
EAVE May News 2018

PUENTES Italia - Call for Italian Producers


Europe / Latin America co-production workshop

Trieste - 10/12 luglio 2018



Deadline: 5 giugno 2018


In occasione della recente adesione dell’Italia al programma IBERMEDIA, EAVE Puentes, il principale workshop di co-produzione tra Europa e America Latina, annuncia una nuova collaborazione con MiBACT, Italian Film Commissions e Fondo per l’Audiovisivo del Friuli Venezia Giulia.

All’interno della prima sessione europea del workshop, in programma a Trieste il prossimo luglio, EAVE organizzerà per la prima volta PUENTES ITALIA, un programma speciale dedicato a produttori italiani interessati ad approfondire le opportunità di collaborazione con l’America Latina.


PUENTES ITALIA si terrà dal 10 al 12 luglio a Trieste e offrirà a tutti i partecipanti la possibilità di:

-        prendere parte alle diverse sessioni plenarie dedicate alle opportunità di co-produzione con l’America Latina, ai finanziamenti privati e alle strategie di marketing e festival;

-        organizzare incontri individuali con i tutor di EAVE Puentes;

-        accedere a un unico network di professionisti provenienti da Europa e America Latina.

Il workshop inizierà martedì 10 luglio nel primo pomeriggio e terminerà giovedì 12 nel pomeriggio (bozza di programma di seguito allegata). 

Target group:

-        produttori italiani che abbiano già prodotto un lungometraggio e che stiano sviluppando un nuovo progetto con un potenziale di co-produzione internazionale, preferibilmente con l’America Latina.


-        lettera di motivazione riguardo alla partecipazione al workshop

-        profilo società e profilo personale del produttore 

-        sinossi di 1 pagina del progetto in sviluppo (in italiano e in inglese) 

-        nota di intenti del produttore e del regista 

-        piano finanziario e budget di produzione 

Costi di partecipazione:

La partecipazione a PUENTES ITALIA è gratuita e ad ogni produttore selezionato verranno offerte 2 notti di ospitalità.

Deadline per l’iscrizione:

Tutti i documenti devono essere inviati via mail entro il 5 giugno 2018 a

La selezione finale verrà annunciata entro il 15 giugno 2018.  

Per ulteriori info su programma e modalità di iscrizione vi preghiamo di contattare:  

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Funding for EAVE projects ET J’AIME À LA FUREUR & OTAR’S DEATH

The Polish Film Institute announced its production grants. Supported are the following projects by EAVE graduates:

  • #AND STILL by Tom Kolinski, producer: EAVE graduate Lukas Dzieciol
  • PORTRETY WOJENNE. KOBIETY by Jedrzej Baczyk, producer: EAVE graduate Joanna Szymanska
  • SUNBURNED by Carolina Hellsgard, co-producer: EAVE graduate Malgorzata Staron


IFFR's Hubert Bals Fund (HBF) announced its spring 2018 selection. HBF has selected 11 projects by both upcoming talents and established filmmakers. Among the films selected for funding are:

  • DESIRE LINES by Dane Komljen, producer: EAVE graduate Natasa Damnjanovic
  • GEMELOS CELESTIALES by Niles Atallah, producer: PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • FEATHERS OF A FATHER by Omar Elzohairy, producer: EAVE graduate Derk-Jan Warrink
  • NASIR by Arun Karthick, co-producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen


The Romanian National Film Center has announced the winners of its sole call for production support in 2017. The annual total of €10.7 million was handed to 17 fiction feature films, ten fiction feature debuts, five fiction features expected to celebrate Romania's Great Union centenary, 15 documentaries and seven animations.

  • ADMITERE by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE participant Radu Stancu
  • AL CUI CIINE SUNT? by Robert Lakatos, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National coordinator Ada Solomon
  • BALAUR by Octav Chelaru, producer: EAVE particiant Radu Stancu
  • BOSS by Bogdan Mirica, producer: EAVE graduate Marcela Ursu
  • COPIII PIERDUTI PE PLAJA by Alina Manolache, producer: EAVE participant Radu Stancu
  • DELTA BUCURESTIULUI, directed and written by Eva Pervolovici, producer: EAVE graduate  Marcian Lazar
  • DIRECTORUL CASCADEI by Svetoslav Draganov, EAVE graduate and Romanian National coordinator Ada Solomon
  • FOOLS by Tomasz Waskilewski, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National coordinator Ada Solomon
  • HAVANA, CUBA by directed and written by Andrei Hutuleac, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu
  • IDILA by Mihai Mincan, producer: EAVE participant Radu Stancu
  • IESTEAN, directed and written by Anghel Damian, producer: EAVE graduate Anca Damian
  • INSEMNARI PENTRU TARA MEA, directed and written by EAVE graduate Monica LAzurean-Gorgan
  • INVIZIBILII, directed and written by Anna Florea, producer: EAVE participant Radu Stancu
  • MAN-DOG by Stefan Constantinescu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National coordinator Ada Solomon
  • METAMOPHOSES by Peter Kerek, producer EAVE graduate Alexandru Teodorescu 
  • PADUREA DE MOLIZI, directed and written by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate  Oana Giurgiu
  • QUIXOTE’S LAST FILM by Tom Wilson, producer: EAVE graduate Marcela Ursu
  • SAMI by Stefan Orlandic Stojanovski, producer: EAVE graduate Bogdan Craciun
  • TIPOGRAFIC-MAJUSCUL 20/20 by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National coordinator Ada Solomon
  • PRIMA VINATOARE, directed and written by Barna Nemethi, producer: EAVE participant Radu Stancu
  • ALICE by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Irina Malcea


The Wallonia-Brussels Federation’s Film and Audiovisual Centre (CCA) supports the writing, development or production of 17 features, seven shorts, 14 documentaries and four experimental films . Among them are:

  • B COMME BALDAM by Emanuel Hoss-Desmarais, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • BINTI by Frederike Migom, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • DALVA by Emmanuelle Nicot, producers: PUENTES graduate Sophie Erbs, EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt
  • EDEN by Audrey Coeckelberghs, producers: PUENTES graduate Sophie Erbs, EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt
  • ENTRE LA VIE ET LA MORT by Giordano Gederlini, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • LA VIE DANS LES BOIS by François Pirot, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • LE RETOUR by Christophe Cotteret, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • LES RAINING SISTERS by Edith Depaule, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • LUCIA EN EL LIMBO by Valentina Maurel, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • MELVILLE by Vincent Londez, Chloé Devicq et Romain Renard, producer: EAVE graduate Géraldine Sprimont
  • NOURA by Hinde Boujemaa, producer: EAVE graduate Marie Besson
  • TEMPS MORT by Jonas d'Adesky, producer: EAVE graduate Aurélien Bodinaux
  • THE BAREFOOT EMPEROR by EAVE graduate Peter Brosens & Jessica Woodworth


Wallimage supports eight projects in its new funding session. Among them are:

  • JUMBO by Zoé Wittock, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri
  • PASSIONSEXE by Olivier Babinet, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • ICARE OU LA MESURE DES CHOSES by Patric Jean, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc 


Macedonian Film Agency

  • HALF-SISTER by Damjan Kozole, producer: EAVE group leader Danijel Hocevar gets support from the Macedonian Film Agency.


Funding for EAVE projects

  • EAVE project OTAR’S DEATH by Ioseb Bliadze, producer: EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau has received funding from the Georgian National Film Center.

  • EAVE project ET J'AIME À LA FUREUR by André Bonzel, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky received development support from the Slovak Audiovisual Fund - AVF and the French CNC avance sur recettes.


Creative Europe MEDIA Support for Single Projects Development:

  • EAVE project TO THE NORTH, producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu
  • EAVE project ET J'AIME À LA FUREUR, producer: EAVE graduate Juraj Krasnohorsky
  • AFRIKA, producer: EAVE graduate Maya Vitkova
  • EAVE project FRANCESCA I L’AMOR, producer: EAVE graduate Alba Sotorra
  • SKIING IN SCARVES by EAVE graduate Bostjan Virc
  • TOO FAR AWAY (ZU WEIT WEG), producer EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • CORPORE SANO, producer: EAVE graduate Antoine Simkine
  • THE LAST SOCIALIST ARTEFACT, producer: EAVE garduate and Croatian National Coordinator Amra Baksic-Camo
  • THE FOURTH REICH, producer: EAVE+ graduate and group leader Titus Kreyenberg
  • VICTIM, producer: EAVE graduate Pavla Janouskova Kubeckova
  • 10 BULLETS, producer: EAVE graduate Vasilis Chrysanthopoulos
  • ALICE producer: EAVE graduate Irina Malcea

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SPIRAL shooting now

  • LA FRONTIÈRE by Frédéric Fonteyne, producer: EAVE graduate Jaques-Henri Bronckart is in production. The film tells the story of three women during a scorching hot summer in the north of France and Belgium. Axelle, Conso and Dominic have nothing in common except that they are colleagues and that together, every day, they cross a border. On one side of the border, in Roubaix, they live dignified lives, while on the other side, in Belgium, they prostitute themselves. It's their little secret, their double life. At the end of summer, when a storm finally descends, these three women will enter into solidarity, as one might join the resistance. They will share a new secret that will bind them together forever. Produced by Versus Production and co-produced by Les Films du Poisson in France and Prime Time in Flanders, with support from the CCA, VAF, MEDIA, and the Grand Est region, the film is shot in Brussels and Metz.


