
EAVE September News 2020

EXCLUSIVE Interview with EAVE expert Michael Comyn

An interview with EAVE expert Michael Comyn, coach and management advisor specialized in resilience and emotional intelligence.


You are teaching film professionals and producers in resilience. Do they need that more than people from other branches?

I don’t know if they need it more than anybody else. Everybody needs an element of resilience. And if you think about what resilience actually is – for me it’s the ability to postpone a reaction. If you are triggered, if you have an emotional reaction to something and you’re able to create a pause, and if you are able to reconnect with your brain in that pause, then you are resilient. Persons who have the ability to avoid the triggering effect of emotions and who are able to stop, check and validate and then make a response are described as being resilient. The other thing they can do is to test the reality of what’s happening around them. So they have the ability to look around them and say: „Hm, tell me more, I’m curious.“


What is the effect of that?

If you are a film producer for example, and you have an argument with a colleague, it could be likely that you have an emotional reaction and loose temper. Whereas if you are resilient, you may be able to step back and ask yourself why that person is feeling that this isn’t the most appropriate way to communicate today. A producer as a senior leader of a film project has a special responsibility for a project, that is to create a space of psychological safety. And when your team feels safe, psychologically, they are superb. And when they feel unsafe, they tend to a destructive behaviour, what we call dissocial behaviour.


The COVID-pandemic is very demanding for everyone. Some people are more effected than others, whereas some feel the difficulties they have more than others. Can you help both of them?

If you think of any process, be it COVID or any other challenge to our emotional stability, resilience is the power to remain effective in the face of heightened demands, to surmount organisational difficulties in a positive manner, and to adapt in the face of change. Resilience is the ability to handle disruptive change, bounce back and even excel in times of change and uncertainty, without acting in dysfunctional ways. Dysfunctional means all the things we’ve done during the COVID lockdown: watching TV or Netflix for hours and hours, eating junk food, not getting things done, the withdrawal from friends and family, sleeping too much or too little, drinking too much alcohol. We all did that and that’s ok. But the point is, that you need to get it through your system and stop it before you cease to be functional. And some people can cope better with adversity than others.


Would you say that resilience is something that makes you able to put more load on your shoulders?

Yes it can, but it shouldn’t be. I was working with a group of doctors. And one of them was very angry. Their manager had sent them on this program to make them stronger, and be able to work more. I have a moral issue with that. If you are using resilience training in order for people to take more shit in their life, then that’s not good. But my argument would also be: yes, if it’s done properly. If you use this power to good effect. But that’s not always the case.


So the problem is not to burn the candle on both ends.

Yes, and not in the middle either. The older and wiser you get, the more you realise that you shouldn’t do more but less.


How can you learn resilience?

You can either be brought up as a child in a resilient household, and you were brought up with love and affection, with an approch to a good award system, an element of generosity. If you have that you tend to be more resilient. You tend to have a stronger sense of self confidence, of self esteem and self concept. That would make a resilient child. If you don’t have that you can do coaching, you can observe other people, you can attend training programs, you can have sessions with a good psychotherapist. In other words: there is plenty of support system out there. What you have to be aware of, and that is always controversial, is that you also have to begin to recognise when you are being triggered, f.e. the effects of the media, of Twitter, Fox News, CNN, the daily news. Today at lunchtime I saw the TV news. And there were pictures of hospitals and doctors, of extra deaths and lockdown. All of that is triggering and starts the process, and if you are hungry, lonely and tired you have a full reaction to that. If you are not and you are resilient, you might able to see that the headline officer in the TV station today wants to make a sensational headline and so they have only found the news that will support their belief. – I don’t know, if you do, or how many people do that, how many have that considerate thought. Of: „I’m curious, Why would they do that?“ or „Tell me more.“


I’m not so considerate, I’m afraid. 

So, it’s about balancing that. And with a couple of strategies you can fix that. And they include things like give a little bit of self-care, stopping, breathing, yoga, painting, art work. Whatever you want to do. But I like those to be taken on by somebody because of what they do in terms of they make us more resilient rather than as a distraction of what is upsetting you or a problem you haven’t dealt with. The things that make us wake up at three o’clock in the morning are undealt-with issues. What advice would you want to have waking up at three in the morning? Well: get up and deal with it. But you’ll discover that you can’t because the bank is closed or that person is not at work. So the best is to get some sleep so that you’re able to deal with it when you wake up again. And that sounds like: Oh, wow! Common sense is the phrase. But there is a huge shortage of something that is called common sense.


What sort of strategies are there?

The old paradigm when it came to stress management was time management training. And this was all about getting us to do more. There were filofaxes and things-to-do lists. But that was a little bit dysfunctional, that’s not really helping. One also had the idea to avoid stress. One tended to think life is a marathon, there was always a next thing to do. They were angry of downtime, they didn’t like to relax. A lot of people worked on the principle to work for the reward for things. And there was self discipline and the power of positive thinking. But all that does not work at all. What do we replace that with? Manage energy instead of time. Seeking stress. Life is a series of sprints. Purpose exeeds the performance. Include rituals in you life. Powerful engagement. This is a little summary of some of the strategies around resilience. So, it’s not really a trait, it occurs when there are numerous protective factors present in a person’s life. That’s where resilience comes from.

