne Giger, Camille Rebetez, Delphine Lehericey, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye
  • SIDONIE AU JAPON by Elise Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Haguenauer 
  • THE OWNER by Yury Bykov, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • THE SIREN by Sepideh Farsi, producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach 
  • UPON ENTRY by Alejandro Rojas, Juan Sebastián Vásquez, producers: EAVE graduates Alba Sotorra, Carles Torras


 Chicago International Children’s Film Festival (November 3 – 19)

  • A GREYHOUND OF A GIRL by Enzo d’Alò, producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE graduate, group leader and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos
  • KIDDO by Zara Dwinger, producer: EAVE graduate Maarten van der Ven
  • OFFSIDE by Catherina Iosifidis, producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin
  • THE SONG OF FLYING LEAVES directed and produced by EAVE graduate Armine Anda
  • TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • OKTHANKSBYE by Nicole van Kilsdonk, producer: EAVE graduate Rogier Kramer


Arras International Film Festival (November 3 – 12)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • BORGO by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate and French National Coordinator Jean des Forêts
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Antonino Lombardo, Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • LIBERTATE by Tudor Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Tudor Giurgiu and Oana Giurgiu
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • SOLITUDE by Ninna Palmadottir, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Osk Snorradottir, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin

Arras Days

  • MADE IN EU by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev and Katya Trichkova
  • THE HOST by Nae Caranfil, producer: EAVE graduate Tudor Giurgiu


 Braunschweig International Film Festival (November 6 – 12)

  • FALLING INTO PLACE by Aylin Tezel, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer
  • MATTER OUT OF PLACE by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Austrian National Coordinator Michael Kitzberger
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • THE SIREN by Sepideh Farsi, producer: EAVE graduate David Grumbach


 Filmfestival Cottbus (November 7 – 12)

  • 1991 by Linas Ziura, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • BOY by Hrvoje Mabic, producer: EAVE graduate Darija Kulenovic Gudan
  • CLARA by Sabin Dorohoi, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Burlac
  • COLD AS MARBLE by Asif Rustamov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduates Adis Dapo and Sinisa Juricic
  • FOREVER-FOREVER by Anna Buryachkova, producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen
  • FREEDOM by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu
  • IMAGO by Olga Chajdas, producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Wojcik, Violetta Kaminska, co-producers: EAVE graduates Laurette Schillings, Arnold Heslenfeld, Frans van Gestel
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic  
  • PATIENT #1 by Rezo Gigineishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Archil Gelovani
  • EAVE project SILENCE OF SIRENS by Gazmend Nela, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rinderlaub
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • THE REAL TRUTH ABOUT THE FIGHT by Andrea Slavicek, producer: EAVE graduate Katarina Prpic

connecting cottbus

coco pitch

  • AT YOUR SERVICE by German Golub, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä
  • HONEYMOON by Zhanna Ozirna, producer: EAVE graduate Dmytro Shukanov
  • MATHER by Anguelina Ranguelova & Vesela Kazakova, producer: EAVE graduate Vesela Kazakova
  • NIGHT WAVES by Filip Heraković, producer: EAVE graduate Tamara Babun
  • RESONANCE by Yordan Petkov, producers: EAVE graduate Vanya Rainova, EAVE SLATE graduate Mina Dreki

coco Work in Progress

  • CHRYSANTHEMUM DAY by Simon Mozghovyi, producers: EAVE graduates Artem Koliubaiev, Annemiek van der Hell
  • INK WASH by Sarra Tsorakidis, producer: EAVE graduate Nikos Moustakas
  • WET MONDAY by Justyna Mytnik, producers: EAVE graduates Marianne Ostrat, Jakub Kostal

 EAVE session at the connecting cottbus co-production market:

Leadership and Resilience: How to steer your company & your projects through challenging times - with EAVE Expert Michael Comyn


 International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (November 9 – 20)

  • ALIS by Clare Weiskopf, producer: EAVE graduate Nicolas van Hemelryck, co-producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu
  • ALREADYMADE by Barbara Visser, producer: EAVE graduate Monique Busman
  • AMOR by Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri, producer: EAVE graduate Stefano Tealdi
  • A PICTURE TO REMEMBER by Olga Chernykh, producer: TTB graduate Flavia Oertwig
  • ARSENIE. AN AMAZING AFTERLIFE by Alexandru Solomon, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef
  • ATIRKÜL IN THE LAND OF REAL MEN by Janyl Jusupjan, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alice Tabery
  • BREAKING SOCIAL by Fredrik Gertten, producer: EAVE graduate Margarete Jangård
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • CANUTO’S TRANSFORMATION by Ariel Kuaray Ortega, Ernesto de Carvalho, producer: PUENTES graduate Leonardo Mecchi
  • EMBODIED CHORUS by Mohamad Sabbah, Danielle Davie, producer: EAVE graduate Julia Wagner, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Helene Walland
  • FACING DARKNESS by Jean-Gabriel Périot, producer: EAVE graduate Cécile Lestrade
  • FLOATING WITH SPIRITS by Juanita Onzaga, producer: EAVE graduate Emmy Oost, co-producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno
  • GERLACH by Aliona van der Horst and Luuk Bouwman, producer: EAVE graduate Ilja Roomans
  • GIRL AWAY FROM HOME by Simon Lereng Wilmont,  Alisa Kovalenko, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Stevnbak Westergren
  • GIRLS’ STORIES by Aga Borzym, producer: EAVE MW graduate Agnieszka Rostropowicz
  • HOW TO PLEASE by Elina Talvensaari, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamaki
  • JASMIN’S TWO HOMES by Inka Achté, Hanna Karppinen, producer: EAVE graduate Liisa Karpo
  • LOVE, DAD by Diana Cam Van Nguyen, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Viktorin
  • MIXTAPE LA PAMPA by Andrés Di Tella, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen
  • MACHTAT by Sonia Ben Slama, producer: EAVE graduate Cecile Lestrade
  • MOTHERLAND by Hanna Badziaka, Alexander Mihalkovich, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson
  • MILISUTHANDO by Milisuthando Bongela, producer: CPI graduate Marion Isaacs
  • NEWSREEL 242 – SUNNY RAILWAYS by Nika Autor, co-producers: EAVE graduate Jerca Jeric, EAVE MW graduate Andraž Jerič
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • OMI NOBU by Carlos Yuri Ceuninck, producer: EAVE graduate Aurélien Bodinaux, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt, EAVE graduate Alyaa Musa
  • OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Meena Nanji, Zippy Kimundu, producer: EAVE graduate Eliane Ferreira, co-producer: EAVE MW graduate Gudula Meinzolt
  • OZOGOCHE by Joe Houlberg Silva, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen De  Waele
  • REJEITO by Pedro de Filippis, producer: PUENTES graduate Leonardo Mecchi
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • TALES OF OBLIVION by Dulce Fernandes, producer: EAVE+ graduate Pandora da Cunha Telles
  • THE CASTLE by Martín Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen
  • THE DRIVEN ONES by Piet Baumgartner, producers: EAVE graduates Dario Schoch, Sarah Born
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi
  • THE LAST by Sebastián Peña Escobar, producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Augustina Chiarino, PUENTES graduate Sebastián Peña Escobar, EAVE+ graduate and PUENTES group leader Fernando Epstein
  • THE LOST BOYS OF MERCURY by Clémence Davigo, producer: EAVE graduate Cécile Lestrade
  • THE STORY OF NEKUKO by Festus Toll, producer: EAVE graduate Janneke Doolaard
  • THE TRIAL by Ulises De la Orden, producer: EAVE graduates Dag Hoel, PUENTES graduate Alessandro Borrelli
  • WHERE ZEBUS SPEAK FRENCH by Nantenaina Lova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards
  • WHILE THE GREEN GRASS GROWS by Peter Mettler, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • ZINDER by Aicha Macky, producer: EAVE graduate Clara Vuillermoz

IDFA Forum

  • ARCHITECTURE AS INTERVENTION by Michael Madsen, producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen
  • CELESTIAL TWINS – EL BARDO by Niles Atallah, producer: PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • CUBA AND THE NIGHT by Sergio Fernandez Borras, producer: EAVE graduate Nicolas van Hemelryck
  • EATEN FISH by Daniel Nils Roberts, producer: EAVE graduate Anne Köhncke
  • FIRE, WATER, EARTH, AIR by Phie Ambo, Ewa Cederstam, Rogvi Rasmusen, Janne Lindgren, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • PARADISE LOST by Yolanda Markopoulou, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou
  • RADIO LUXEMBOURG – THE STATION THAT CHANGED THE WORLD by Dominique Santana, producer: EAVE graduate Bernard Michaux


 Ljubljana International Film Festival (November 8 – 19)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • COPENHAGEN DOES NOT EXIST by Martin Skovbjerg, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE project NOT A WORD by Hanna Slak, producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • GONDOLA, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Veit Helmer 
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG by Antonio Lukich, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduates Bárbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite 
  • SILENCE 6-9 by Christos Passalis, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen
  • TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


 Scanorama Lithuania (November 9 – 19)

  • AMOR by Virginia Eleuteri Serpieri, producer: EAVE graduate Stefano Tealdi
  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • IMAGO by Olga Chajdas, producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Wojcik, Violetta Kaminska, co-producers: EAVE graduates Laurette Schillings, Arnold Heslenfeld, Frans van Gestel
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE by Patric Chicha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jean-Yves Roubin, Ebba Sinzinger
  • THE ETERNAL DAUGHTER by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • HUMAN FLOWERS OF FLESH by Helena Wittmann, producer: TTB and EAVE graduate Julia Cöllen
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE, MW and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov


Lisbon & Estoril Film Festival (November 10 – 20)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE, MW and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
by Nuri Bilge Ceylan co-producer: EAVE graduate and Macedonian National Coordinator Labina Mitevska


 Stockholm Film Festival (November 10 – 21)

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producers: EAVE graduates Antonino Lombardo, Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • IRGENDWANN WERDEN WIR UNS ALLES ERZÄHLEN by Emily Atef, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE by Patric Chicha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jean-Yves Roubin, Ebba Sinzinger
  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi
  • THE PRACTICE by Martin Rejtman, producer: PUENTES, TTB and EAVE + graduate Giancarlo Nasi


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WEMW extends the deadline to apply to EAVE Slate and IBERMEDIA scholarships announced!

The deadline for submission to the open calls for the Last Stop Trieste, This is IT, EAVE Slate and Inspirational Labs has been extended to November 24, 2023 at 23.59 CET, to allow as many producers as possible to finalise their applications.

Companies from Europe and Latin America keen on focusing on how to build a successful slate and strategic planning can register to the EAVE Slate.

EAVE Slate will select up to 12 European and Latin American companies that are developing a slate of A/V works and will combine the EAVE group work method with a series of plenary sessions and individual consultancies focusing on strategic company planning, potential risk evaluation and company diversification. The main goal is to define realistic short-, mid- and long-term strategies for the selected companies and to outline how to pick the right projects to include in the company slates.

We are delighted to announce that all participation costs (including tuition fee, accommodation and partial airfare reimbursement) of up to 10 selected Latin American producers will be covered thanks to the collaboration with IBERMEDIA.

Find out more

Producers with a creative documentary in the final stage of editing - developed in one of the WEMW partner platforms* - and looking for festivals, sales, broadcasters and a final round of feedback session can apply to Last Stop Trieste.

Works in progress produced/co-produced with Italy, or produced by one of the WEMW 2024 Countries in Focus**, can be submitted to This is IT to find festival premiere and international distribution.

Professionals from Europe, Canada and Latin America willing to develop new business models, explore new formats and connect with new markets can apply to one of the Inspirational Labs, run in collaboration with leading training providers and international partners.

For more information on each programme, and to submit your application, please visit

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PUENTES 2023 – the final workshop kicked off in Uruguay!

The second and final session of PUENTES, EAVE’s European-Latin American co-production workshop, starts today, November 20th in Montevideo (Uruguay) and will run until November 26th!

