
EAVE August News 2020

EAVE EXCLUSIVE Interview with EAVE graduate Elias Ribeiro and Mehret Mandefro

Interview with co-founders Elias Ribeiro (Head of Studies) and Mehret Mandefro (Group Leader) of Creative Producer Indaba (CPI), a new initiative by the African Realness Institute, in partnership with EAVE, International Film Festival Rotterdam’s IFFRPro and the Sundance Institute.


Is Creative Producer Indaba a similar programme with Africa as is PUENTES with Latin America and Ties that Bind with East Asia?

Elias Ribeiro: That’s right, that were the examples. We looked at both workshops very closely: How they were funded, how they were pedagogically delivered, their formats and I asked Tina Trapp this question: „Why not Africa?“ And she said: „Yes, let’s do it!“ We had been collaborating for three years; EAVE offered a scholarship to an African producer to the Producers Workshop out of our Screenwriters Residency selection of projects every year. It felt right to expand the partnership when we decided to launch a creative producing capacity building program to amplify the impact of the Residency, as lot of the projects developed struggled to find producers who are able to finance them. Being an alumnus of their training myself (2014), I knew there was no other knowledge partner that could do this better than EAVE and their 30 years experience. In 2018 we started developing the initiative, we added IFFRPro to the team, they hosted our first think tank with stakeholders from Africa and Europe in Rotterdam in January 2019, where we interrogated the Puentes and TTB formats to adapt it to something that is very relevant to Africa today. We joined forces with Sundance Institute and created a program that will look at new business models involving USA, Europe and Africa for co-production of audiovisual content.


What was the idea behind the founding of the Realness Institute and did you have a programme like Indaba in mind from the beginning?

Elias Ribeiro: We are actually a very small and passionate team that has been reacting to the environment we produce in. We identified this need in the development space and we thought, making indie African films by ourselves is not really enough to create a ripple effect. We said we’d rather start a movement. And when we launched Realness Screenwriters Residency in 2015, it was in that spirit of nurturing voices from the African continent who didn’t find support elsewhere. To tell brave stories and to trust their authorship and not indulge to funder’s needs or broadcaster’s recipes, that’s what we decided to invest on: bravery, great stories. After these five years and supporting 36 projects in 16 countries in Africa, we realised that very few had moved beyond that development space. And of the one’s we absorbed into our production company slate two have been made and another two are half financed. But there was this scarcity of producers that could lead these projects on the stage of international financing, completion and international distribution. We never intended to produce all these projects we supported. It was really about creating a more dynamic environment and ecosystem. And that was where Mehret and I met.

Mehret Mandefro: I had a production company in the U.S., but then I came into this market four years now, going on my fifth. I joined a new TV station, Kana TV, that grew quite rapidly, and in the process I saw first hand that it was a really growing industry without the trained professional needed to truly scale it up. I was running around like a madwoman trying to train everyone when I realized that to reform the industry and to try and scale up this effort I was going to have to team up with like-minded people invested in the developing the future of the local media ecosystem. I would say all of anglophone Africa is going through a revolution right now with streamers coming in and Pay TV coming in. We started with satellite TV and it’s growing. It’s really hard to believe, but for the over one hundred million people in Ethiopia private media only started four years ago. Prior to that it was dominated by state run TV. So it’s the beginning of an era and you need institutional support to work in such a tough environment and this is where Elias and I were very much aligned. We both felt the pain of working on our own in a tough landscape and saw the value of creating an institute to support this kind of work and others who were willing to do it. The vision of Realness Institute is to be a source of support that can safeguard, an independent voice in Africa and support independent filmmakers interested in staying and working in their local markets. As these markets continue to formalize it’s important to protect a space for independent voice and brave cinema. And of all the program offerings Indaba is really important, because producers are engines in their local markets and they have very important multiplier effect for formalizing the industry. When you have effective producers in any industry it’s the quickest way to bring about change. So Indaba is special for that reason.


How important is Europa for African cinema and how important is African cinema for Europe?

Elias Ribeiro: The biggest value that we have to offer is the wealth of untold stories. What Europe offers in counterpart is the financial structures that are not present in Africa. South Africa is very privileged, we have a national film fund, and a couple of regional agencies, a tax rebate system, broadcasters. Producers are able to make films using all of those instruments. That is not true for the majority of other 54 African countries. One of the things that I hope that Indaba can do by creating this network of producers is to catalyze the creation of more instruments, engagement, and governance. So I feel like there is a clear transaction of story versus economic and financial support.

At times this has been done in a manner that is unfavourable for the African producers. What you get for your Euro is a lot less if you had spent that Euro in Africa, because there is lower cost of services, the social taxes are lesser, weakened exchange rates favoring the Euro, you get much more value for your money locally. Because of co-production regulations, the spending obligations, there are strings attached that come with the money and European producers buy a big piece of real stage in these projects and contribute very small parts to the artistic process. It doesn’t feel like a balanced exchange. And this is one of the things we hope that this conversation will inspire shifts.


It sounds a bit like the practice of colonisation in a way ...

Mehret Mandefro: We are de-colonising cinema! Yes, but I think there is another angle we are exploring which is: Starting to think through alternative models of distribution that can be more favourable for artists. I think the opportunity here is to build new standards and make it easier for local producers to have the vocabulary and feel empowered enough when they are going into their financial negotiations. In other words, to have the technical knowledge they need to re-imagine what distribution looks like. I think one thing that makes Indaba really unique as training programme is also the focus on leadership. And what that means cross-sectoral. You know, people we let in to this first cohort are quite impressive in their own right: commissioning editors, artistic directors of festivals, not just producers, so it’s a very interesting mix. I do think we need that cross-sectoral collaboration to begin to formalize an industry and start to think through, how you advocate for new financial instruments and policies. What do you say to your governments? Those kinds of conversations are in the gambit that we have imagined for the pedagogical training.


When you look at the first participants of Indaba, you can see that there are less producers with a project than participants with a career development focus. Has this to do what you just said?

Mehret Mandefro: I think instead of focusing on projects we are focusing on people and skills and what they can do beyond just one project. There are people who are not just producers in the end but who play a very essential role in terms of the ecosystem whether at a broadcaster’s company or in a festival. All of these parts are what you need to build up a local market. Our goal is to have people who are going to stay in their local markets and also make a change.


