
EAVE October News 2021

A safe place - Exclusive Interview with EAVE expert Jacques Akchoti

EAVE script consultant since more than two decades, Jacques Akchoti talks about the triangle of scriptwriter, director and producer in film and about the philosophy behind script consultancy at EAVE workshops.

©Géraldine Aresteanu


EAVE: If you would have to compare your work with an everyday profession, what would it be: a firefighter or a gardener?

Jacques Akchoti: It depends. Actually, you have to switch from one to the other. The idea is to be a gardener, but sometimes to be a good gardener, you have to know how to be a firefighter!


With both you need water hose.

Exactly. It depends on who is in front of you.


You were script consultant of TITANE. The film won the Golden Palm in Cannes, started in cinemas in Europe, and has been nominated Best International Film by France at the Oscars. Was it difficult to balance this rather turbulent film?

I worked on the director’s, Julia Ducournau’s previous film RAW. This new film was with a new producer (EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin) that we both knew. Since I knew Julia from her previous film, I knew what kind of world and genre she was interested in, I knew her original style and personality.

Julia’s previous film RAW was a story about a young girl with whom an audience could easily identify. In TITANE, the main character is more peculiar: she is a serial killer... The identification is more complex. Julia always has a clear point of view of what she wants to achieve: with this film she took things a step further in the world she wants to explore. 

It wasn’t always an easy ride. When she came to me, she had already worked for 3-4 years on the project. We worked together on the script for an additional year, even if the financing was already in place after 9 months.


So, you had to change a lot, or was it more fine tuning?

She came with a draft of the script, things were not in place yet, but the general story was there. She had a difficult time making some decisions and I had to tackle her about these. We worked out the story, the characters, the relationships, but even when we had the financing, we still had major decisions to make.

If you see the film, there are two very strong characters. She was resisting to change some key issues relating to each of them in the story. When the financing was in place and also because she got other feedbacks, she finally decided to accept major changes in the narration of the story and to stick more to her main character. That’s what is in the film now.

When we were working on the script some budget issues came up because of a few very expensive scenes. We had to solve these and find cheaper solutions. As you can tell, we had to approach the project from a lot of different angles: storytelling, characters, plot, point of view issues, budget, in order to narrow it down to the essence.

Julia shot the film late because of COVID and things got delayed also for other reasons. In the meantime, she shot a series in the US and after she got back, we did the final version.


As a script consultant do you have to consult thinking about the budget?

As a script consultant you also work with the producer. In this case, the issue was that we had an important French star (Vincent Lindon), who had committed to the project before even reading it. He had to train himself and do some bodybuilding for the film. He started before he read the script, so we had to come up with a convincing draft of the script also for him.

The producer has necessarily his own opinion about the script and where it should go. He also has budget and financing issues on his mind. As a consultant you have to be conscious about all these issues. It’s not always the case, but in this specific one, because it was a long process, you get involved to a certain extent in all these different aspects. They are part of the project and also define it.

But in general, as a script consultant, you don’t necessarily do that. In other cases, you might see someone just once or twice, or three times. It depends on the nature of the project and on the producer's demands.  


Maybe it’s also important, if the writer or the director has an own world of thinking?

Yes.The key element in script consultancy is to be able to build up trust. It depends on the relationship you have with the writer or the director. It also depends on the demands of the producer and how much trust you can build there. It's all about constructive collaboration. You need trust to achieve that and to overcome the conflicts that sometimes arise.


At which stage of the development are the scripts usually when you read them first as a consultant?

There’s no rule. I have to clarify that I personally - but that’s my way of working - don’t take projects unless there is a producer on board. It is really important to have a producer involved, because it’s the producer’s responsibility to decide when the film is going to enter financing, and to be proposed to future partners. I believe roles and responsibilities need to be clear.

I can get projects at an early stage, say a treatment, and be asked by the producer to supervise the writing of the project. And then once in a while we send him the script and get his reaction. But I can also receive scripts that are in late development, and in such cases, I’m asked to assist in the final polishing of the script, or to clarify issues that haven’t been solved. You have to adapt to the circumstances.

Sometimes it turns out that there are communication problems between the writer, the director and the producer, so you also have to try to fix these a bit, and make sure that they are making the same film and are talking about the same things.

Some producers and some directors are also asking for notes, but I never give them. Notes are open to interpretation and can be misunderstood. For me it is really important to meet the people. I need to understand what is the process that they went into, so that I can get an understanding of what went into the project emotionally and intellectually. It’s not just about what is written on paper, it’s also about the whole process.


And to feel what is important for them, and what can be debated and what not…  

Yes, absolutely. Sometimes when you discuss a project, you discover that actually the person who is writing it is afraid to go in some places that he needs to go. So then you have to say that in order to solve the issues, the writer has to accept to get more involved emotionally or intellectually, etc. Sometimes they are hiding things and that’s why it’s not working. So, there are different psychological aspects involved in the process.


You are working as a script consultant for the EAVE’s Producers Workshop, and you are guiding writers through the process when developing their project at the workshop, right?

It’s not exactly like this. EAVE is mainly a producers’ workshop, so producers come with a project and they can bring their writers with them. At the very beginning of EAVE the writers were not part of the workshop. After a while we decided to also include them. But it’s not a writing workshop!

The idea of the script consulting sessions at EAVE is to give tools to the producers in order to get them more involved in the development of their projects; to make them even more aware of their responsibility in the development. How far he or she can go, what is his or her relationship with the writer and the director, etc. We discuss their relationship and how to focus on developing the project further during the workshop.

The focus here is essentially to teach and to help the producers to get involved and to understand what script development is really about. It’s true that we follow the writers through the process, but it’s not a writing workshop, it’s a producing workshop. We help them develop their projects between the sessions, but our main idea is to enable the producer to mature in terms of script development. That’s what makes the script consultancy special at EAVE.

I’m involved with two workshops of EAVE, the Producers Workshop and PUENTES. The idea is really to give some awareness to producers about script development, to let them know how important it is for them and how they can manage their projects and the vision of their projects, to identify the film that they are making, and to know how to communicate with their writer and director. The way we do it is very practical. We take the scripts that we have, and we use them as cases studies. Sometimes things get a bit dramatic, because suddenly the producer and the writer might come to understand that they don’t get along or that they are not making the same film. So, identifying what they are trying to do is really key. We talk about the project and how they can develop it. We discuss the issues that they are facing in the scripts, etc.

The writers are not necessarily always there. Sometimes producers cannot bring their writers for different reasons. We then discuss the project just with the producer. Once back home, the producer talks with his writer and his director and reports to us about how it all went, about the decisions they made in order to move on. So, there’s always this back-and-forth exchanges in between the workshops.


So the producer needs to talk to a script consultant and the writer, and he has to convey the information from you to them, and to convince the writer…

Convince or not. Sometimes you find out that a producer sees the project from a certain angle and discover, whether the writer is there or not, that the writer has completely other plans on his mind. Maybe the writer also has his own solutions that were not clear to us at the beginning. So, the work during the development with the script consultancy is clarifying the goals and using the right tools to develop the project in a coherent way.

Because at EAVE we select producers and because it is a producers’ workshop, we work on this dynamic. So it’s not just about the story and the script, it’s also about the relationships. Our goal is to have producers think about the development, mature their approach and take their projects further. When you do a writers’ workshop, it’s just about the project, mostly about the story and the film to come.

You also have producers who are not interested in development. EAVE’s focus has always been on independent creative producers. Usually, independent producers are interested in arthouse films. They are interested in subject matters; they are interested in the development and the stories, so it’s not just about the financing. This is the philosophy that we usually have at EAVE. The reality of the business and the way that it is going and growing now with the platforms, this aspect is becoming even more important.

As a producer you have to come up with a package. The script is a big part of the package, because the script is a key tool to finance films, so it’s becoming more and more important. The capacity of a producer to come up with a coherent project is very important and this is really our focus. We use anything we can to reinforce that.