The carefully selected group of Latin American and European participants will reunite again to develop their projects, work on their careers and company structures, think internationally and build strong professional links between Europe and Latin America under the guidance of experienced PUENTES experts.

Experts and programme

The core tutors include Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido (Setembro Cine, AR/ES), Script Consultant Jacques Akchoti (FR), LATAM Consultant, Workshop partner and expert Agustina Chiarino (Bocacha Films, AR) and Didar Domehri (Maneki Films, FR).

The second workshop will feature top Latin American professionals Álvaro Arroba (Directors Fortnight – Cannes, FR), Ester Bernal (Piano, MX), Pablo Carrizosa (Totem Films, FR), Alessandro Gropplero (FVG Audiovisual Fund, IT) and Gema Juárez Allen (GEMA Films, AR). In speed meetings with the guest experts, participants can expand their networks and receive valuable feedback.

The schedule consists of group work and individual meetings, including special working sessions on “Building a Sustainable Business” with EAVE expert Juliane Schulze.

To spice up the programme, we are organising a special screening of the film POWER ALLEY (LEVANTE) by Lillah Halla produced by PUENTES participant Clarissa Guarilha. This year, the film won the FIPRESCI award in Cannes and was honoured at Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival for Best Director and Best Editing.

PUENTES URUGUAY for local professionals

As every year, a special PUENTES URUGUAY workshop for Uruguayan producers will take place alongside the international PUENTES programme from November 21-24. The local participants and the international group will have the opportunity to mingle during a special networking evening.

VENTANA SUR – PUENTES at the most important film market in Latin America

Thanks to the partnership between EAVE and the Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes, all PUENTES participants will be accredited to participate in the upcoming VENTANA SUR taking place from November 27 to December 1 in Buenos Aires.

As part of this partnership, EAVE will also organise a PUENTES networking cocktail during the market days.

MEET EAVE at VENTANA SUR: Ana Ruiz Miralles, Project Manager

Many thanks to our partners!

The PUENTES programme is made possible with the support of the Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme of the European Union and IBERMEDIA.

EAVE would like to express its gratitude to the partners of PUENTES 2023 second workshop: Bocacha Films, Egeda Uruguay, Agencia del Cine y Audiovisual del Uruguay – ACAU, Montevideo Audiovisual, Universidad Católica del Uruguay and Marché du Film – Festival de Cannes, and to the partners of the first workshop in Udine: Fondo Audiovisivo FVG and MiC Ministero della Cultura.

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Apply now: EFM Market Badge Inclusion Initiative

Dear EAVE Producers,

As part of the European Film Market’s Diversity & Inclusion initiative towards a more inclusive market and film industry, the EFM we will be granting a total of 315 physical EFM Market Badges and Festival Accreditations, along with 70 online EFM Market Badges, to organisations, collectives, and institutions that champion and represent marginalised and Global South film professionals.

*** EAVE has been selected as one of those organisations and we are happy to launch a special call for applications for EAVE graduates who identify as part of marginalised and/or Global South communities in order to receive one free EFM Market Badge & Festival Accreditation.

* NB: Badges are intended for in-person attendance, and they are non-transferable and not convertible!

If you wish to apply, please send your CV, company profile and short motivation statement to by November 27th.

The EFM Market Badge and Berlinale Film Festival Accreditation mainly provides access to festival screenings and the European Film Market venues in Berlin. Further details of the benefits provided by EFM physical Market Badges and festival accreditation can be found on EFM’s accreditation page

The EFM Market Badge Inclusion Initiative  is supported by Creative Europe Media, HessenFilm, the European Film Market (EFM) and the Berlinale, and aims at creating outreach and greater pathways into a more inclusive market and film industry at large for marginalised film professionals from across the globe.

The Market Badge + Festival Accreditation is recommended to filmmakers, producers, sales agents, buyers, for employees of production and distribution companies, persons working as a curator / manager for a film or cultural institution, a museum, cinema or film festival, commissioning editors, cinema programmers/ curators, teachers and/or researchers on a course whose central focus is on film, lawyers and employees in legal departments working in the film industry. Those profiles would highly benefit from attending the European Film Market.

*After selection, EFM will provide specific accreditation instructions to the selected participant who will need to formally apply until 20 December. After that date, EFM can no longer guarantee the participation in the programme.

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In collaboration with EAVE, Green Film Lab promotes environmentally sustainable practices in audiovisual production and gives film professionals a new prespective on how to apply a green protocol and achieve certification.

The next round of the workshop will be held in Athens (Greece), thanks to the collaboration with the Greek Film Centre / Hellenic Film Commission. It will take place between 6th and 8th March, 2024.

GREEN FILM LAB looks for:

  • FILM AND SERIES INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS involved in the pre-production and production stages, interested in getting and improving their skills in sustainable practices on set and applying WITH or WITHOUT a project.
  • PROFESSIONALS with at least 2 years of experience in the field of environmental management interested in learning how an audiovisual production is carried out, how to apply their skills to the audiovisual context and who want to build a professional network in the film and series industry.
  • DELEGATES from Funds, Film Commissions, Film Institutions interested in knowing more about sustainability on set.
  • Green Film Lab especially welcomes applications from professionals who live in Greece and the nearby region, professionals who got support from Greek Film Centre/Hellenic Film Commission and/or who will shoot in Greece.

Click HERE to visit the detailed call for applications.

For more information,

Green Film Lab is organised by TorinoFilmLab and Green Film, organised by the National Museum of Cinema and Trentino Film Commission, in collaboration with EAVE.

Supported by Creative Europe - MEDIA Sub-programme of the European Union.


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21 nominations at the European Film Awards 2023 for EAVE graduates

We are thrilled to announce that the following films by EAVE graduates were nominated for the European Film Awards 2023!

The European Film Awards, presented jointly by the European Film Academy and European Film Academy Productions, honour the greatest achievements in European cinema. The European Film Awards ceremony will take place on December 9th, in Berlin.

We will keep our list of nominations updated with further news.

European Film

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum

European Documentary

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • MOTHERLAND by Alexander Mihalkovich, Hanna Badziaka, producer: EAVE participant Mario Adamson
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat

European Animated Feature Film

  • A GREYHOUND OF A GIRL by Enzo d’Alò, producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE graduate, group leader and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi

European Director

  • Aki Kaurismäki for FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • Agnieszka Holland for GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum

European Actress

  • Eka Chavleishvili in BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, produced by EAVE+and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub and Film Finance Forum graduate Ketie Danelia
  • Alma Pöysti in FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • Mia McKenna-Bruce in HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas

European Actor

  • Jussi Vatanen in FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • Josh O’Connor in LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • Mads Mikkelsen in THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic

European Screenwriter

  • Aki Kaurismäki for FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • Maciej Pisuk, Gabriela Łazarkiewicz-Sieczko & Agnieszka Holland for GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum

European Discovery – Prix FIPRESCI

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • SAFE PLACE by Juraj Lerotic, producers: EAVE graduates Miljenka Cogelja, Vlado Bulajic, EAVE participant Lija Pogacnik 

Special Awards

Lux Audience Award 2024

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat

European University Film Award 2023

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj

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The new edition of EAVE Marketing Workshop is kicking off today!

At EAVE, November is the time when creative ideas are born and innovative marketing strategies are developed!

The 2023 edition of the EAVE Marketing Workshop will take place in Luxembourg from 7 to 12 November. The event will bring together 36 filmmakers to get a 360˚ overview of the latest trends and tools in film marketing, including AI and social media marketing.

After a deep dive into the plenary sessions in the morning, participants will work on design thinking techniques in the afternoon with visual, tangible and playful exercises that are equally creative, innovative and strategic. Inspired by the EAVE sharing pedagogy, the result is a hands-on workshop with concrete tools that everyone can immediately apply in their own team. This informal way of learning facilitates network and community building across countries from all over the world.

Participants will be working alongside cutting-edge marketing specialists, such as Heads of Studies Alya Belgaroui-Degalet (MK2 Films, FR – international sales & marketing) and Sarah Calderón (The Film Agency, ES – marketing consultant) and core contributors like PR Expert Michael Arnon (Wolf Consultants – PR, DE), and Distribution Expert Boris Pugnet (The Jokers Films, FR).

Other contributors and sessions include:

  • Lola Rodriguez (The Film Agency, Spain) and Kristoffer Barslund (Will and Agency /, DK) will give a session on Artificial Intelligence Opportunities in Marketing.
  • Social Media Expert Guillaume Boscher’s (Kelawin, FR) plenary and group sessions will focus on social media content tips and tools for Facebook and for Instagram.
  • Elena Neira (La Otra Pantalla - Professor, lecturer and researcher, ES) will dedicate her session to marketing and audiovisual consumption models in VOD platforms.
  • Manori Ravindran (Freelance journalist, Variety’s former executive editor) will give a lecture on International PR and Press and will work on Strategic Pitches for Press.

By the end of the week, the 36 carefully selected participants will have a complete overview of the actual marketing trades in terms of targeting and positioning, from international sales strategies to national publishing and creating awareness throughout the publishing process, including festivals.

"I expanded my knowledge in so many different layers. I am encouraged to brainstorm more, trust my instinct, take more initiatives and communicate my marketing plan more effectively. I have a different perspective of my role in the company, which gave me confidence and a boost of creativity."

Eleni Oulani, Heretic, Greece - Marketing Workshop Participant 2022

In 2023, one of the Marketing Workshop participants has been granted the EAVE Diversity scholarship (a special scholarship designated to European residents and citizens who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour).

We warmly welcome the Marketing Buddies of previous EAVE Producers Workshops who have trained over one year as specialized marketing professionals: Nicola Ofoego, Simone Oliveira and Joanna Zielinska.

David Aymerich Herreria is benefitting from the LA INCUBADORA scholarship while Andraž Jerič received a scholarship thanks to EAVE’s partnership with Thessaloniki Crossroads.

Members of EAVE partners such as Europa International, Europa Distribution, CICAE and EUROVOD are benefitting from a reduced participation fee.

The selected participants and the eight projects that will serve as a tool for the group sessions are:

  • China Åhlander, Chinema Film Sweden, Sweden
  • David Aymerich Herreria, Ayhe Productions, Spain
  • Julien Beauvois, Wallonie Bruxelles Images, Belgium
  • Brigita Beniušytė, M-Films, Lithuania | Project: HUNGER STRIKE BREAKFAST
  • Sigrid Bersmann, Film i Väst, Sweden
  • Melanie Dastmalchi. Nexiko DK, Denmark
  • Eleanor Debreu, MIRAGE Film Festival, Norway
  • Stephanie Demers, h264, Canada
  • Jesús Fragoso, Movistar Plus+, Spain
  • Samuel Frazher, Fremantle Media International, United Kingdom
  • Nolwenn Gaudin, Goodfellas, France
  • Siri Hjorton Wagner, [sic] film, Sweden | Project: THE HOME
  • Sini Hormio, Mouka Filmi, DocPoint, Finland
  • Thierry Hugot, Eurimages - Council of Europe, France
  • Agata Jelenekova, NOVINSKI, Slovakia | Project: LIVING LARGE
  • Andraž Jerič, Temporama, Slovenia
  • Marina Lazarevska, Uzengija DOOEL, North Macedonia
  • Lucky Mwachi, LBx Africa, Kenya
  • Michal Myslinski, Aurora Films, Poland
  • Marija Nikčević, Film Centre of Montenegro, Montenegro
  • Nicola Ofoego, Black Mic Mac, France | Project: MAMA D'LO
  • Simone Oliveira, Globo Filmes, Brazil
  • Paulina Portela, Compañía de Cine, Argentina
  • Jeanne Marie Poulain, Art et essai, Canada
  • Nicolas Pubellier, StudioCanal, France
  • Maria Rabbe, Autlook Filmsales, Austria | Project: MOTHERBOARD
  • Eleonoora Rinnekangas, B-Plan Distribution, Finland
  • Karlee Rodrigues, Kino Lorber, USA
  • Joan Ruiz, Catalan Films, Spain
  • Sigrid Saag, Estonian Film Institute, Estonia
  • Nancy Schoesetters, Menuetto, Belgium
  • Bongiwe Selane, Blingola Media, South Africa | Project: COCONUT
  • Maria Luiza Troina Teixeira Gomes, Maria Farinha Films, Brazil | Project: DAIANE: THE GIRL WHO COULD FLY
  • Chiara Winkler, Rushlake Media, Germany
  • Joanna Zielinska, BIG WAVE FILMS, Poland

In addition to the 36 participants, EAVE is welcoming one special guest that will actively participate in the sessions:

  • Susana Costa Pereira, Creative Europe, Executive Coordinator

EAVE Marketing Workshop is funded by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union and supported by the Film Fund Luxembourg.