There are only few films from Africa to be seen in German or European cinema. Do you think you can raise the visibility of African films and stories in Europe and the USA?

Mehret Mandefro: I think we have a global moment for black stories as a whole, certainly in the U.S., there is a big moment right now. I think it’s very different from when I made my first fiction film; I still remember those problematic distribution conversations. It really encapsulated the problems with the industry. Sometimes in life there is timing that helps you. I think timing is helping us right now. And the other thing is, there are so many talented voices: one of the first projects that came out of Realness won at Sundance this year (This Is Not A Burial, It’s A Resurrection). And I think that our chances of amplifying these voices have increased because of the moment. But that takes work at many different levels, In the U.S. it’s still incredibly hard to get a good deal for an African film. Even if you won audience awards at prestigious festival, that doesn’t matter. Some of those structural barriers are beyond us but it’s a good time. There is a crack in the ceiling right now.


How difficult is it for African producers to find a co-producer in Europe or America?

Elias Ribeiro: There is a considerable lack of trust in a black producer. A lot of the selected participants made similar statements during their interviews. You often have to go through a white person to get what you want. What I gained the most from my training at EAVE was first of all confidence in what I’m doing. And to get shown formats of what is expected from me. That made it relatively easy because once I had those templates I put them to good use – and access. Access to the decision makers, this priceless opportunity of sitting with somebody across the table, have energy and personal connection, emotional connection. We hope that we are going to bring people around the table and offer a platform for these connections to be built and the participant’s access to networks and resources – direct access.


What are your aims with the project in the long run?

Mehret Mandefro: First of all to increase the volume of projects that make it to the international stage. To increase the ratio of developed projects that actually get made. It would be great to train people interested in contributing to building up their local market. Because one of the things you hear in these markets is: „We need a South-to-South storytelling, South-to-South collaborations, and South-to-South co-productions. We would love to see that happen. But that requires financing schemes that are put in place in order for that to happen. So we really want to make that a possibility. We want to be a part of a movement that help make that happen and I think that is a critical part of the larger vision.

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PUENTES project JESUS LOPEZ in development

Creative Europe

The following EAVE graduates have received Creative Europe development funding (slate funding) for their projects and companies:

  • Miha Cernec, STARA GARA, Slovenia
  • Maria Blicharska, DONTEN & LACROIX FILMS, Poland
  • Bostjan Virc, STUDIO VIRC, Slovenia
  • Laurette Schillings, TOPKAPI RIGHTS, Netherlands
  • Esko Rips, NAFTA FILMS, Estonia
  • Peter de Maegd, Lize Lefaible, POTEMKINO, Belgium
  • Cedric Bonin, SEPPIA, France
  • Leontine Petit, LEMMING FILM, Netherlands
  • Anne Katrine Andersen, ZENTROPA ENTERTAINMENT, Denmark
  • Ed Guiney, ELEMENT PICTURES, Ireland
  • Peter Badac, BFILM, Slovakia
  • Jon Nohrstedt, SF STUDIOS, Sweden
  • Arash T. Riahi, Karin C. Berger, GOLDEN GIRLS FILMPRODUKTION & FILMSERVICES, Austria
  • Dyveke Bjørkly Graver, Andrea Berentsen Ottmar, OSLO PICTURES, Norway
  • Joonas Berghäll, OKTOBER, Finland
  • Viktoria Petranyi, PROTON CINEMA, Hungary
  • Laura Sinovcic, 4FILM, Croatia
  • Jonas Weydemann, WEYDEMANN BROS, Germany
  • Valerie Delpierre, INICIA FILMS, Spain
  • Denis Vaslin, Fleur Knopperts, VOLYA FILMS, Netherlands
  • Ana Alexieva, AGITPROP, Bulgaria
  • Lilian Klages, PARKA PICTURES, Denmark
  • Jozsef Berger, MYTHBERG FILMS, Hungary
  • Amanda Livanou, NEDA FILM, Greece
  • Ruben Thorkildsen, APE&BJORN, Norway
  • Julie Esparbes, HELICOTRONC, Belgium
  • Alba Sotorra Clua, ALBA SOTORRA SL, Spain
  • Jon Hammer, ADOMEIT FILM, Denmark
  • Enrica Capra, GRAFFITIDOC, Italy
  • Kristin Ulseth, MAIPO FILM, Norway
  • Danijel Hocevar, VERTIGO, Slovenia
  • Claire McClaughey, TREASURE ENTERTAINMENT, Ireland


Baltic Sea Docs

Selected for by Baltic Sea Docs, the Latvian co-financing forum of international documentary projects:

  • LOVE IN THE TIME OF CORONA by Virginija Vareikyte, Maximilien Dejoie, producer: EAVE graduate Dagne Vildziunaite
  • NORD EXPRESS by Karlis Lesins, producer: EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • THE LAND by Ivars Seleckis, producer: EAVE+ graduate Gints Grube
  • WE ARE ANIMALS by Saila Kivelä, Vesa Kuosmanen, producers: EAVE graduates Elli Toivoniemi, Venla Hellstedt


RED DUST by Moussa Touré, producer: EAVE graduate Marion Guth is in preparation. The story, written in collaboration with EAVE graduate Stéphan Roelants: In the community of Saint Louis in Senegal, the installation of a Chinese merchant is causing a stir. Souleymane, a young Senegalese employed in the store, tries to quiet the situation, which is becoming increasingly explosive as red dust invades the neighbourhood, exacerbating resentments and unspoken accusations. RED DUST is being produced by Luxembourgish outfit a_BAHN and Dakar-based Les Films du Crocodile (Senegal). The project is backed by Film Fund Luxembourg and will be released in 2022.


