
EAVE August News 2018

SPECIAL FOR EAVE PRODUCERS: Asian Project Market in Busan - DL Sept. 5

Dear EAVE Producers,

We are very pleased to inform you that - thanks to the partnership between the Asian Film Market, the Asian Project Market, European Film Promotion and EAVE’s Ties That Bind - 5 interested EAVE producers are invited to join the 21st Asian Project Market in the framework of the 23rd Busan International Film Festival (BIFF, October 4 – 13).

The programme of this partnership is curated by EAVE Ties That Bind. The Asian Project Market is covering four hotel nights and a discounted accreditation for 100 US $ for five EAVE producers

The Asian Project Market (APM, October 7 - 9) is a co-production platform that offers emerging filmmakers the opportunity to meet international leading film professionals. In 2017, 28 projects were presented in more than 600 scheduled meetings. 

Established in 2006, Asian Film Market (October 6 – 9) serves as a total film market covering all stages of film industry from pre-production to film sales. The Asian Film Market will be held alongside the Entertainment Intellectual Property (E-IP) Market. In 2017 the Asian Film Market was attended by 658 companies from 45 countries. It hosted 163 companies from 23 countries with 62 sales booths.

The market’s industry programme will bring together over 1.600 film professionals from Korea, Asia and Europe.

A dedicated programme on international sales and distribution in Asia and Europe is planned for Monday, October 8.

If you are interested, please contact Seri PARK: before September 5th.

For further information, please see:

23rd BUSAN International Film Festival (Oct 4-13, 2018) |

Asian Film Market 2018 (Oct 6-9, 2018) |

21st Asian Project Market (Oct 7-9, 2018) |

EAVE Ties That Bind |

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LAST DAYS TO APPLY for EAVE Producers: DOK Preview Training and DOK Co-Pro Market

DOK Preview Training:

DOK Preview Training is a works-in-progress presentation for creative documentaries that are looking to premiere 3-12 months after October 2018. Principle photography should be completed and a rough cut should be available in October 2018.  DOK Leipzig selects one outstanding project from 8 training initiatives to participate in a pitch refresher workshop as well as networking events, culminating in a presentation moderated by Stefano Tealdi (Stefilm International).

 The Presentation and networking opportunities will give you the chance to present your project to festival programmers and directors, buyers and commissioning editors, sales and distributors including VOD platforms. We hope the opportunity will be a catalyst for the marketing and circulation of your film.

Presentation is free of charge and DOK Leipzig offers you free all-access festival passes and 3 nights accommodation to facilitate your participation.

Teams must be available between 28.10.2018 (evening) and 31.10.2018 (evening) to be in Leipzig.


Producers without Projects at DOK Co-Pro Market:

DOK Co-Pro Market invites 35 international projects to come to DOK Leipzig to find collaboration partners and co-financiers from European and all over the world.

The 2-day programme dedicates one day to meetings with potential co-producers.

DOK Leipzig is happy to offer 4 places for recent EAVE graduates looking for new projects for their slates. Participating without a project is free and DOK Leipzig will offer you 3 nights accomodation to facilitate your participation.
Dates are 28.10. (evening) to 31.10.2018.

Please apply by contacting Brigid O'Shea before August 31:

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EAVE Marketing Workshop open now for submissions!

The EAVE Marketing Workshop is a unique opportunity for industry professionals from all over the world looking for an insight on how to engage with the right audience at different stages of their films.

This short intensive workshop – 4 immersive days of 360º marketing training - is a great complement to the renowned and flagship program EAVE Producers Workshop, which celebrates its 30th birthday this year.

Alya Belgaroui-Degalet, EAVE Marketing Workshop Co-Head of Studies has said: “The numerous creative steps in the cinema industry are fascinating and could be a real asset if you know what exists, how to use the tools and when. The workshop method is completely hands-on, working with the participants’ real projects to find a good balance between classic and innovative to maximize the communication and launch of your film.”

The 30 selected participants will have a full overview of the actual business in term of targeting and positioning from international sales strategies to national release but also generating awareness to launch your film during the festival world premiere.

They will gain insight about the latest trends and marketing tools such as Digital PR, social media management, digital marketing, event-cinema and Audience building in order to help them reach their target audience(s) locally and internationally and maximize their scope, even from the development stage of their film project.