EAVE thanks our partners for this edition: Thessaloniki Crossroads, LA INCUBADORA, CICAE, M:BRANE, Europa International, Erich Pommer Institute, Europa Distribution and EuroVOD.

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TIES THAT BIND unveils the 2023 selection and kicks off on Sunday in Taipei!

For its 15th edition, EAVE TIES THAT BIND (TTB), the leading workshop programme connecting professionals from Asia and Europe, announces the selection of 25 participants including directors coming from 13 countries.

TTB takes place over a year through 2 workshops offering comprehensive knowledge of the European and Asian film industries and markets. The participants benefit from high-level development under the guidance of top-notch experts from both continents and have the opportunity to meet with key decision makers during the edition of TCCF – Taiwan Creative Content Fest (Taipei), and FOCUS ASIA, the Industry Section of the Udine Far East Film Festival (Italy).

The first workshop kicks off on Sunday, November 5, 2023 and the participants will work together in a group led by EAVE graduate Jonas Weydemann (Weydemann Bros., DE) and TTB graduate Bianca Balbuena (Kroma Entertainment, PH). The two group leaders will guide the participants’ discussion and analysis of each other’s projects from both an Asian and European perspective.

TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher (Ici et Là Productions, FR) has put together a team of leading industry professionals. Script consultant Clare Downs (UK) will introduce the main script development tools to strengthen the participants’ understanding of narrative principles, in order to enable them to navigate their writers through the script development process. Financing and legal expert Jean-Baptiste Babin (Backup Media Group, FR) will elaborate on Legal Aspect of Co-Productions and, in a joint session with Patrick Mao Huang (Flash Forward Entertainment, TW), will give detailed advice on the projects’ financing plans. Nicolas Brigaud Robert (Playtime, FR) will present the sales agents' current perspective while Olivier Père (Arte France Cinéma, FR) will share all about ARTE. Foo Fei Ling (Ghost Grrrl Pictures, MY), Ellen Havenith (PRPL, NL), Jonas Weydemann (Weydemann Bros., DE), Patrick Mao Huang (Flash Forward Entertainment, TW) and Yulia Evina Bhara (KawanKawan Media, ID) will join the co-production case study of the film TIGER STRIPES. In addition to these sessions, all selected participants will have individual meetings with Gabor Greiner (Film Boutique, DE), Keiko Funato (Alpha Violet, FR), Ming-Jung Kuo (Quinzaine des Cinéastes, FR) and Tanja Meissner (DE).

The following 10 participants focusing on project development with feature films in development and 5 participants focusing on career development wanting to extend their knowledge and network towards Asia have been selected to participate in TTB 2023:

  • Alessia Acone, International Film Festival Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Haziqah Azemi, Kapsul Studio, Malaysia
    Project: GAREK by Cech Ardea
  • Florence Giovani Chandra, Studio Antelope, Indonesia
    Project: FIRST BREATH AFTER COMA by Jason Iskandar
  • Svetlana Cherrier, Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire, France
  • Stefano Chiavarini, Piroetta Srl, Italy
  • Marta Cruanas Compes, Canada, Spain
  • Guillaume Dreyfus, Tripode Productions, France
    Project: THREE TIMES JENNY by Milena Beurer Doenst
  • Martin Horyna, Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Czech Republic
  • Frauke Kolbmüller, Oma Inge Film GmbH, Germany
    Project: IF I STAY by Su Jin Song
  • Maya Korn, MHK Productions, UK/Germany
    Project: ICON by Christina YR Lim
  • Mina Moteki, Kowatanda Films, Japan
    Project: TIDES by Anshul Chauhan
  • Alexandra Maria Poblete, Los Otros, Philippines
    Project: THE BOY AND THE FIGHT OF SPIDERS by Jarell Mahinay Serencio
  • Yu-Hao Su, InLight Film Studio, Taiwan
    Project: WILL YOU STILL BE MY FRIEND by Po Shun Lu
  • Katalina Tobón, BAM - Bogotá Audiovisual Market, Spain
  • Čarna Vučinić, Čarna Vučinić ENTP, Serbia
    Project: HOLY DAD by Dušan Zorić and Matija Gluščević

TIES THAT BIND will take place in the framework of Taiwan Creative Content Fest (TCCF), the key content marketplace in Asia, gathering selected entertainment content from Taiwan, Asia and beyond, and bringing buyers and professionals from all over the world to Taipei.

TIES THAT BIND is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival and Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union. TIES THAT BIND is held in conjunction with Taiwan Creative Content Festival - TCCF.

For more information please contact:

TTB Coordinator, Alessandra Pastore:

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Unlocking Leadership Excellence as Creative Producer Indaba Gathers Global Talent: 15 Participants Announced

Fifteen accomplished producers hailing from various corners of the globe have been selected to participate in the third edition of the Creative Producer Indaba (CPI).

This highly respected film industry professional development programme begins with an open assembly on 6 November, after which the cohort will attend the renowned Atlas Workshops, the dynamic industry programme of the Marrakech International Film Festival, Morocco from 25 November to 1 December where they will  focus on legal and financial aspects of their work, as well as their own career development. Following this, they will attend the International Film Festival Rotterdam (Netherlands) from 25 January to 2 February, 2024 where the programme will focus on marketing, sales and story development. The Indaba then culminates in a programme of online sessions from 8 to 12 April 2024.

The Creative Producer Indaba, conceived by Realness Institute under the leadership of programme director Elias Ribeiro, a Cape Town (SA) based NPO, has formed strategic alliances with noteworthy industry players such as EAVE, International Film Festival Rotterdam's IFFR Pro, and Atlas Workshops. Furthermore, in an effort to expand the Realness Network into the Global South, it has collaborated with the Brazilian foundation Projeto Paradiso, facilitating the participation of a Brazilian producer with interest in producing African projects.

"We're thrilled to welcome new collaborators on board, including the Canadian Film Fund, the Austrian Film Fund, Training Institute Focal, Jeune Création Francophone fund and the NFVF. Their support is a tremendous boost for the future sustainability of this vital program" says Elias Ribeiro, Co-Founder and Executive Director at Realness Institute.

The CPI offers this unique opportunity to 10 African producers, with and without projects, as well as 5 international producers to bolster their leadership and entrepreneurial capabilities, refine their production skills, and foster professional networks that span across both Africa and the international stage.

Having made significant contributions to the African film landscape Adja Mariam Soro (Côte d’Ivoire), Chloé Ortolé (Senegal), Dantagos Jimmy-Melani (Namibia), Godisamang Khunou (South Africa) and Nomusa Nkabinde (South Africa), are all seeking their next landmark venture and will use this opportunity to network, engage and seek out projects to become involved in.

Actively seeking international collaborators and financial backing to bring their visionary creations to life, African producers with projects in development include Dhia Jerbi (Tunisia), Kudakwashe Maradzika (South Africa/Zimbabwe), Misha Maseka (Zambia), Stefan Supplice (Morocco) and EAVE graduate Tapiwa Chipfupa (Zimbabwe).

The international producers include Anouk Shad (Austria), Marie Ka and Sherien Barsoum (Canada), Rhea Plangg (Switzerland) and Yolanda Barroso (Brazil), who join the CPI with interest in investing and engaging with African film projects.

An impressive ensemble of industry experts will mentor the filmmakers – including Group Leaders Mehret Mandefro and Diana Elbaum, Story consultant and Creative Producer 2022 alumnus Tracey Lee Rainers. And, as part of the programme the cohort will be able to engage with seasoned ad highly experienced industry experts such as Femi Odugbemi, Sata Cissokho, Constanza Arena  and Dayo Ogunyemi, and IFFR Festival Director Vanja Kaludjercic, who will share their skills, insights, and guidance.

Mehret Mandefro, the Director of Development and Partnership at the Realness Institute says “Training and connecting producers that can skillfully develop African stories and finance them for both the local and global market is a critical intervention.”

“EAVE is proud to partner again and contribute with our methodology for the third edition of  INDABA with an incredibly strong cohort of African and international producers who will enhance their entrepreneurial and producing skills and become part of a thriving professional support network through their participation,” says Kristina Trapp, the CEO of EAVE.

Vanja Kaldudjercic  IFFR Festival Director says “The Indaba is a powerful example of the importance of lasting bonds in our industry, both between the exciting talent on the programme and our partners at Realness, EAVE, the Atlas Workshops, and everyone else who makes this programme possible. We're delighted we can continue to develop the skills and creativity of these producers, and look forward to another fruitful edition.”

Head of Atlas Workshops at Marrakech IFF, Hédi Zardi says “Our collaboration with the program Creative Producer Indaba is very inspiring because it actively participates in the dynamic that we create within the Atlas Workshops. Indaba helps us anchor our support for the African producers of tomorrow. Creativity can only rhyme with diversity.”

The Realness Institute acknowledges the support of Institut Français d’Afrique du Sud, the Brazilian foundation Projeto Paradiso, the Austrian Film Institute, The Canada Media Fund, the Austrian Film Institute, The Swiss training organisation Focal and The Storyboard Collective, the Jeune Création Francophone fund and in partnership with European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs (EAVE), International Film Festival Rotterdam Pro (IFFR Pro), and Marrakech International Film Festival (Atlas Workshops).

For more information and submission details, please visit the Realness Institute website at

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EAVE project THE DIFFICULT BRIDE receives funding

Finnish Film Foundation

The Board of The Finnish Film Foundation granted production support to 10 new feature films, documentaries and short film productions in October. Among them:

  • PEPE by Severi Koivusalo, producer: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy
  • THE CURSE OF KANE by August B. Hanssen, Even G. Benestad, producer: EAVE graduate Carsten Aanonsen


Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film and Audiovisual Centre

70 projects, of which 27 are fiction feature films, have been chosen by the Film Commission and are set to be supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Film and Audiovisual Centre following the organisation’s second session of 2023. 