  • SPIRAL by Cecilia Felmeri, co-producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu is in production. The story, written by the director herself, is in the vein of a psychological drama, with a triangular plot involving a man and two women on the edge of a lake. It digs into the themes of letting go, the repetitive aspects of relationships and how difficult it is to change. Produced by Andras Muhi and Monika Mecs for Inforg - M&M Film, Gabor Ferenczy for Spiral Film and co-produced by Oana Giurgiu for Romanian outfit Hai-Hui Entertainment receives support from the Hungarian Film Fund, the Romanian National Film Center and Eurimages. The shoot is taking place between May 2018 and February 2019 in Sz?dliget, with György Reder serving as DoP.

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THE SUMMER HOUSE now in post-production

  • THE SUMMER HOUSE by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, producer: EAVE group leader Patrick Sobelman is in post-production. A large and beautiful property on the French Riviera. A place that seems out of time and sheltered from the rest of the world. Anna goes there with her daughter for a few days of vacation. Amidst her family, friends and the house staff, Anna has to handle her fresh break-up with her partner and the writing of her next film. Supprot comes from: Canal+ (FR), Ciné+ (FR), France Télévisions (FR), RAI (IT), CNC (FR)

  • LADY WINSLEY by Hiner Saleem, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Olivier Bronckart is in post-production. Written by the director and Véronique Wüthrich, in conjunction with Thomas Bidegain, the story kicks off when American novelist Lady Winsley is murdered in the small Turkish seaside town of Yeniköy. The renowned Inspector Fergün arrives from Istanbul to head up the inquiry. With the help of beautiful hostel manageress Azra, he must then seek to unearth the well-guarded secrets in this tiny corner of the country where taboos are plentiful, family ties are close, traditions are passed down from generation to generation, and the ethnic diversity is broader than the population’s minds. Produced by Marc Bordure and Robert Guédiguian for Agat Films & Cie, LADY WINSLEY is being co-produced by Turkish outfit Istanbul Film Production and Belgium’s Versus Production. Having been pre-purchased by Canal+ and Ciné+, the feature is also backed by Eurimages. The 36-day shoot will take place entirely in Turkey.

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10 Awards for EAVE grads in Cannes

Success for EAVE graduates at the official sections of the Cannes Film Festival: EAVE graduates win three awards in competition and six prizes in Un Certain Regard as well as the Leica Cine Discovery Prize and the Krzysztof Kieslowski ScripTeast Award

  • AYKA by Sergey Dvortsevoy, producer: EAVE graduate Anna Wydra won Best Actress 
  • LAZZARO FELICE by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE graduate Carlo Cresta-Dino was awarded Best Screenplay
  • BORDER by Ali Abbasi, producer: EAVE graduate Nina Bisgaard scoops the Best Film Award in Un Certain Regard
  • DONBASS by Sergej Loznitsa, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert won Best Director in Un Certain Regard
  • GIRL by Lukas Dhont, producers: EAVE graduates Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans Gestel, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin was awarded the Camera D’Or, the Jury Prize for Best Performance in Un Certain Regard and the FIPRESCI Prize
  • SOFIA by Meryem Benm'Barek, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart won Best Screenplay
  • HECTOR MALOT: THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE graduate Fenia Cossovitsa won the Leica Cine Discovery Prize
  • AFRIKA by EAVE graduate Maya Vitkova-Kosev won the Krzysztof Kieslowski ScripTeast Award.


German Film Awards

  • 3 DAYS IN QUIBERON by Emily Atef, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter, co-producers: EAVE graduates Undine Filter and EAVE group leader Danny Krausz scooped seven Lolas at the German Film Awards. The film won the Golden Lola for Best Film, Best Director, Best Lead Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Cinematography, and Best Music
  • WESTERN by Valeska Grisebach, producers: EAVE graduates Jonas Dornbach, Boris Chouchkov won the Bronze Lola
  • IN DEN GÄNGEN (IN THE AISLES) by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter was awarded Best Lead Actor


Tribeca Film Festival

  • SMUGGLING HENDRIX by Marios Piperides, producer: EAVE graduate Marios Piperides won the Best International Narrative Feature Award at Tribeca FF.
  • THE SAINT BERNARD SYNDICATE by Mads Brügger, producer: EAVE graduate Nina Bisgaard was awarded Best Actor in an International Narrative Feature Film (Rasmus Bruun) and Best Screenplay in an International Narrative Feature Film


Dokfest Munich

  • THE DISTANT BARKING OF DOGS by Simon Lereng Wilmont, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström won the main award, the VIKTOR in the competition at the Dokfest Munich.


South East European Film Festival, Los Angeles

  • THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky was awarded Best Cinematography in a documentary film at the South East European Film Festival, SEEfest LA, Los Angeles.
  • THE MINER by Hanna Slak, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic won Best Cinematography in a feature film.
  • WRITTEN/UNWRITTEN by Adrian Silisteanu, producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci won Best Short fiction.


Buenos Aires International Film Festival

  • TEATRO DE GUERRA by Lola Arias, producers: EAVE graduates Gema Juarez Allen, Ingmar Trost won Best Director in the Official Argentine Competition at the Buenos Aires International Film Festival
  • Ties That Bind project THE SEEN AND UNSEEN by Kamila Andini, producer: Ties That Bind graduate Gita Fara was awarded Best Feature Film in the Avant-Garde & Genre Competition
  • BRAGUINO by Clément Cogitore, producer: Cédric Bonin, co-producer: Kaarle Aho received a Special Mention in the Avant-Garde & Genre Competition
  • GOOD MANNERS by Juliana Rojas and Marco Dutra, producer: EAVE graduate Clement Duboin received a Second Mention in the Official International Competition


Finale Plzen National Festival of Czech Films.

  • LITTLE HARBOUR by Iveta Grofova, producers: EAVE graduates Katarina Krnacova, Jiri Konecny won the Student Jury Award for the best feature live action or animated film at the Finale Plzen National Festival of Czech Films.


Cyprus Film Days International Festival

  • I AM NOT A WITCH by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Juliette Grandmont, co-producer: EAVE + graduate Titus Kreyenberg won Best Film at the Cyprus Film Days International Festival.


Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz

  • WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY by Iram Haq, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter won the Audience Award for Best Fiction Film at the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz.
  • COBAIN by Nanouk Leopold, writer and producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper was awarded the Crossing Europe Award of the Youth Jury.


Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival

  • THE PRINCE AND THE DYBBUK by Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosolowski, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ann Carolin Renninger won the Chopin’s Nose Award for the Best Music and Art Feature at the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival.


Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

  • STYX by Wolfgang Fischer, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu won the top award, the Flying Ox, at the Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. The film also won Best Score and the Audience Award.
  • ÁGA by Milko Lazarov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille, won the Best Director Award
  • IN DEN GÄNGEN (IN THE AISLES) by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter received the FIPRESCI Award
  • LOMO – THE LANGUAGE OF MANY OTHERS by Julia Langhof, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Heisler won the LEO Award for Children and Youth film.


Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival

  • THE DISTANT BARKING OF DOGS by Simon Lereng Wilmont, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström has won Best International Film at Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival.


Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz

  • WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY by Iram Haq, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter won the Audience Award for Best Fiction Film at the Crossing Europe Film Festival Linz.


Bari International Film Festival

  • WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY by Iram Haq, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter won the Bif&st International Award for Best Actress (Maria Mozhdah)
  • FIGLIA MIA (DAUGHTER OF MINE) by Laura Bispuri, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler was awarded the Mariangela Melato Cinema Award for Best Actress (Valeria Golino and Alba Rohrwacher)
  • NICO, 1988 by Susanna Nicchiarelli, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Bournonville won the Luciano Vincenzoni Award for Best Screenplay.