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Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg

The German fund Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg supports 30 films and series. Among them:

  • DANIEL RICHTER – UNPLUGGED by EAVE graduate Pepe Danquart
  • DIE THEORIE VON ALLEM by Timm Kröger, producer: EAVE graduate Heino Deckert
  • SPENCER by Pablo Larraín, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach



The German FFA grants nine film projects:

  • B-GIRLS by Elke Brugger, Lisa Wagner, producer: EAVE graduate Joachim Ortmanns
  • DANIEL RICHTER – UNPLUGGED by EAVE graduate Pepe Danquart
  • SPENCER by Pablo Larraín, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach
  • ZIPPEL – DAS WIRKLICH WAHRE SCHLOSSGESPENST by Elena von Saucken, Florian Cossen, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Heisler


Czech Film Fund

  • EAVE project GEORGIUS THE CHOSEN ONE by Tomasz Mielnik, producer: EAVE graduate Mikulas Novotny is supported by the Czech Film Fund. The medieval story of a sibling love offspring who experiences all sorts of inconveniences just like the sufferers (or heroes) of old myths and stories.
  • EAVE project ORDINARY FAILURES by Cristina Grosan, producers: EAVE graduates Marek Novak and Marica Stocchi receives development support. The film tells a story of three women of different generations, connected by an apocalyptic dream. This dystopian psychological drama is a co-production between Czech Republic (Xova Film), Italy (Rosamont) and Hungary (Laokoon Filmgroup).


LES HERBES SÈCHES by Nuri Bilge Ceylan, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach is in development. The film, set to be shot next year in Turkey will centre on Samet, a young and single school teacher finishing his mandatory service in an isolated village in Anatolia, while hoping to be assigned in Istanbul. When he does not get the transfer he was hoping for, he loses all hope of ever escaping the grim life he seems bogged down in. But his encounter with Nuray, herself a teacher like him, might allow him to overcome his dark thoughts and worries… Production is handled by Memento Films Production (France), NBC Film (Turkey), Komplizen (Germany) and ATMO (Sweden).

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BALAUR now in production

  • WOMEN DO CRY co-directed and produced by Mina Mileva and TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova is now filming until late November. The script sees the balance of a family of women, all revolving around a strict father, shaken by the announcement of Sonja’s seropositivity. Against a background of emotional pressure and hidden feelings, the female family circle joins forces to face their despair and pushes three sisters to reconnect with their father, in a Bulgarian society which does not know the word “gender” and where domestic violence is the norm.


  • YOU WILL NOT HAVE MY HATE by Kilian Riedhof, producers: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin is in production. The film is an adaptation written by the director together with Jan Braren and Marc Blöbaum of the novel of the same name by Antoine Leiris, whose wife was killed in the 2015 Paris attacks. After the attacks, Leiris addressed an open letter to the killers, vowing that neither he nor his infant son would ever live in fear of terrorism. The film is being produced by Germany’s Komplizen Films together with French company Haut et Court. Support comes from the German Film Boards FFA, NRW, FSFH, BKM.


  • BAD BLOOD by Milutin Petrovic and Goran Stankovic, producer: EAVE graduate Snezana van Houwelingen is in production. The feature film and TV series based on the 1910 novel of famous classic Serbian writer Bora Stankovic are shooting at the same time. The feature film will be based on the first three episodes of the TV series. Both the feature film and the TV series derive from various literary works of the popular Serbian writer Borisav Stanković. The original script has been written by the Serbian filmmaker Vojislav Voja Nanović some 50 years ago while living in the U.S. Spanning four decades in the waning years of the Ottoman Empire, the series chronicles an era beset by major political change and turmoil, when peasants began rising up in strength to the detriment of wealthy merchant families. The story follows Trifun, the wealthy leader of the Christian minority, who, while trying to preserve his power, sets off a chain of events that causes harsh consequences for his family. Snezana van Houwelingen is producing both projects through the Belgrade-based This and That Productions. The production of both of them is supported by Film Center Serbia and MEDIA - Creative Europe. RTS – Radio Television Serbia, the Serbian national state broadcaster, is co-producing the series.


  • THE SLEEPING BEAST by Jaak Kilmi, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Penttilä is now filming. The story follows a ten-year-old child called Kristjan, who finds himself up against his friends during one of their games, when Elmar, the tough guard of their make-believe playground, falls into a deep hole. Freeing the guard would mean abandoning his friends and being kicked out of their gang, but could a ten-year-old bring himself to do it? THE SLEEPING BEAST is produced by Evelin Penttilä for Estonia’s Stellar Film and Roberts Vinovskis and Dominiks Jarmakovics for Latvia’s Studija Locomotive. The feature is backed by the Estonian Film Institute, the Estonian Cultural Endowment, the National Film Centre of Latvia, the Tartu Film Fund and received development support from the European Union’s Creative Europe MEDIA programme.


  • BALAUR by Octav Chelaru, producer: EAVE graduate Radu Stancu finished shooting. The Romanian/German/Serbian co-production is set in a small town in Romania. Ecaterina, a beautiful 38-year-old religion teacher and wife of the local priest, has a new pupil in her classroom. He’s 16, he’s a problem child and he looks at her in a special way. Ecaterina tries to keep him under control, but she loses her own control in the process. After she sleeps with her student, he starts blackmailing her by confessing to her husband, the priest. Romania's deFilm is producing in coproduction with Germany's 42film and Serbia's EED Productions. The producers are Radu Stancu, Livia Rădulescu, Eike Goreczka, Christoph Kukula, Maja Popovic and Vladimir Vasiljevic. The project is supported by the Romanian Film Centre, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Film Center Serbia and the MEDIA Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.


  • FAMILY by Austeja Urbaite, producer: EAVE graduate Zivile Gallego has completed shooting. The film tells a story about a French couple, Jacqueline and Leon, who adopt two Lithuanian children, Paulina and Rokas. In order to help the children adapt to their new environment, a medical student named Gabrielė comes from Lithuania to join them for the summer. For her it is a chance to briefly get away from her life, where she feels imprisoned. The relationship with the children gives her an opportunity to rediscover herself in a bright light, while her resistance to the parents’ methods of upbringing – in a dark light. Instead of helping the children create a life, the two women, full of maternal feelings, start an outright war for the children’s affection. The film is shot in Lithuanian and French. The picture received production funding from the Lithuanian Film Centre.