  • A PROPOS DE SOUSAN by Marie Le floc'h, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • ANIMALE by Emma Benestan, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • BAGARRES by Catherine Cosme, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • EGOTRIP by Grégory Carnoli, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • FILLES DU CIEL by Bérangère Mc Neese, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • HELTER SKELTER by Paul Vincent de Lestrade, producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan and PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont
  • KIKA by Alexe Poukine, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland
  • IL EST DES FEMMES QUI SE PERDRONT TOUJOURS by Eve Duchemin, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • IMAGO by Déni Pitsaev, producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan and PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont
  • L'AMAZONE by Camille Meynard, Emilie Maréchal producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan and PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont
  • LE MYSTÉRIEUX REGARD DU FLAMANT ROSE by Diego Cespedes, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland
  • L’INCUBATRICE by Jessica Woodworth, producers: EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum, EAVE graduate Peter Brosens
  • LES PETIS VOLEURS by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner and Eva Kuperman 
  • MANEZA by Babetida Sadjo, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland
  • MOTHER by Teona Strugar Mitevska, producer: EAVE graduate Labina Mitevska
  • MULÂTRESSE SOLITUDE by Baloji, producer: EAVE graduate Benoît Roland
  • PAROLE D’HOMME(S) by Marie Mc Court, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • PARTOUT LA LUMIÈRE by Pauline Beugnies, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • VERMIGLIO, OU LA MARIÉE DES MONTAGNES by Maura Delpero, producer: EAVE graduate Henri-Jacques Bronckart
  • WE ARE FAMILY by Géraldine Doignon, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc


Slovenian Film Centre

The Slovenian Film Centre supports six feature films and four short films. Among them:

  • A WAY AWAY by Sara Kern, producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • HOTEL ALKOHOL by Jan Cvitkovic, producer: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec
  • PERVERT GUIDE TO UTOPIA by Martin Rosenbaum, producers: EAVE graduate and Irish National Coordinator Katie Holly, EAVE graduate Evan Horan, co-producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • ZADNIJ DNEVI MAESTRALA by Igor Sterk, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Bostjan Virc
  • HISKA by Nika Jurman, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar
  • WIND TALK TO ME by Stefan Djordjevic, producer: EAVE graduate Dragana Jovovic, co-producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar


Supported by the Norwegian Sorfond:

  • GURIA by Levan Kougashvili, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir
  • MARS AT NIGHTFALL by Edgar Sajcabun, producer: EAVE graduate Dag Hoel
  • SAM by E del Mundo, producer: EAVE graduate Ingrid Lill Hogtun 
  • EAVE project THE DIFFICULT BRIDE by Rubaiyat Hossain, producers: EAVE graduates Aadnan Ahmed, Ingrid Lill Hogtun


Czech Film Fund

Seven upcoming Czech fiction features received production support from the Czech Film Fund. Among them:

  • WILD HUNT by Marek Najbrt, producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Kostal 
  • COWGIRL by Michal Blasko, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova

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EAVE project THE LOST SON by Darko Stante is shooting!

In production

  • EAVE project THE LOST SON by Darko Stante, producers: EAVE graduates Nina Robnik, Miha Cernec, co-producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou started shooting. The film tells a story about police investigator Andrej, who encounters his long-lost brother Kristian during an intervention in a case of domestic abuse, where the latter is the perpetrator. Andrej left the family home, dominated by their abusive father, 12 years prior and severed all contact with his family. Now, he makes an effort to help Kristian, risking his professional career in process. The script, written by the filmmaker himself, was developed at the ScriptTeast and at EAVE Producers Workshop. Regarding his directorial vision, Štante said: “I am wondering if the cycle of violence, running from one generation into the next, making the victim become the perpetrator, can be broken. Despite the heavy topic, I am trying to make a film that can communicate with a wide audience, spreading the discussion further.”  The producers of the film are Miha Černec and Nina Robnik for Slovenian outfit Staragara. The co-production companies are Propeler Film from Croatia (represented by Boris T Matić and Lana Matić), Kaval Film (Robert Jazadzizki) from North Macedonia and Graal Film (Konstantina Stavrianou) from Greece. THE LOST SON has received support from the Slovenian Film Centre, RTV Slovenia, Studio Viba Film, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the North Macedonia Film Agency, the Creative Europe – MEDIA programme and the Re-Act initiative. The shoot, taking place on location around Ljubljana and in Trieste, Italy, should last for 30 days, according to the schedule.

  • TIES THAT BIND project CHINA SEA by Jurgis Matulevičius, producer: TTB graduate Ieva Cern, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jakub Kostal is currently shooting. The film written by Saulė Bliuvaitė tells the story of martial arts champion Osvaldas, who is expelled from the federation after accidentally hitting a girl. No longer able to participate in tournaments, Osvaldas spends his days in a cheap "China Sea" restaurant owned by a Taiwanese immigrant. When he convinces his former mentor to grant him a second chance, he takes a job as a martial arts coach for teens and proves to be good at it until the past catches up with him. The film is produced by Ieva Cern through Film Jam (Lithuania) in coproduction with Marta Gmosińska through Lava Films (Poland), Jakub Kostal through Bionaut (Czech Republic) and Amy Ma through Ma Studios (Taiwan). The Lithuanian Film Centre, the Polish Film Institute, the Czech Film Fund and the Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) supported the project. The date of completion is the autumn of 2024.

  • TIES THAT BIND project A MISSING PART by Guillaume Senez, producers: TTB graduate Nathan Duboutay, EAVE graduate Jacques-Henry Bronckart is shooting. The film paints the portrait of Jay, every day, he drives through Tokyo behind the wheel of his taxi looking for his daughter Lily. Separated for 9 years, he’s never been able to get custody. Just when he’s stopped hoping to see her again and is about to return to France, Lily comes into his taxi, but doesn’t recognise him… Guillaume Senez therefore returns to his favourite themes and also explores an aspect of Japanese culture that remains little known in the West, namely that many divorces lead to the almost complete rupture of bonds with one of the two parents, especially when that parent is a foreigner. Guillaume Senez is working for the first time with Belgian producers Nathan Duboutay  and Jacques-Henry Bronckart for Versus Production. Co-produced by Les Films Pelléas (France) and Savage Film (Belgium), in partnership with the Centre du Cinéma et de lAudiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, RTBF, VOO and Be tv, Proximus, the Federal Belgian Government Tax Shelter and the Inver Tax Shelter, the Flanders Audiovisual Fund and OBrother Distribution. In France, the film benefits from the support of the CNC, France 2 Cinéma, OCS, Disney+, Haut et Court Distribution, and Soficas Indéfilms, LBPI and Cinécap. Executive production in Japan is handled by Mam Film. Shooting which will continue until 3 December in Japan, between Tokyo, Sagami Bay and Yokohama.

  • MARIANENGRABEN by Eileen Byrne, producer: EAVE graduate Bernard Michaux, co-producer: EAVE graduate Roberto Cavallini is in production. The novel adaptation of the same name by Jasmin Schreiber tells the story of Paula, whose will to live is extinguished after her little brother Tim drowns in the sea in Trieste. But when she meets old Helmut, who wants to take his ex-wife's urn to Italy, she finally sees a glimmer of hope. She decides to travel to the beach in Trieste, where her brother died, to find closure. During the journey, she not only picks up a new zest for life but also develops an unexpected friendship with Helmut. The international co-production involves partners from Luxembourg (Samsa Film), Austria (Film AG Produktions GmbH) and Italy (Albolina Film), with funding coming from Film Fund Luxembourg, IDM Südtirol, ÖFI+ and MiC. Alamode Film will release the film in German and Austrian cinemas throughout 2024.

  • MARIA by Pablo Larrain, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach is in production. Production began early this month on MARIA, the Chilean director’s new film on Maria Callas, known as La Divina and one of the most revered opera singers of the 20th century. Angelina Jolie is in the title role. Originally born in New York to Greek-immigrant parents, Callas received her musical training after returning to Greece, and battled through 1940s wartime poverty to establish herself later in Italy as a bel canto star; later on, her life was ridden by scandal, tragedy and her struggle with near-sightedness. The movie, as per the official logline, will tell “the tumultuous, beautiful and tragic story of the life of the world’s greatest opera singer, relived and re-imagined during her final days in 1970s Paris. Callas possessed a tremulous, emotive soprano range that will definitely be aurally familiar to viewers, given the abundance of classic opera “cues” in various cinema and media. It’s an instrument that feels like it could shatter glass, in the time-honoured cliché, yet it has a stirring, grandiose quality. The film is produced by Juan de Dios Larraín for Chile’s Fabula, Lorenzo Mieli for Italy’s The Apartment Pictures and Jonas Dornbach for Germany’s Komplizen Film.

  • NEVER ALONE by Klaus Härö, producer: EAVE+ graduate Ilkka Matila is in production. The World War II-set drama is based on true events and Rony Smolar’s biography Uncle Stiller. The picture is predominantly set on the eve of World War II, when Finland began taking in refugees from Germany and Austria. In detail, the story centres on unsung hero Abraham Stiller, an elderly Jewish man who tries to prevent the Finnish government from handing over Jewish refugees to the Gestapo and to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Producer Ilkka Matila reported that the movie has been in the works for almost 15 years. The project is being filmed in Estonia and Finland. NEVER ALONE is being produced by MRP Matila Röhr Productions in co-production with Estonia’s Taska Film, Sweden’s HOBAB, Austria’s Samsara Filmproduktion and Germany’s Penned Pictures. It has also received backing from the Nordisk Film & TV Fond, the Finnish Film Foundation, MTV3, CMore, Konstsamfundet, the Church Media Foundation, the Swedish Film Institute, SVT, the Austrian Film Institute, ORF, the Estonian Film Institute and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

  • MEURSAULT CONTRE-ENQUÊTE by Malek Bensmaïl, producers: EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guegan and PUENTES graduate Geraldine Sprimont is in production. Written by Malek Bensmaïl and Jacques Fieschi based on Kamel Daoud’s novel of the same name, the story is set in Oran in 1996, when elderly, retired bachelor Haroun tells a young journalist an incredible story dating back to the summer of 1942: he claims to be the brother of the "Nameless Arab" killed in Albert Camus’ famous novel… The film is produced by Fred Prémel on behalf of Tita B Productions and by Hachemi Zertal for Algerian firm Hikayet Films, in co-production with Belgium’s Need Productions and Switzerland’s Imago Films. Notably backed by the CNC (via an advance on receipts and the Fonds Images de la Diversité fund), the Ile-de-France region and Procirep, the movie will be shot over a four-week period in Oran, Algiers and Hadjout.

  • FLOOD by Martin Gonda, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovak National Coordinator Katarina Krnacova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Izabela Igel is in production. The producers are applying the principles of green filming. It is the second Slovak green film produced by Silverart. “Benefiting from our previous experiences, with the first Slovak ‘green-film’ STAND UP, directed by Juraj Bohus, we applied the principles of green filming also in the preproduction and the production of FLOOD . We hired a certified green film manager long ahead of the shooting to carefully plan all the steps towards a sustainable production. We use our set of 10 basic rules, the ‘Ten Green Commandments’, which cover all the departments throughout the entire production process,“ producer Katarina Krnacova said. Set in the 1980’s, FLOOD tells the story of Mara, whose home valley is doomed due to the project of a new water reservoir. The villagers are forced to gradually leave their homes. Mara longs to leave the countryside and study in town, however, her father, who is a Ruthenian farmer, keeps her tied to the family land, which he refuses to let go of despite the end approaching. Mara finds herself in the core of the village community fighting against the failing infrastructure, hidden terrors of the authorities and the incoming flood. „Most of the characters are played by authentic Ruthenian actors and non-professional actors from this particular region. It is actually the first feature film about Ruthenians that is also in their language, since most of the dialogues are in Ruthenian“ Krnacova said. Katarina Krnacova and Tomas Gic are producing through Silverart in co-production with Izabela Igel through Polish Harine Films, Viktor Schwarcz through CINEART TV Prague and Henry Gillet through Belgian Y-House. The film was supported by the Slovak Audiovisual Fund, the Polish Film Institute, the Radio and Television Slovakia, the Minority Culture Fund, Creative Europe MEDIA, the Košice Self-Governing Region, Czech Film Fund and the Belgian Tax Shelter.


In post-production

  • AFTER THE SUMMER by Denis Tanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar, and EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci is in post-production. The movie is envisioned as a comedy-drama with an unlikely late-summer romance at its core. That romance transforms into a story of acceptance and love towards the other, the island, one’s own roots and, most importantly, oneself. AFTER THE SUMMER is being produced by Lana Matic and Boris T Matic for Croatian production house Propeler Film. The co-producers are Jelena Mitrovic, Miha Černec, Josko Rutar, Mirsad Purivatra, EAVE FFF graduate Jovan Marjanovic and Anamaria Antoci. The film has been financially supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, the Slovenian Film Centre, Film Center Serbia, the Sarajevo Canton Cinema Foundation, the Romanian National Film Center, BH Telecom and Creative Europe – MEDIA.