Fajr International Film Festival, Tehran

Four awards for European movies at the Fajr International Film Festival, Tehran – three of them for EAVE graduates:

  • ÁGA by Milko Lazarov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille won Best Film 
  • DOVLATOV by Alexey German Jr., producers: EAVE graduates Isabella Wojcik, Violetta Kaminska, Serbian National Coordinator Miroslav Mogorovich won Best Director
  • THE MINER by Hanna Slak, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic won Best Actor

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B’EST project MIRACLE in French cinemas

In French cinemas

  • B’EST project MIRACLE by Egle Vertelyte, producer: B’EST graduate Lukas Trimonis. May 9.

  • THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE by Terry Gilliam, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye. May 19.


In Belgian cinemas

  • COBAIN by Nanouk Leopold, writer and producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper. May 2.

  • UNDER THE TREE by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson, producers: EAVE graduate Ditte Milsted, PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske. May 9.


In UK cinemas

  •  THE YOUNG KARL MARX by Raoul Peck, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter. May 4.

  • HOBBYHORSE REVOLUTION by Selma Vilhunen, producer: EAVE graduate Elli Toivoniemi. May 6.

  • ZAMA by Lucrecia Martel, producer: PUENTES graduate Benjamin Domenech, EAVE graduate Léontine Petit. May 25.


In Dutch cinemas

  • UNDER THE TREE by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson, producers: EAVE graduate Ditte Milsted, PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske. May 17. |


In Swiss cinemas

  • THE HAPPY PRINCE by Rupert Everett, producer EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye. May 24.

  • TRANSIT by Christian Petzold, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Dedet


In Austrian cinemas

  • THE HAPPY PRINCE by Rupert Everett, producer EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye. May 25.

  • IN DEN GÄNGEN by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter. May 25.

  • THE BOOKSHOP by Isabel Coixet, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske. May 18.


In German cinemas

  • GUTLAND by Govinda Van Maele, producer: EAVE graduate Gilles Chanial. May 4.

  • THE BOOKSHOP by Isabel Coixet, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske. May 10.

  • WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY by Iram Haq, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter. May 10

  • DIRECTIONS by Stephan Komandarev, producer: EAVE graduate Katya Trichkova

  • IN DEN GÄNGEN by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter. May 24.

  • THE HAPPY PRINCE by Rupert Everett, producer EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye. May 24.

  • UNE VIE by Stéphane Brizé, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart. May 24.

  • FIGLIA MIA (DAUGHTER OF MINE) by Laura Bispuri, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. May 31.

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project LOS BANDO in festivals around Europe

Cannes Film Festival (May 8-19 )


  • LAZZARO FELICE by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE graduate Carlo Cresta-Dino
  • LES FILLES DU SOLEIL by Eva Husson, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, sales: Elle Driver
  • THE WILD PEAR TREE by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Macedonian National Coordinator Labina Mitevska, sales: Memento Films
  • MY LITTLE ONE by Sergey Dvortsevoy, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anna Wydra

Out of Competition

  • THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE by Terry Gilliam, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye, sales: Kinology

Un Certain Regard

  • BORDER by Ali Abbasi, producer: EAVE graduate Nina Bisgaard, special effects: EAVE graduate Mikael Windelin, sales: Films Boutique
  • DONBASS by Sergej Loznitsa, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert, sales: Pyramide
  • GIRL by Lukas Dhont, producers: EAVE graduates Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • IN MY ROOM by Ulrich Köhler, producer: co-producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, sales: The Match Factory
  • RAFIKI (FRIEND) by Wanuri Kahiu, co-producers: EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Ruben Thorkildsen and Reinier Selen, sales: MPM Premium
  • THE GENTLE INDIFFERENCE OF THE WORLD by Adilkhan Yerzhanov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille, EAVE MW graduate Olga Khlasheva, sales: Beta Cinema
  • THE HARVESTERS by Etienne Kallos, producer: EAVE graduates Konstantinos Kontovrakis, Mariusz Wlodarski, EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs, sales: Pyramide

Special Screenings

  • POPE FRANCIS – A MAN OF HIS WORD by Wim Wenders, producer: EAVE graduate Gian Piero Ringel, sales: Focus Features 

Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

  • EAVE project BIRDS OF PASSAGE by Ciro Guerra, Cristina Gallego, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dan Wechsler, Sandino Saravia Vinay, Puentes graduate Nicolas Célis, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, sales: Films Boutique
  • PETRA by Jaime Rosales, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, co-producer: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, sales: Film Factory Entertainment 
  • THE LOAD by Ognjen Glavonic, producer: EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt, sales: New Europe Film Sales

Short Films in Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

  • THE SONG by Tiphaine Raffier, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume Dreyfus

 Semaine de la Critique

  • CHRIS THE SWISS by Anja Kofmel, producers: Interchange graduate Samir and EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic and Heino Deckert, sales: UDI
  • HECTOR MALOT: THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • OUR STRUGGLES by Guillaume Senez, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc, sales: Be for Film

Short Films in Semaine de la Critique

  • PAULINE ASSERVIE by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume Dreyfus
  • RAPTOR by Felipe Galvez, producer: PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • THE TIGER by Mikko Myllylathi, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki

Short Films Special Screening in Semaine de la Critique

  • THIRD KID by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic


  • L’AMOUR DEBOUT by Michaël Dacheux, producer: PUENTES graduate Delphine Schmidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc
  • SEULE A MON MARIAGE by Marta Bergman, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, associate producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon

Cinéfondation Atelier 

  • THE RETURN by Meyar Al-Roumi, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • Ties That Bind project DOI BOY by Nontawat Numbenchapol, producer: Ties That Bind graduate Steve Chen
  • ACROSS THE RAINBOW BRIDGE Directed by Niranjan Raj Bhetwal , producer: EAVE graduate Ram Krishna Pokharel

Cinéfondation Residence

  • ASCENSION by César Augusto Acevedo, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante
  • NENE by Mariam Bakacho Khatchvani, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Katcharava

 La Fabrique Cinéma de l’Institut Français

  • EAVE project MILES from NOWHERE by Samantha Nell, producer: EAVE graduate Bongiwe Selane, co-producer EAVE graduate Cait Pansegrouw 
  • SHE WOLF by Kiro Russo, producer: PUENTES graduate: Alexa Riveira
  • ZINDER by Aïcha Macky, co-producer: EAVE graduate Estelle Robin You

Frontières Platform in Cannes

  • THE WINTER LAKE by Phil Sheerin, producer: EAVE graduate Ruth Treacy
  • TIN & TINA by Rubin Stein, producer: Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo 

Producers on the Move

9 EAVE graduates have been selected to participate in the European Film Promotion EFP networking platform PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE at the Cannes International Film Festival.

  • EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve, BALDR Film, Netherlands
  • EAVE graduate Aija Berzina, Tasse Film, Latvia
  • EAVE graduate Per Damgard Hansen, Masterplan Pictures, Denmark
  • EAVE graduate Esko Rips, Nafta Films, Estonia
  • EAVE graduate Luisa Romeo, Frida Films, Spain
  • EAVE MW graduate Peter Badac, BFILM, Slovak Republic
  • EAVE graduate David Herdies, Momento Film, Sweden
  • B’EST graduate Lukas Trimonis, iN SCRiPT, Lithuania
  • EAVE graduate Rok Secen, Monoo, Slovenia 