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ERNA AT WAR now in post-production

  • MADELEINE COLLINS by Antoine Barraud, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Yves Roubin is in post-production. Written by Antoine Barraud and Héléna Klotz, the story centres around Judith who is leading a double life divided between Switzerland and France. On the one hand, there’s Abdel, with whom she’s raising a little girl, and on the other, there’s Melvil, with whom she has two older boys. Slowly and dangerously, this fragile equilibrium, composed of lies, secrets and endless comings and goings, begins to tip. Trapped in her own web, Judith chooses to carry on regardless, forging blindly onwards up a slippery, vertiginous slope. Produced by Justin Taurand on behalf of the Parisian firm Les Films du Bélier, MADELEINE COLLINS is co-produced by Swiss group Close Up Films and Belgium’s Frakas Productions. Pre-purchased by Canal+, Ciné+ and RTS, the feature film is also supported by Eurimages, the Hauts-de-France region (Pictanovo), Cinéforom and others.


  • ERNA AT WAR by Henrik Ruben Genz, producers: EAVE graduates Sébastian Delloye and Esko Rips is in post-production. The film follows the story of a strong woman called Erna, who goes to war dressed as a man to protect her intellectually disabled son Kalle, called up to fight. Heading to the front disguised as private Julius Rasmussen, Erna must face not only the enemy but also the love of her life when she meets blacksmith Anton in the trenches. One of the story's antagonists is an officer called Meyer who enrols Kalle against Erna’s wishes. The script, penned by Bo Hr Hansen, is an adaptation of Erling Jepsen's novel of the same name. Erna at War is being produced by Birgitte Hald and Nynne Selin Eidnes for Nimbus Film (Denmark), Sébastian Delloye for Entre Chien & Loup (Belgium), and Esko Rips for Nafta Film (Estonia). In addition, the movie has received support from the Danish Film Institute, TV2 Denmark, FilmFyn, TV4, the Estonian Film Institute, the Tartu Film Fund, Wallimage and Creative Europe MEDIA, among other sources.


  • DE NOS FRÈRES BLESSÉS by Hélier Cisterne, co-producer: EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin is in post-production. Adapted from the novel of the same name by Joseph Andras the screenplay dives into the heart of a couple's memories, a story of love and commitment. Fernand Iveton is arrested in his factory in 1956, in Algiers, accused of planting a bomb. Helene’s life, who is now the wife of a "traitor," is turned upside down. But she refuses to abandon Fernand to his fate. Produced Les Films du Bélier, the film was co-produced by France 3 Cinéma, the Belgian outfit Frakas Productions and the Algerian company Laïth Media. Pre-purchased by France 3, Canal+ and Ciné+, the feature film has also received an advance on earnings from the CNC, as well as support from the South (Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur) and Ile-de-France regions, Sofica Cinéventure, Manon and Cinémage. Nine weeks of filming will take place in Paris, Algiers and Marseille.


  • STILLE POST by Florian Hoffmann, producer: EAVE graduate Alexander Wadouh is in post-production. Khalil, an elementary school teacher in Berlin, gets hold of images of war from his Kurdish hometown of Cizre. The footage eventually leads him to join a network of video activists fighting for more attention in the media. In helping them, he hopes to reconnect with his long-lost sister, who is working as a camera operator in the combat zone. With his actions becoming increasingly influenced by the distant conflict, Khalil is forced to question not only his values but also his entire life in Berlin.

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EAVE project STAM Best South African Film in Durban

Venice International Film Festival

Success for EAVE graduates at the Venice International Film Festival:

  • PIECES OF A WOMAN by Kornel Mundruczo, producer: EAVE graduate Viktoria Petranyi won the COPPA VOLPI for Best Actress (Vanessa Kirby) and the ARCA Cinema Giovani Award
  • THE MAN WHO SOLD HIS SKIN by Kaouther Ben Hania, producers: EAVE graduates Martin Hampel, Annabella Nezri won the Orizzonti Award for Best Actor (Yahya Mahayni) and the Edipo Re Award
  • LE SORELLE MACALUSO by Emma Dante, producer: EAVE graduate Marica Stocchi won the Francesco Pasinetti Award, La Pellicola d'Oro Award and the Lizzani Award
  • MISS MARX by Susanna Nicchiarelli, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, TTB graduate Valérie Bournonville won the FEDIC Award Premio Soundtrack Stars Award
  • QUO VADIS‚ AIDA? by Jasmila Zbanic, producer: EAVE graduate Cristian Nicolescu won the Brian Award, the SIGNIS Award and the Premio UNIMED
  • EAVE project 200 METERS by Ameen Nayfeh, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh won the BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas People's Choice Award
  • SAINT-NARCISSE by Bruce LaBruce, producer: EAVE graduate Nicolas Comeau won the Fanheart3 Award
  • OASIS by Ivan Ikic, producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic & EAVE graduate Marija Stojanovic, co-producers: EAVE graduates Miha Cernec, Derk-Jan Warrink, Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia and Herzegovina Amra Baksic-Camo won the Europa Cinemas Label Award


Toronto International Film Festival

  • LA NUIT DES ROIS by Philippe Lacôte, producer: EAVE+ graduate Yanick Létourneau Amplify Voices Award at the Toronto International Film Festival.