PUENTES project JESUS LOPEZ by Maximiliano Schonfeld, producer: PUENTES graduate Georgina Baisch resumes shooting. Shooting had to be cancelled after three weeks due to Covid. A CNC funding provided the needed extra support to finish the film. The plot: Abel is a purposeless teenager who lives in inner Argentina. Jesus López was his cousin and he died in a motorcycle accident. Abel takes his place and the environment of Jesus López, at first, is seduced by the idea of double. But soon enough, they begin to be uncomfortable. However, Abel is not willing to abandon that borrowed life without giving a fight. Supported by: Mecenazgo Cultural (Argentina), National Fund for the Arts (Argentina), INCAA (Argentina). Winner of BAL, BAFICI 2019 – Puentes/EAVE – Tres Puertos Cine, selected for San Sebastian Film Festival’s WIP LATAM section.


PUENTES project SHOCK LABOR by Marcos Diaz Sosa, producer: PUENTES graduate Maria Carla del Rio, EAVE graduates Gema Juarez Allen and Sandino Saravia Vinay is shooting. Teh film is a darkly comic portrait of Cuban society: A disenchanted young pregnant woman is afraid of getting stuck in the small Cuban town where she lives. But when a tornado whisks her away to a luxury resort – where her competitive shooting skills turn her into a celebrity amongst the island’s Communist elite – she comes to realize, like a Hollywood heroine of a bygone era, that there’s no place like home. Using absurdist humor and a surrealist pastiche of styles – drawing on everything from The Wizard of Oz to Soviet-era propaganda films – the film looks at how younger Cubans are reexamining the assumptions of the past in order to “question the romantic patriotism” of their parents’ generation.

The project will be presented in Ventana Sur this week during Proyecta, a new collaboration with the San Sebastian Film Festival to foster co-productions with and within Latin America.

The hotly anticipated title was developed at the Sundance Directors and Screenwriters Lab and has been invited to participate at the Berlinale Co-Production Market, Cannes’ La Fabrique des Cinémas du Monde, the Guadalajara Co-Production Meetings and the Sørfond Pitching Forum.

SHOCK LABOR has received support from the likes of Programa Ibermedia, the Tribeca Film Institute’s Latin American Fund, as well as World Cinema Amsterdam’s Go Cuba! Initiative, and was awarded by Switzerland’s Visions Sud Est fund.

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TTB project MEMORY OF WATER now in production

  • À L’OMBRE DES FILLES by Etienne Comar, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri is shooting. Written by the director, the script centres on Luc, a renowned lyric singer, who agrees to give singing lessons in a women's prison. Reluctant at first, Carole, Jeannine, Noor, Jess, Marzena and Catherine soon get Luc’s full attention as he tries to contain their strong and unpredictable temperaments just as the prison undergoes disturbances. How will he manage to keep them in harmony? Will he be able to make them experience a new kind of freedom through singing? And at what cost? Produced by Didar Domehri for Maneki Films and Étienne Comar for Arches Films, À L’OMBRE DES FILLES is co-produced by Belgian company Versus Productions (Jacques-Henri Bronckart and Gwenaëlle Libert), and counts among its partners the Soficas Manon and SG Image, Canal+, Ciné+, the RTBF, Proximus and Be TV. It also benefits from the support of Wallimage and Inver Tax Shelter. For the record, the project was developed with the support of the CNC’s development grant, of the ANGOA and of Indéfilms Initiative.


  • MONTE VERITÀ by Stefan Jäger, co-producer: EAVE graduates Gabriele Kranzelbinder, Babara Pichler is shooting. MONTE VERITÀ is a story of emancipation set in 1906, at the titular artists’ health spa in Ascona, Ticino, which channeled much of the groundswell of forces challenging the then Belle Époque bourgeois conservatism: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis, the fight for women’s rights, free dance love and even vegan food. The script, penned by Cornelia Naraks, focuses on a young woman called Hanna Leitner, who feels suffocated by the rigid routine imposed by her husband Anton and their two daughters. She then begins to suffer chronic asthma attacks and rejects Anton’s sexual advances, which causes him to dispatch her to a neurologist, Otto Gross, a disciple of Freud. When Hanna is raped by her husband, she follows Gross in an act of desperation and finally experiences a freedom she has never known. The film is being produced by Zurich-Berlin based outfit Tellfilm and co-produced by Austria’s KGP Filmproduction and Germany’s Cologne Coin Film.


  • ENTRE LA VIE ET LA MORT by Giordano, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean Yves Roubin is shooting. The film follows the journey of Leo Castaneda. Leo is a Spanish man living in Brussels, where he drives the subway trains of line 6. One evening, he locks eyes with a young man standing on the platform. His eyes are feverish with despair, his face familiar… Leo recognises his son Hugo, just as the latter tragically disappears under the rails. Leo, who hadn’t seen his son for more than two years, will discover that Hugo was involved in a bloody robbery. He will have to face violent criminals in order to try and understand the reasons behind his son’s death. The film is produced by Frakas Production and co-produced by Noodle Productions (France), Fasten Films (Spain) and Eyeworks (Belgium). Filming will take place mostly in Brussels, this summer.


  • NON MI UCCIDERE by Andrea de Sica, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli is shooting. Written by Gianni Romoli, the collective GRAMS and De Sica himself, and freely inspired by Chiara Palazzolo’s novel of the same name, Non mi uccidere is an intense love story with touches of horror: Mirta loves Robin like crazy, and he promises to love her forever. One full moon night, their desire for transgressions costs them both their lives. But the girl wakes up and can only hope that Robin will do the same, just as he promised her. But nothing is as it was. Mirta realises that she has been transformed into a creature which, in order to survive, must feed on human flesh. She is scared. Hunted by mysterious men, she fights in her desperate search for Robin. Supported by IDM Südtirol – Alto Adige and MIBACT – Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo.


  • MAN-DOG by Stefan Constantinescu, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon, co-producers: EAVE graduates Nina Frese and Peter Possne is shooting. The film is a story about love and exile happening during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the paranoia, the alienation, the absurd humour and the fear of an imminent disaster melt in a film noir structure. MAN-DOG is produced by microFILM (Romania), KLAS Film (Bulgaria), Doppelganger (Sweden) and Pandora Film (Germany), in association with nomada.solo (Romania) and Visual Walkabout (Romania), and in coproduction with HiFilm Productions (Romania), Film i Väst (Sweden), Shoot&Post (Sweden), Auditory (Sweden). The project is supported by the Romanian Film Centre (CNC), MEDIA-Creative Europe, the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, and it is financed by Cinema City Romania, Dr. Oetker, Garanti BBVA, MediaCom. Man-Dog was developed during the First Films First and Les Arcs Coproduction Village programmes.