Marché du Film

  • 3 DAYS IN QUIBERON by Emily Atef, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter, co-producers: EAVE graduates Undine Filter and EAVE group leader Danny Krausz, world sales: Beta Cinema 
  • ÁGA by Milko Lazarov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • ALLONS ENFANTS by Stefane Démoustier, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume Dreyfus
  • AN IMPOSSIBLY SMALL OBJECT by David Verbeek, co-producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic, sales: Flash Forward Entertainment
  • BLACK HOLE by Diego Araujo, producer: EAVE graduate  Hanna-Lovise Skartveit, sales: M-Appeal
  • BORDER by Ali Abbasi, producer: EAVE graduate Nina Bisgaard, sales: Films Boutique
  • COBAIN by Nanouk Leopold, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, sales: Beta Cinema
  • EAVE project BIRDS OF PASSAGE by Ciro Guerra, Cristina Gallego, producer: PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, sales: Films Boutique
  • FIGLIA MIA (DAUGHTER OF MINE) by Laura Bispuri, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, world sales: The Match Factory
  • FORTUNA by Germinal Roaux, producer: EAVE participant Anne-Laure Guegan, world sales: Loco Films
  • HEAVY TRIP by Juuso Laatio, Jukka Vidgren, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho, sales: Level K
  • HOLY TOUR by Valérie Rosier, Méryl Fortunat-Rossi, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland, sales: Be for Films
  • IN DEN GÄNGEN by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • L’ANIMALE by Katharina Mückstein, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Kitzberger, world sales: Films Boutique
  • LES FILLES DU SOLEIL by Eva Husson, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, sales: Elle Driver
  • MEIN BRUDER HEIßT ROBERT UND IST EIN IDIOT by Philip Gröning, co-producer: EAVE graduate Andres Pfaeffli, production consultant: EAVE graduate Martin Blankemeyer, world sales: The Match Factory
  • STYX by Wolfgang Fischer, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT by Samuel Tilman, co-producer: EAVE graduate Clément Duboin, world sales: Be For Films  
  • THE ETERNAL ROAD by Aj Annila, producer: EAVE + graduate Ilkka Matial, sales: Eyewell
  • THE HAPPY PRINCE by Rupert Everett, producer EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • THE HARVESTERS by Etienne Kallos, producer: EAVE graduates Konstantinos Kontovrakis, Mariusz Wlodarski, EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs
  • THE RAFT by Marcus Lindeen, producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, sales: Wide House
  • TRANSIT by Christian Petzold, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Dedet, world sales: The Match Factory  
  • VOICES FROM CHERNOBYL by Pol Cruchten, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder, sales: Andana Films
  • WHEN THE TREES FALL by Marysia Nikitiuk, co-producers: EAVE graduates Violetta Kaminska, Izabela Wojcik, world sales: Latido Films
  • COPS by Istvan aka Stefan Lukacs, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi and Karin C. Berge, sales agent: East West
  • EAVE project NEVER GROW OLD by Ivan Kavanagh, producer: EAVE graduate Jacqueline Kerrin, sales: Metro International Entertainment
  • ZOO by Colin McIvor, producer: EAVE graduate Jacqueline Kerrin, sales: Metro International Entertainment
  • SMUGGLING HENDRIX witten, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Marios Piperides


EAVE Programme Manager Europe Satu Elo has hostd a breakfast table at the Producers Network on May 11, 2018 from 9:00-11:00 to present EAVE’s European and international workshop programmes.

EAVE graduates participating in the Cannes Producers Network EAVE is proud to be partner of the Cannes Producers Network! In the framework of this partnership, 9 EAVE graduates have been selected for the Cannes Producers Network 2018:

  • Adria Mones, Sound and Fury, Spain
  • Karen Harnisch, Film Forge Productions, Canada
  • Sabine Gruber, Flairfilm, Austria
  • Monique Busman, De Familie Film & TV, The Netherlands
  • Deborah Osborne, Bigbonsai, Brazil
  • Maya Vitkova, Viktoria Films, Bulgaria
  • Elias Ribeiro, Urucu Media, South Africa
  • Bostjan Virc, Studio Virc, Slovenia
  • Nicolas George, Les Films Du Carré, Belgium

Also participating in the Cannes Producers Network: 

Taro Imai HARAKIRI FILMS * Tanja Georgieva ELEMAG PICTURES * Snezana Penev THIS&THAT PRODUCTIONS * Slawomir Ciok ICEBREAKER FILMS * Sebastien Aubert ADASTRA FILMS * Sabine Gruber FLAIRFILM * Ram Krishna Pokharel ICEFALL PRODUCTIONS * Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo LA CLAQUETA * Nicolas Lesoult LES FILMS DE LA BUTTE * Nicolas George LES FILMS DU CARRE * Nicolas Comeau 1976 PRODUCTIONS * Myriam Sassine ABBOUT PRODUCTIONS * Monique Busman DE FAMILIE FILM & TV * Michael Geidel MIRIQUIDIFILM - STUDIOS * Maya Vitkova VIKTORIA FILMS * Martina Bleis BERLINALE - BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL * Marko Röhr MRP MATILA RÖHR PRODUCTIONS OY * Marit Van Den Elshout INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM * Lucas Rosant MELIA FILMS * Laurette Schillings TOPKAPI FILMS * Kestutis Drazdauskas ARTBOX * Karen Harnisch FILM FORGE PRODUCTIONS * Julia Mishkinene VITA AKTIVA * Jovan Marjanovic SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL * Jessica Landt BELEZA FILM * Janneke Doolaard DOXY * Inke Van Loocke INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM * Ingrid Lill Hogtun BARENTSFILM AS * Ilkka Matila MRP MATILA RÖHR PRODUCTIONS OY * Gülin Üstün ISTANBUL FILM FESTIVAL * Guillaume De La Boulaye ZORBA * Gita Fara SET FILM PRODUCTION * Giancarlo Nasi DON QUIJOTE FILMS * Frans Van Gestel TOPKAPI FILMS * Francine Lusser TIPI'MAGES * Florencia Larrea FORASTERO * Ferenc Pusztai KMH FILM * Evelin Soosaar-Penttilä STELLAR FILM * Esko Rips NAFTA * Enrica Capra GRAFFITI DOC SRL * Elina Pohjola POHJOLA-FILMI * Elias Ribeiro URUCU MEDIA * Egil Ødegård FILMHUSET STUDIOS & EUROPAFILM * Deborah Osborn BIG BONSAI * Bostjan Virc STUDIO VIRC * Bongiwe Selane BLINGOLA MEDIA * Bianca Balbuena EPICMEDIA, INC. * Ari Matikainen KINOCOMPANY * Anton Iffland Stettner STENOLA PRODUCTIONS * Annemiek Van Der Hell WINDMILL FILM * Anna Von Dziembowska VICTORIA FILMS * Amra Bakšic-?amo SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL * Alexandre Charlet SWAN FRANCE / LES FILMS DU CYGNE * Alexandra Hoesdorff DEAL PRODUCTIONS * Adria Mones SOUND AND FURY * Suzan Guverte GUVERTE FILM * Steve Chen ANTI-ARCHIVE.


Southeast European Film Festival Los Angeles (April 26 – May 3)

  • COMIC SANS by Nevio Marasovic, producer: EAVE graduate ad Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • EAVE project SECRET INGREDIENT by Gjorce Stavreski, producer: EAVE graduate Kostantina Stavrianou
  • THE MINER by Hanna Slak, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic
  • THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • WRITTEN/UNWRITTEN by Adrian Silisteanu, producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci


Schwerin International Film Festival (May 1 – 6)

  • ARRHYTHMIA by Boris Khlebnikov, producers: EAVE graduates Eva Blondiau, Natalia Drozd, Aleksi Hyvarinen
  • CLAIR OBSCUR by Yesim Ustaoglu, producer: EAVE+ graduate Titus Kreyenberg
  • COPS by Stefan A. Lukacs, producer: EAVE graduate Arash T. Riahi
  • DEDE by Mariam Khatchvani, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimer Katcharava
  • FOAM AT THE MOUTH by Janis Nords, producer: EAVE graduate Alise Gelze
  • GUEST by Nino Shaburishvili, producer: EAVE graduate Tinatin Karjishvili
  • IN THE AISLES (IN DEN GÄNGEN) by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter
  • MY HAPPY FAMILY by Nana Ekvtimishvili and Simon Gross, producers: EAVE+ graduate Jonas Katzenstein, EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille
  • NANOUK by Milko Lazarov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille
  • PARTISAN by Lutz Pehnert, producer: EAVE graduate Susann Schimk
  • SCARY MOTHER by Ana Urushadze, producer: EAVE graduate Tinatin Kajrishvili
  • STYX by Wolfgang Fischer, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • VAKUUM by Christine Repond, producer: EAVE graduate Karin Koch
  • WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY by Iram Haq, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter


International Documentary Film Festival Munich (May 2 – 13)

  • AMAL by Mohamed Siam, producer: EAVE graduate Talal Al-Muhanna
  • OUAGA GIRLS by Theresa Traore Dahlberg, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies, co-producer: EAVE graduate Estelle Robin You
  • THE DISTANT BARKING OF DOGS by Simon Lereng Wilmont, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström
  • THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • WHAT WALAA WANTS by Christy Garland, producer: EAVE graduate Anne Köhncke
  • ENTRALFLUGHAFEN THF by Karim Aïnouz, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Uzu


European Film Festival Bucharest (May 7 – 13)

  • AUF EINMAL by Asli Özge, co-producer: EAVE graduate Laurette Schillings
  • L’ANIMALE by Katharina Mückstein, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Kitzberger
  • STEFAN ZWEIG: FAREWELL TO EUROPE by Maria Schrader, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Danny Krausz
  • WESTERN by Valeska Grisebach, producers: EAVE graduates Jonas Dornbach, Boris Chouchkov