San Sebastian Film Festival

  • DRUK (ANOTHER ROUND) by Thomas Vinterberg, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel won the Silver Shell for Best Actor(s) (Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Magnus Millang and Lars Ranthe) at the San Sebastian Film Festival.
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost won the Audience Award for Best European Film.
  • POBRES PIBES by Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduate Barbara Sarasola-Day won the best project award of San Sabastian’s Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum.


Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival

  • THE EUPHORIA OF BEING by Reka Szabo, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo won the Best Debut Award at the Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival.



  • COLLECTIVE by Alexander Nanau, producer: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux Best International Film at the Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival Docaviv.


Estonian Film and Television Awards

  • TRUTH AND JUSTICE by Tanel Toom, co-producer: EAVE graduate Madis Tüür won five top awards at the Estonian Film and Television Awards (EFTA). The film won Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor (Priit Loog) and Best Actress (Ester Kuntu).
  • BAD HAIR by Oskar Lehemaa, producer: EAVE graduate Evelin Soosaar-Penttillä was awarded Best Short film.


Romanian Filmmakers Union Gala

  • THE WHISTLERS by Corneliu Porumboiu, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach received the Grand Prix at the UCIN (Romanian Filmmakers Union) Gala and the awards for Best Supporting Actress (Julieta Szönyi), Best Cinematography (Tudor Mircea), and Best Editing (Roxana Szel) as well as the (UCIN) Trophy and the award for Best Film from the Romanian Critics Association
  • MARONA’S FANTASTIC TALE, produced and directed by EAVE graduate Anca Damian, co-producer: EAVE graduate Tomas Leyers was awarded the Special Jury Prize and the Award for Original Music
  • PARKING by Tudor Giurgiu, producer: EAVE graduate Bogdan Craciun won the Best Director Award.


Pula Film Festival

  • TEREZA37 by Danilo Serbedzija, producer: EAVE graduate Irena Markovic scooped six awards at Pula Film Festival: the Golden Arenas for Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Acrestt, Best Editing and Best Make-Up
  • I AM FRANK by Metod Pevec, producer: EAVE graduate Danijel Hocevar won the Golden Arena for Best Director
  • FATHER by Srdan Golubovic, producers: EAVE graduates Danijel Hocevar, Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo won the Golden Arena for Best Actor
  • AGA’S HOUSE by Lendita Zeqiraj, producer: EAVE graduate Bujar Kabashi received the Golden Arena for Best Film


Documentary Association of Europe Award

THE TRANS SYRIAN EXPRESS by Alina Rudnitskaya, producer: EAVE graduate Pertti Veijalainen won the Documentary Association of Europe Award.


Slovak Film and Television Academy

The Slovak Film and Television Academy (SFTA) granted the Slovak national film awards The Sun in a Net 2020 to the following films:

  • AMNESTY by Jonáš Karásek, producer: EAVE graduate Jiří Konečný won Best Fiction Film, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Film Sound, Best Art Direction, Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Actor in a Supporting Role.
  • THE KITE by Martin Smatana, producer: EAVE MW graduate Peter Badac won Best Animation Film.


Durban Film Festival

  • TAKE ME SOMEWHERE NICE by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic-Camo wins Best Cinematography.
  • EAVE project STAM (THE TREE) by Louw Venter, producer: EAVE graduate Elias Ribeiro wins Best South African Feature Film.
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane wins Artistic Bravery Award. Best Actress and Best Direction.

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WILLOW nominated for European Film Awards

European Film Awards

The European Film Academy has completed the EFA Feature Film Selection for this year's European Film Awards with:

  • DRUK (ANOTHER ROUND) by Thomas Vinterberg, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel
  • WILLOW by Milcho Manchevski, co-producer: EAVE graduate Hubert Toint


Nordic Council Film Prize

Nominated for the 2020 Nordic Council Film Prize:

  • DOGS DON’T WEAR PANTS by J-P Valkeapää, producers: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy, B’EST graduate Helen Vinogradov, co-producers: B’EST graduate Alise Gelze and EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina and
  • ECHO (BERGMAL) by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler, executive producer: EAVE + graduate Bo Ehrhardt are


Prix Europa

Nominated for Prix Europa 2020, founded by the European Parliament, the European Commission and the European Cultural Foundation:

  • #387 by Madeleine Leroyer, producer: EAVE participant Valerie Montmartin, co-producers: EAVE graduates Anton Iffland Stettner, Enrica Capra

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GOOD FAVOUR now in Belgian cinemas

In French cinemas

  • EAVE project SOLE by Carlo Sironi, producers: EAVE graduates Giovanni Pompili, Agnieszka Wasiak. September 16.


In Belgian cinemas

  • GOOD FAVOUR by Rebecca Daly, producers: EAVE graduates Conor Barry, Benoît Roland, Monica Hellström, Signe Byrge Sørensen, Marleen Slot. September 4.


In UK cinemas

  • LITTLE GIRL by Sébastien Lifshitz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström. September 25.


In Dutch cinemas

  • DEUX by Filippo Meneghetti, co-producers: EAVE graduates Elise André and Donnato Rotunno. September 24.

  • ATLANTIS by Valentyn Vasyanovych, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimir Yatsenko. September 17.

  • UN FILS by Mehdi M Barsaoui, producer: EAVE graduate Myriam Sassine. September 10.


In Swiss cinemas

  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan. September 3.

  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost. September 3.


In Austrian cinemas

  • YALDA, A NIGHT FOR FORGIVENESS by Massoud Bakhshi, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Dumoulin, co-producers: EAVE graduate Nicole Gerhards, EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu. September 25.

  • JUMBO by Zoé Wittock, producers: EAVE graduates Anaïs Bertrand, Pascaline Saillant, Annabella Nezri, Gilles Chanial. September 25.