The producer must be able to see if an idea or a script can be a good project to convince the platforms, or whoever, in order to sell the package, right?

The producer has to be him- or herself convinced about the project and the strengths of the project, in order to be able to sell it. He or she also has to work things out with the writer and director, so they can get out the best project possible. If you were to develop the same idea with two different producers, you would probably end up with two completely different films.

Our work is based on collaboration and the producer will certainly influence the content. The producer is a key part of the collaboration. He or she is the partner of the director from the beginning to the end. We are also asking our participants to define what kind of a producer they want to be. By coming to the script sessions at EAVE, they learn to understand their strengths and their weakness, and what they need to work on for themselves as producers.


They must ask themselves what kind of a producer they want to be?

Exactly. The interesting thing for the writers and the directors who come to the workshops is that they attend the plenaries and other activities we have and discover what the job of the producer actually is. They get a better understanding of the problems a producer faces, and this contributes to a more fluid communication between them.

At EAVE we don’t have just the script consultancy, there’s the whole EAVE pedagogical team. When the producers and the writers come, suddenly their project is read by 15-20 people. They get the feedback from their colleagues and from us as well, so it helps them evaluate where they are, what needs to be worked on, and how the project can mature.

We are their first audience and this is very rich experience, because EAVE is also a very safe place. Participants feel it’s a safe place and they end up bonding with each other. In turn this creates a feeling of trust, which we value very much at EAVE.

You have to imagine that we have participants who are professionals from all over the world. At the beginning of the workshop they hardly know each other. At the end of the sessions, some end up crying because the process ends. These professionals get involved emotionally and they build strong relationships - it’s quite an intense experience!

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HALLELUJAH by Tonje Hessen Schei receives funding

Finnish Film Foundation

The Board of The Finnish Film Foundation granted production support to 14 new feature films, documentaries and short film productions in October. Among them:

  • 8 VIEWS OF LAKE BIWA by Marko Raat, producer: EAVE graduate Dora Nedeczky
  • AFRICAN MOOT by Shameela Seedat, co-producer: EAVE graduate Venla Hellstedt
  • FAMILY TIME by Tia Kouvo, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • HALLELUJAH by Tonje Hessen Schei, co-producer: EAVE graduate Kaarle Aho
  • IHANA, KAMALA JOULU by Taru Mäkelä, producer: EAVE graduate Aleksi Hyvärinen
  • JE’VIDA by Katja Gauriloff, producer: EAVE graduate Joonas Berghäll
  • KAHDEN KODIN TYTTÖ by Inka Achté, Hanna Karppinen, producer: EAVE graduate Liisa Karpo
  • POWER TO THE PEOPLE by Mervi Enqvist, producer: EAVE graduate Essi Haukkamaa
  • RESPECT by Milja Moilanen, Eveliina Pasanen, producer: EAVE graduate and Finnish National Coordinator Elli Toivoniemi
  • THE BLACK HOLE by Moonika Siimets, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Estonian National Coordinator Riina Sildos fund has selected 20 projects in various formats: 8 feature films, 5 series, 2 animated projects, 3 documentaries and 2 digital series.

  • ENEMI PUBLIC by Matthieu Frances and Gary Seghers, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • LE PLUS VIVANT POSSIBLE by Delphine Girard, producer: EAVE graduate Henri-Jacques Bronckart
  • REINES by Yasmine Benkiran, producers: EAVE graduates Géraldine Sprimont, Anne-Laure Guegan and EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Jean de Forêts, EAVE+ graduate Hanneke Niens
  • SAVING MOZART by Gérard Corbiau, producer: EAVE graduate Hobert Toint
  • THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE by Patric Chicha, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, co-producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Ebba Sinzinger




Wallimage’s Walloon Regional Investment Fund supports 8 new film projects. Among them:

  • ALLAH N’EST PAS OBLIGÉ by Najjar Zaven, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anne-Laure Guegan, Geraldine Sprimont
  • ENEMI PUBLIC by Matthieu Frances and Gary Seghers, producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • LA NUIT DU 12 by Dominik Moll, producer: EAVE graduate Henri-Jacques Bronckart
  • ORLANDO by Daniele Vicari, producer: EAVE graduate Marica Stocchi




  • The German-Turkish film funds supports CRYSTAL OF HAPPINESS by Emre Yeksan, producer: PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske

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TTB project DOUBLE HAPPINESS by Sebastian Mihailescu is shooting

  • TTB project DOUBLE HAPPINESS by Sebastian Mihailescu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon and EAVE and TTB graduate Diana Paroiu is in production. The film follows Camil, a troubled 39-years-old man who wakes up one night without his penis. The nightmare continues when his partner Andreea also disappears after meeting a former lover. He sets out looking for her and, wearing women’s clothes, reaches a secret community dedicated to fertility, where no men are allowed. There he finds something far more disturbing. Diana Paroiu and Ada Solomon are producing through Romania’s microfilm in co-production with Ewa Puszczynska through Poland’s Extreme Emotions and EAVE graduate Nina Frese through Germany’s Pandora Film. HiFilm Productions, another production outlet of Ada Solomon, is also co-producing. The project is being made in association with: Visual Walkabout, nomada.solo, Aeroplan Studios and XANF, with the support of the Romanian Film Centre, the Polish Film Institute, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, and the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union. The financial partners include: Cinema City Romania, Provident Financial Romania, Hochland Romania, Help Net and Bilka Steel. The project has participated in: EAVE Ties That Bind, Torino Film Lab Extended and When East Meets West Co-production Forum. The film will be shot entirely in Romania - Bucharest and Siriu (Buzău County) for 18 days, from 4 October to 1 November 2021.


  • LA NUIT DU 12 by Dominik Moll, co-producer: EAVE graduate Henri-Jacques Bronckart is shooting. The script begins in the corridors of the criminal police, where it is said that every investigator has a crime that haunts them. There comes a day when he is assigned a case that hurts him more than the others, without him necessarily knowing why. It begins to spin in his head to the point of obsession. For Yohan, who has just been named squad leader in the Criminal Brigade in Grenoble, that case is the murder of Clara. For his investigation, Yohan teams up with a certain Marceau… Produced by Barbara Letellier and Carole Scotta for Haut et Court, the film is co-produced by Belgian company Versus Productions. Pre-bought by Canal+, Ciné+ and the RTBF, the feature film is also supported by an advance of receipts from the CNC, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Wallimage, and the Cinéventure, Cinémage and Cinécap Soficas. The seven weeks of filming which will end on 1 December are taking place in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and in Île-de-France with Patrick Ghiringhelli as Director of Photography.


  • LE PARFUM VERT by Nicolas Pariser, co-producer: EAVE graduate Henri-Jacques Bronckart is shooting. Written by the director, the script begins when, in the middle of a performance and in front of a stunned audience, an actor from the Comédie-Française is assassinated with poison. Martin, one of the actors in the play and a direct witness of the murder, is soon suspected by the police and chased by the mysterious organisation that ordered the crime. With the help of Claire, a graphic novel artist, Martin will try to solve the mystery of this violent death during a very eventful journey through Europe…  Produced by Emmanuel Agneray for Bizibi, LE PARFUM VERT is co-produced by France 2 Cinéma and by Belgian company Versus Productions. Pre-bought by Canal+, Ciné+, France Télévisions, the RTBF and Proximus, the feature film has also benefited from the support of the Ile-de-France region and the Cofinova, Cineventure, Indéfilms, Palatine Etoile, SG Images and Cofimage Soficas. The eight weeks of filming will take place in the Paris region, in Brussels and in Budapest.