Millenium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival, Warsaw (May 11 – 20)

  • HUMAN FLOW by Ai Weiwei, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • INFINITE FOOTBALL by Corneliu Porumboiu, producer: EAVE graduate Marcela Ursu
  • TARZAN’S TESTICLES by Alexandru Solomon, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National coordinator Ada Solomon
  • THE DISTANT BARKING OF DOGS by Simon Lereng Wilmont, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström
  • THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky


Docaviv – Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival (May 17 – 26)

  • THE DISTANT BARKING OF DOGS by Simon Lereng Wilmont, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström
  • THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky


Seattle International Film Festival (May 17 – June 10)

  • ANA, MON AMOUR by Calon Peter Netzer, producers: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu, EAVE+ graduate Jonas Katzenstein
  • DOPO LA GUERRA by Annarita Zambrano, producers: EAVE graduates Dan Wechsler, Sophie Erbs, EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt
  • DREI ZINNEN by Jan Zabeil, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter
  • EAVE project WAJIB by Annemarie Jacir, producer: EAVE graduate Ossama Bawardi, co-producers: EAVE graduate Ruben Thorkildsen, PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors
  • GOOD MANNERS by Juliana Rojas and Marco Dutra, producer: EAVE graduate Clement Duboin
  • I AM NOT A WITCH by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Juliette Grandmont, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate and group leader Titus Kreyenberg
  • LICHT by Barbara Albert, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Kitzberger
  • LE FIDÈLE by Michael R. Roskam, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert
  • PUENTES project THE HEIRESSES by Marcelo Martinessi, producer at development stage: PUENTES graduate Karen Fraenkel, co-producer: PUENTES group leader Fernando Epstein
  • RETABLO by Álvaro Delgado-Aparicio L., co-producer: EAVE graduate Dag Hoel
  • SCARY MOTHER by Ana Urushadze, producer: EAVE graduate Tinatin Kajrishvili
  • SUMMER 1993 by Carla Simon, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora
  • THE OTHER SIDE OF EVERYTHING by Mila Turajlic, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • THE REPORTS ON SARAH AND SALEEM by Muayad Alayan, co-producer: EAVE graduate Hanneke Niens
  • UNDER THE TREE by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson, producers: EAVE graduate Ditte Milsted, PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske
  • WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAY by Iram Haq, co-producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter


Zlín Film Festival (May 25 – June 2) 

  • L’ANIMALE by Katharina Mückstein, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Kitzberger
  • KISSING CANDICE by Aoife McArdle, co-producer: EAVE graduate Andrew Freedman
  • MY GIRAFFE by Barbara Bredero, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • I AM NOT A WITCH by Rungano Nyoni, producer: EAVE graduate Juliette Grandmont, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Titus Kreyenberg
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LOS BANDO by Christian Lo, producer: EAVE graduate Trine Aadalen Lo
  • HOBBYHORSE REVOLUTION by Selma Vilhunen, producer: EAVE graduate Elli Toivoniemi


Transilvania International Film Festival, Cluj-Napoca (May 25 – June 3)

  • CANDELARIA by Jhonny Hendrix, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dag Hoel, EAVE graduate Barbara Sarasola-Day
  • DONBASS by Sergej Loznitsa, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • DOVLATOV by Alexey German Jr., producers: EAVE graduates Isabella Wojcik, Violetta Kaminska, Serbian National Coordinator Miroslav Mogorovich
  • DIRECTIONS by Stephan Komandarev, producers: EAVE graduates Stephan Komandarev and Katya Trichkova
  • EAVE project 3/4 by Ilian Metev, producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • EAVE project RADIOGRAM by Rouzie Hassanova, producer: EAVE graduate Gergana Stankova, co-producer EAVE graduate Muge Ozen, world sales: EAVE graduate Marco Valerio Fusco, Intramovies
  • FIGLIA MIA (DAUGHTER OF MINE) by Laura Bispuri, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • GODLESS by Ralitza Petrovam, co-producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors and TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • GOOD MANNERS by Juliana Rojas and Marco Dutra, producer: EAVE graduate Clement Duboin
  • INFINITE FOOTBALL by Corneliu Porumboiu, producer: EAVE graduate Marcela Ursu  
  • IN THE AISLES (IN DEN GÄNGEN) by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter
  • EAVE project IVAN by Janez Burger, producer: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec
  • LICHT by Barbara Albert, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Kitzberger
  • NICO, 1988 by Susanna Nicchiarelli, producer: EAVE graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • ONE STEP BEHIND THE SERAPHIM by Daniel Sandu producer: EAVE graduate & Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • PITY by Babis Makridis, producer: EAVE participant Beata Rzezniczek
  • PUENTES project THE HEIRESSES by Marcelo Martinessi, producer at development stage: PUENTES graduate Karen Fraenkel, co-producer: PUENTES group leader Fernando Epstein
  • SOLDIERS. STORY FROM FERENTARI by Ivana Mladenovic, producer: EAVE graduate Jelena Mitrovic
  • THE GOOD POSTMAN by Tonislav Hristov, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho
  • TOUCH ME NOT by Adina Pintilie, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean Gorgan
  • UNA ESPECIE DE FAMILIA by Diego Lerman, co-producers: Puentes graduate Sebastian Gallago, EAVE producer: Paula Cosenza, associate-producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • UNDER THE TREE by Hafsteinn Gunnar Sigurdsson, producers: EAVE graduate Ditte Milsted, PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske
  • WINTER BROTHERS by Hlynur Palmason, producer: EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson

TIFF Co-Production Platform

  • A BIG SHE-BEAR, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Lali Kiknavelidze 
  • EAVE project MARCH. APRIL. MAY by Andrey Gryazev, producer: EAVE graduate Vladislav Ketkovich
  • SUMMER NIGHT, HALF PAST TEN by Ivana Mladenovic, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • EAVE project TO THE NORTH by Mihai Mincan, producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu

Transilvania Pitch Stop 2018

Five projects were selected to participate at the project development workshop, dedicated exclusively to Romanian and Moldavian directors at their debut or second feature film.

  • HORIA by Ana-Maria Comanescu, Producer: Ada Solomon
  • METAMOPHOSES by Peter Kerek, producer EAVE graduate Alexandru Teodorescu 
  • OCTOBER by Cristian Pascariu, producer: EAVE graduate Bogdan Craciun
  • THE MIND PATROL by Tudor Botezatu, producer: EAVE graduate  Irina Malcea 

EAVE producers selected as part of EAVE`s partnership  with TIFF

  • Radu Stancu, Defilm, Romania
  • Muge Ozen, Solis Film, Turkey
  • Maxim Dashkin, Victoria Films, Russia
  • Brendan Culleton, Akajava Films, Ireland
  • Irina Malcea, Luna Film, Romania

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@EAVE Producers Workshop 2 in Stavanger, Norway, 22-29 June: 

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

EAVE Head of Studies Jani Thiltges

EAVE Programme Manager Europe Satu Elo

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PUENTES Italia - Call for Italian Producers

On the occasion of Italy's recent accession to the IBERMEDIA program, EAVE Puentes, the main co-production workshop between Europe and Latin America, is thrilled to announce a new collaboration with MiBACT, Italian Film Commissions and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund.

Within the first European session of the workshop, taking place in Trieste, Italy, during July 9-13, EAVE will organize for the first time PUENTES ITALIA, a special program dedicated to Italian producers interested in deepening their knowledge on co-producing with Latin America.

Deadline for Applications for Italian Producers: June 5th!

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Upcoming deadlines

connecting cottbus 2018 Call for Submissions

Deadline: July 18

The East-West coproduction market connecting cottbus has announced a call for submission to its 20th anniversary edition, taking place 8 and 9 November 2018 under the management of new director Marjorie Bendeck.

Feature film projects in development that either originate in Eastern Europe or are suitable for East-West coproduction are eligible to apply by 18 July. Feature films in production or post-production are eligible to apply for the Works in Progress section by 22 August. Ten pitch projects and five works in progress will be announced in September. 

Producers, sales agents, commissioning editors and industry representatives without projects can apply by 5 October.

Submissions for connecting cottbus East-West co-production market at the FilmFestival Cottbus are now open.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, connecting cottbus is well established as a key networking event for film professionals active in East-West European co-production. This year coco also welcomes Marjorie Bendeck as the market's new director; she looks forward to presenting an exciting selection of projects.