  • DER SCHÖNSTE PLATZ AUF ERDEN by Elke Groen, producers: EAVE graduates Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber


In German cinemas

  • MY EXTRAORDINARY SUMMER WITH TESS by Steven Wouterlood, producers: EAVE graduates Marcel Lenz, Guido Schwab. September 3.

  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan. September 3.

  • PELICAN BLOOD by Katrin Gebbe, producer: EAVE graduate Vera Gräfe-Höft.September 23.


In Polish cinemas

  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne. September 25.

  • AND THEN WE DANCED by Levan Akin, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Ketie Daniela


In Bulgarian cinemas

  • WILLOW by Milcho Manchevski, co-producer: EAVE graduate Hubert Toint. September 25.


In Estonian cinemas

  • THE LAST ONES by Veiko Õunpuu, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, Ellen Havenith. September 25.

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Three EAVE projects selected for IFP Week

Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival Docaviv (September 3 – 12)

  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • ANDREY TARKOVSKY. A CINEMA PRAYER by Andrej A. Tarkovskij, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Kropenin
  • COLLECTIVE by Alexander Nanau, producer: EAVE graduate and Luxembourgish National Coordinator Bernard Michaux
  • DAYS OF CANNIBALISM by Teboho Edkins, producers: EAVE graduates Janja Kralj, Derk-Jan Warrink
  • EPICENTRO by Hubert Sauper, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder
  • GARAGE PEOPLE by Natalija Yefimkina, producer: EAVE graduate Dirk Decker
  • IF IT WERE LOVE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost 
  • WALCHENSEE FOREVER by Janna Ji Wonders, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Heisler


Brussels International Film Festival (September 3 –13)

  • ADULTS IN THE ROOM by Costa-Gravras, producer: EAVE graduate Alexandre Gavras
  • COMIC SANS by Nevio Marasovic, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan
  • ELECTRIC SWAN by Konstantina Kotzamani, producer: EAVE graduate Maria Drandaki
  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne
  • IF IT WERE LOVE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • LE MILIEU DE L’HORIZON by Delphine Lehericey, producer: EAVE graduate Sébastien Delloye
  • OLD-TIMERS by Martin Dusek, producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny
  • QUIT STARING AT MY PLATE by Hana Jusic, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • WINTER FLIES by Olmo Omerzu, producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny


Toronto International Film Festival (September 5 – 15)

Contemporary World Cinema

  • NIGHT OF THE KINGS by Philippe Lacôte, producer: EAVE+ graduate Yanick Létourneau
  • PIECES OF A WOMAN by Kornel Mundruczo, producer: EAVE graduate and Hungarian National Coordinator Viktoria Petranyi
  • QUO VADIS‚ AIDA? by Jasmila Zbanic, producer: EAVE participant Cristian Nicolescu


  • DRUK (ANOTHER ROUND) by Thomas Vinterberg, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel
  • THE BOY FROM MEDELLIN by Matthew Heineman, producer: PUENTES graduate Juan Diego Villega




  • CASA DE ANTIGUIDADES (MEMORY HOUSE) by Joao Paulo Miranda Maria, producers: EAVE graduate Paula Cosenza, EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri
  • LIMBO by Ben Sharrock, producer: EAVE graduate Angus Lamont
  • WILDFIRE by Cathy Brady, producer: EAVE graduate Carlo Cresto-Dina
  • SUCCOR by Hannah Cheesman, producer: EAVE participant Coral Aiken


Cinematik International Film Festival (September 10 – 15)

  • AND THEN WE DANCED by Levan Akin, producer: EAVE FFF graduate Ketie Daniela
  • EAVE MW project DISCO by Jorunn Myklebust Syversen, producer: Maria Ekerhovd (Marketing Workshop graduate developing the project: Oistein Refseth)
  • EAVE project THE MUTE by Bartosz Konopka, producer: Anna Wydra
  • ERDE by Nikolaus Geyrhalter, producer: EAVE graduate, group leader and Austrian National Coordinator Michael Kitzberger
  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne
  • OLD-TIMERS by Martin Dusek, producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane
  • VIENDRA LE FEU by Oliver Laxe, co-produced by EAVE graduates Donato Rotunno and Elise André
  • WEREWOLF by Adrian Panek, producer: EAVE graduate Magdalena Kaminska, Agata Szymanska


Durban Film Festival (September 10-20)

  • TAKE ME SOMEWHERE NICE by Ena Sendijarevic, producer: EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic-Camo
  • EAVE project STAM (THE TREE) by Louw Venter, producer: EAVE graduate Elias Ribeiro
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane
  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin


Batumi International Festival Georgia  (September 13 – 20)

  • BERLIN ALEXANDERPLATZ by Burhan Qurbani, producers: EAVE graduates Léontine Petit, Derk-Jan Warrink, Marleen Slot
  • EAVE project SOLE by Carlo Sironi, producers: EAVE graduates Giovanni Pompili, Agnieszka Wasiak


IFP Week (September 15-19)

Projects by EAVE graduate selected for the No Borders International Co-Production Market IFP Week:

  • PRINCESS by Karine Teles, producers: PUENTES graduate Tatiana Leite, EAVE graduates Clément Duboin, Marleen Slot
  • THE SPIRIT GUEST by Fanyana Hlabangane, producers: EAVE participant Mmabatho Kau, EAVE graduates Cait Pansegrouw and Elias Ribeiro
  • EAVE project STREET FOOD by EAVE participant Victoria Thomas, EAVE graduate Carlo Cresto Dina
  • TTB project Tiger Stripes by Amanda Nell Eu, producer: TTB graduate Foo Fei Ling, EAVE graduate Fran Borgia, TTB group leader and EAVE graduate and German National Coordinator Jonas Weydemann, TTB graduate Yulia Evina Bhara
  • EAVE ON DEMAND project EMBODIED CHORUS by Danielle Davie and Mohamed Sabbah, producer: EAVE graduate Julia Wagner, EAVE MW graduates Hélène Walland and Christian Neuman
  • OUR LITTLE PALESTINE by Abdallah Al-Kathib, producer: EAVE graduate Jean-Laurent Csinidis