  • LOVABLE by Stanislavs Tokalovs, producers: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Latvia Aija Berzina and EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä is shooting. The film’s main character is a young man Matiss, who has difficulties forming relationship based on love and trust. Only when he has to take care of a little girl Paula, he becomes more sensitive and responsive to the surrounding world. The project is supported by the National Film Centre of Latvia. LOVABLE was developed at ACE Producers Workshop and in ScriptEast project development programme, and it was also presented at Baltic Event within the Black Nights Film Festival in Tallinn.


  • TTB project MEMORY OF WATER by Saara Saarela, producers: EAVE and TTB graduate Mark Lwoff, EAVE graduate Misha Jaari, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese is shooting in Estonia. The shooting of the Finnish/Estonian/German/Norwegian co-production was supposed to start in spring 2020 but was postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Finland’s Bufo is producing in coproduction with Estonia’s Allfilm, Germany’s Pandora Film and Norway’s Mer Film.

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PETIT FLEUR by Santiago Mitre now in post-production

  • PETITE FLEUR by Santiago Mitre, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, co-producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido is in post-production. Written by Santiago Mitre and Mariano Llinas, the script is an adaptation of the novel Petite Fleur by the Argentine writer Iosi Havilio. The story centres around José, an Argentine national who has recently moved to France with his partner and daughter, and who makes the acquaintance of his neighbour. On an impulse, whilst listening to the jazz piece Petite Fleur, he kills his new friend. However, the next day, to José’s astonishment, his neighbour is the picture of health. He decides to kill him again. It’s at this point that José finds himself caught up in a strange new daily routine: looking after the baby and the house, trying to save his relationship… and killing his unwitting neighbour... Produced by Didar Domehri on behalf of Paris-based firm Maneki Films and co-produced by the Argentine firm La Unión de Los Ríos, by the Belgian outfits Panache Productions and La Compagnie Cinématographique, by the Spanish group Setembro Cine, but also by the French firm Logical Pictures and the regional outfit Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinéma. Supported by Eurimages, Argentina’s National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts INCAA and the Île de France region (in partnership with the CNC), the feature film has been pre-purchased by Ciné+ and is shored up by Movie Tax Invest. Developed with the backing of the CNC and its Aide au développement (Development Grant), and supported by Creative Europe Media, Indéfilms Initiative, B Media Développement, Procirep, and the Provence-Alpes-Côté d'Azur region.

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EAVE project 200 METERS picked up by True Colours

  • EAVE project 200 METERS by Ameen Nayfeh, produced by EAVE graduate May Odeh, co-producer EAVE graduate Julia Gebauer has been picked up by True Colours which has secured international sales rights.


  • SWEAT by Magnus von Horn, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski has been acquired by the streaming platform MUBI for USA, Latin America, India and Turkey. This Polish/Swedish co-production was selected in Cannes 2020 Official Selection. The Warsaw-based New Europe Film Sales is handling the sales.

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21 films by EAVE graduates nominated for European Film Awards

American Academy Awards / The Oscars

The first film by an EAVE graduate has been nominated to represent its country in the International Feature Film category at the Oscars:

  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producers: EAVE graduates Mariusz Wlodarski, Aga Wasiak – Poland


European Film Awards

Due to Covid-19 and the related restrictions, the EFA Feature Film Selection 2020 is announced in two steps. The European Film Academy and EFA Productions have announced the titles of the 32 films in the first part, the second part will be announced in September. The 33rd European Film Awards with the presentation of the winners will take place on 12 December in Reykjavik.

The selected feature and documentary films:

  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • ADULTS IN THE ROOM by Costa-Gavras, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras
  • ATLANTIS by Valentyn Vasyanovych, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko
  • BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ by Burhan Qurbani, producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Derk-Jan Warrink, Marleen Slot
  • BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH by Najwa Najjar, producer: EAVE graduate Paul Thiltges, Adrien Chef
  • CAT IN THE WALL by Mina Mileva, TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, producer: TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, co-producer: TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher
  • COLLECTIVE by Alexander Nanau, producer: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux
  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan
  • DAU. NATASHA by Ilya Khrzhanovskiy, Jekaterina Oertel, producer: EAVE+ graduate Artem Vasilyev  
  • ECHO (BERGMAL) by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • THE EUPHORIA OF BEING by Réka Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo
  • FATHER by Srdan Golubovic, producers: EAVE graduate and group leader Danijel Hocevar, EAVE graduate Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo 
  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne
  • LITTLE GIRL by Sébastien Lifshitz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström
  • PERSIAN LESSONS by Vadim Perelman, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jamila Wenske
  • MARTIN EDEN by Pietro Marcello, producer: EAVE graduate Anastasia Michelagnoli
  • SERVANTS by Ivan Ostrochovsky, co-producer: EAVE graduate Oana Giurgiu, Tudor Giurgiu
  • THE EARTH IS BLUE AS AN ORANGE by Iryna Tsilyk, producer: EAVE graduate Giedre Zickyte
  • UPPERCASE PRINT by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • WALCHENSEE FOREVER by Janna Ji Wonders, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Heisler
  • WILDLAND by Jeanette Nordahl, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, Eva Jakobsen


Nominated for this year’s Nordic Council Film Prize:

  • DOGS DON’T WEAR PANTS by J-P Valkeapää, producers: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy, B’EST graduate Helen Vinogradov, co-producers: B’EST graduate Alise Gelze and EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • ECHO (BERGMAL) by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler

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Heart of Sarajevo for Best Feature Film for EXILE

Locarno Film Festival

  • CHOCOBAR by Lucrecia Martel, producers: EAVE graduate Benjamin Domenech, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors has won the Pardo 2020 for the production of the best international project.
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach has won Cinema&Gioventù – “Environment is quality of life” Prize.