  • THE PRICE OF MONEY: A LARGO WINCH ADVENTURE by Olivier Masset-Depasse, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart is in post-production. The film has been adapted from volumes 13 and 14 of the comic hit series The Price of Money, and The Law of the Dollar, which return to their comic book roots by dragging the hero into a complicated investigation against a backdrop of globalisation and other mergers and acquisitions, confronting him with his own contradictions. Devastated by the kidnapping of his 15-year-old son, Largo Winch is trying to hold it together when one of his associates brutally takes his own life in the middle of a press conference. Just as the world seems to be turning against him and his industrial empire folding, he discovers that the two events may be linked: if he finds those responsible for his bankruptcy, maybe he’ll see his son again? Largo doesn’t yet realise that his quest will lead him directly to hell. The film is carried out by Belgian producer Jacques-Henri Bronckart on behalf of Versus Production and Nathalie Gastaldo Godeau for Pan-Européenne (France).

  • LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS by Urska Djukic, producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator  Jozko Rutar, co-producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Prpic and Marina Gumzi is currently in post-production. It is a story about a shy and sensitive teenager Lucia, who navigates between the expectations of society and the discovery of her own sexuality. "I am grateful that I can make films and that through artistic reflection, above all, through myself and through the world around me, I can provoke the audience with questions, criticism, empathy and a sense of one's own being," says director Urska Djukic, who penned the script with Marina Gumzi. LITTLE TROUBLE GIRLS is produced by Jozko Rutar through Spok Films (Slovenia), Miha Cernec and David Cej through Staragara I.T. (Italy), and Katarina Prpic through Izazov 365 (Croatia), in co-production with Slovenia’s Nosorogi and RTV Slovenija. The project is supported by the Slovenian Film Centre, RTV Slovenija, Direzione generale Cinema e audiovisivo del Ministero della Cultura DGCA-Mic (MIBACT), the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, the Film Commission Friuli Venezia Gulia (FVG) and the Croatian Audiovisual Centre, with technical support provided by FS Viba. The development of the film was supported by the Slovenian Film Centre, Creative Europe MEDIA, RE-ACT and Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

  • THE SILENT TREATMENT by Caroline Strubbe, producer: EAVE graduate Tomas Leyers, co-producer: EAVE graduate Denis Vaslin is in post-production. Tess, an odd 18-year-old Belgian woman with Stockholm syndrome, stalks an introverted, forty something Szabolcs in Budapest. His girlfriend Andrea secretly tries to approach the young stalker in order to help her confront Szabolcs with her questions about her troubled past. Gradually all three of them discover to what extent this tragic background affects their current relationships and learn to reconcile their past. THE SILENT TREATMENT is produced by Tomas Leyers of Minds Meet (Belgium) in co-production with Denis Vaslin of Volya Films (the Netherlands) and Judit Stalter of Laokoon Filmgroup (Hungary). With support from the VAF (Flanders Audiovisual Film Fund), Screen Brussel, Minds Meet equity, GFW invest, Tax Shelter, NFF (the Netherlands Film Fund), LFF (Limburg Film Fund), the Netherlands Film Production Incentive and the Hungarian Tax Rebate. "This collaboration is fantastic with Caroline and her producers, Tomas Leyers - MindsMeet and the Voya Films from the Netherlands. It was a pleasure to be part of a production with a real Hungarian storyline, with Hungarian characters, and where Budapest can shape itself. One of the defining locations of our film is the justly famous Gellér Hotel, which we managed to capture with its original patina before its closure and complete renovation", Hungarian co-producer Judit Stalter.

  • THE SHADOW by Jaak Kilmi, producer: EAVE + graduate Kristian Taska is in post-production. A struggling poet and an unlikely detective is solving frightening murder cases in 1890s Estonia, in a period of heavy Russification from the Tsar. Fighting crime and his inner demons, the detective is torn between madness and sanity, darkness and light. In crazy times, a madman might turn out to be the most effective of them all. Indrek Hargla, who penned Melchior the Apothecary series, wrote the script. Kristian Taska is producing through Estonian Taska Film, Tanel Tatter and Veiko Esken through Apollo Film Productions and Armin Karu through HansaFilm, in co-production with Tuuli Roosma through Reede. The project is supported by the Estonian Film Foundation, as well as the Tartu Film Fund, Apollo Film Productions and HansaFilm

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EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT wins the Grand Prix at CinÉast

San Sebastian Film Festival

EAVE graduates scoop six awards at the San Sebastian Film Festival:

  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens won the Golden Shell for best film.
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduates Bárbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite was awarded the Silver Shells for Best Screenplay and for the Best Leading Performance (ex aequo Marcelo Subiotto and Tatsuya Fuji)
  • KALAK by Isabella Eklöf, producer: EAVE graduates David Herdies, Leontine Petit won Best Cinematography Award and the Special Jury Prize
  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juárez Allen received the Horizontes Latinos Award
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini won the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera Award


Zurich Film Festival

  • HESITATION WOUND by Selman Nacar, producers: EAVE graduates Guillaume de Seille, Oana Giurgiu scooped the Golden Eye for Best Feature Film at the Zurich Film Festival.


Werner Herzog Film Award

  • PATIENT #1 by Rezo Gigineishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Archil Gelovani won the Werner Hezog Film Award 2023.

Once a year the Werner Herzog Foundation offers the Werner Herzog Film Award in cooperation with the Film Archive Munich. The award is meant for innovative works by filmmakers all around the world and is endowed with €5,000

“Patient #1” will have its world premiere at Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival on November 9.


CinÉast Luxembourg

  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: Borislav Chouchkov, Carine Chichkowsky, Denis Vaslinwas awarded the Grand Prix at CinÉast – Luxembourg’s Central and Eastern European Film Festival.
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova won the Special Jury Prize and the Ciritcs' Prize
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat received a Special Mention by the Press Jury.


Filmfest Hamburg

Three awards for EAVE graduates at the Filmfest Hamburg:

  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler won the Critics' Choice Award
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator  Konstantinos Kontovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas received the Arthouse Cinema Award
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno won the MAJA: the Michel Award for Best Children's and Youth Film


Warsaw International Film Festival

  • DIAGNOSIS: DISSENT by Denis Tarasov, producer: EAVE graduate Artem Koliubaiev won a Special Mention in the 1-2 Competition
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamín Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin won the Crème de la Crème Award at the Warsaw International Film Festival
  • EAVE project NOT A WORD by Hanna Slak, producer: EAVE graduate Michel Balagué, co-producers: TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher, EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar won the Ecumenical Jury Award 
  • I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE by Zdeněk Jiráský, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci won the Special Jury Award
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomáš Michálek won Best Film in the Documentary Competition


Chicago International Film Festival

  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi won the Gold Hugo for Best Film and the Silver Hugo for Best Screenplay.
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves won the Silver Hugo: Jury Prize
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler won the Silver Hugo for Best Performance
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach won the Silver Hugo for Best Supporting Performance
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina won the Silver Hugo: Best Ensemble Cast Performance and Best Cinematography.
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit won the Silver Hugo in the New Directors Competition
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis won the Gold Hugo in the International Documentary Competition
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj won the Silver Q-Hugo
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum won the Audience Choice Award for Best International Feature


Sitges Fantastic Film Festival

  • CLUB ZERO by Jessica Hausner, producer: EAVE graduate Johannes Schubert, co-producers: EAVE graduates Per Damgaard Hansen, Clemens Köstlin won Best Music at Sitges Fantastic Film Festival
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain won the Best Motion Picture New Visions Award Special Mention
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele wins Best Direction
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas won the Grand People's Choice Award for best feature film
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, David Bohun, Dario Schoch won the José Luis Guarner Critics' Award for best film
  • TONY, SHELLEY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova won Best animated feature film in the Anima't section 
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith wins Best Actress (Zafreen Zairizai)
  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin won Best actor and the Citizen Kane Award for best new director


Reykjavik International Film Festival

  • BAAN by Leonor Teles, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis wins the main award: the New Visions Golden Puffin at the Reykjavik International Film Festival.
  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki won the Special Jury Award won the New Visions Special Mention


MajorDocs Mallorca

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron won the Audience Award at MajorDocs, the Mallorca Documentary Film Festival.


Golden Rose Varna

  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova was awarded Best Film at the Golden Rose National Film Festival in Varna
  • THE GOOD DRIVER by Tonislav Hristov, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho won Best Debut Feature


Athens International Film Festival

  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas won the Golden Athena Award for Best Film at the Athens International Film Festival.
  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre won the City of Athens Best Director Award
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, David Bohun, Dario Schoch, Sarah  Born receives a Special Mention


Irish Film and Television Academy Awards

  • NOTHING COMPARES by Kathryn Ferguson, executive producer: EAVE graduate Lesley McKimm won the George Morrison Feature Documentary Award at the Irish Film and Television Academy IFTA awards of 2023.


Film Fest Gent

  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves won the Grand Prix for Best Film at the Film Fest Gent
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won the Georges Delerue Award for Best Original Music
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius received the Explore Award from the Explore Zone Jury


Riga International Film Festival

  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki won the Riga IFF’s main award, the Golden Rooster.
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat received a Special Mention


Festival of Slovenian Film, Portorose

  • OBSERVING by Janez Burger, produced by EAVE graduate Miha Cernec and EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Jozko Rutar won the Vesna Awards for Best Female Lead Role, Best Production Design and Best Sound.
  • PERO by Damjan Kozole, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar received a Special Mention won the Vesna Award for special artistic achievement
  • SAFE PLACE by Juraj Lerotic, producer: EAVE graduate Miljenka Cogelja won Best Cinematography and Best Minority Co-production at the Festival of Slovenian Film, Portorose
  • SOIL by Alex Cvetkov, producer: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec won a Vesna Award for Special Achievement
  • THE MAN WITHOUT GUILT by Ivan Gergolet, producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec and EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Jozko Rutar won Best Director, the Art Kino Network of Slovenia (AKMS) Award and the Iridium Award for Best Feature Debut
  • WAKE ME by Marko Santic, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar received the Vesna awards for Best Fiction Feature Film, Best Script, Best Male Lead Role and Best Male Supporting Role and Best Make-up.


Festival du Nouveau Film Montréal 

  • CHIEN DE LA CASSE by Jean-Baptiste Durand, producer: EAVE graduate Anaïs Bertrand won Best feature film of the International panorama section
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamín Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors won Best feature film in the International competition at the Festival du Nouveau Film Montréal 
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas receives the FIPRESCI Award
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain won Best feature film in the National competition

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Six projects developed at EAVE workshops in the run for the Oscars!