Helsinki International Film Festival (September 17 – 27)

  • BERGMAL (ECHO) by Runar Runarsson, co-producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler
  • CORPUS CHRISTI by Jan Komasa, co-producer: EAVE graduate Patrice Nezan
  • DAU. NATASHA by Ilya Khrzhanovskiy, Jekaterina Oertel, producer: EAVE+ graduate Artem Vasilyev  
  • DOGS DON’T WEAR PANTS by J-P Valkeapää, producers: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy, B’EST graduate Helen Vinogradov, co-producers: B’EST graduate Alise Gelze and EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • EAVE MW project DISCO by Jorunn Myklebust Syversen, producer: Maria Ekerhovd (Marketing Workshop graduate developing the project: Oistein Refseth)
  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • FATHER by Srdan Golubovic, producers: EAVE graduates Danijel Hocevar, Adis Djapo, EAVE graduate and National Coordinator Bosnia-Herzegovina Amra Baksic Camo 
  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne
  • IF IT WERE LOVE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • IT MUST BE HEAVEN by Elia Suleiman, producers: EAVE graduates Martin Hampel, Laurine Pelassy
  • PROXIMA by Alice Winocour, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese
  • SHORTA by Anders Ølholm and Frederik Louis Hviid, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Leick Jensen
  • THE LAST ONES by Veiko Õunpuu, producer: EAVE graduate Katrin Kissa, co-producers: EAVE graduates Mark Lwoff, Misha Jaari, Ellen Havenith
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost 
  • THE TROUBLE WITH BEING BORN by Sandra Wollner, producer: EAVE graduate David Bohun
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane
  • WILDLAND by Jeanette Nordahl, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin, Eva Jakobsen
  • YALDA, A NIGHT FOR FORGIVENESS by Massoud Bakhshi, producer: EAVE graduate Marianne Dumoulin
  • YOU WILL DIE AT TWENTY by Amjad Abu Alala, producers: EAVE graduates Ingrid Lill Högtun, Hossam Elouan


New York Film Festival (September 17 – October 11)

  • LA NUIT DES ROIS by Philippe Lacote, producer: EAVE graduate Yanik Létourneau
  • MALMKROG by Cristi Puiu, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Serbian National Coordinator Milan Stojanovic, EAVE graduates Anamaria Antoci, Labina Mitevska, Dan Wechsler


San Sebastian Film Festival (September 18 – 26)

Official Selection

  • AKELARRE by Pablo Agüero, producer EAVE+ graduate Iker Ganuza
  • DRUK (ANOTHER ROUND) by Thomas Vinterberg, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel
  • IN THE DUSK by Sharunas Bartas, producer: EAVE graduate Janja Kralj, co-producer: EAVE graduates Artemio Benki, Petra Oplatkova
  • PASSION SIMPLE by Danielle Arbid, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart

New Directors

  • I NEVER CRY by Piotr Domalewski, producer: EAVE graduate Jan Kwiecinski 
  • LAST DAY OF SPRING by Isabel Lamberti, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Mayi Gutierrez
  • LIMBO by Ben Sharrock, producer: EAVE graduate Angus Lamont
  • MEMORY HOUSE by Joao Paulo Miranda Maria, producers: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, EAVE graduate Paula Cosenza

Horizontes Latinos

  • ALL THE DEAD ONES by Caetano Gotardo, Marco Dutra, producer: EAVE graduate Clément Duboin
  • THE INTRUDER by Natalia Meta, producer: EAVE graduate Benjamin Domenech


  • COLD MERIDIAN by Peter Strickland, producer: EAVE graduate Dora Nedeczky
  • CORRESPONDENCE by Carla Simon, producer: EAVE + graduate Dominga Sotomayor
  • THE TROUBLE WITH BEING BORN by Sandra Wollner, producer: EAVE graduate David Bohun
  • YELLOW CAT by Adilkhan Yerzhanov, co-producer: EAVE graduate  Guillaume de Seille


  • HERSELF by Phyllida Lloyd, producer: EAVE graduate Ed Guiney
  • MISS MARX by Susanna Nicchiarelli, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, TTB graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost 

Europe-Latin America Co-Production Forum

  • POBRES PIBES by Benjamin Naishtat, producer: EAVE graduate Barbara Sarasola-Day
  • PUENTES project LA FIEBRE (THE FEVER) by Mateo Bendesky, producer: PUENTES graduate Augustina Costa Varsi


  • PUENTES project JESUS LOPEZ by Maximiliano Schonfeld, producer: PUENTES graduate Georgina Baisch
  • THE EMPLOYER AND THE EMPLOYEE by Manuel Nieto, co-producers: PUENTES graduates Bárbara Francisco, Georgina Baisch, Paola Wink and Interchange graduate Nathalie Trafford
  • DUSK STONE by Ivan Fund, producer: PUENTES graduate Catalina Vergara


Millennium Docs Against Gravity Film Festival (September 19 – October 4)