Sarah Calderón, EAVE Marketing Workshop Co-Head of Studies adds: “This is a great forum in which industry professionals can improve their marketing knowledge and put audiences at the forefront of their thinking.  During these intensive 4 days we´ll discuss how to face the many challenges of our industry in terms of marketing and distribution today”

The EAVE Marketing Workshop is also a great opportunity for networking and sharing experiences, without the stress of festivals and industry markets. This networking aspect is reinforced thanks to the collaboration with the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk Luxembourg, who will facilitate a special networking event to build connections with local film professionals.

In addition, this year EAVE has established new partnerships allowing all types of industry professionals to be welcomed. EAVE will select projects from Warsaw Kids Forum, Financing Forum for Kids Content Malmö, Thessaloniki Crossroads, CEE Animation Workshop and EACAM’s The Screen - LA INCUBADORA. Europa International, Europa Distribution and EAVE graduates will benefit from special discounts.

Leading professionals sharing their experiences

One of the best assets of this Marketing Workshop is the professional proficiency of their team. As Kristina Trapp, EAVE Chief Executive states: “The EAVE Marketing Workshop is run by the two leading women in European film marketing and features the latest case studies and tools presented by the finest marketing professionals and the most recent trends in audience development. An innovative 360° training for professionals.”

This is the second edition with a renewed expert team that includes Alya Belgaroui-Degalet (Wild Bunch, FR) and Sarah Calderon (The Film Agency, ES) as Heads of Studies. Other professionals contributing to the course are Michael Arnon (Wolf Consultants, DE), Boris Pugnet (Turn Right, FR) and Sally Hodgson (PIPOCA, UK), who will participate as a guest expert. Other experts will be confirmed later.

Deadline for Submissions: 14th of September, 2018

Extended deadline: 21st of September, 2018

This year the workshop will take place in Luxembourg at the Novotel Luxembourg Centre from November 14-18, 2018, in partnership with Film Fund Luxembourg.

For further information, please visit or contact

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LAST DAYS TO APPLY ! Special call for EAVE producers: Cinekid Producers Programme

Dear EAVE producers,

The Producers Programme is a networking event during Cinekid for Professionals. 30 producers from different territories have the opportunity to meet several times in pre-set one-on-one meetings. It’s an opportunity to meet a large number of producers and buyers in the children’s media industry.

SPECIAL FOR EAVE PRODUCERS: Up to 5 EAVE producers have the chance to participate in the Producers one to one event through Cinekid`s partnership with EAVE.

EAVE producers are offered:

* Participation in the Producers Programme during Cinekid for Professionals from 23-26 October 2018;

* A free accreditation for Cinekid for Professionals (worth €149,95);

* The producers will receive three nights of accommodation with a significant discount in the Cinekid festival hotel (a maximum of €50 a night need to be paid);

* A discount rate (€75) for the Industry Forum on Wednesday 24 October.

Further information can be found on

In order to apply, please send your short CV and a motivation statement to: before August 31.

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It´s that time of the year… EAVE Marketing Workshop reloaded: APPLY NOW!

Deadline for applications: September 14

EAVE Marketing Workshop - November 14-18, 2018 (Luxembourg)

Don´t miss the opportunity to take part in one of the most insightful industry events of the year. Think ahead and put your audience at the forefront.

From targeting and positioning to international sales strategies, passing through the elusive art of good PR, the EAVE's Marketing Workshop is a hands-on four-day marketing training. A unique opportunity to answer all your marketing questions and learn about the latest trends and tools from leading industry professionals.  

“Definitely the most hands-on-workshop I’ve ever attended."

Dani Purer, Gebhardt Productions, Austria


Participants can apply with or without a project at any stage of production to work with cutting-edge marketing specialists, such as Alya Belgaroui-Degalet (Wild Bunch – international sales) and Sarah Calderon (The Film Agency – marketing consultant) as Heads of Studies and contributors like Michael Arnon (Wolf Consultants – PR), Boris Pugnet (former Head of Marketing at Le Pacte / Editor at Turn Right) and Sally Hodgson (PIPOCA, UK).

“Each expert offered something unique that could be applied immediately and the network of participants was great.”