Producers can submit feature film projects in development (fiction only) for the coco Pitch section until 18 July 2018, projects in production or post-production for coco Work in Progress until 22 August 2018. To be eligible, projects have to either originate in or relate to Eastern Europe, or be suited for East-West co-production. Selections for coco Pitch and Work in Progress will be announced in early September.

Producers, sales agents, commissioning editors and other industry representatives can apply without a project by 5 October 2018.  

Ten pitch projects and five works in progress will be selected and presented at connecting cottbus on 8-9 November 2018. These will compete for a variety of sponsored awards, including the coco Best Pitch Award and Midpoint Scholarship Award. Further details on awards and sponsors will be announced in early June.


DOK Co-Pro Market 2018: Call for Submissions

The deadline for project submission is August 1, 2018

Submissions are now open for the 14th DOK Co-Pro Market! The DOK Co-Pro Market will take place 29 & 30 October 2018. We schedule 800 curated individual meetings with possible co-producers, co-financiers, broadcasters and other professionals in order to finance new ambitious creative documentaries.

What we are looking for at a glance:

- Particularly for feature-length documentaries for theatrical release, although animated documentaries (longer than 52 minutes), TV series or one-offs and interactive projects are also welcome to apply

- Universal and extraordinary themes, stories and visual approach justifying the international co-financing

- Projects should be in development or very early stages of production, have some visual materials to show and in the best case some financing already attached

The deadline for project submission is 1 August 2018.

More information:


Call for Entry: Junior Co-production Market

The submission deadline is June 15, 2018
The Junior Co-production Market is an integrated two-day co-production market that enables financiers, broadcasters and producers to assess new and innovative children's projects across the film and television sectors. 

The integrated market reflects the high degree of interactivity and potential for cross-financing across these sectors. All the projects will be presented within a unique and nurturing environment designed to encourage international cooperation. The market starts with a public pitch of all the projects followed by one and a half days of one-on-one meetings.

Call for projects:

Submissions can be feature length film projects or TV projects, and can either be fiction, documentary, animation and live-action as cross-over projects for an audience of 3-14 years old.

Submitted projects need to have 10% of the financing in place, and a confirmed production company in the country of origin. A draft of the script must be available upon request.

The following information needs to be submitted:
a. Project information:
i.Logline (max 60 words)
ii.Synopsis (max 1.500 words)
iii.Treatment (max10 A4pages)
iv.Director’s statement (max 1.500 words) (only for film projects)
v.If applicable; cross-media strategy
vi.Still or visual reference

Full Regulations

Entry Form

Deadline: 15 June 2018

The upcoming Junior Co-production Market will take place on 25 and 26 October 2018 in Amsterdam. 




CALL for ENTRIES of projects & productions for PITCHING & SCREENINGS


The Euro-Mediterranean Documentary Market & Pitching Forum will be held 11-14 October 2018. On its 19th edition MEDIMED will offer a complete roster of networking opportunities, industry conference sessions and market events and services, coupled with the finest in contemporary documentaries from the European Union and the Southern Mediterranean countries.

MEDIMED is calling for entries of new documentary projects-in-development having in place a minimum of 25% of their budget and/or a broadcast guarantee or a co-production agreement. We are looking for European and Southern Mediterranean producers and filmmakers that can provide independently produced documentaries, projects engaging in creative risks, advancing issues and presenting points of views not often seen on television. Selected projects will be pitched at the central Pitching Forum moderated by John Marshall or at the newly designed ANTI-pitch program in case they are in a final production stage.

The goal is to help documentary projects that are in an early or rough-cut stage, to find the financial and production means and the editorial storytelling line to complete the project.

We are also looking for finished European documentary productions of any genre produced in 2017 or 2018.

The deadline for the submission of both programmes and projects is due JUNE 30. They can be registered free of charge and are subject to selection by an international jury.

Broadcasters & distributors who participated in MEDIMED 2017 included: 


WE ARE LOOKING FOR completed docs in 2017/18 & strong projects in development or production, with appeal to international broadcasters, co-producers or other funders.

They can be singles or series. The 3 different pitching sessions cover the topics: Arts & Culture, Current Affairs, History, Human Rights, Society and Geopolitics.


- Project should be in advanced development: 25% of the budget already confirmed. If aiming at completion funding, you can already be in production or postproduction.

-  A 3 minutes trailer with English subtitles is compulsory.

- Provide proof of the confirmed participation of at least one partner: broadcaster, distributor, supporting fund, foundation.


Submissions must be in English. Please, forward the following elements by email:

- Synopsis (300 characters, spaces included)

- Treatment (700 characters spaces included)

- Project HD picture (300 dpi)

- Teaser (Vimeo code)

- 1 PDF file with: synopsis, treatment, budget, funding plan, commitment letters, short biographies of the author/director and producer.

- Feel free to add all the information that you consider useful in order to help the jury assessing your project by email only.

Should you wish to submit your NEW doc FILM or PROJECT FREE OF CHARGE to the selection process of MEDIMED’18 Pitching Forum & Market remember that the ENTRIES DEADLINE is due JUNE 30.

IMPORTANT: MEDIMED accepts submissions from the European Union member states, the Middle East and the Maghreb countries, only.

All subjects, perspectives and aesthetic approaches are welcomed.



We are pleased to inform you that the MIA|Cinema Co-Production Market is now opening submissions for its next edition (October 19-21, 2018).

Here you will find the Rules and Regulations 2018.

Rome has become a reference point where filmmakers and producers find an ideal platform for presenting their new feature film projects and connect with key players in the international film industry.
More than 50% of the projects selected over the past editions have completed fundingand have become award-winning, internationally recognized films. Among them, to quote only a few titles: LITTLE CRUSADER by Vaclav Kadrnka (Karlovy Vary 2017, awarded); OUT by Gyorgy Kristof and MOBILE HOMES by Vladimir de Fontenay (both at Cannes 2017 respectively in Un Certain Regard and Semaine de la Critique); THE PARTY by Sally Potter (Berlinale 2017).
The MIA|Cinema Coproduction Market is honored to present once again the Eurimages Co-Production Development Award: an International Jury will assign the Award, a cash prize of 20.000 Euros for the development of the best feature film project that fulfills the criteria of collaboration and co-production that inspire Eurimages. 

This year we are also proud to present the ARTE International Prize, a development award of 6.000 Euros.

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FIDLAB / EAVE Call for Producers 2018

Dear EAVE producers,

FIDLAB and EAVE gladly invite you to apply to attend FIDLab 10th edition on July 12th & 13th , during the 29 edition of FIDMarseille (July 10th - 16th), and discover 12 brand new film projects at all stages of development.

Within the context of our partnership with EAVE, FIDLab will select 2 producers to participate in the 2018 edition, in order to attend the project presentations, participate in one-to-one meetings with their producers and directors and take part in the networking moments. This invitation will include 3 nights of hotel accommodation and an industry accreditation for the festival.  

In order to apply, please send, before June 11th, your CV and a short letter of motivation to the following address :

FIDLab is an international coproduction platform setting up meetings between projects and possible co-producers, distributors, representatives of international cinema funds, sales agents, curators, programmers and other potential financial partners. FIDLab offers a dynamic and active work environment, where artistic and economic joint ventures are created.

For the call for entries 2018, 12 projects were selected from more than 320 applications from 63 countries. In the past 9 editions FIDLab has selected 102 projects and more than 63% are now completed films with a rich and diverse visibility and success. Since our last edition for example, Braguino by Clément Cogitore (FIDLab 2016) won the Zabaltegi-Tabakalera Award at San Sebastian Film Festival; Le Fort des Fous by Narimane Mari (FIDLab 2014) made its Premiere at the Locarno Festival, just as Ouroboros by Basma Alsharif (FIDLab 2016); Bitter Money by Wang Bing (FIDLab 2014) which won the Orizzonti Prize for Best Screenplay in Venice Film Festival, was released in theatres in France on December 2017.

FIDLab lasts for two days: visual and oral presentations are followed by one-to-one meetings. FIDLab has the same criteria as FIDMarseille: it has no restriction of genre, length or format, and gives a particular attention to those films that cross the boundaries between fiction and documentary.

We are pleased to welcome you in Marseille to discover the new selection!

FIDLab Team

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Dear EAVE Producer,

Edinburgh International Film Festival is delighted to have Canada as its country focus for 2018.

In conjunction with the public film programme, the EIFF Industry programme is seeking Canadian producers who are interested in taking part in a series of networking meetings with UK producers to help support new connections and possible future collaborations.

EIFF would like to invite seven Canadian producers to come to Edinburgh and take part in these meetings with their UK counterparts along with the opportunity to meet public funding representatives.