  • C’EST DE FAMILLE by Elodie Lélu, producer: EAVE graduate Isabelle Truc is shooting. The film tells the story of Manon, an introverted 16-year-old who finds herself forced to live with her unbearable grandmother Yvonne, a former feminist activist who can no longer live alone. The situation gets worse when Yvonne, confused, begins to mistake Manon for her daughter. For fun, Manon will play along with Yvonne’s delusions and play the role of her mother, whom she barely knew. This is the occasion for her to discover the true story of the women in her family, and to learn, in turn, how to become one. C’EST DE FAMILLE is produced by Isabelle Truc for Iota Production. The film is co-produced by Dries Phlypo and Jean-Claude van Rijckeghem for A Private View (Belgium) and Christine Falco for Camera Oscura (Canada). Filming will take place until 25 November, in the Charleroi region.


  • SKUNK by Koen Mortier, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Dutch National Coordinator Frank Hoeve is shooting. The adaption of a book by Geert Taghon, heavily based on his experience as a social worker, which follows the fate of a family who are dysfunctional, to put it mildly, and whose daily existence is marked by alcohol, sex and violence. Their life is seen through the eyes of a young hero, Liam, a neglected teen who, after spending years locked up in a damp basement, relentlessly watching the same film, and endless bullying at school, winds up in a detention centre where he tries to find comfort with his fellow inmates, and some horses. SKUNK is produced by Eurydice Gysel and Koen Mortier on behalf of Czar Film, in co-production with Frank Hoeve and Katja Draaijer for Baldr Film (the Netherlands).

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THERE IS NO ONE HERE by Ion Ioachim Stroe in post-production now

  • THERE IS NO ONE HERE by Ion Ioachim Stroe, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon is in postproduction. The psychological drama takes place at a seaside campsite, which is supposed to be empty in the spring of 2020. Ion Ioachim Stroe and Raluca Sas penned the script and the cast includes Ela Ionescu, Ovidiu Mihaita, Silvana Mihai and Diana Spiridon. The project is a micro-budget production, independently produced by Stroe, Robert Fita and Claudiu Mitcu through Wearebasca. The film was shot near the Bulgarian village of Krapets, on the Black Sea coast. The film was shot by Andrei Butica and produced by Parada Film in co-production with augenschein Filmproduktion and Sophie Dulac Productions.


  • THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD by Teona Strugar Mitevska, producer: EAVE graduate and Macedonian National Coordinator Labina Mitevska, co-producers: EAVE group leader Danijel Hocevar, EAVE graduate Benoit Roland is in post-production. The film tells the story of Asja, a 40-year-old single woman living in Sarajevo, who meets Zoran, a 43-year-old banker, at a dating event. Zoran is not there looking for love though, but for forgiveness. During the war in 1993 he was shooting at the city from the opposite side, and he wants to meet his first victim. Now, they both have to relive the pain in their search for forgiveness. THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD poses many existential questions: How to live with war? Is there life after war? Is there love after war? And when does war stop? Labina Mitevska of Sisters and Brother Mitevski (North Macedonia) is producing in coproduction with Vertigo (Slovenia), Terminal 3 (Croatia), Entre Chien et Loup (Belgium), SCCA/ (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Beofilm (Denmark). The development and production have been supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme, Eurimages, the North Macedonia Film Agency, the Danish Film Institute, the Belgium Tax Shelter, the Croatian Audiovisual Centre and Film Fund Sarajevo.

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ROSA’S WEDDING wins at the Platino Awards

Zurich Film Festival

Three main awards for EAVE graduates at the Zurich Film Festival:

  • A CHIARA by Jonas Carpignano, co-producers; EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin won the Golden Eye for Best Feature Film
  • LIFE OF IVANNA by Renato Borrayo Serrano, producer: EAVE graduate Pertti Veijalainen was awarded the Golden Eye for Best Documentary Film
  • AZOR by Andreas Fontana, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler won the Emerging Swiss Talent Award



CinÉast Luxembourg

  • MURINA by Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Zdenka Gold, Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Slovenia Jozko Rutar was awarded the Grand Prix at CinÉast – Luxembourg’s Central and Eastern European Film Festival. 
  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski won the Special Jury Prize
  • MIRACLE by Bogdan George Apetri, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina received the Critics' Prize



Filmfest Hamburg

Seven awards for EAVE graduates at the Filmfest Hamburg:

  • NIEMAND IST BEI DEN KÄLBERN by Sabrina Sarabi, producer: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann won the Hamburg Producers Award for German Cinema Productions
  • LINGUI by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, co-producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum received the Hamburg Producers Award for International Cinema Co-Productions
  • ANNETTE by Leos Carax, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland won the Douglas Sirk Award
  • OLGA by Elie Grappe, producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt won the Sichtwechsel Film Award
  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea was awarded Political Film of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub received the NDR Young Talent Award
  • LITTLE PALESTINE: DIARY OF A SIEGE by Abdallah Al-Kathib, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis won the Commerzbank Audience Award



Namur Film Festival

  • INTREGALDE by Radu Muntean, executive producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu won the Bayard spécial du Jury at the Namur International French-Language Film Festival.
  • EAVE project MON LÉGIONNAIRE by Rachel Lang, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Forni and Benoit Roland was awarded the Bayard du Meilleur scénario and the Prix de la Critique



Icelandic Edda Awards

  • THE GARDEN by Ragnar Bragason, producer: EAVE graduate Beata Rzezniczek is the big winner of the Icelandic Edda Awards. The film was awarded Best Film, Best Director, Best Script and Best Actress (Sigrun Edda Björnsdottir).



Athens International Film Festival

  • NOCHE DE FUEGO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis Lopez, co-producers: EAVE graduates Rachel Daisy Ellis, Dan Wechsler won the Golden Athena Award for Best Film at the Athens International Film Festival.
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann won the Greek Film Critics Association Award



Reykjavik International Film Festival

  • MOON, 66 QUESTIONS by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa won the Reykjavik International Film Festival. The film won the main award, the Golden Puffin.
  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont won the Young People's Jury Award and received a Special Mention



Cinemed Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival

  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub has won the Antigone d'or at the Montpellier Mediterranean Film Festival.
  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine won the BNP Paribas Critics’ Award
  • LITTLE PALESTINE: DIARY OF A SIEGE by Abdallah Al-Kathib, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis won the Ulysse Decipro Award
  • LIBERTAD by Clara Roquet, producer: EAVE graduate and Spanish National Coordinator Maria Zamora and EAVE graduate Sergi Moreno, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens received a Special Mention.



Irish Film and Television Academy awards

The winners of the Irish Film and Television Academy IFTA awards of 2021 are:

  • NORMAL PEOPLE by Lenny Abrahamson, executive producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won nine awards, including Best Drama, Best Actor Drama (Paul Mescal), Best Director Drama, Best Script Drama, Best Cinematography, Best Sound, Best Production Design, Best Actress in a Supporting Role in Drama, Best Actor in a Supporting Role in Drama.
  • WILDFIRE by Cathy Brady, producer: EAVE graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina won Best Director Film and Best Actress Film
  • HERSELF by Phyllida Lloyd, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney won Best Script Film



Rome Film Fest

  • MEDITERRANEO by Marcel Barrena, producers: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas has won the Audience Award at the Rome Film Fest.



Gent Film Festival

  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont won the George Delerue Award for Best Score at the Film Fest Gent.
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine received a Special Mention
  • PLEASURE by Ninja Thyberg, co-producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit was awarded by the Explore Zone Jury.



Riga International Film Festival

  • RUNNER by Ansdrius Blazevicius, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute received the Riga IFF Award
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska  received a Special Mention
  • EAVE project SPACEBOY wins the Children’s Jury Prize.



Nederlands Film Festival

  • THE JUDGEMENT by Sander Burger, producer: EAVE graduate Joram Willink scooped 4 Golden Calfs at the Nederlands Film Festival: Best Film, Best script, Best acting performance and Best supporting acting performance.