Daniel Diaz, Toybox Films, UK

The workshop is targeted at producers as well as professionals working in sales, distribution and marketing departments.  We also welcome applications from related areas of the industry (e.g. regional and national funding institutions, film festivals and markets etc.) and from relevant trainers and consultants.

Get ahead with your marketing knowledge and network and share experience with professionals from all over the world.


The EAVE Marketing Workshop will be joined by 4 graduates of the renowned EAVE Producers Workshop, who have trained over one year as specialized marketing professionals.


EAVE is also proud to announce new partnerships this year. We will select projects from Warsaw Kids Forum, Financing Forum for Kids Content Malmö, Thessaloniki Crossroads, CEE Animation Workshop and LA INCUBADORA. Europa International, Europa Distribution and EAVE graduates will benefit for special discounts.

Application deadline: September 14, 2018.

Application requirements and the application form can be downloaded on our website!

For further information, please visit or contact

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EAVE on Demand Montenegro - October 2 - 3, 2018

Film Centre of Montenegro has established cooperation with one of the leading training programs for film professionals in Europe – EAVE.

European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, EAVE, is a professional training, project development and networking organization for audiovisual producers. Founded in 1988, EAVE is leading training platform and a unique international network of film professionals, aiming to provide professional training opportunities and to bring producers from different regions of the world together with the aim of facilitating co-production relationships.

A two-day training program titled “EAVE on Demand – 2 Day Formula” will be held in Podgorica on October 2 and 3, 2018. The program will be conceived as master lectures and specialized workshops, while lecturers will be one of the leading experts in the field of film industry in Europe – Katriel Schory and Lise Lense-Møller.

Katriel Schory, Israel Film Fund, studied at the New York University Film School and returned to Israel in 1973 to join Kastel Films, Jerusalem (at that time the leading production company in Israel) as the Head of Productions. He was responsible for the production of a large number of documentaries and television drama series and coproductions which won Israeli & International prestigious awards. In 1983, he worked as Associate and Line Producer of the award-winning feature film Beyond the Wall” (Film Critics’ Award, Venice, 1984; nominated for Best Foreign Film, Academy Awards, 1985). In 1984, he formed his own production company Belfilms Ltd and until 1999, produced over 200 films including Award winning Feature Films, Documentaries, TV Dramas, and International Co-Productions. In 1999, he accepted the position of Executive Director of the Israel Film Fund. Since 1999, he authorized the support and the investment in the production of more than 190 new Israeli feature films. Throughout the years he has been engaged in Voluntary Public Activities and Functions, among them: Chairman of Israel’s Film and Television Producers’ Association (1989-1994); an appointed member of the National committee for the advancement of Television and Films – The National Council of Arts and Culture (1992-1998); representative of the Israel Film Industry in numerous international organizations & Bodies; lecturer at the Tel Aviv University – Department of Film and television. In 2018 he was awarded the ‘Golden Kamera’ honorary award at the Berlinale for his lifetime achievement.

Lise Lense-Møller, is a producer and CEO of Magic Hour Films, Denmark, since 1984. She has produced and co-produced a wealth of films, both features, documentaries, and short films.  The company focuses on high-profile, author-driven creative documentaries and art house films with international potential, such as BURMA VJ – Reporting From a Closed Country by Anders Østergaard with  52 international awards and an Oscar nomination. INTO ETERNITY, 80 min. by Michael Madsen. cph:dox Audience Award 2009, Grand Prix at Nyon, 2010, and 18 others awards.  Theatrically released in the UK, US, Japan, France, Spain, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Recent releases include: 1989 by Anders Østergaard and THE VISIT by Michael Madsen, TUTTI ACASA, Power to the People? by Lise Birk Pedersen, RETURN OF A PRESIDENT by Lotte Mik-Meyer., SEA OF SORROW, SEA OF HOPE by Estephan Wagner and Marianne Hougen-Moraga.  In the pipeline:   ‘BETWEEN TWO WORLDS by Janus Metz (Armadillo), THE BUS STOP HUNTER by Kristoffer Hegnsvad and JOURNEY TOUTOPIA by Erlend E Mo.  In addition to film production, Lise has been actively involved in film politics and education for decades and she recently ‘inherited’ and runs a small publishing house ‘The Wisdom Books’.