Also available will be the opportunity to meet some key players from the Scottish and UK film industries. In addition to travel and accommodation, included in the package will be a complimentary EIFF Industry pass, an exclusive networking lunch and a drinks reception co-hosted by Telefilm and EIFF.

The Canadian / UK Industry Focus will take place on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 June, and EIFF is offering participants three nights’ accommodation and return flights from Canada, in addition to the EIFF Industry Pass.

Producers can register their interest by emailing, including the following information:

- Biography / Producer Credits

- Reason why you are interested in being part of this activity.


* Producers should have at least two previous feature film producer credits.

* Producers should have specific interest in working with the UK and have a current narrative feature project in development relevant for a co-production with the UK.

The deadline to register interest is Monday 28 May.

Due to the small number of places available, the more information you can provide in your registration of interest, the better.

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Edinburgh International Film Festival is delighted to have Canada as its country focus for 2018.

In conjunction with the public film programme, the EIFF Industry programme is inviting UK producers who are interested in taking part in a series of networking meetings with Canadian producers to help support new connections and possible future collaborations.

The Festival invites seven UK producers to come to Edinburgh and take part in these meetings with their Canadian counterparts along with the opportunity to meet public funding representatives. Also available will be the opportunity to meet some key players from the Scottish and Canadian film industries. Also included will be a complimentary EIFF Industry pass, a Canadian networking lunch and a drinks reception co-hosted by Telefilm and EIFF.

The Canadian / UK Industry Focus will take place on Tuesday 26 June, and it is offered to the participants two nights’ accommodation and return travel, in addition to the EIFF Industry Pass.

Producers can register their interest by emailing, including the following information:

- Biography / Producer Credits

- Reason why this opportunity would be beneficial for them.

Producers should have at least one previous feature film producer credit.

The deadline to register interest is Wednesday May 23rd.

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Transilvania International Film Festival prepares a new edition of Transilvania Pitch Stop (TPS), the co-production platform for projects in development and financing stage, coming from 1st and 2nd time directors from countries around Romania and the Black Sea (Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Greece, Turkey and Georgia), back to back with a film development workshop aiming to discover and support upcoming directors from Romania and Moldova. 
More, for the second year, the Festival will host the presentation of projects hand-picked by our partner program LIM - Less is More, the European platform for project development of limited budget feature films initiated by Le Groupe Ouest.
Transilvania IFF aims to facilitate the international visibility of the projects presented publicly on June 1st & 2nd, and to establish the right connections to ensure financing through organized sessions of one-to-one meetings. The Festival offers also the possibility to meet industry professionals through several networking opportunities, attend panel discussions and enjoy some of the latest Romanian productions.
Thanks to the partnership between EAVE and Transilvania IFF, 5 EAVE producers who are interested to attend the industry events in Transilvania IFF will receive free accreditation and will be offered 3 nights of accommodation between the 31st of May and 3rd of June.
If you are interested, please contact by May 13th, 2018.

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EAVE in Cannes 2018



  • LAZZARO FELICE by Alice Rohrwacher, producer: EAVE graduate Carlo Cresta-Dino
  • LES FILLES DU SOLEIL by Eva Husson, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, sales: Elle Driver
  • THE WILD PEAR TREE by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Macedonian National Coordinator Labina Mitevska, sales: Memento Films
  • MY LITTLE ONE by Sergey Dvortsevoy, co-producer: EAVE graduate Anna Wydra

Out of Competition

  • THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE by Terry Gilliam, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye, sales: Kinology

Un Certain Regard

  • BORDER by Ali Abbasi, producer: EAVE graduate Nina Bisgaard, special effects: EAVE graduate Mikael Windelin, sales: Films Boutique
  • DONBASS by Sergej Loznitsa, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert, sales: Pyramide
  • GIRL by Lukas Dhont, producers: EAVE graduates Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • IN MY ROOM by Ulrich Köhler, producer: co-producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, sales: The Match Factory
  • RAFIKI (FRIEND) by Wanuri Kahiu, co-producers: EAVE graduates Verona Meier, Ruben Thorkildsen and Reinier Selen, sales: MPM Premium
  • THE GENTLE INDIFFERENCE OF THE WORLD by Adilkhan Yerzhanov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille, EAVE MW graduate Olga Khlasheva, sales: Beta Cinema
  • THE HARVESTERS by Etienne Kallos, producer: EAVE graduates Konstantinos Kontovrakis, Mariusz Wlodarski, EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs, sales: Pyramide

Special Screenings

  • POPE FRANCIS – A MAN OF HIS WORD by Wim Wenders, producer: EAVE graduate Gian Piero Ringel, sales: Focus Features 

Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

  • EAVE project BIRDS OF PASSAGE by Ciro Guerra, Cristina Gallego, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dan Wechsler, Sandino Saravia Vinay, Puentes graduate Nicolas Célis, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, sales: Films Boutique
  • PETRA by Jaime Rosales, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, co-producer: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, sales: Film Factory Entertainment 
  • THE LOAD by Ognjen Glavonic, producer: EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt, sales: New Europe Film Sales

  Short Films in Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

  • THE SONG by Tiphaine Raffier, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume Dreyfus

 Semaine de la Critique

  • CHRIS THE SWISS by Anja Kofmel, producers: Interchange graduate Samir and EAVE graduates Sinisa Juricic and Heino Deckert, sales: UDI
  • HECTOR MALOT: THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • OUR STRUGGLES by Guillaume Senez, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc, sales: Be for Film

Short Films in Semaine de la Critique

  • PAULINE ASSERVIE by Charline Bourgeois-Tacquet, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume Dreyfus
  • RAPTOR by Felipe Galvez, producer: PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • THE TIGER by Mikko Myllylathi, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki

Short Films Special Screening in Semaine de la Critique

  • THIRD KID by Yorgos Zois, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic


  • L’AMOUR DEBOUT by Michaël Dacheux, producer: PUENTES graduate Delphine Schmidt, co-producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc
  • SEULE A MON MARIAGE by Marta Bergman, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, associate producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon

 Cinéfondation Atelier 

  • THE RETURN by Meyar Al-Roumi, co-producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • Ties That Bind project DOI BOY by Nontawat Numbenchapol, producer: Ties That Bind graduate Steve Chen
  • ACROSS THE RAINBOW BRIDGE Directed by Niranjan Raj Bhetwal , producer: EAVE graduate Ram Krishna Pokharel

Cinéfondation Residence

  • ASCENSION by César Augusto Acevedo, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante
  • NENE by Mariam Bakacho Khatchvani, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Katcharava

 La Fabrique Cinéma de l’Institut Français

  • EAVE project MILES from NOWHERE by Samantha Nell, producer: EAVE graduate Bongiwe Selane, co-producer EAVE graduate Cait Pansegrouw 
  • SHE WOLF by Kiro Russo, producer: PUENTES graduate: Alexa Riveira
  • ZINDER by Aïcha Macky, co-producer: EAVE graduate Estelle Robin You

Frontières Platform in Cannes

  • THE WINTER LAKE by Phil Sheerin, producer: EAVE graduate Ruth Treacy
  • TIN & TINA by Rubin Stein, producer: Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo 

Producers on the Move

9 EAVE graduates have been selected to participate in the European Film Promotion EFP networking platform PRODUCERS ON THE MOVE at the Cannes International Film Festival.

  • EAVE graduate Frank Hoeve, BALDR Film, Netherlands
  • EAVE graduate Aija Berzina, Tasse Film, Latvia
  • EAVE graduate Per Damgard Hansen, Masterplan Pictures, Denmark
  • EAVE graduate Esko Rips, Nafta Films, Estonia
  • EAVE graduate Luisa Romeo, Frida Films, Spain
  • EAVE MW graduate Peter Badac, BFILM, Slovak Republic
  • EAVE graduate David Herdies, Momento Film, Sweden
  • B’EST graduate Lukas Trimonis, iN SCRiPT, Lithuania
  • EAVE graduate Rok Secen, Monoo, Slovenia 

