
EAVE Code of Conduct

EAVE believes in the importance of human connections as these make up the tissue of our film community. Connections that are based on diversity, inclusivity and mutual respect.

Everyone attending EAVE (participants, experts and staff) are requested to sign the EAVE CODE OF CONDUCT and have the responsibility to ensure that EAVE workshops are safe and inclusive environments.


  • Hurtful language, discrimination, harassment and bullying based on one’s identity (whether race, gender, ethnicity, religion, background, sexuality, socio-economic class, disability or age) are not tolerated.
  • All attendees at the workshops are to be treated as equal, and no form of favouritism is tolerated. Participants should avoid relying on stereotypes, prejudices, and assumptions when forming opinions about others.
  • Foster a collaborative and supportive environment by respecting everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries.
  • Use inclusive language that respects and acknowledges the diversity of our community. [See ANNEX I: EAVE INCLUSIVE LANGUAGE STYLE GUIDE & ANNEX II: TERMINOLOGY GUIDE]
  • Act with integrity and honesty in all dealings. Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Maintain a high standard of professionalism in all interactions, and treat people with kindness. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities and differences in communication styles.
  • Maintain a workplace free from any form of harassment, including but not limited to, verbal, physical, visual, or online harassment based on one’s identity.
  • Take responsibility for your actions and decisions. Learn from mistakes and continuously strive for improvement. Support a culture of accountability.


The following actions are seen as a violation of the code of conduct:

  • Public incitement to violence, hatred or discrimination of a workshop attendee on the grounds of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, background, sexuality, socio-economic class, disability or age.
  • Insults, jokes, defamation and threats against a workshop attendee on the grounds of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, background, sexuality, socio-economic class, disability or age.
  • The public expression of anti-semitism, islamophobia, xenophobia and other ideologies that discriminates, claims superiority of and disparages a workshop attendee on the grounds of their religion, race, gender, ethnicity, background, sexuality, socio-economic class, disability or age.
  • The public dissemination or public distribution, or the production of written derogatory statements about a workshop attendee in documents and online environments (social media channels, such as facebook, and EAVE whatsapp groups) on the grounds of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, background, sexuality, socio-economic class, disability or age.
  • Assault on a workshop attendee on the grounds of their race, gender, ethnicity, religion, background, sexuality, socio-economic class, disability or age.


  • Upon witnessing, experiencing, or hearing of incidents of discrimination, harassment, inappropriate behaviors, or abuse at the EAVE workshops, the attendee is invited to inform a staff member, either on-site or by email.
  • EAVE is there to listen and take note of the attendee's concerns confidentially, and to protect the person bringing forward the complaint and maintaining their anonymity.
  • If necessary, EAVE will provide the person bringing forward the complaint with information about a third-party consultant who is separate from the film industry for further psychological support.
  • EAVE will investigate all reports of discrimination promptly, impartially, and confidentially. Additionally, EAVE will evaluate and track participants’ well-being in relation to inequity, discrimination, and safety. Attendees can report any instances of inappropriate behaviour at any given time via our OPEN LINE OF COMMUNICATION
  • EAVE commits to the ongoing training of staff, experts and board members in regards to mitigating issues, anti-racism, intersectionality, empathy and equity.


Any EAVE workshop attendee not respecting the code of conduct can be subject to the internal evaluation process that includes measures such as warnings or sanctions. Violations of this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including legal action, depending on the severity and frequency of the offense (see internal processes here).

Page last updated 1 March 2024

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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