Transilvania International Film Festival

  • PATRICK by Tim Mielants, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jacques-Henri Bronckart, Peter Bouckaert, Frans van Gestel has won Best Director
  • FIDELITY by Nigina Sayfullaeva, co-producers: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille, B’EST graduate Pavel Odynin has won Best Performance.

Romanian Days

  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan has won Best Feature
  • IVANA THE TERRIBLE by Ivana Mladenovic, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon has received a Special Mention
  • EVERYTHING WILL NOT BE FINE by Adrian Pîrvu, Helena Maksyom, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon has won the FIPRESCI Award.



  • KRETSUL by Alexandra Likhacheva and produced by B’EST graduate Anna Shalashina of WISH Media (Russia) has won the Eurimages co-production development award. The jury composed of Marianne Dumoulin and Miroslav Mogorovich, together with Eduart Makri for Eurimages, chose to support this project which tells us the story of a human victory, based on the friendship between two sportsmen who manage to overcome their drama thanks to their tenacity and an exceptional friendship. Based on contemporary true events, it tells a winner’s story in a different way, where success is based on human values.


Sarajevo Film Festival

  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin has won the Heart of Sarajevo for Best Feature Film
  • THE ISLAND WITHIN directed and produced by B’EST graduate Ru Hasanov has won the Heart of Sarajevo for Best Director
  • DIGGER by Georgis Grigorakis, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa has won the Heart of Sarajevo for Best Actor
  • HOLY FATHER by Andrei Dascalescu, producer: EAVE & TTB graduate Anda Iulia Ionescu ahs won the Special Jury Award in the Competition Programme - Documentary Film
  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan has received the Human Rights Award
  • GARAGE PEOPLE by Natalija Yefimkina, producer: EAVE graduate Dirk Decker has scooped the Audientia Award 2020.

Cinelink Awards

  • EAVE graduate Vasilis Chrysanthopoulos has been selected to participate in the 2021 edition of EAVE+. (EAVE+ Award)
  • ULBOLSYN by Adilkhan Yerzhanov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille has received the Turkish National Radio and Television Award
  • VERA DREAMS OF THE SEA by Kaltrina Krasniqi, producer: EAVE graduate Shkumbin Istrefi has won the Post Republic Award
  • MOON 66 QUESTIONS by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate: Fenia Cossovitsa has received the Cinelink Iridium Award
  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin has won the Cineuropa Award.


Haugesund - The Norwegian International Film Festival - New Nordic Films

  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne wins Best Actress (Andrea Bræin Hovig) and Best Production Design (Jørgen Stangebye Larsen) at the Norwegian International Film Festival Haugesund.
  • DOGBORN by Isabella Carbonell, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies has won the Best Project Award at the Nordic Co-Production and Finance Market.
  • EXCESS WILL SAVE US – THE MOVIE by Morgane Dziurla-Petit, producer: EAVE participant Fredrik Lange has received a Special Mention from the Eurimages Lab Project Award jury.


Swedish Kristallen Award

  • LOVE ME by Josefine Bornebusch, producer: EAVE graduate Sofie Palage wins the Swedish Kristallen Award for Best TV Drama of the Year.


Hong Kong International Film Festival

  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane has won 3 awards, namely the Firebird Award, Best Actress and the FIPRESCI prize at the Hong Kong International Film Festival, Young Cinema Competition (World).


Hong Kong – Asia Film Financing Forum

  • STRANGER EYES by Yeo Siew Hua, producer: EAVE & TTB graduate Fran Borgia won the HAF Fiction Award (non Hong Kong project)


Amman International Film Festival

  • INSHALLA A BOY by Amjad Al-Rasheed, produced by EAVE Rula Nasser has received US $7,500 from Société Générale de Banque – Jordanie as Amman Film Industry Days (AFID) prize in Development category for Jordanian projects.

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EAVE project SOLE in French cinemas

In French cinemas

  • THE PERFECT CANDIDATE directed and produced by Interchange graduate Haifaa Al-Mansour. August 12.

  • EPICENTRO by Hubert Sauper, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder. August 19.

  • EAVE project SOLE by Carlo Sironi, producers: EAVE graduates Giovanni Pompili, Agnieszka Wasiak. September 3.


In Belgian cinemas

  • BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ by Burhan Qurbani, producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Derk-Jan Warrink, Marleen Slot. August 5.


In Dutch cinemas

  • BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ by Burhan Qurbani, producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Derk-Jan Warrink, Marleen Slot. August 6.

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project WHITE ON WHITE (BLANCO EN BLANCO) by Théo Court, producer: PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi. August 6.


In Austrian cinemas

  • WAREN EINMAL REVOLUZZER by Johanna Moder, producer: EAVE graduate Oliver Neumann. August 28.

  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan. August 21.

  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin. August 6.

  • BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ by Burhan Qurbani, producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Derk-Jan Warrink, Marleen Slot. August 6.


In German cinemas

  • GIRAFFE by Anna Sofie Hartmann, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach. August 6.

  • DEUX by Filippo Meneghetti, co-producers: EAVE graduates Elise André and Donnato Rotunno. August 6.

  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin. August 19.

  • YALDA, A NIGHT FOR FORGIVENESS by Massoud Bakhshi, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Dumoulin, co-producers: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu. August 19.


In Danish cinemas

  • SYSTEM CRASHER by Nora Fingscheidt, producer: TTB group leader, EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann. August 27.


In Norwegian cinemas

  • PROXIMA by Alice Winocour, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese. August 28.

  • DEUX by Filippo Meneghetti, co-producers: EAVE graduates Elise André and Donnato Rotunno. August 28.


In Romanian cinemas

  • THE EXIT OF THE TRAINS by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon. August 28.


In Spanish cinemas

  • A LAND IMAGINED by Siew Hua Yeo, producer: EAVE graduate Fran Borgia, co-producers: EAVE graduates Jean-Laurent Csinidis and Denis Vaslin. August 26.