Ibero-american Platino awards

Numerous awards at the Platino awards for EAVE graduates:

  • ROSA’S WEDDING by Iciar Bollain, producer: EAVE graduate, PUENTES Head of Studies and National Coordinator Latin America Fernanda del Nido won the Best Actress Award and the Best supporting actress award.
  • AKELARRE by Pablo Agüero, producer: EAVE+ graduate Iker Ganuza won Best original score
  • THE PRINCE, co-produced by EAVE graduate Federico Sande Novo won the Best supporting Actor award
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producer: MW and EAVE graduate Fleur Knopperts, EAVE+, TTB and EAVE graduate Denis Vaslin, and EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost won the Best Documentary Feature film award and the Film and values education award.
  • SCHOOLGIRLS by EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre won Best Latin American Fiction opera prima.

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Costa Rica nominates PUENTES project CLARA SOLA for the Oscars

American Academy Awards / The Oscars 2022

27 films by EAVE graduates – including two EAVE projects - have been nominated to represent their country in the International Feature Film category at the Oscars:

  • 107 MOTHERS by Peter Kerekes, co-producer: EAVE graduates Jiri Konecny, Katarina Tomkova – Slovakia
  • AFTER THE WINTER by Ivan Bakrac, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille – Montenegro
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler – Romania
  • BRIGHTON 4TH by Levan Koguashvili, producer: EAVE graduate Olena Yershova – Georgia
  • COMPARTMENT NO. 6 by Juho Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Jussi Rantamäki, Natalia Drozd, EAVE graduate and group leader Riina Sildos and PUENTES graduate Jamila Rantamäki – Finland
  • DIGGER by Georgis Grigorakis, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa – Greece 
  • DO NOT HESITATE by by Shariff Korver, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas – Netherlands
  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen – Denmark
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann – Austria
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub – Kosovo
  • LEAVE NO TRACES by Jan P. Matuszynski, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mikulas Novotny – Poland
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska – Iceland
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine, line producer: Paola Andrea Pérez Nieto – Colombia
  • NOCHE DE FUEGO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: PUENTES graduate Nicolas Celis Lopez, co-producers: EAVE graduate Rachel Daisy Ellis, Dan Wechsler – Mexico
  • OASIS by Ivan Ikic, producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic & EAVE graduate Marija Stojanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Miha Cernec, Derk-Jan Warrink, Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia and Herzegovina Amra Baksic-Camo – Serbia
  • OLGA by Elie Grappe, producer: EAVE + graduate Tom Dercourt – Switzerland
  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont – Costa Rica
  • SANREMO by Miroslav Mandic, producer: EAVE MW graduate Marta Zaccaro – Slovenia
  • SHELTER (FOSCADH) by Sean Breathnach, producer: EAVE graduate Paddy Hayes - Ireland
  • SHOULD THE WIND DROP by Nora Martirosyan, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri – Armenia
  • SISTERHOOD by Dina Duma, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille – North Macedonia
  • TEREZA37 by Danilo Serbedzija, producer: EAVE graduate Irena Markovic – Croatia
  • THE GRAVEDIGGER’S WIFE by Khadar Ayderus Ahmed, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff – Somalia
  • THE JUMP, directed and produced by by EAVE graduate Giedre Zickyte – Lithuania
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors – Norway
  • TITANE by Julia Ducournau, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, writing consultant: EAVE script consultant Jacques Akchoti – France
  • WHITE BUILDING by Kavich Neang, producer: TTB graduate Davy Chou – Cambodia



European Discovery 2021 – Prix FIPRESCI

Six debut films for the European Film Awards: The European Film Academy announced the nominees for the European Discovery 2021 – Prix FIPRESCI, an award presented annually as part of the European Film Awards to a director for a first full-length feature film. Among them:

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska
  • PLEASURE by Ninja Thyberg, co-producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit

The European Discovery 2021 – Prix FIPRESCI will be presented at the European Film Awards Ceremony on December 11.



Nominated for the CPH PIX Talent award 2021:

  • APPLES by Christos Nikou, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Antoine Simkine
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE project THE PENULTIMATE by Jonas Kærup Hjort, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen, co-producer: EAVE graduate Gary Cranner
  • HUMAN FACTORS by Ronny Trocker, producers: EAVE graduates Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • LINGUI by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, co-producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • MURINA by Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Zdenka Gold, Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Slovenia Jozko Rutar PLEASURE by Ninja Thyberg, co-producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea
  • THE INNOCENTS by Eskil Vogt, co-producers: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic, Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin


Nominated for the 2021 Gotham Awards

Best Documentary Feature

  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • PRESIDENT by Camilla Nielsson, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen

Best International Feature

  • AZOR by Andreas Fontana, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler
  • THE SOUVENIR PART II by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney 
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • TITANE by Julia Ducournau, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, writing consultant: EAVE script consultant Jacques Akchoti


Nominated for Luxembourg Filmprais 2021

Best Luxembourgish Feature

  • HYTTE by Jean-Louis Schuller, producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth
  • PEITRUSS by Max Jacoby, producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges

Best Feature in Co-production

  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • COLLECTIVE by Alexander Nanau, producer: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux
  • DEUX by Filippo Meneghetti, co-producers: EAVE graduates Elise André and Donnato Rotunno
  • JUMBO by Zoé Wittock, producers: EAVE graduates Anaïs Bertrand, Pascaline Saillant, Annabella Nezri, Gilles Chanial
  • TEL AVIV ON FIRE by Sameh Zoabi, producer: EAVE graduate Bernard Michaux

Best Feature Animation in Co-production

  • THE SWALLOWS OF KABUL by Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec, Zabou Breitman, producer: EAVE graduate Stephan Roelants
  • WOLFWALKERS by Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, producer: EAVE graduate Stephan Roelants

Best Short

  • TOUCH ME by Eileen Byrne, producers: EAVE graduates Adrien Chef, Paul Thiltges

Best Animated Short

  • ABIGAIL by Nicolas Debray, producer: EAVE graduate Stephan Roelants

Best Documentary

  • THE LIVING WITNESSES by Karolina Markiewicz, Pascal Piron, producers: EAVE graduates Adrien Chef, Paul Thiltges
  • ZERO IMPUNITY by Nicolas Blies and Stéphane Hueber-Blies, producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth

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PUENTES project LA CIVIL in Belgian and Luxembourgish cinemas

In French cinemas


  • EAVE project MON LÉGIONNAIRE by Rachel Lang, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Forni and Benoit Roland. October 6.


  • DELPHINE ET CAROLE INSOUMUSES by Callisto Mc Nulty, producer: EAVE graduate Nicolas Lesoult. October 6.


  • PLEASURE by Ninja Thyberg, co-producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit. October 20.


  • BEYOND THE HORIZON by Delphine Lehericey, co-producer: EAVE graduate Sebastien Delloye. October 20.



In Belgian cinemas


  • LES INTRANQUILLES by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Alexandre Gavras, Anton Iffland Stettner, EAVE participant Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo. October 6.


  • ANNETTE by Leos Carax, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland. October 27.


  • SAVE SANDRA by Jan Verheyen, Lien Willaert, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert. October 27.


  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea. October 27.


  • EAVE project SPACEBOY by Olivier Pairoux, produced by EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens. October 27.



In UK cinemas


  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski. October 15.


  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Cait Pansegrouw, Elias Ribeiro. October 20.




In Dutch cinemas


  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski. October 20.


  • BENEDETTA by Paul Verhoeven, co-producers: EAVE graduates Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings, Frans van Gestel. October 14.




In Swiss cinemas


  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska. October 28.


  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, , Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. September 30.


  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub. October 7.




In Austrian cinemas


  • HINTERLAND by Stefan Ruzowitzky, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, EAVE + graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu. October 8.