American Academy Awards – The Oscars

37 films by EAVE graduates have been nominated to represent their country in the International Feature Film category at the Oscars:

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach – Turkey
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova – Bulgaria
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi – Palestine
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producer: Interchange and B'EST graduate Charlotte Vincent, co-producers: EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Filipa Reis, Oliver Damian – Mongolia
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH OF THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef,  EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler – Romania
  • EAVE project BEHIND THE HAYSTACKS by Asimina Proedrou, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti – Greece
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: Borislav Chouchkov, Carine Chichkowsky, Denis Vaslin – Georgia
  • EAVE project MAMI WATA by C.J. Obasi, produced by EAVE graduate Oge Obasi - Nigeria
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamín Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin – Chile
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic, Gary Cranner – Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff – Finland
  • GODLAND by Hlynur Palmason, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson, Peter Possne co-producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri – Iceland
  • HANGING GARDENS by Ahmed Yassin Aldaradji, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh - Iraq
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj – North Macedonia
  • I HAVE ELECTRIC DREAMS by Valentina Maurel, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland – Costa Rica
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser – Jordan
  • IN THE SHADOW OF BEIRUT by Garry Keane, Stephen Gerard Kelly, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine – Ireland
  • MY FREEDOM by Ilze Kunga-Melgaile, producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina, PUENTES and EAVE graduate Marija Razgute – Latvia
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele, co-producer: EAVE graduate Sander Verdonk – Belgium
  • OPPONENT by Milad Alami, producers: EAVE graduates Annika Rogell, Peter Possne, Ruben Thorkildsen – Sweden
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomáš Michálek - Slovakia
  • RIDERS by Dominik Mencej, producers: EAVE graduates Miha Černec, Danijel Pek, Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanović, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar – Slovenia
  • SIRIN by Senad Sahmanovic, co-producer: EAVE graduate Alem Babic - Montenegro
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius – Lithuania
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat – Estonia
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit – Netherlands
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves – Argentina
  • THE LAST ASHES by Loïc Tanson, associate producers: EAVE graduate, group leader and EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges, EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux – Luxembourg
  • THE PEASANTS by DK and Hugh Welchman, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jelena Angelovski, Jan Naszewski - Poland
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic – Denmark
  • THIS IS WHAT I REMEMBER by Aktan Arym Kubat, producers: EAVE graduates Carine Chichowski, Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin – Kyrgyzstan
  • THUNDERS by Ioane Bobeica, producer: EAVE graduate Sergiu Cumatrenco Jr. - Moldova
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen – Mexico
  • TRACES by Dubravka Turic, producers: EAVE graduate and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduate Ieva Norvilliene, EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic – Croatia
  • TTB PROJECT AUTOBIOGRAPHY by Makbul Mubarak, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Yulia Evina Bhara, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards– Indonesia
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith – Malaysia

The following films are running for the Best Documentary Feature nomination:

  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • CLOSE TO VERMEER, producer: EAVE graduate Ilja Roomans
  • ANHELL69 by Theo Montoya, producer: EAVE graduate Maximilian Haslberger
  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi
  • MOTHERLAND by Hanna Badziaka, Alexander Mihalkovich, producer: EAVE graduate Mario Adamson
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producer: EAVE graduates Katarína Tomková, Tomáš Michálek
  • PIANOFORTE by Jakub Piątek, producer: EAVE graduate Maciej Kubick
  • TWICE COLONIZED by Lin Alluna, producer: EAVE graduate Emile Hertling Péronard


European Film Awards

Here is the full list of the feature films, documentary films and animated feature films by EAVE producers nominated for the European Film Awards 2023:


Feature Film Selection

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, produced by EAVE+and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub and Film Finance Forum graduate Ketie Danelia
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • CLOSE YOUR EYES by Víctor Erice, produced by EAVE+ graduates José Alba and Odile Antonio-Baez
  • CLUB ZERO by Jessica Hausner, producer: EAVE graduate Johannes Schubert, co-producers: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen, EAVE participant Clemens Köstlin
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH OF THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE project BEHIND THE HAYSTACKS by Asimina Proedrou, produced by EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic, Jelena Mitrovic, Gary Cranner
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduates Antonino Lombardo, Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, Beata Rzezniczek, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, associate producers: EAVE graduate Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • SAFE PLACE by Juraj Lerotic, producers: EAVE graduates Miljenka Cogelja, Vlado Bulajic, EAVE participant Lija Pogacnik
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, co-produced by EAVE graduate Anna-Maria Kantarius, EAVE and PUENTES graduate Marija Razgute, co-produced by EAVE graduate Luisa Romeo
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Łuczaj
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD by Teona Strugar Mitevska, producers: EAVE graduate and Macedonian National Coordinator Labina Mitevska, EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar, EAVE graduates Benoît Roland, National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduates Maria Møller Christoffersen, Sébastien Delloye, Adis Djapo
  • THE PROMISED LAND by Nikolaj Arcel, producer: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kroger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch


Documentary Film Selection

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • MOTHERLAND by Alexander Mihalkovich, Hanna Badziaka, producer: EAVE participant Mario Adamson
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat


Animated Feature Film Selection

  • A GREYHOUND OF A GIRL by Enzo d’Alò, producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE graduate, group leader and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi


European University Film Award nominees

  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas

The European Film Awards Ceremony takes place on December 9 in Berlin.


Coprocity Development Award

Ten projects are selected for the 2023 Coprocity Development Award. Among them:

  • 40, MARIA-LUISA BOULEVARD by Kristina Spassovka, producer: EAVE graduate Maya Vitkova-Kosev
  • AFTER DARK by Erenik Beqiri, producer: EAVE  graduates Alessandro Amato, Luigi Chimienti
  • ELENA by Dalia Huerta Cano, producer: EAVE graduate Elisa Fernanda Pirir
  • THE MELTDOWN by Manuela Martelli, producer: PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamin Domenech
  • WE WON’T GET OLD TOGETHER by Marius Olteanu, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu

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INGEBORG BACHMANN in cinemas around Europe

In French cinemas

  • LOST IN THE NIGHT by Amat Escalante, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis, co-producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Katrin Pors, Dan Wechsler, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. October 4.

  • THE OTHER LAURENS by Claude Schmitz, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Forni, Benoit Roland. October 4.

  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic. October 4.

  • EAVE project VICENTA B. by Carlos Lechuga, producers: EAVE graduates Claudia Calvino, Dag Hoel. October 11.

  • LE SYNDROME DES AMOURS PASSÉES by Ann Sirot and Raphaël Balboni, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes. October 25.



In Belgian cinemas

  • THE OTHER LAURENS by Claude Schmitz, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Forni, Benoit Roland. October 18.

  • WHEN IT MELTS by Veerle Baetens, producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Ellen Havenith. October 25.



In UK cinemas

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre. October 23.

  • SAFE PLACE by Juraj Lerotic, producer: EAVE graduate Miljenka Cogelja. October 25.


In Dutch cinemas

  • SEA SPARKLE by Domien Huyghe, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot. October 25.

  • DAUGHTER OF RAGE by Laura Baumeister, co-producer EAVE graduate Dag Hoel. October 26.



In Swiss cinemas

  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper. October 26.

  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper. October 26.



In Austrian cinemas

  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper. October 26.



In German cinemas

  • La BÊTE DANS LA JUNGLE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Jean-Yves Roubin, Ebba Sinzinger. October 4.

  • PLAN 75 by Hayakawa Chie, producer: TTB and EAVE graduate Eiko Mizuno-Gray, co-producer: TTB and EAVE graduate Alemberg Ang. October 11.

  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper. October 18.

  • TORI AND LOKITA by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, co-producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert. October 26.



In Irish cinemas

  • THE ETERNAL DAUGHTER by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney. October 27.



In Luxembourgish cinemas

  • THE LAST ASHES (LÄIF A SÉIL) by Loic Tanson, producers: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator  Bernard Michaux, EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges. October 27.



In Norwegian cinemas

  • APPLES by Christos Nikou, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski, associate producer: EAVE graduate Antoine Simkine. October 29.



In Polish cinemas

  • SILVER HAZE by Sacha Polak, producer: EAVE graduate Marleen Slot. October 27.

  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. October 27.



In Swedish cinemas

  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper. October 27.

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS travels to Tokyo

Filmfest Hamburg (September 28 – October 7)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producers: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Oliver Damian
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • FALLING INTO PLACE by Aylin Tezel, producer: EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LAST SHADOW AT FIRST LIGHT by Nicole Midori Woodford, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Chua, Bostjan Virc, Yulia Evina Bhara 
  • L'ÊTRE HUMAIN by Michael Klier, producer: EAVE graduate Jana Cisar
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic  
  • OF LIVING WITHOUT ILLUSION by Katharina Lüdin, producer: EAVE graduate Ivan Madeo
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial 
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, David Bohun, Dario Schoch
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


Sessions in partnership with EAVE:

  • Documentary (and Drawing) Power driving Social Change with EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo

EAVE project DRAW FOR CHANGE! is a six-part documentary series about female cartoonists in Mexico, USA, Russia, India, Syria, and Egypt. The series blends documentary and animation in exploration of themes such as female representation, femicide, censorship, and democracy. EAVE graduate Producer Hanne Phlypo of Clin d’Oeil Films (Brussels) explored how documentary film can drive social change and shared her experience on packaging, financing, producing and releasing this project. Draw for Change! is produced in collaboration with European broadcasters and is being released as a TV-series, one-offs, a VR experience, an exhibition and a book.

  • Social Impact Entertainment and impact-driven decision making with EAVE+ graduate Mariana Oliva and Luana Lobo

Stories have the power to change the world. But it is not only about the stories themselves, it is also about how works – films and series in particular – are having an impact based on the ways they are produced and marketed. EAVE+ graduates Luana Lobo and Mariana Oliva from Maria Farinha Filmes (Sao Paulo) dived into the particular business model and collective intelligence of their production company, that is fully dedicated to social impact entertainment, diversity and sustainability, and explored how they have implemented work principles based on these values, with an innovative form of leadership, and a focus on audience development.


Festival of Slovenian Film, Portoroz (October 3 – 10)

  • 20 METROV by Damjan Kozole, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar
  • HOFFMAN'S LAW by Aleksander Kogoj Jr, producer: EAVE grduate Jerca Jeric
  • OBSERVING by Janez Burger, produced by EAVE graduate Miha Cernec and EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • SAFE PLACE by Juraj Lerotic, producer: EAVE graduate Miljenka Cogelja, co-producers: EAVE graduates Vlado Bulajic, Lija Pogacnik
  • SHOOTING BLANKS by Ziga Virc, producers: EAVE graduates Bostjan Virc, Sinisa Juricic
  • SOIL by Alex Cvetkov, producer: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec
  • SPORTS DAY by August Adrian Braatz, producer: EAVE graduate Ida Weiss
  • THE MAN WITHOUT GUILT by Ivan Gergolet, producers: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec and EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Jozko Rutar
  • WAKE ME by Marko Santic, producer: EAVE+ graduate Danijel Hocevar


Busan International Film Festival  (October 4 – 13)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • CITY OF WIND by Lkhagvadulam Purev-Ochir, producers: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent, EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Filipa Reis, Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, Oliver Damian
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE PLOUGH (LE GRAND CHARIOT) by Philippe Garrel, producer: EAVE graduate Laurine Pelassy
  • THE RYE HORN by Jaione Camborda, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora, EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


Festival Du Nouveau Cinéma Montréal  (October 4 – 15)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchoiu, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • BETWEEN REVOLUTIONS by Vlad Petri, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • CHIEN DE LA CASSE by Jean-Baptiste Durand, producer: EAVE graduate Anaïs Bertrand
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • LA BELLA ESTATE by Laura Luchetti, producer: EAVE graduate Giovanni Pompili
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamín Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project TOTEM by Sander Burger, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • TTB project MAMMALIA by Sebastian Mihailescu, producers: EAVE graduate Diana Paroiu & EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese


BFI London Film Festival  (October 4 – 15)

  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith


Sitges Film Festival  (October 5 – 15)

  • CLUB ZERO by Jessica Hausner, producer: EAVE graduate Johannes Schubert, co-producers: EAVE graduates Per Damgaard Hansen, Clemens Köstlin
  • HUMANIST VAMPIRE SEEKING CONSENTING SUICIDAL PERSON by Ariane Louis-Seize, producer: EAVE and EAVE+ graduate Jeanne-Marie Poulain
  • IN MY MOTHER’S SKIN by Kenneth Dagatan, producer: TTB graduates Bianca Balbuena, Stefano Centini
  • LUKA by Jessica Woodworth, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Brosens, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum, EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • ROBOT DREAMS by Pablo Berger, producer: EAVE graduate Alejandro Arenas
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, David Bohun, Dario Schoch
  • TONY, SHELLY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova
  • TTB project TIGER STRIPES by Amanda Nell, co-producers: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE and TTB graduates Fran Borgia and Yulia Evina Bhara, EAVE graduate, TTB group leader and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith
  • VINCENT MUST DIE by Stéphan Castang, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • VOURDALAK by Adrien Beau, producer: Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi


CinÉast - Central and Eastern European Film Festival, Luxemburg  (October 5 – 22)