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EAVE project 200 METERS selected for Venice Days

Melbourne International Film Festival, Australia (August 6 – 23)

  • ATLANTIS by Valentyn Vasyanovych, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko
  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan
  • DIGGER by Georgis Grigorakis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • THE FEVER by Maya Da-Rin, producer: PUENTES graduate Leonardo Mecchi, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • MARONA’S FANTASTIC TALE, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Anca Damian, co-producer: EAVE graduate Tomas Leyers


Dokufest Prizren (August 7 – 25)

  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • COLLECTIVE by Alexander Nanau, producer: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux
  • DOGS BARKING AT BIRDS by Leonor Teles, producer: EAVE graduate Filipa Reis
  • EPICENTRO by Hubert Sauper, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder
  • JOURNEY TO UTOPIA by Erlend Eirik Mo, producer: EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller
  • JOZI GOLD by Sylvia Vollenhoven, Fredrik Gertten, producer: EAVE graduate Margarete Jangård
  • OROSLAN by Matjaz Ivanisin, producer: EAVE graduate Miha Cernec
  • PHASES OF MATTER by Deniz Tortum, producers: EAVE graduates Anna Maria Aslanoglu, Asli Erdem
  • TALES FROM THE PRISON CELL by Abel Visky, producers: EAVE graduate Eszter Gyarfas, EAVE graguate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petrányi
  • THE EXIT OF THE TRAINS by Radu Jude, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost
  • WALCHENSEE FOREVER by Janna Ji Wonders, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Heisler


Locarno Film Festival (August 7 – 17)

The films after tomorrow

  • CHOCOBAR by Lucrecia Martel, producers: EAVE graduate Benjamin Domenech, co-producers: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors
  • EUREKA by Lisandro Alonso, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • HUMAN FLOWERS OF FLESH by Helena Wittmann, producer: TTB participant Julia Cöllen
  • I COME FROM IKOTUN by Wang Bing, producer: TTB participant Julia Cöllen
  • LITTLE SOLANGE by Axelle Ropert, producer: B’EST graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • WHEN THE WAVES ARE GONE by Lav Diaz, producers: TTB graduate and group leader Bianca Balbuena, TTB graduates Bradley Liew, Mikkel Jersin, EAVE graduate Katrin Pors

Pardi di Domani

  • BREAK by Levente Kölcsey, producer: EAVE graduate Balazs Zachar
  • THE END OF SUFFERING by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • THE PARALLEL STATE by Octav Chelaru, producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu

Through the Open Doors

  • NECKTIE YOUTH by Sibs Shongwe-La Mer, producer: EAVE graduate Elias Ribeiro
  • ON THE EDGE (SUR LA PLANCHE) by Leila Kilani, producer: EAVE graduate Hanneke Van der Tas


Sarajevo Film Festival (August 16 – 23)

Feature Film Competition

  • OTTO THE BARBARIANby Ruxandra Ghitescu, producer: EAVE graduate Iuliana Tarnovetchi
  • THE ISLAND WITHIN directed and produced by B’EST graduate Ru Hasanov
  • DIGGER by Georgis Grigorakis, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Fenia Cossovitsa
  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin

Documentary Competition

  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • HOLY FATHER by Andrei Dascalescu, producer: EAVE & TTB graduate Anda Iulia Ionescu
  • IN PRAISE OF LOVE by Tamara Drakuli, producer: EAVE participant Jelena Angelovski
  • NENAD by Mladen Bundalo, producer: EAVE graduate Zoran Galic
  • GARAGE PEOPLE by Natalija Yefimkina, producer: EAVE graduate Dirk Decker
  • HOUSE OF DOLLS by Tudor Platon, producer: EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon
  • HER MOTHERS by Asia Der, Sari Haragonics, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo
  • RETURN TO EPIPO by Judit Olah, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo
  • THE PAGEANT by Eytan Ipeker, producer: EAVE graduate Carine Chichkowsky
  • WOOD by EAVE graduates Ebba Sinzinger, Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, Michaela Kirst, producers: EAVE graduates Ebba Sinzinger, Monica Lazurean-Gorgan

CineLink Co-production Market

  • FLAME by György Mor Karpati, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Hungary Viktoria Petranyi
  • LUNA PARK by Florenc Papas, producer: EAVE graduate Ioanna Bolomyti
  • ONE MONTH, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Maya Vitkova-Kosev
  • OUR FATHER by Goran Stankovic, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen
  • THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO KIMON by Neritan Zinxhiria, producer: EAVE graduate Vasilis Chrysanthopoulos

CineLink Work In Progress

  • ELA ILE HILMI & ALI by Ziya Demirel, producer: EAVE graduate Anna Maria Aslanoglu
  • THE LAST PROJECTIONIST by Alex Bakri, co-producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh
  • MOON 66 QUESTIONS by Jacqueline Lentzou, producer: EAVE+ graduate: Fenia Cossovitsa
  • STREAMS by Mehdi Hmili, co-producer: EAVE graduate Donato Rotunno
  • ULBOLSYN by Adilkhan Yerzhanov, co-producer: EAVE graduate Guillaume de Seille
  • VERA DREAMS OF THE SEA by Kaltrina Krasniqi, producer: EAVE graduate Shkumbin Istrefi


Haugesund - The Norwegian International Film Festival - New Nordic Films (August 14 – 21)

  • EAVE project BREAKING SURFACE by Joachim Hedén, opening film, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Sweden Julia Gebauer
  • ECHO (BERGMAL) by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • BINTI by Frederike Migom, producer: EAVE graduate Katleen Goossens
  • CALL MOM! by Lisa Aschan, producer: EAVE graduate Anna-Maria Kantarius
  • DEUX by Filippo Meneghetti, co-producers: EAVE graduates Elise André and Donnato Rotunno
  • EXCESS WILL SAVE US – THE MOVIE by Morgane Dziurla-Petit, producer: EAVE participant Fredrik Lange
  • FOREST GIANT by Ville Jankeri, producer: EAVE+ graduate Jukka Helle
  • GAMES PEOPLE PLAY by Jenni Toivoneimi, producer: EAVE graduate Elli Toivoneimi
  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne
  • MY GRANDPA IS AN ALIEN by Marina Andree Skop, Drazen Zarkovic, producer: EAVE graduate Darija Kulenovic Gudan
  • PROXIMA by Alice Winocour, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese
  • SOW THE WIND by Danilo Caputo, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Dumoulin
  • SWEAT by Magnus von Horn, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski
  • THE GIRL WITH A BRACELET by Stéphane Demoustier, producer: EAVE graduate Jean des Forêts, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • TOO FAR AWAY (ZU WEIT WEG) by Sarah Winkenstette, producer: TTB group leader, EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann
  • WILDLAND by Jeanette Nordahl, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin

Among the 16 projects in development presented at the Nordic Co-Production and Finance Market, are the following projects by EAVE graduates:

  • DOGBORN by Isabella Carbonell, producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies
  • FRIDAY by Alli Haapasalo, producer: EAVE graduate Leila Lyytikäinen
  • KALAK by Isabella Eklöf, co-producer: EAVE graduate David Herdies
  • MISTER by Emily Atef, co-producers: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, EAVE graduate and EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges
  • SHIJA by Marja Pyykkö, producers: EAVE graduates Venla Hellstedt, Elli Toivoniemi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Kristine Knudsen, Annemiek van der Hell
  • THE SQUIRREL by Markus Lehmusruusu, producer: EAVE graduate Leila Lyytikäinen, co-producer: B’EST graduate Lukas Trimonis
  • TUESDAY CLUB by Annika Appelin, co-producer: EAVE graduate Peter Possne


SANFIC Chile (August 16 – 23)

  • EAVE Marketing Workshop project WHITE ON WHITE (BLANCO EN BLANCO) by Théo Court, producer: PUENTES graduate Giancarlo Nasi
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane
  • SIBERIA by Aberl Ferrara, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli


Filmfestival Kitzbühel (August 24 – 30)

  • MATRIOCHKAS by Bérangère Mc Neese, producer: EAVE graduate Julie Esparbes
  • WHERE NO ONE KNOWS US by EAVE graduate Arash T. Riahi


Film Francophone d’Angoulême  (August 28 – September 2)

  • CAPERNAUM by Nadine Labaki, co-produced by EAVE graduate Pierre Sarraf
  • SI LE VENT TOMBE by Nora Matryosian, producer: EAVE graduate Annabella Nezri


Hong Kong International Film Festival (cancelled)

Gala Presentation

  • DAU. NATASHA by Ilya Khrzhanovskiy, Jekaterina Oertel, producer: EAVE+ graduate Artem Vasilyev
  • PROXIMA by Alice Winocour, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese

Firebird Award

  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane
  • THIS IS NOT A MOVIE by Yung Chang, producer: EAVE graduate Ingmar Trost
  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan

Masters and Auteurs

  • THE WHISTLERS by Corneliu Porumboiu, producers: EAVE graduates Jonas Dornbach and Marcela Ursu
  • MALMKROG by Cristi Puiu, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic, Dan Wechsler, Peter Possne, Labina Mitevska

World Cinema

  • ATLANTIS by Valentyn Vasyanovych, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko
  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan
  • THE FEVER by Myay Da Rin, producer: EAVE graduate PUENTES graduate Leonardo Mecchi, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • GHOST TROPIC by Bas Devos, producer: EAVE graduate Tomas Leyers, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoit Roland
  • MARTIN EDEN by , producer: EAVE graduate Anastasia Michelagnoli
  • NASIR by Arun Karthick, producers: EAVE participant Mathivanan Rajendran and EAVE graduate Reiner Selen 
  • EAVE project SOLE by Carlo Sironi, producers: EAVE graduates Giovanni Pompili, Agnieszka Wasiak
  • THE UNKNOWN SAINT by Alaa Eddine Aljem, producer: PUENTES graduate Alexa Rivero


  • ANDREY TARKOVSKY. A CINEMA PRAYER by EAVE graduate Peter Kropenin
  • KUBRICK BY KUBRICK by TTB graduate Jeremy Zelnik


  • MARONA’S FANTASTIC TALE, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Anca Damian, co-producer: EAVE graduate Tomas Leyers


Pula Film Festival (August 29 – September 4)

  • DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE by Martin Turk, producer: EAVE graduate Ida Weiss
  • FATHER by Srdan Golubovic, producers: EAVE graduates Danijel Hocevar, Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo 
  • I AM FRANK by Metod Pevec, producer: EAVE group leader Danijel Hocevar
  • THE BAREFOOT EMPEROR, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth, co-producers: EAVE graduates Frans van Gestel, Arnold Heslenfeld and Laurette Schillings
  • EAVE project THE SON by Ines Tanovic, producer: EAVE graduate Zdenka Gold


Venice International Film Festival  (August 29 – September 8)

Main Competition

  • LE SORELLE MACALUSO by Emma Dante, producer: EAVE graduate Marica Stocchi
  • MISS MARX by Susanna Nicchiarelli, producers: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, TTB graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN by Malgorzata Szumowska and Michal Englert, producers: EAVE graduates Mariusz Wlodarski, Aga Wasiak
  • PIECES OF A WOMAN by Kornel Mundruczo, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • QUO VADIS‚ AIDA? by Jasmila Zbanic, producer: EAVE participant Cristian Nicolescu


  • APPLES by Christos Nikou, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski
  • LA NUIT DES ROIS by Philippe Lacote, producer: EAVE+ graduate Yanick Letourneau
  • THE MAN WHO SOLD HIS SKIN by Kaouther Ben Hania, producers: EAVE graduates Martin Hampel, Annabella Nezri

Venice Gap-Financing Market

  • EAVE project A GIRL’S ROOM by Aino Suni, producer: EAVE graduate Sebastien Aubert
  • EL PROFUGO by Natalia Meta, producer: PUENTES graduate Benjamin Domenech
  • LES CAHIERS by Joana Hadjithomas and Khalil Joreige, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine
  • MISTER by by Emily Atef, producer: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, co-producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges
  • OCCUPIED CITY by Steve McQueen, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • PICCOLO CORPO by Laura Samani, producer: EAVE graduate Nadia Trevisan
  • SWEET DREAMS by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate Leontine Petit
  • THE FAUN by Augusto Zanovello, producer: EAVE graduate Anca Damian
  • TRANSAMAZONIA by Pia Marais, producer: EAVE+ graduate Tom Dercourt
  • A PICTURE BOOK by Kana Tomoko, producer: TTB graduate Mari Mukai