In German cinemas


  • WALCHENSEE FOREVER by Janna Ji Wonders, producers: EAVE graduates Martin Heisler and Gabriele Simon. October 21.


  • DAUGHTERS by Nana Neul, producers: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE + graduate Giorgos Karnavas. October 7.


  • WHY NOT YOU (HOCHWALD) by Evi Romen, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu. October 7.


  • TITANE by Julia Ducournau, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, writing consultant: EAVE expert Jacques Akchoti. October 7.




In Italian cinemas


  • EAVE project 200 METERS by Ameen Nayfeh, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh. October 29.


  • A WHITE, WHITE DAY by Hlynur Palmason, producer: EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson, co-producers: PUENTES graduates Katrin Pors and Nima Yousefi, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. October 29.




In Luxembourgish cinemas


  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea. October 27.




In Norwegian cinemas


  • APPLES by Christos Nikou, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Antoine Simkine. October 29.




In Finnish cinemas


  • COMPARTMENT NO. 6 by Juho Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Jussi Rantamäki, Natalia Drozd, EAVE graduate and group leader Riina Sildos and PUENTES graduate Jamila. October 29.


  • THE INNOCENTS by Eskil Vogt, co-producers: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic, Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. October 29.

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EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB in festivals around the world

Filmfest Hamburg (September 30 – October 9)
  • ANNETTE by Leos Carax, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • ANY DAY NOW by Hamy Ramezan, producer: EAVE graduate Jussi Rantamäki
  • DAUGHTERS by Nana Neul, producers: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • EL GRAN MOVIMIENTO by Kiro Russo, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project QUIET FREEDOM by Wendla Nölle, producers: EAVE+ graduates Dirk Decker, Andrea Schütte
  • EVOLUTION by Kornel Mundruczo, producer: producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes
  • FEATHERS by Omar El Zohairy, co-producers: EAVE graduates Derk-Jan Warrink, Verona Meier, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • FRANCE by Bruno Dumont, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • HINTERLAND by Stefan Ruzowitzky, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • INTREGALDE by Radu Muntean, executive producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu
  • LINGUI by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, co-producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • LITTLE PALESTINE: DIARY OF A SIEGE by Abdallah Al-Kathib, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • MIRACLE by Bogdan George Apetri, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • NIEMAND IST BEI DEN KÄLBERN by Sabrina Sarabi, producer: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • OLGA by Elie Grappe, producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt
  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea
  • THE GRAVEDIGGER’S WIFE by Khadar Ayderus Ahmed, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Martin Hampel
  • THE STORY OF MY WIFE by Ildiko Enyedi, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach


Namur Film Festival (October 1 – 8)

  • EAVE project MON LÉGIONNAIRE by Rachel Lang, producers: EAVE graduates Jeremy Forni, Benoît Roland
  • INTREGALDE by Radu Muntean, executive producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu
  • SAVE SANDRA by Jan Verheyen, Lien Willaert, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert
  • THE RESTLESS by Joachim Lafosse, producers: EAVE graduates Alexandre Gavras and Anton Iffland Stettner, participant Eva Kuperman, EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges,EAVE, co-producer: EAVE graduate Antonio Lombardo
  • THE SWALLOWS OF KABUL by Eléa Gobbé-Mévellec, Zabou Breitman, producer: EAVE graduate Stephan Roelants


Astra Film Festival Sibiu (October 5 – 12)

  • ALL-IN! by Volkan Üce, producer: EAVE graduate Emmy Oost
  • BUBBLE by Valerie Blankenbyl, producer: EAVE graduate Dario Schoch
  • FAITH AND BRANKO by Catherine Harte, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana Van Houwelingen
  • OCCASIONAL SPIES by Oana Giurgiu, producers: EAVE graduates Tudor Giurgiu, Bogdan Craciun


Festival Du Nouveau Cinéma Montreal  (October 6 – 17)

  • AHED’S KNEE by Nadav Lapid, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • CELTS by Milica Tomovic, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Vasiljevic
  • COMPARTMENT NO. 6 by Juho Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Jussi Rantamäki, Natalia Drozd, EAVE graduate and group leader Riina Sildos and PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske
  • EARWIG by Lucile Hadzihalilovic, producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES group leader Jean des Forêts, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • MOON, 66 QUESTIONS by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors


Busan International Film Festival  (October 6 – 15)

  • A CHIARA by Jonas Carpignano, co-producers; EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • AHED’S KNEE by Nadav Lapid, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • CAPTAIN VOLKONOGOV ESCAPED by Natalya Merkulova and Alexey Chupov, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa
  • COP SECRET by Hannes Thor Halldorsson, producer: EAVE graduate Lilja Snorradottir
  • DESERTED by Kadri Kousaar, producers: EAVE graduates Aet Laigu, Charlotte Most, Essi Haukkamaa
  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • FRANCE by Bruno Dumont, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • HOUSE ARREST by Aleksey German Jr., producer: EAVE graduate Artem Vasilyev
  • INTREGALDE by Radu Muntean, executive producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu
  • LINGUI by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, co-producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • THE SOUVENIR PART II by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney 
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • TITANE by Julia Ducournau, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, writing consultant: EAVE script consultant Jacques Akchoti
  • TTB project MONEYBOYS by C.B.Yi, producers: EAVE graduates Gabriele Kranzelbinder, Barbara Pichler, co-producer: TTB graduate Guillaume de la Boulaye


BFI London Film Festival  (October 6 – 17)

  • AHED’S KNEE by Nadav Lapid, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • COMPARTMENT NO. 6 by Juho Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Jussi Rantamäki, Natalia Drozd, EAVE graduate and group leader Riina Sildos and PUENTES graduate Jamila Wenske
  • EARWIG by Lucile Hadzihalilovic, producer: EAVE graduate Jean des Forêts, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • HINTERLAND by Stefan Ruzowitzky, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann, EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • INEXORABLE by Fabrice du Welz, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska
  • LITTLE PALESTINE: DIARY OF A SIEGE by Abdallah Al-Kathib, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • NATURAL LIGHT by Dénes Nagy, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Inese Boka-Grube, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, EAVE participant and EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • PETROV’S FLU by Kyril Serebrennikov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont
  • THE SOUVENIR PART II by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney 
  • THE GRAVEDIGGER’S WIFE by Khadar Ayderus Ahmed, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Martin Hampel
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • TITANE by Julia Ducournau, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, writing consultant: EAVE expert Jacques Akchoti


Cinekid Festival (October 7 – 25)

  • RASPBERRIES WITH MUSTARD by Ruth Olshan, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu


Sitges Film Festival  (October 7 – 17)

  • INEXORABLE by Fabrice du Welz, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska
  • THE INNOCENTS by Eskil Vogt, co-producers: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic, Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • TITANE by Julia Ducournau, producer: EAVE + graduate Jean-Yves Roubin, writing consultant: EAVE expert Jacques Akchoti


CinÉast - Central and Eastern European Film Festival, Luxemburg  (October 7 – 24)

  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • CELTS by Milica Tomovic, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Vasiljevic
  • EAVE project THE WHITE FORTRESS by Igor Drljaca, producers: EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic-Camo
  • EVOLUTION by Kornel Mundruczo, producer: producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, co-producer: EAVE graduate Julia Berkes
  • GOODBYE SOVIET UNION by Lauri Randla, producer: EAVE graduate Misha Jaari
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub 
  • IN THE MIRROR by Laila Pakalnina, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite
  • MIA MISSES HER REVENGE by Bogdan Theodor Olteanu, producer: EAVE graduate Anamaria Antoci
  • MIRACLE by Bogdan George Apetri, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • MURINA by Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Zdenka Gold, Miha Cernec, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Slovenia Jozko Rutar
  • NATURAL LIGHT by Dénes Nagy, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Inese Boka-Grube, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, EAVE participant and EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski 
  • B’EST project OTAR’S DEATH by Ioseb Bliadze, producer: EAVE graduate Eva Blondiau
  • RUNNER by Ansdrius Blazevicius, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • THE LIVING WHITNESSES by Karolina Markiewicz & Pascal Piron, producer: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges


Anim'est International Animation Festival (October 8 – 17)

  • WHEN I AM SAD by Lilit Altunyan,  producer: EAVE graduate Armine Anda


Warsaw Film Festival  (October 8 – 17)

  • CAPTAIN VOLKONOGOV ESCAPED by Natalya Merkulova and Alexey Chupov, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • HOUSE ARREST by Aleksey German Jr., producer: EAVE graduate Artem Vasilyev
  • INTREGALDE by Radu Muntean, executive producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu
  • MIRACLE by Bogdan George Apetri, producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu, co-producer: EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • ONODA – 10 000 NIGHTS IN THE JUNGLE by Arthur Harari, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea


Gent International Film Festival  (October 11 – 24)

  • A CHIARA by Jonas Carpignano, co-producers; EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • AHED’S KNEE by Nadav Lapid, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy
  • ALL-IN! by Volkan Üce, producer: EAVE graduate Emmy Oost
  • ANNETTE by Leos Carax, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • APPLES by Christos Nikou, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski, associate producer: EAVE+ graduate Antoine Simkine
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • EAVE project SPACEBOY by Olivier Pairoux, produced by EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • FRANCE by Bruno Dumont, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • HECTOR MALOT: THE LAST DAY OF THE YEAR by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • INEXORABLE by Fabrice du Welz, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • KALA AZAR by Janis Rafa, producer: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska
  • LINGUI by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, co-producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduates Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • MOON, 66 QUESTIONS by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont
  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea
  • THE INNOCENTS by Eskil Vogt, co-producers: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic, Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • WHERE IS ANNE FRANK? by Ari Folmann, producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges


Chicago International Film Festival (October 13 – 24)

  • 107 MOTHERS by Peter Kerekes, co-producer: EAVE graduates Jiri Konecny, Katarina Tomkova
  • A CHIARA by Jonas Carpignano, co-producers; EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY PORN by Radu Jude, producers: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, EAVE group leader and Croation National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic, EAVE graduates Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef, Jiri Konecny, associate producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • CAPTAIN VOLKONOGOV ESCAPED by Natalya Merkulova and Alexey Chupov, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa
  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • LINGUI by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, co-producer: EAVE graduate Melanie Andernach, EAVE graduate and group leader Diana Elbaum
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • THE GRAVEDIGGER’S WIFE by Khadar Ayderus Ahmed, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Martin Hampel
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • TTB project WHETHER THE WEATHER IS FINE by Carlo Francisco Manatad, co-producer: EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann


Riga International Film Festival (October 14 – 24)

  • ANNETTE by Leos Carax, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • HUMAN FACTORS by Ronny Trocker, producers: EAVE graduates Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • IN THE MIRROR by Laila Pakalnina, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska
  • NATURAL LIGHT by Dénes Nagy, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo, co-producers: EAVE graduate Inese Boka-Grube, EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi, EAVE participant and EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski 
  • PLEASURE by Ninja Thyberg, co-producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • RUNNER by Ansdrius Blazevicius, producer: EAVE graduate Marija Razgute
  • THE LAST ONES by Veiko Õunpuu, producers: EAVE graduates Katrin Kissa, Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • THE YEAR BEFORE THE WAR by Davis Simanis, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Robert Vinovskis


Rome Film Festival (October 14 – 24)

  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • I AM ZLATAN by Jens Sjögren, producer: EAVE graduate Mattias Nohrborg
  • LIBERTAD by Clara Roquet, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Zamora, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project LAMB by Valdimar Johannsson, producer: EAVE graduate Hrönn Kristinsdóttir, developed at EAVE by MW graduate Ewa Bojanowska
  • MEDITERRANEO by Marcel Barrena, producers: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas
  • OLGA by Elie Grappe, producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt
  • WHERE IS ANNE FRANK? by Ari Folmann, producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges


Cinemed Montpellier (October 15 – 23)

  • A CHIARA by Jonas Carpignano, co-producers; EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • ALL-IN! by Volkan Üce, producer: EAVE graduate Emmy Oost
  • EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON by Mounia Akl, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • LIBERTAD by Clara Roquet, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Zamora, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • LITTLE PALESTINE: DIARY OF A SIEGE by Abdallah Al-Kathib, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis 
  • SCHOOLGIRLS by Pilar Palomero, producer: EAVE+ graduate Valérie Delpierre


Viennale (October 21 – 31)

  • A CHIARA by Jonas Carpignano, co-producers; EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • AHED’S KNEE by Nadav Lapid, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, Interchange graduate Judith Lou Levy
  • ANNETTE by Leos Carax, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • BENEDETTA by Paul Verhoeven, co-producers: EAVE graduates Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings, Frans van Gestel
  • CELTS by Milica Tomovic, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Vasiljevic
  • COMPARTMENT NO. 6 by Juho Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Jussi Rantamäki, Natalia Drozd, EAVE graduate and group leader Riina Sildos and PUENTES graduate Jamila
  • FRANCE by Bruno Dumont, producer: EAVE graduate Dorothe Beinemeier
  • GREAT FREEDOM by Sebastian Meise, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann
  • HOUSE ARREST by Alexey German Jr., line producer: EAVE graduate Artem Vasilyev
  • INTREGALDE by Radu Muntean, executive producer: EAVE graduate Oana Iancu
  • MEMORIA by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, producer: PUENTES graduate Diana Bustamante, co-producers: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, Myriam Sassine
  • PETITE SOLANGE by Axelle Ropert, producer: B’EST graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • NOCHE DE FUEGO by Tatiana Huezo, producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • THE FIRST 54 YEARS by Avi Mograbi, producers: EAVE graduates Elina Pohjola, Leila Lyytikäinen
  • THE SOUVENIR, PART II by Joanna Hogg, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • TTB project MONEYBOYS by C.B.Yi, producers: EAVE graduates Gabriele Kranzelbinder, Barbara Pichler, co-producer: TTB graduate Guillaume de la Boulaye
  • WOMEN DO CRY by Mina Mileva, EAVE and TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, producer: EAVE and TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, EAVE+ graduate and TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher


Valladolid International Film Festival (October 23 – 30)

  • CELTS by Milica Tomovic, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Vasiljevic
  • COMPARTMENT NO. 6 by Juho Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Jussi Rantamäki, Natalia Drozd, EAVE graduate and group leader Riina Sildos and PUENTES graduate Jamila
  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Britta Rindelaub
  • LIBERTAD by Clara Roquet, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Zamora, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont
  • THE GRAVEDIGGER’S WIFE by Khadar Ayderus Ahmed, producers: EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Mark Lwoff, Martin Hampel
  • THE WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD by Joachim Trier, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin and EAVE graduate Katrin Pors


DOK Leipzig (October 25 – 31)

  • FLEE by Jonas Poher Rasmussen, producers: EAVE graduates Monica Hellstrøm, Signe Byrge Sørensen

Selected for the Dok Leipzig Copro Market:

  • CARMEN by Pihla Viitala, producers: EAVE graduates Elli Toivoniemi, Venla Hellstedt
  • I’M NOT EVERYTHING I WANT TO BE by Klara Tasovska, producer: EAVE participant Jakub Viktorin
  • THE CASTLE by Martin Benchimol, producer: EAVE graduate Gema Juarez Allen


Tokyo International Film Festival  (October 31 – November 11)

  • PUENTES project LA CIVIL by Teodora Ana Mihai, producer: EAVE graduate Hans Everaert, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Irina Andreea Malcea
  • LIBERTAD by Clara Roquet, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Zamora, co-producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens

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@EAVE Producers Workshop, November 8 - 15, Barcelona (ES)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE Programme Manager Satu Elo


@Produire au Sud, November 21 - 22, Nantes (FR)

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp


@PUENTES, November 23 - 29, Florida (UY)

PUENTES Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido


@IndustryTallinn & Baltic Event, November 23 - 26, Tallinn (EE)

EAVE Programme Manager Satu Elo

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EAVE Yoga Corner

Dear EAVE Yogis!