  • A CUP OF COFFEE AND NEW SHOES ON by Gentian Koci, co-producer: EAVE graduate Konstantina Stavrianou
  • ANOTHER LOTTERY TICKET by Paul Negoescu, producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci
  • ARSENIE. AN AMAZING AFTERLIFE by Alexandru Solomon, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by EAVE graduate Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanina National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE project CITIZEN SAINT by Tinatin Kajrishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Lasha Khalvashi, co-producers: Borislav Chouchkov, Carine Chichkowsky, Denis Vaslin
  • ESCORT by Lukas Nola, producer: EAVE graduate, group  leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • EXCURSION by Una Gunjak, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • MY LOVE AFFAIR WITH MARRIAGE by Signe Baumane, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Roberts Vinovskis
  • REMEMBER TO BLINK by Austeja Urbaite, producer: EAVE graduate Zivile Gallego
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic
  • THE 9TH STEP by Irma Puzauskaite, producer: B’EST graduate Lukas Trimonis
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • VICTIM by Michal Blasko, producers: EAVE graduates Jakub Viktorin and Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Saar Yogev
  • WHITE PLASTIC SKY by Tibor Banoczki and Sarolta Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi


Warsaw Film Festival  (October 8 – 17)

  • ANXIETY by Slawomir Fabicki, producers: EAVE graduates Violetta Kaminska, Izabela Wojcik 
  • DIAGNOSIS: DISSENT by Denis Tarasov, producer: EAVE graduate Artem Koliubaiev
  • EAVE project NOT A WORD by Hanna Slak, co-producers: TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher, EAVE graduate Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and Slovenian National Coordinator Jozko Rutar  
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project THE SETTLERS by Felipe Galvez, producer: TTB, PUENTES, MW and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi, PUENTES and EAVE+ graduate Benjamín Domenech and Santiago Gallelli, TTB graduate Stefano Centini, co-producers: EAVE and PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE by Zdeněk Jiráský, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci won the Special Jury Award
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Tomkova, Tomáš Michálek won Best Film in the Documentary Competition
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • THE LAST MEN by David Oelhoffen, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • TONY, SHELLEY AND THE MAGIC LIGHT by Filip Posivac, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova


Gent International Film Festival  (October 11 – 24)

  • 20,000 SPECIES OF BEES by Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre
  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • AMAL by Jawad Rhalib, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ellen de Waele
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • COPENHAGEN DOES NOT EXIST by Martin Skovbjerg, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine, co-producers: EAVE graduates Sophie Erbs, Katrin Pors, Sergi Moreno, Ingrid Lill Høgtun
  • CREATURA by Elena Martín, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • DANCING ON THE EDGE OF A VOLCANO by Cyril Aris, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • HOME by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduate Antonino Lombardo
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • INSHALLAH A BOY by Amjad Al Rasheed, producer: EAVE graduate Rula Nasser
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • SLOW by Marija Kavtaradze, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute, co-producers: EAVE graduates Luisa Romeo, Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • STEPNE by Maryna Vroda, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anna Katchko, Agnieszka Dziedzic
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


Chicago International Film Festival (October 11 – 22)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • AFTER WORK by Erik Gandini, producer: EAVE graduate Carsten Aanonsen
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EXPLANATION FOR EVERYTHING by Gabor Reisz, producers: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • FALLEN LEAVES by Aki Kaurismäki, producers: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, TTB graduate Mark Lwoff
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS by Goran Stolevski, producers: EAVE graduates Marija Dimitrova, National Coordinator Croatia Ankica Juric Tilic, National Coordinator Serbia Milan Stojanovic, Beata Rzezniczek, Jan Naszewski, PUENTES graduate Marcin Luczaj
  • LOST COUNTRY by Vladimir Perisic, producers: EAVE graduates Vincent Quenault, Janja Kralj, EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates David Bohun, Sarah Born, Heino Deckert, Dario Schoch
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen


Riga International Film Festival (October  12 – 22)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • COPENHAGEN DOES NOT EXIST by Martin Skovbjerg, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin 
  • ERIK STONEHEART by Ilmar Raag, producer: EAVE graduate and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos, co-producers: EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Aleksi Bardy, Roberts Vinovskis
  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki 
  • FOUR LITTLE ADULTS by Selma, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • LUKA by Jessica Woodworth, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Brosens, co-producers: EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum, EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE + graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat
  • THE ETERNAL DAUGHTER by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen


Astra Film Festival Sibiu (October 14 – 21)

  • A HOLY FAMILY by Elvis A-Liang Lu, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis
  • ARSENIE. AN AMAZING AFTERLIFE by Alexandru Solomon, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon


European Work in Progress, Cologne (October 16 – 18)

  • ARMAND by Halfdan Ullmann Tøndel, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fred Burle, Dekr-Jan Warrink 
  • BREATHING UNDERWATER by Eric Lamhène, producer: EAVE graduate Claude Waringo
  • NOTHING IN ITS PLACE by Burak Cevik, producer: EAVE graduate İpek Erden
  • RESTLESS by Elmar Imanov, producer: EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau
  • SECOND HAND LAND by Wasiliki Bleser, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder
  • SIMAS SONG by Roya Sadat, producer: EAVE graduate Alba Sotorra
  • THE NEW ILLUSION by Jasmin Gordon, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer
  • THE SHAMELESS by Konstantin Bojanov, producer: EAVE graduate Palmyre Badinier
  • TRANSAMAZONIA by Pia Marais, producer: EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs


La Roche-sur-Yon International Film Festival (October 16 – 22)

  • APOLONIA, APOLONIA by Lea Glob, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron
  • ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE LAKE by Lav Diaz, producer: producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum 
  • INGEBORG BACHMANN by Margarethe von Trotta, producers: EAVE+ graduates Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, Bettina Brokemper
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • PUAN by Maria Alché, Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduates Bárbara Sarasola-Day, Giovanni Pompili, PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite 
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • THE INVISIBLE FIGHT by Rainer Sarnet, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduate Amanda Livanou, B’EST graduates Alise Gelze, Helen Vinogradov
  • WHEN IT MELTS by Veerle Baetens, producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Ellen Havenith


Rome Film Festival (October 17 – 29)

  • BLAGA’S LESSONS by Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev, Katya Trichkova
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • HOLLY by Fien Troch, producer: EAVE graduates Elisa Heene, Donato Rotunno, Frans Van Gestel, Antonino Lombardo
  • HOW TO HAVE SEX by Molla Manning Walker, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontrovrakis, executive producer: EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE+ graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • PARADISE IS BURNING by Mika Gustafson, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Jenni Jauri, Marco Valerio Fusco, Maria Stevnbak Westergren and PUENTES graduate Nima Yousefi
  • THE ETERNAL MEMORY directed and produced by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi


DOK Leipzig (October 17 – 23)

  • 5 DREAMERS AND A HORSE by Vahagn Khachatryan, Aren Malakyan, producer: EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau
  • BYE BYE TIBERIAS by Lina Soualem, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi
  • DER WIND NIMMT DIE MIT, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Ann Carolin Renninger
  • EAVE project DISTURBED EARTH directed and produced by EAVE graduate Guillermo Carreras-Candi
  • EAVE project DRAW FOR CHANGE!: We Exist, We Resist by Mariana Cadenas Sangronis, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • GRANNY'S SEXUAL LIFE by Urška Djukić, Émilie Pigeard, producer: EAVE graduate Bostjan Virc
  • PHOTOPHOBIA by Ivan Ostrochovský, Pavol Pekarčík, producer: EAVE graduates Katarína Tomková, Tomáš Michálek
  • PLANET B by Pieter Van Eecke, producer: EAVE graduate Hanne Phlypo
  • PLAYING MEN by Matjaž Ivanišin, producers: EAVE graduates Marina Gumzi, Vanja Jambrovic, Tibor Keser
  • POND by Lena von Döhren, Eva Rust, producer: EAVE graduate Sarah Born
  • SILENT SUN OF RUSSIA by Sybilla Tuxen, producers: EAVE graduates Rikke Tambo Andersen, Maria Møller Christoffersen
  • SKATE THE CITY by Lies Van der Auwera, producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • STILL LIFE WITH WOMAN, TEA AND LETTER by Tess Martin, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts
  • THE STANDSTILL by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Austrian National Coordinator Michael Kitzberger
  • THE GATE by Jasmin Herold, Michael David Beamish, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • THE WAGES OF JOHN PERNIA directed and produced by EAVE graduate Ben Young
  • THE WIND IS TAKING THEM directed and produced by EAVE graduate Ann Carolin Renninger
  • VIKA! by Agnieszka Zwiefka, producer: EAVE graduate Anna Stylińska, co-producer: EAVE graudate Heino Deckert
  • VISTA MARE by Florian Kofler, Julia Gutweniger, producer: EAVE graduate Bernhard Holzhammer,
  • WHILE THE GREEN GRASS GROWS by Peter Mettler, producer: EAVE graduate Brigitte Hofer 

Selected for Dok Leipzig Co-Pro Market

  • DECEMBER by Grzegorz Paprzycki, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite


Viennale (October 19 – 31)

  • ABOUT DRY GRASSES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • ANIMAL by Sofia Exarchou, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki, co-producer: EAVE graduate Vicky Miha
  • BLACKBIRD BLACKBIRD BLACKBERRY by Elene Naveriani, producer: EAVE+ graduate Bettina Brokemper
  • THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING by Timm Kröger, producers: EAVE graduates Heino Deckert, David Bohun, Dario Schoch, Sarah Born
  • DO NOT EXPECT TOO MUCH FROM THE END OF THE WORLD by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • ESSENTIAL TRUTHS OF THE LAKE by Lav Diaz, producer: producer: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduate Bradley Liew 
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • GREEN BORDER by Agnieszka Holland, producers: EAVE graduate Maria Blicharska, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • INSIDE THE YELLOW COCOON SHELL by Thien An Pham, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Chua, co-producers: EAVE graduates Marie Dubas, Adria Mones
  • LA CHIMERA by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE + graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • MUSIC by Angela Schanelec, producer: EAVE + graduate Giorgos Karnavas.
  • OMEN by Baloji, producers: EAVE graduates Benoit Roland, Ellen de Waele
  • POOR THINGS by Yorgos Lanthimos, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney 
  • SMOKE SAUNA SISTERHOOD by Anna Hints, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Ostrat 
  • STILLSTAND by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Austrian National Coordinator Michael Kitzberger
  • THE DELINQUENTS by Rodrigo Moreno, producer: EAVE graduate Ezequiel Borovinsky, EAVE and TTB graduate Gilles Chanial, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Alves
  • THE ECHO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis
  • THE HUMAN SURGE 3 by Eduardo Williams, co-producers: EAVE graduates Raymond van der Kaaij, Germen Boelens, Julia Alves, Stefano Centini
  • THE PLOUGH (LE GRAND CHARIOT) by Philippe Garrel, producer: EAVE graduate Laurine Pelassy
  • THE PRACTICE by Martin Rejtman, producer: PUENTES, TTB and EAVE+ graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • TOTEM by Lila Avilés, co-producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen
  • THROUGH THE NIGHT by Delphine Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • YOUTH (SPRING) by Wang Bing, producers: EAVE graduates Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts


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@ CHANGE, November 4 - 8, Tbilisi (GE)

EAVE Deputy CEO Satu Elo

@ TIES THAT BIND Workshop 1, November 5 - 9, Taipei (TW) 

TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher

@ EAVE Marketing Workshop, November 7 - 12, Luxembourg 

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp (Nov 8 – 11), EAVE Project Manager Ana Ruiz Miralles

@ Cutting Edge Talent Lab, November 17 - 19, Mannheim (DE) 

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

@ PUENTES Workshop 2, November 20 - 26, Montevideo (UY) 

EAVE Project Manager Ana Ruiz Miralles

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ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch kicks off today!

Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) and EAVE Ties That Bind (TTB) have joined forces to launch the first edition of the ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch, a new initiative targeting producers with (young adult) animated projects from Asia and Europe with the potential and desire to explore new financing and co-production opportunities, new markets, and new audiences in both continents.