  • ALPHABET by Erwin Wagenhofer, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Rommel
  • ANDREY TARKOVSKY. A CINEMA PRAYER by Andrej A. Tarkovskij, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Kropenin
  • AN IMPOSSIBLE PROJECT by EAVE graduate Jens Meurer, producer: EAVE graduate Jens Meurer
  • EPICENTRO by Hubert Sauper, producer: EAVE graduate Gabriele Kranzelbinder
  • IF IT WERE LOVE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • KUBRICK BY KUBRICK by Gregory Monro, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Zelnik
  • LITTLE GIRL by Sébastien Lifshitz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström
  • SOLO by Artemio Benki, produced by EAVE graduates Artemio Benki and Petra Oplatkova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Arash T. Riahi
  • THE EUPHORIA OF BEING by Réka Szabó, producer: EAVE graduate Sara Laszlo
  • THE PRINCE AND THE DYBBUK by Elwira Niewiera, Piotr Rosolowski, producer: EAVE graduate Ann Carolin Renninger
  • WOOD by Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, producer: EAVE graduate Ebba Sinzinger, Monica Lazurean-Gorgan


Athens International Film Festival (September 23 – October 4)

  • ANDREY TARKOVSKY. A CINEMA PRAYER by Andrej A. Tarkovskij, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Kropenin
  • HOPE by Maria Sødahl, producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Peter Possne
  • IF IT WERE LOVE by Patric Chiha, producer: Interchange graduate Charlotte Vincent
  • INSTINCT by Halina Reijn, producers: EAVE graduates Frans van Gestel, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings
  • KUBRICK BY KUBRICK by Gregory Monro, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Zelnik
  • MARTIN EDEN by Pietro Marcello, producer: EAVE graduate Anastasia Michelagnoli
  • PUENTES project AUGUST by Armando Capó, producer: EAVE graduate Marcela Esquivel Jimenez, co-producer: EAVE Interchange graduate Nathalie Trafford
  • SONGS OF REPRESSION by Marianne Hougen-Moraga, Estephan Wagner, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane


Golden Rose Film Festival (September 24 – October 1)

  • 18% GREY by Viktor Chouchkov, producers: EAVE graduates Katya Trichkova, Boris Chouchkov, Marcel Lenz, Guido Schwab
  • PARI by Siamak Etemadi, producers: EAVE graduate Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE + graduate Giorgos Karnavas, co-producers: EAVE graduates Borislav Chouchkov, Laurette Schillings, Frans van Gestel, Dan Wechsler
  • PELICAN BLOOD by Katrin Gebbe, producer: EAVE graduate Vera Gräfe-Höft
  • THE BAREFOOT EMPEROR, directed and produced by EAVE graduate Peter Brosens and Jessica Woodworth, co-producers: EAVE graduates Frans van Gestel, Arnold Heslenfeld and Laurette Schillings


Reykjavik International Film Festival (September 24 – October 4)

  • A WHITE, WHITE DAY by Hlynur Palmason, producer: EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson, co-producers: PUENTES graduates Katrin Pors and Nima Yousefi, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • CAT IN THE WALL by Mina Mileva, TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, producer: TTB graduate Vesela Kazakova, co-producer: TTB Head of Studies Christophe Bruncher
  • DAYS OF CANNIBALISM by Teboho Edkins, producer: EAVE graduate Janja Kralj, co-producer: EAVE graduate Derk-Jan Warrink
  • DRUK (ANOTHER ROUND) by Thomas Vinterberg, co-producers: EAVE graduates Lizette Jonjic, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings & Frans van Gestel
  • EAVE project 200 METERS by Ameen Nayfeh, producer: EAVE graduate May Odeh
  • JOZI GOLD by Sylvia Vollenhoven, Fredrik Gertten, producer: EAVE graduate Margarete Jangård
  • KUBRICK BY KUBRICK by Gregory Monro, producer: TTB graduate Jeremy Zelnik
  • LA NUIT DES ROIS by Philippe Lacote, producer: EAVE+ graduate Yanik Letourneau
  • MISS MARX by Susanna Nicchiarelli, producer: Interchange graduate Marta Donzelli, TTB graduate Valérie Bournonville
  • SWEAT by Magnus von Horn, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski
  • SPARROWS by Runar Runarsson, producer: TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • RAMS by Grimur Hakonarson, producer: EAVE graduate Ditte Milsted
  • SONGS OF REPRESSION by Estephan Wagner, Marianne Hougen-Moraga, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • THIS IS NOT A BURIAL, IT’S A RESURRECTION by Jeremiah Lemonhang Mosese, producers: EAVE graduates Elias Ribeiro, Cait Pansegrouw, Bongiwe Selane
  • WILDLAND by Jeanette Nordahl, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin


Zurich Film Festival (September 24 – October 4)

  • ACASA, MY HOME by Radu Ciorniciuc, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Lazurean-Gorgan
  • A COLOMBIAN FAMILY by Tanja Wol Sørensen, producer: EAVE graduate Rikke Tambo Andersen
  • APPLES by Christos Nikou, producer: B’EST graduate Ales Pavlis, co-producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski
  • DEUX by Filippo Meneghetti, co-producers: EAVE graduates Elise André and Donnato Rotunno
  • EL PROFUGO by Natalia Meta, producer: PUENTES graduate Benjamin Domenech
  • EXILE by Visar Morina, producer: EAVE graduate Jonas Dornbach, co-producers: EAVE participant Valon Bajgora, EAVE+ graduate Jean-Yves Roubin
  • HOCHWALD by Evi Romen, producer: EAVE+ graduate Alexander Dumreicher-Ivanceanu
  • LIMBO by Ben Sharrock, producer: EAVE graduate Angus Lamont
  • LITTLE GIRL by Sébastien Lifshitz, co-producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström
  • ONE OF THESE DAYS by Bastian Günther, producer: EAVE graduate Martin Heisler
  • PASSION SIMPLE by Danielle Arbid, producer: EAVE graduate Jacques-Henri Bronckart
  • PEACEMAKER by Eriikka Etholén-Paju, Johanna Enäsuo, producer: EAVE+ graduate Marko Röhr  
  • PROXIMA by Alice Winocour, co-producer: EAVE graduate Nina Frese
  • SCHLAF by Michael Venus, producer: EAVE graduate Verena Gräfe-Höft
  • SHORTA by Anders Ølholm and Frederik Louis Hviid, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Leick Jensen
  • SONGS OF REPRESSION by Estephan Wagner, Marianne Hougen-Moraga, producer: EAVE graduate Signe Byrge Sørensen
  • SWEAT by Magnus von Horn, producer: EAVE graduate Mariusz Wlodarski
  • THE MOLE AGENT by PUENTES graduate Maite Alberdi, co-producers: EAVE graduates Fleur Knopperts, Denis Vaslin, Ingmar Trost 
  • WILDLAND by Jeanette Nordahl, producers: EAVE graduate Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin
  • WOOD by Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, producer: EAVE graduate Ebba Sinzinger, Monica Lazurean-Gorgan