EAVE Yoga is your peaceful place where you can stretch your body in a gentle way and practice pranayama in a small group of yogis.

You are most welcome to join on:

THURSDAYS: Online classes

08:15 – 08:55 CEST

19:30 – 21:00 CEST

MONDAYS: In-Person classes at Tagtigall in Berlin

18:30 – 20:00 CEST

20:30 – 22:00 CEST

Discounted price for the EAVE graduates:

  • 50 Euro for a 10-class card (40 min)
  • 100 Euro for a 10-class card (90 min)

Please register by email:

Hope to see you on the yoga mat��



More info:

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WEMW Slate Market & EAVE Consultancies

DEADLINE: November 30, 2021

WEMW 2022 will launch the first edition of the WEMW Slate Market. This brand-new innovative programme, run in close partnership with EAVE, will select 5 companies that are developing a slate of A/V works and will offer them consultancies on how to build a successful company slate and strategic company planning, together with business-to-business exchanges with key players from different industry sectors.

The programme combines the EAVE group work method with a series of plenary sessions and individual consultancies focusing on strategic company planning, potential risk evaluation and company diversification. The main goal is to define realistic short-, mid- and long-term strategies for their companies and to outline the next steps for each project included in their company slates.

Selected teams will have tailor-made curated meetings with a series of WEMW Business Angels, and will receive advice on co-production, financing, marketing and distribution, according to the primary needs of their projects and slates.


- European* production companies are eligible to apply

- Companies must have at least 4-5 years of existence

- Companies must have produced and released at least 3 audiovisual projects

- The majority of projects included in the slate (2 out of 3, 3 out of 5) should have at least one regional/national/supranational development support in place (excluding deferrals, own investment or tax incentive schemes)

- Companies must include in their proposed slate at least 2 (preferably 3) different formats (e.g. animation / short / fiction feature / TV series / doc / other)

- Projects can be in different stages of development (early, advanced, financing, etc)


All applications must include: complete online application form, company and slate strategy.

In order to submit your application and the required materials you need to create your own account and fill in the following online form

There is no submission fee and the deadline is November 30, 2021, 23.59 CET.


The Slate Market will take place on site, in Trieste (Italy), from Jan 23 to 25, 2022.


Selected companies will be announced late December and one company representative will have to be in Trieste in the foreseen dates. A second producer will be able to follow online most of the programme activities, particularly the group work about his/her company and the meetings with business angels.


In case of selection, the participation fee is € 400 and includes one WEMW on-site accreditation, one WEMW & Slate Market online accreditation, tuition fee, and lunches. A limited number of scholarships are available.


All applicants will have the opportunity to virtually meet with the WEMW team on November 2 from 10.00am to 11.00am to get more info about the Slate Market and the submission process. To ensure your attendance and get the direct link to the INFO DAY, you need to register by writing to no later than October 29.


More information are available at

* Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom

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EAVE on Demand CHILE

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Filmmaking in Lebanon - Exclusive Interview with EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine

EAVE: Congratulations for the NETPAC Award for your film COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON at the Toronto International Film Festival and the selection for the Venice Film Festival! As I understand the film is about the pollution and the destruction of the environment in Lebanon. How important is this topic in Lebanon?

Myriam Sassine: We’ve been having a very big garbage crisis since the end of the civil war in Lebanon. We are a small country and there is no room for all the garbage here. There is no recycling, there is no real environmental policy, and so it has been escalating throughout the years. In 2015, it exploded, because one of the main landfills has surpassed its capacity by five or six times. The locals around this landfill started getting sick, so they really didn’t want that the garbage continues being disposed there and they created a roadblock. In a reaction to that action, the company that was collecting the garbage went on strike. So, no garbage was collected for around two months, and we had piles of garbage on the streets. It was terrible.

This garbage crisis led the director Mounia Akl to write this film. She imagined a future of Lebanon, if this crisis continues unsolved and if there is no environmental policy in the country. Unfortunately, we only went downhill from where we were, so today we are even in a far worse situation. They now manage to collect the garbage but there are still no recycling policies, it’s all up to individuals. Our sea is very polluted, our air is very polluted, but with other problems that the country is suffering from, I must say that the environment is not at the foreground of what is being talked about. And this is why we wanted to talk about it, because it’s there, it’s affecting our health and people are not aware of it and people are also not aware of what the solutions might be.

Myriam Sassine ©Frank Schoepgens


So, people are more concerned about politics and economics than the environment?

Our civil war ended in 1990 and most of our local auteur cinema tackles the civil war. Since 2019, we had a whirlwind of events, starting with the revolution, then a financial collapse, the banks took hostage the money of the citizens, and in August 2020, there was this massive explosion in Beirut. So, of course, these topics are more at the foreground. This is what concerns the Lebanese, because also now the middle class is somehow disappearing and there is a big gap between the rich and the poor. The poor are getting poorer, so there’s also a lot of documentaries and films about this section of the society.

We wanted to talk about the environment because if affects everyone. If your air is polluted, whether you are rich or poor, or whether you are an intellectual or a farmer, it affects you equally. We all suffer from that. But the politicians try to make us believe that it is not a central problem. We wanted to say that it’s not a rich countries’ problem, even us in Lebanon we suffer a lot from it and third world countries suffer a lot from environmental problems, too. But it’s not being talked about because there are always more urgent matters to discuss. For me personally, and I also think for the director, this planet’s decay is the most central and urgent thing to talk about today. Because everything else is coming from that.


Lebanon is, as we already said, in a severe political and economic crisis. How difficult is it to make films?

It has always been difficult to make films in Lebanon because it’s a country that is not politically stable, there is no public funding for cinema, so it has always been based on the initiatives of individuals who try to make films. They always search for money abroad through co-productions and grants and private investors. I’ve been making films for the last 10 years in Lebanon, and I must say that the last two years have been the most difficult, because in addition to all previous problems, we had the financial collapse, when some of our money got blocked in the bank. Also, the Lira lost its value, which affected the salaries of our staff and crew, so we lost some people because they had to find other, better paid jobs. 

Just to give you an example: I started this film in 2017, so we were paying for development, etc. – 1 Dollar was worth 1.500 Lira, and today I’m still paying because we are still finalising the film, and today the Dollar is worth 17.000 Lira. So already figuring out what to do and doing your accounts, and with the banking system being completely disrupted, you don’t trust the banks anymore, so you always need to be a step ahead, because you are always scared that they might do something similar to what they have done, they could block your money again. So, we’re always looking on how to make our cashflow and therefore our production super secure.

In addition, there was the pandemic. When we shot this film, it was the peak of the pandemic, and we created a safety protocol and all of that, but as we were approaching Christmas and New Year (we shot in November and December 2020), it was becoming more and more scary, because more people were interacting and seeing each other. In addition, the explosion had a big toll on us, because our office was two streets away from the explosion, so it was completely blown away, and also the houses of many of our team members. We had launched the pre-production on the 3rd of August 2020 and on the 4th, there was the explosion, so we had to stop everything, of course. One month later we decided all together that we wanted to move forward, because for some people making art was healing somehow, some sort of therapy. For my producing partner and me it was also a way to be able to contribute with work to the living of a lot of people, because a film can make 80 to 150 persons work during the shoot, which felt important at that time. And also, we were so close to making this film and didn’t want to stop, because everything was in place and we felt a lot of solidarity from the rest of the team, and also from the international team.