Venice International Critics Week

  • SHORTA by Anders Ølholm and Frederik Louis Hviid, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Leick Jensen
  • THE BOOK OF VISION by Carlo S. Hintermann, co-producer: EAVE graduate Sebastien Delloye
  • THE FLOOD WON’T COME by Marat Sargsyan, producer: EAVE graduate Ieva Norviliene


Giornate degli Autori (Venice Days)

  • EAVE project 200 METERS by Ameen Nayfeh, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh
  • OASIS by Ivan Ikic, producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic, EAVE graduate Marija Stojanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Miha Cernec, Derk-Jan Warrink, Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia and Herzegovina Amra Baksic-Camo
  • MY TENDER MATADOR by Rodrigo Sepulveda, producers: PUENTES graduates Florencia Larrea, Alejandro Israel, Ezequiel Borovinsky
  • SAINT-NARCISSE by Bruce LaBruce, producer: EAVE+ graduate Nicolas Comeau
  • THE NEW GOSPEL by Milo Rau, world premiere, producer: EAVE participant Sebastian Lemke


Festivals cancelled and postponed


  • Festival de Cinéma Douarnenez (August 14 – 28)

  • European Film Festival Palic (August 8 –14)

  • Vukovar Film Festival, Croatia  (August 23 – 26)

  • Festival of Slovenian Film postponed to October 6 – 11

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@Durban Film Mart, September 4, online

EAVE Programme Manager Europe Satu Elo

@EAVE+, September 22-27, Luxembourg

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges

EAVE Programme Manager Europe Satu Elo

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Creative Producer Indaba was created to provide professional training and hone the leadership skills of tenacious producers interested in building the African film industry. In this spirit, Indaba’s Opening Assembly on 28th of August will take place as a Conversation on Leadership, moderated by African Group Leader and Realness Institute Co-Founder, Mehret Mandefro (A51 Pictures, Ethiopia and Truth Aid, USA). Our guests in conversation will be Tabitha Jackson - Director of Sundance Film Festival, Cara Mertes - Project Director of Moving Image Strategies at the Ford Foundation, and Makhosazana Khanyile - CEO of the National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa (NFVF). Furthermore there will be sessions with international producers and experts, including IFFR’s Hubert Bals Fund Manager Fay Breeman who will host a session on the process of funding applications.

The opening conversation is a highlight of our program as our leadership luminaries discuss what it means to: 1) to be a leader, 2) to build media infrastructure and support‘, and 3) to support artists. Each of our guests has an impressive track record of leading, building, and funding creative work globally. Tabitha Jackson’s belief in the arts as a public good has filtered into her work over an expansive career of 25 years in film and public broadcasting, where she has uplifted independent and diverse voices in cinema and other art forms. Throughout her career as a nonprofit executive, award-winning executive producer and producer/director, broadcast programmer, curator, teacher, and writer, Cara Mertes has championed the leadership role of artists in society, and worked to harness the power of cultural expression to amplify awareness and accelerate progressive change. Makhosazana Khanyile has worked in media and broadcasting, with a focus on strategies and programming for the African continent for MNet and Fox Network Group. At the NFVF, she provides leadership to the most robust funding agency in Africa, bringing her expertise in forming long-term strategies in building the country’s filmmaking infrastructure.

“The new world order gave us the opportunity to tap into the most incredible professionals all over the globe to contribute to our program.” Says Creative Director of the Realness Institute and Indaba Head of Studies, Elias Ribeiro. “We are thrilled for Indaba participants and hope they will pay it forward in being active builders of the African Film Industry. We can achieve so much together by sharing information, good will and stablishing a network of producers all over the continent that is engaging their governments and policy makers to catalyze the establishment of new financial instruments and more public efforts in utilizing the powerful nation building tool that Cinema is.”

The first of two workshops then proceeds over two weeks with plenary sessions run by producers and experts who embody the spirit of the program itself. They are all leaders and are active professionals in their own countries. The participants will be mentored by Group Leaders Diana Elbaum (Beluga Tree, Belgium) and Mehret Mandefro. The plenary workshops will be led by: Ama Ampadu (Saturday Films, UK); Cait Pansegrouw (Urucu, South Africa); Dayo Ogunyemi (Zuri 24 Media, Nigeria); Effie Brown (Gamechanger, USA); Femi Odugbemi (234 Media, Nigeria); Katy Lena (IndigoMood Films, Senegal); Linda Beath (Ideal Filmworks, Italy); Rosa Attab (France) and Steven Markowitz (Big World Cinema, South Africa). With a pulse on current industry trends, Indaba has invited Christopher Mack (Director of Creative Talent Investment and Development, Netflix) to host a masterclass on how packaging content for streaming platforms.

Fay Breeman, the manager of International Film Festival Rotterdam’s Hubert Bals Fund will be hosting an interactive session with both the Realness Screenwriters’ Residency and the Indaba participants. As the only international public fund that supports the development of African projects, this will be a fruitful exchange that will allow the producers to meet with Fay Breeman to discuss the application process and ask questions.

The producers will also have the opportunity to engage with the Realness screenwriting residents in an informal networking mixer. We see a clear overlap in the Screenwriters' Residency and Indaba as an opportunity to bring these projects into contact with the Indaba producers, with the possibility of them collaborating. Creative Producer Indaba, which will start its program on the 31st of August, was conceptualized as a vehicle to hone the creative and entrepreneurial skills of producers working in Africa. The program design and financing was helmed by URUCU producer and leader in his own right, Elias Ribeiro, co-founder of the Realness Institute. He led CTIFMF Industry Program in 2018 and serves as an advisory board member to Ladima Foundation and Screen Worlds.

The schedule for the online plenaries can be found on the Realness Institute website at To request access to the online Plenaries and Talks as an observer please contact: Space will be made available on a first come first serve basis until we reach capacity.

Realness Institute presents Creative Producer Indaba in partnership with EAVE, International Film Festival Rotterdam’s IFFR Pro, Sundance Institute; with the support of DOC A, National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa, French Institute of South Africa and IEFTA.

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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