Marché du Film

  • 3 DAYS IN QUIBERON by Emily Atef, producer: EAVE graduate Karsten Stöter, co-producers: EAVE graduates Undine Filter and EAVE group leader Danny Krausz, world sales: Beta Cinema 
  • ÁGA by Milko Lazarov, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • ALLONS ENFANTS by Stefane Démoustier, producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume Dreyfus
  • AN IMPOSSIBLY SMALL OBJECT by David Verbeek, co-producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic, sales: Flash Forward Entertainment
  • BLACK HOLE by Diego Araujo, producer: EAVE graduate  Hanna-Lovise Skartveit, sales: M-Appeal
  • BORDER by Ali Abbasi, producer: EAVE graduate Nina Bisgaard, sales: Films Boutique
  • COBAIN by Nanouk Leopold, producer: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper, sales: Beta Cinema
  • EAVE project BIRDS OF PASSAGE by Ciro Guerra, Cristina Gallego, producer: PUENTES graduate Katrin Pors, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, sales: Films Boutique
  • FIGLIA MIA (DAUGHTER OF MINE) by Laura Bispuri, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, world sales: The Match Factory
  • FORTUNA by Germinal Roaux, producer: EAVE participant Anne-Laure Guegan, world sales: Loco Films
  • HEAVY TRIP by Juuso Laatio, Jukka Vidgren, producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho, sales: Level K
  • HOLY TOUR by Valérie Rosier, Méryl Fortunat-Rossi, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland, sales: Be for Films
  • IN DEN GÄNGEN by Thomas Stuber, co-producer: EAVE graduate Undine Filter, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • L’ANIMALE by Katharina Mückstein, producer: EAVE graduate Michael Kitzberger, world sales: Films Boutique
  • LES FILLES DU SOLEIL by Eva Husson, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, sales: Elle Driver
  • MEIN BRUDER HEIßT ROBERT UND IST EIN IDIOT by Philip Gröning, co-producer: EAVE graduate Andres Pfaeffli, production consultant: EAVE graduate Martin Blankemeyer, world sales: The Match Factory
  • STYX by Wolfgang Fischer, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT by Samuel Tilman, co-producer: EAVE graduate Clément Duboin, world sales: Be For Films  
  • THE ETERNAL ROAD by Aj Annila, producer: EAVE + graduate Ilkka Matial, sales: Eyewell
  • THE HAPPY PRINCE by Rupert Everett, producer EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye, world sales: Beta Cinema
  • THE HARVESTERS by Etienne Kallos, producer: EAVE graduates Konstantinos Kontovrakis, Mariusz Wlodarski, EAVE graduate Sophie Erbs
  • THE RAFT by Marcus Lindeen, producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost, sales: Wide House
  • TRANSIT by Christian Petzold, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonin Dedet, world sales: The Match Factory  
  • VOICES FROM CHERNOBYL by Pol Cruchten, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder, sales: Andana Films
  • WHEN THE TREES FALL by Marysia Nikitiuk, co-producers: EAVE graduates Violetta Kaminska, Izabela Wojcik, world sales: Latido Films
  • COPS by Istvan aka Stefan Lukacs, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi and Karin C. Berge, sales agent: East West
  • EAVE project NEVER GROW OLD by Ivan Kavanagh, producer: EAVE graduate Jacqueline Kerrin, sales: Metro International Entertainment
  • ZOO by Colin McIvor, producer: EAVE graduate Jacqueline Kerrin, sales: Metro International Entertainment
  • SMUGGLING HENDRIX witten, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Marios Piperides


EAVE Programme Manager Europe Satu Elo will host a breakfast table at the Producers Network on May 11, 2018 from 9:00-11:00 to present EAVE’s European and international workshop programmes.

EAVE graduates participating in the Cannes Producers Network EAVE is proud to be partner of the Cannes Producers Network! In the framework of this partnership, 9 EAVE graduates have been selected for the Cannes Producers Network 2018:

  • Adria Mones, Sound and Fury, Spain
  • Karen Harnisch, Film Forge Productions, Canada
  • Sabine Gruber, Flairfilm, Austria
  • Monique Busman, De Familie Film & TV, The Netherlands
  • Deborah Osborne, Bigbonsai, Brazil
  • Maya Vitkova, Viktoria Films, Bulgaria
  • Elias Ribeiro, Urucu Media, South Africa
  • Bostjan Virc, Studio Virc, Slovenia
  • Nicolas George, Les Films Du Carré, Belgium

Also participating in the Cannes Producers Network: 

Taro Imai HARAKIRI FILMS * Tanja Georgieva ELEMAG PICTURES * Snezana Penev THIS&THAT PRODUCTIONS * Slawomir Ciok ICEBREAKER FILMS * Sebastien Aubert ADASTRA FILMS * Sabine Gruber FLAIRFILM * Ram Krishna Pokharel ICEFALL PRODUCTIONS * Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo LA CLAQUETA * Nicolas Lesoult LES FILMS DE LA BUTTE * Nicolas George LES FILMS DU CARRE * Nicolas Comeau 1976 PRODUCTIONS * Myriam Sassine ABBOUT PRODUCTIONS * Monique Busman DE FAMILIE FILM & TV * Michael Geidel MIRIQUIDIFILM - STUDIOS * Maya Vitkova VIKTORIA FILMS * Martina Bleis BERLINALE - BERLIN INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL * Marko Röhr MRP MATILA RÖHR PRODUCTIONS OY * Marit Van Den Elshout INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM * Lucas Rosant MELIA FILMS * Laurette Schillings TOPKAPI FILMS * Kestutis Drazdauskas ARTBOX * Karen Harnisch FILM FORGE PRODUCTIONS * Julia Mishkinene VITA AKTIVA * Jovan Marjanovic SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL * Jessica Landt BELEZA FILM * Janneke Doolaard DOXY * Inke Van Loocke INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ROTTERDAM * Ingrid Lill Hogtun BARENTSFILM AS * Ilkka Matila MRP MATILA RÖHR PRODUCTIONS OY * Gülin Üstün ISTANBUL FILM FESTIVAL * Guillaume De La Boulaye ZORBA * Gita Fara SET FILM PRODUCTION * Giancarlo Nasi DON QUIJOTE FILMS * Frans Van Gestel TOPKAPI FILMS * Francine Lusser TIPI'MAGES * Florencia Larrea FORASTERO * Ferenc Pusztai KMH FILM * Evelin Soosaar-Penttilä STELLAR FILM * Esko Rips NAFTA * Enrica Capra GRAFFITI DOC SRL * Elina Pohjola POHJOLA-FILMI * Elias Ribeiro URUCU MEDIA * Egil Ødegård FILMHUSET STUDIOS & EUROPAFILM * Deborah Osborn BIG BONSAI * Bostjan Virc STUDIO VIRC * Bongiwe Selane BLINGOLA MEDIA * Bianca Balbuena EPICMEDIA, INC. * Ari Matikainen KINOCOMPANY * Anton Iffland Stettner STENOLA PRODUCTIONS * Annemiek Van Der Hell WINDMILL FILM * Anna Von Dziembowska VICTORIA FILMS * Amra Bakšic-?amo SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL * Alexandre Charlet SWAN FRANCE / LES FILMS DU CYGNE * Alexandra Hoesdorff DEAL PRODUCTIONS * Adria Mones SOUND AND FURY * Suzan Guverte GUVERTE FILM * Steve Chen ANTI-ARCHIVE.



(No 119 International Village) during May 10-15:



CANNES SHOWCASE@Creative Europe Pavillon on May 11 from 9:30-10:00

EAVE INTERNATIONAL: Puentes & Ties That Bind


A practical list of things you will never forget if you want to co-produce and distribute your films all over the world.



  • Jean des Forêts (Head of Studies PUENTES, producer France)
  • Giancarlo Nasi (PUENTES alumni, producer Chile)


  • Christophe Bruncher (Head of Studies TIES THAT BIND, producer France)
  • LIANG Ying (Ties That Bind alumna, producer China)



An EAVE masterclass will be held at the Shoot the book! Day, organized by the Institut français and the SCELF (Civil Society of French Language Publishers), on Monday, May 14th, from 14:30 to 16:30. The masterclass will be held by EAVE legal expert Pierre-Emmanuel Mouthuy together with French publisher Frédérique Massart (Gallimard).  



Friday May 11 at 15:00 @ the Luxembourg pavilion

The Film Fund Luxembourg and EAVE will present the CINEWORLD funding scheme and the EAVE training programmes during an event organized in the framework of EAVE`s partnership with LA FABRIQUE CINEMA. In addition, EAVE producers will be meeting the project delegation in pre-scheduled 1-2-1 meetings. Please note that this is a closed event.

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Last days to apply: Galway Film Fair - Call for Applications

Dear EAVE producers,

The successful EAVE partnership with Galway Film Fair continues!

Up to 6 EAVE producers from outside of Ireland and UK will be selected for the Galway Film Fair 2018. Priority will be given to low production capacity countries (European countries other than France, Germany, Italy, Spain).

Our partner will cover the cost of accommodation for 3 nights each and waive the entry fee for the Marketplace at the Galway Film Fair.

The projects can be in development or completed documentaries or fiction.

If you are interested, please download the application form here and send it to before May 4, 2018 at the very latest!

Please find further information here.  


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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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