In a statement you said you wanted to invigorate the movie industry in Lebanon that is still unfortunately very green. What do you mean by that?

I don’t mean green in an environmental sense. That was a long time ago, I wrote this when I went to study cinema in the early 2000s. My family thought I was crazy, people tried to dissuade me, no one was working in film back then. There was one Lebanese film each one or two years, so it was a kind of utopia that seemed very unreal. Little by little, after I graduated, there were more and more opportunities, especially in commercials and more commercial films. There’s no real infrastructure in Lebanon, because there is no public funding and no support from the state on all levels. There’s censorship, it’s sometimes difficult to get permits and there are no incentives tax wise.

So, when I started working at Abbout Productions, which is one of four production companies that work in film in Lebanon today producing features, we felt like we were on a mission. We were making films for cinema, and we were trying to create some kind of rules and help train other producers and film technicians, giving them an opportunity to work on films. We worked as a company, but we were always thinking in other ways. We provided training opportunities for people and offered free consultations. We also created a genre film festival in 2016 (Maskoon Fantastic Film Festival), because we wanted to push local filmmakers to make genre films because we thought that would contribute to invigorating local cinema. We believe Lebanese and Arab cinema should free itself from just being oriented on social realism dramas or popular comedies. We thought that more variety would help to access the audience faster. This is a little bit the dream that we have.

From 2010 and to 2021, we managed to produce a lot of first features and accompany filmmakers with whom we made more than one film. We also produced documentaries, and we somehow created this small chain of collaborators where we knew we had access to one really good sound studio, a grading studio and some really good cinematographers, editors, etc. We created a system, but unfortunately today this whole system is collapsing because the country’s circumstances are really harsh on everyone. Even if I think about the whole planet, 2020 has been such a turn, so everyone needs to reinvent themselves. Maybe in the next few years there will be less Lebanese films produced because this community needs to find its way again and reinvent the system it has created. In the last few months, I realised that I cannot depend on the same people and my old reflexes don’t work anymore, because everything has changed, and we need a bit of time to re-adapt. 

EAVE project COSTA BRAVA, LEBANON ©Abbout Productions


I can imagine. It’s difficult with corona on top, it makes everything in the whole world very unstable, and one has to find new ways to react.

Yes, film industry in general has taken a toll. I feel that producers everywhere are struggling with what kind of films they want to make, or they can make or where they will be released, etc. For me, my country and my profession are both in crisis right now. So it’s a bit hard to grasp.


How important is the EAVE network for your productions and for your work? And how does your collaboration with EAVE producers look like?

EAVE was really like a marking experience for me. Maybe less in terms of learning new things – of course I learned a lot – but this network of people, especially the group I was in, we were 14 producers, each coming from a different country and having different ways of working and different approaches, but we all somehow found out that we had the same struggles and we had the same questions about how to apprehend the films we were making, and who is our core audience and how to work with directors…etc.

Already from when we met and connected during EAVE, a strong connection was built, because we spent a lot of time together there, and we talked not only about our careers but also about our lives and there were a lot of emotions unleashed. After that, we felt very close and we stayed in touch. We have a WhatsApp group where we communicate almost daily and each of us shares our accomplishments, but we also share our problems, and the others try to help. If someone needs guidance in something, or a tip or a contact, we help each other. It has been really like a great richness; I feel this group is invaluable.

Already at the beginning of Covid-19, I was getting news from Chile, Switzerland, New York, UK, Faro Islands, Spain, and we were getting all sorts of news from each other, and I felt really connected to the world trough that group. Because you don’t get this kind of in-depth sharing of experience in the regular news. With some of them we tried to work together on my film, but we couldn’t, so they helped me when I had some questions.

I feel, the network as a whole is really important because many of the co-producers on Costa Brava, Lebanon are from the EAVE family. It is somehow reassuring; if you did EAVE, then we speak the same language. We have the same references, the same working documents, so it’s really easy when you know that the other producer is an EAVE alumnus. It cuts away the distance of meeting someone else, and you can always ask some other EAVE alumni like: did you work with that producer, how was it, etc.

The EAVE network is really very rich in people and all alumni around the world. The nice thing about it is that it keeps getting bigger. Every year there are new people coming, so it keeps growing and becoming larger. And EAVE keeps doing initiatives and gatherings at festivals, so they are connected with their alumni. The proof is that you are talking to me now. So, you feel you are a part of something, and I think this is important, because you feel that you are less alone in your struggles.


Are you planning a new film, or do you have something new in mind already?

I have three documentaries in production right now, and we are finishing two other documentaries and we are starting to plan their release strategy. I also have a few ideas, but I haven’t taken new projects in development because I’m waiting to see how everything will develop. I want to take a bit of time to think about the next phase. 

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Special offer for EAVE alumni: FIFDH Impact Days

The FIFDH is launching its call for projects for the 2022 of its industry programme the IMPACT DAYS.

Are you working on a documentary on human rights or social justice and wish to make use of it for having a positive impact on society? You have until 31 October to submit your project with an Impact ambition and potential to the Industry programme of the FIFDH, leading human rights Film Festival in Geneva: Impact Days!

If selected, EAVE alumni will get a 50% discount on the registration fee to attend this unique event that will take place online and in person in Geneva between January and March 2022.

FIFDH IMPACT DAYS is a training and networking programme bringing together filmmakers and changemakers to build partnerships that can bring a long-lasting positive change in our society.

Click here for more information and to submit your project:

More opportunities for EAVE will follow early 2022!

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Call for entries for WEMW Co-Production Forum 2022 is now open!

DEADLINE: October 30, 2021

The next edition of WEMW will mark the start of a brand-new era in the design and planning of the co-production market. After ten years based on a traditional physical format and one year run fully online, the new generation of WEMW will introduce a new concept based on hybrid content & format, with a full horizontal integration between physical and virtual participants. WEMW will take place on January 24-28, 2022 and it will include a first module of three days running both on-site in Trieste and online, and a second module available only on the WEMW digital platform. The heart of the event will still be the WEMW Co-Production Forum dedicated to documentaries and feature films in development from all over Europe and beyond. The upcoming edition of WEMW will bring together over 600 film professionals from more than 50 countries, in particular from the 2022 East & West countries in focus: Russia & UK, Ireland, Canada and USA.


  • Producers from Europe*, Canada, USA & Latin America are eligible to apply 
  • Projects must be long feature fiction films or documentaries in development with preferably 5-10% of the total budget already in place
  • Projects must have international co-production potential  

All applications must include: complete online application form, treatment in English (max 5-8 pages), financing plan, teaser/visuals/mood board of the submitted project and previous work of the director.

In order to submit your application and the required materials you need to create your own account and fill in the online form following this link

There is no submission fee and the deadline is October 30, 2021, 23.59 CEST.    


Selected projects will be announced late December and selected producers/directors will have the chance to pitch their project in Trieste in front of all attending decision makers and, at the same time, to all online registered professionals. We will arrange both on-site and online individual meetings with all registered participants and once again we will organize tailor-made curated meetings with a number of business angels from all over Europe and beyond, handpicked for each project in cooperation with EAVE and Eurodoc. Selected teams will have the unique opportunity to receive advice on co-production, finance, marketing or distribution, according to the primary needs of their project.


All applicants will have the possibility to virtually meet with the WEMW team on October 8, 15, 22 and 29, to discuss projects, share ideas or doubts or get more info about the co-production forum and the submission process. To schedule the most suitable slot please feel free to contact WEMW team at

Alongside the Co-Production Forum, WEMW 2022 will offer a rich and lively program including works in progress, workshops and panels, as well as a series of brand new initiatives such as the WEMW Slate Market and the Inspirational Labs.

More news will be announced soon, so stay tuned!

Follow WEMW on Facebook or visit 


* Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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