Out of the impressive number of submissions received – over 110 from 28 different countries/regions, the Animation Lab selection committee – featuring Justin Deimen (108 Media/SAVVA, SG), Juraj Krasnohorsky (Artichoke/CEE Animation, SK), Kanji Kazahaya (Culture Connect Co., JP) and Matija Sturm (CEE Animation Workshop, SI) – have announced the final line-up of 9 projects in development coming from 4 European and 5 Asian countries/regions.

The ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch will take place over 2 separate programmes offering comprehensive knowledge of the European and Asian animation industries and markets. The participants will benefit from high-level development under the guidance of top-notch experts from both continents and have the opportunity to pitch their project in front of key decision makers during the upcoming edition of the Asia TV Forum & Market in Singapore.

The first online programme kicks off today and over the next 5 days, October 30 - November 3, 2023, selected participants will be able to attend a rich and diverse workshop crafted by the Lab curator Juraj Krasnohorsky (Artichoke/CEE Animation, SK), who has put together a team of leading industry professionals: Ervin Han will present a general overview of Asian-European financing landscape, Katarzyna Siniarska (New Europe Film Sales) will lead the session “Working with a Sales Agent”, Jean François Le Corre (Vivement Lundi!) and Justin Deimen (108 Media/SAVVA) will elaborate on the “Good Practice of Co-Production”, Juraj Krasnohorsky (Artichoke/CEE Animation) will share tips to package and pitch a project while Bonnie Williams will share tips on organising and conducting market meetings.

All participants will thereon have individual consultations with 4 experts that will revise their project packages (Jean-François Le Corre and Kanji Kazahaya) and their financing strategies (Jean-Baptiste Babin-Backup Media and Justin Deimen).

The second on-site programme will take place from December 6 - 8, 2023 within the frame of ATF in Singapore, and it will feature experts’ lectures, individual consultancies, a pitching component and a series of prearranged one-to-one meetings between selected teams and decision makers & financiers.

The following 9 projects wanting to extend their knowledge and network towards Asia and Europe have been selected to participate in the ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch:

  • Brian, Whatube Studios, Taiwan
  • Chill Out, Girl, BCH Entertainment, Indonesia
  • Ella Arcangel: Ballad of Tooth and Claw, Twenty Manila (Ludritz Ventures, Inc.), Philippines
  • Moss, Imagic TV, Spain
  • Republic of Cats – Vanishing Utopia, Jet Set Go, Japan
  • Something Great, Sumimasen Pte. Ltd., Singapore
  • Trouble Magnet, Fabian&Fred, Germany
  • Twice Upon a Time, To Blink Animation, Serbia
  • Tytus Romek & A’Tomek, EGoFILM, Poland

ATF x TTB Animation Lab & Pitch 2023 will take place in the framework of the Asia TV Forum & Market, Asia’s leading content market and conference, and it will be organised by ATF and Ties That Bind with the support of lead sponsor Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA), sponsors Film Development Council Philippines (FDCP) and Visual Industry Promotion Organization (VIPO), and in collaboration with CEE Animation Workshop.

TIES THAT BIND, based in Udine, is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival and Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European.

About Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) 2023

Into its 24thedition, Asia TV Forum & Market (ATF) – the region’s leading entertainment content market and conference – is the proven industry platform to acquire knowledge, network, buy, sell, finance, distribute and co-produce across all platforms. It is the premier stage in Asia to engage with the entertainment industry’s top players from around the world. It’s where the best minds meet, and the future of Asia’s content is shaped. For more information, please visit

About EAVE 

European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, EAVE, is a professional training, project, development, and networking organisation for audiovisual producers. Working with a worldwide network of partners we are involved in programmes for producers worldwide.

About FVG Audiovisual Fund 

First experience in the Italian panorama, the aim of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Regional Fund is to support the development of local film companies and promote the regional audiovisual works in national and international markets. The Fund operates in three main sectors: training, to encourage the participation of local audiovisual professional in national and international courses for directors, scriptwriters, producers, editors, camera operators, and sound engineers; development, to cover all the activities between the idea and the production phase, from the script writing and the research, to the casting, the fundraising and the presentation of a promo; distribution, along with the promotion of the projects, this last action includes a financial support to cover the production expenses, so as to create more competitive products. Along with the ordinary management of the fund, the FVG AUDIOVISUAL FUND has organized several events aimed at creating platforms for cinema professionals from all around the world and developing the local audiovisual industry.

About Southeast Asian Audio-Visual Association (SAAVA)

The Southeast Asian Audio-Visual Association (SAAVA), a non-profit association that seeks to unify media producers and media financiers in the region. The association's mission is to advance creative development across the region, promote Southeast Asian audio-visual content and capabilities internationally, as well as stimulate business collaborations between its members.



Media Contact: Candy Cheah, RX Singapore |

Lab & Pitch Contact (ATF): ATF Lab & Pitch Team |

Lab & Pitch Contact (EAVE): Alessandra Pastore |

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WEMW opens the second round of calls for the EAVE Slate and Inspirational Labs!

Only one day to go before the deadline of the WEMW Co-Production Forum call for projects in development, and it’s already time to launch a second round of WEMW programmes focusing on career boost, acceleration in strategic company development and reinforced company sustainability.

Starting from today and until November 20, European producers have the chance to apply to the third edition of EAVE Slate, an innovative programme that will offer consultancies on how to build a successful company slate and strategic company planning to companies that are developing a slate of A/V works.

Until November 20, producers coming from Europe, Canada and Latin America will also be able to apply to one of our Inspirational Labs, a series of mini-workshops meant to stimulate selected participants to develop new content and explore new business models. Run in collaboration with leading training programmes and international partners, the eight Labs will offer a deeper insight on drama series content, animation production, impact & outreach strategy, online distribution and co-financing, video game development, genre film production, virtual production and East & West International Co-Production


EAVE Slate & Inspirational Labs at a glance!

EAVE Slate

EAVE Slate will select up to 12 European and Latin American companies that are developing a slate of A/V works and will combine the EAVE group work method with a series of plenary sessions and individual consultancies focusing on strategic company planning, potential risk evaluation and company diversification. The main goal is to define realistic short-, mid- and long-term strategies for the selected companies and to outline how to pick the right projects to include in the company slates.

Find out more

ANIMA SPIRIT | Animation Inspirational Lab

in partnership with CEE Animation Workshop

ANIMA SPIRIT is designed as an entrance door for experienced producers and film companies coming from live action or documentary, wanting to discover the exciting and complex world of animated film production. The Lab will combine group work, individual consultancies, and lectures on financial and creative aspects of animation production.

The Lab is hosted by the CEE Animation Workshop team and led by experts Martin Vandas (producer, Czech Republic) and Agne Adomene (creative producer at Art Shot studio, Lithuania).

Find out more

COLD OPEN | Drama Series Inspirational Lab

in partnership with MIDPOINT Institute

COLD OPEN will once again select international producers, with a background in feature films, who aspire to shift to drama series content. The programme will be led by MIDPOINT Institute's tutors and experts, and will include lectures, group sessions and individual consultations, aiming to supply hands-on skills of development, production planning and financing of serialised drama content.

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EAST & WEST | Co-Production Inspirational Lab

in partnership with WEMW

A complete journey through the main co-production and distribution opportunities offered by Europe and Latin America, with a focus on the most dynamic regional and national funds, but also on the Eurimages, Ibermedia and Creative Europe support schemes. 

The Co-Production Inspirational Lab is specifically designed for upcoming producers that need to acquire the necessary tools to co-produce films and other audio-visual formats in the international marketplace, and will include lectures, exchange sessions with leading industry key players and successful East & West co-production case studies.

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FILM MEETS GAMES | Video Games Production Inspirational Lab

in partnership with SpielFabrique

The video game industry is reaching USD 200B and targets everybody on a global basis! The FILM MEETS GAMES Inspiration Lab is offering an expert glimpse of the opportunities through understanding how to position, finance and distribute a game. The Lab is developed with pan European game ecosystem catalyst SpielFabrique with the support from renowned experts. It offers keynotes and personal support to filmmakers wishing to expand to video games.

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GENRE RULES | Fantastic Film Inspirational Lab

in partnership with the Fantastic Film Forum of the Trieste Science+Fiction Festival

GENRE RULES is meant as a hands-on guide to the inner workings of genre cinema. Even though genre movies today are more popular and marketable than ever, producing them may not prove so easy. The genre film industry is highly specialised, with key players, industry events and subgenres of its own, and constantly changing trends. This lab is designed to provide an in-depth overview of this sector and will focus in particular on the best strategies to develop your project and effectively place it in the market. The workshop targets independent producers and new talents with an international attitude, who wish to improve their skills and become acquainted with the genre film landscape.

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IMPACT ZONE | Outreach & Impact Inspirational Lab

in partnership with ESoDoc

ESoDoc's lab at WEMW will focus on the design of impact campaign strategies. During the workshop, participants - selected both from documentary and fiction genres - will work on their impact loglines, goals and key action steps. The main objective is to enhance participants’ understanding of the value of impact and what it can achieve for their productions and society, introduce them to a range of tools they can use to design and deliver policy impact, and give participants specific project advice and guidance.

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The VoD Inspirational Lab is a unique opportunity to better understand the diversity of the VOD landscape and the dynamics behind the on-demand ecosystem. Through a series of lectures, case studies and masterclasses, sharing data and know-how on the current VoD market and players, the Lab will help the participants to plan ahead the online distribution strategy and co-financing of their content, answering to the audience demand.

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VIRTUAL INNOVATION | Virtual Production Inspirational Lab

in partnership with European Virtual Production Alliance

“Demystifying VP and its applications for independent productions and industry”

Virtual Production has undoubtedly been one of the most spoken-about industry innovations of recent years, yet for independent industries, it remains a practice shrouded in mystery. Is it only about hyper-expensive LED screens and blockbuster productions, or will this novel approach also revolutionise independent productions?

The VIRTUAL INNOVATION Lab, organised in partnership with European Virtual Production Alliance - an industry network of Europe’s leading virtual production experts and studios, will demystify virtual production once and all for independent industry leaders from financiers decision makers to producers, VFX supervisors, and below the line crew. This Lab will look into different forms of VP, including In-Camera VFX, LED production, previsualization, virtual cameras, and set capturing, as well as into how to assess VP suitability for your production, how to budget and plan the workflow, and how to manage the process from start to finish successfully. The Lab will also present recent case studies from awarded European festival favourites and feature films and TV series to give the participant a 360-degree look into the world of V.

Find out more



It is possible to apply to max. 3 different labs, but it will be possible to attend only one Inspirational Lab. To apply, visit WEMW website.

The deadline for both the EAVE Slate and the Inspirational Labs is November 20, 2023.

In case you have already applied to other WEMW activities (e.g Co-Production Forum or Works in Progress sections), you can also apply to the EAVE Slate and the Inspirational Labs.


The EAVE Slate and Inspirational Labs activities will take place at the WEMW venues in Trieste. The final selection will be primarily based on the applicant’s profile and motivation, and all selected participants will also have the opportunity to join the rest of the programme of WEMW.


The participation fee for the EAVE Slate is € 450, while for each Inspirational Lab is € 250. The fee includes the WEMW accreditation, the EAVE Slate/Inspirational Lab tuition fee, lunches and coffee breaks.

*Please note that the participation fee will be waived for all Ukrainian selected participants.

**Thanks to the support from our network of regional/national funds, a limited number of producers from certain regions/countries will be able to access partial/full scholarships. Please contact us at for further info.


If you wish to get more info about the Inspirational Labs and the EAVE Slate, please join our INFO DAY on Thursday November 2 from 11.00 to 12.00 (CET timezone). To confirm your attendance please fill in our registration form no later than October 31.

We look forward to being once again inspired all together next January!
More information are available at

WEMW 2024 is organized once again by the FVG Audiovisual Fund in collaboration with the Trieste Film Festival, EAVE, Creative Europe Desk Italy and thanks to the precious and constant support of Creative Europe MEDIA, MIC - Direzione Generale per il Cinema, CEI – Central European Initiative, Film Center Serbia, Ciclic - Centre-Val de Loire Region, and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia.

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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