For more information please contact:

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EAVE@Santiago de Compostela October 2018

General introduction

In the last decades, EAVE has become one of the leading producers’ training and development programmes in Europe and has created a unique pan-Europeannetwork of over 2,000 professionals.

Over the last years, EAVE has expanded its training opportunities beyond the borders of Europe: with new partnerships in Latin America, the Middle East, the former Soviet states, Africa, North America and Asia, EAVE has opened new windows of cooperation at a global scale.

Our flagship programme is the EAVE PRODUCERS WORKSHOP. It is a Project based yearly training programme including 3-weeks residential workshops.

EAVE is the most relevant and successful training programme for international co-production with exceptionally good results in terms of box office, sales and distribution and festival exposure.

We are delighted to bring EAVE workshop 3 in Santiago de Compostela in 2018 (October 22-29, 2018).

Apart from those Spanish producers who attend all three workshops during the year and those producers who have become part of the EAVE network over the years – what are the additional benefits to the industry in Galicia and its producers:

EAVE organises a tailor-made workshop for local producers in parallel to the main workshop: ‘EAVE@Santiago de Compostela’. With our partner and other relevant organisations we plan two days of sessions delivered by EAVE experts.

- All plenary sessions, including particular areas of producing and new developments in the industry, will be open for local professionals to attend.

- Special additional sessions will be tailor-made for selected Galician participants.

We bring 50 producers from 36 countries as well as the EAVE pedagogical team to learn first hand more about the local industry and to meet and network with local producers.

EAVE@Santiago de Compostela
October 2018

All plenary sessions of the workshop will be open for all interested industry professionals and film students to attend. Registration is required (due to space limitation). Registration will be announced as soon as the workshop schedule has been finalized in September.

In addition, 8 participants from Galicia with or without a project (fiction feature or documentary) will be selected for a special local EAVE programme tailor-made for their needs. To apply for this special programme, please send the application form, as well as other documents specified in it, to by September 4, 2018.

Tailor-made programme for locals will depend on the selection and wishes of the participants (on topics such as career development, company planning, co-production finance, legal issues of co-production, sales and distribution, the international market, festival strategies, marketing). In addition, the programme will include attending the plenaries of the EAVE workshop and networking with the 50 EAVE participants from 36 different countries as well as with all EAVE experts and guests.

The exact contents will be defined according to the final selection of participants.

Participation at EAVE@Santiago de Compostela is free of cost.

The working language at EAVE@Santiago de Compostela is English. At some of the plenaries, simultaneous interpretation to Spanish will be offered.

EAVE@SantiagodeCompostela is organized in cooperation with AGADIC - XUNTA DE GALICIA.



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European Work in Progress Cologne 2018

Bridging a gap sounds familiar? Submit your current film project to European Work in Progress Cologne – a valuable opportunity to find partners in the final phase of film production.

The preparations for the first edition of European Work in Progress Cologne (October 9-11, 2018) embedded in the 28. Film Festival Cologne are in full swing. Film projects from all over Europe have been submitted and entries are still possible until August 15, 2018.

European Work in Progress Cologne aims to enable the final or additional financing of European high-profile productions and co-productions that are intended to connect with a wider International audience as well as to provide you with a valuable network. The focus is on creative European fictional features with a strong quality appeal in the phase of (post-) production that are seeking partners, financiers, distribution and/or world sales.

Around 25 productions and co-productions will be selected and presented to a circle of International industry professionals with plenty of time for one-to-one meetings during the event. By the time of the pitch, an excerpt that adequately represents your film will be required. Each presentation is scheduled for a max. of 15 minutes. Once your project is invited, European Work in Progress Cologne will participate in the costs for your traveling and, of course, take care of your accommodation.

A jury will award three projects with vouchers for post-production services worth € 20,000 and € 15,000 endowed by the MMC Studios as well as a voucher for sound-post-production services in the amount of € 10,000 endowed by K13.

European Work in Progress Cologne will be accompanied by various panel discussions in cooperation with Creative Europe Desk NRW and EAVE.

For more information and for the online submission form, click here.

For any enquiry please write to Hen-Suk Jung and Leopold Grün:

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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