Netherlands Film Festival Utrecht (September 25 – October 3)

  • ALLES IS FAMILIE by Joram Lürsen, producers: EAVE graduates Frans van Gestel, Arnold Heslenfeld
  • ALLES IS LIEFDE by Joram Lürsen, producer: EAVE graduate Frans van Gestel
  • BEYOND SLEEP by Boudewijn Koole, producer: EAVE+ graduate Hanneke Niens
  • DE OOST by Jim Taihuttu, producer: EAVE graduate Sander Verdonk
  • DE TWEELING by Ben Sombogaart, producer: EAVE graduate Hanneke Niens
  • INSTINCT by Halina Reijn, producers: EAVE graduates Frans van Gestel, Arnold Heslenfeld, Laurette Schillings
  • MAGIC MOUNTAINS by Urszula Antoniak, producer: EAVE graduate Floor Onrust
  • SÜSKIND by Rudolf van den Berg, producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen

Holland Film Meeting

  • APOLLO by Aaron Rookus, producer: EAVE graduate Laurette Schillings
  • MARIONETTES by Arianne Hinz, producer: EAVE graduate Reinier Selen


Finale Pilsen (September 25 – 30)

  • CERTAIN KIND OF SILENCE by Michal Hogenauer, co-producers: EAVE graduate Stienette Bosklopper and EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • DOGS DON’T WEAR PANTS by J-P Valkeapää, producers: EAVE graduate Aleksi Bardy, B’EST graduate Helen Vinogradov, co-producers: B’EST graduate Alise Gelze and EAVE graduate and Latvian National Coordinator Aija Berzina
  • OLD-TIMERS by Martin Dusek, producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny
  • SOLO by Artemio Benki, produced by EAVE graduates Artemio Benki and Petra Oplatkova, co-producer EAVE graduate Arash T. Riahi


Odesa International Film Festival (September 29 - October 2)

Selected for the industry section of the Odessa International Film Festival:


  • THE TWINS, producers: EOD Ukraine graduate Alla Belaya, EAVE graduate Wanda Adamik Hrycova and EAVE+ graduate Kestutis Drazdauskas

Work in Progress

  • ROMA, producer: EAVE graduate Monica Hellström

EAVE CEO Tina Trapp has been nominated Jury member of the Pitching in the frame of the Film Industry Office of Odesa International Film Festival.


Festivals cancelled or postponed


Festival of Slovenian Film Ljubljana (postponed to October 6 – 11)

Miskolc International Film Festival (postponed to September 2021)

Gdynia Film Festival (postponed to December 8 – 12)

Manaki Brothers International Film Camera Festival (postponed to September 2021)

Namur Film Festival (postponed to October 2 – 9)

BIAFF International Film Festival (postponed to October)

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@Odesa International Film Festival, October 1, online

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp, pitching jury

@EAVE Producers Workshop 2, October 19-26, online

EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller

EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

EAVE Programme Manager Europe Satu Elo

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EAVE Yoga Corner

EAVE online yoga is a peaceful place, where you can gently stretch your body and connect with your breath.

We practice yoga focusing on awareness and joy.

You can join us on THURSDAYS: 08:15 – 08:40 or 19:00 – 19:40 CET.

Discounted price for the EAVE graduates: 50 Euro for a 10-class card, 6 Euro for single class.

Please register with Tanika:

“It is a magic e-motional elixir in the mornings: Tanika’s energy, expertise, enthusiasm, eye-level, elegance, explanations, efficiency, effortless, empathy, emotion… all for us at EAVE - Every Asana Vibrates Enormously.”

Sibylle Kurz, Pitching & Communication Skills (DE)

"Tanika’s restorative class was a very relaxing and calming experience for me. Following the soft guidance of her voice throughout the session gave me a chance to deeply focus on the nuances that benefit each pose. I recommend her class to everyone who is looking to feel in safe hands and truly cared for by their yoga teacher. "

Isilay Yanbas, Viacom (US)

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EAVE Producers Workshop virtually in Ireland

The second session of this year’s EAVE Producers Workshop will take place online “in Ireland” in September-October 2020, bringing together 52 participants and their scriptwriters from 38 countries with a selection of 20 top industry experts.

The EAVE workshop “virtually in Ireland” is organized in co-operation with Fís Éireann / Screen Ireland, Greasán na Meán, Screen Skills Ireland, BAI, TG4, Creative Europe Desk Ireland – MEDIA Office Galway and Danú Media.

This session is the second out of the three workshops of the year-long EAVE training for independent producers. The participants of this year were selected from a total of 249 applicants, and come from all over the world. In addition to most of the European member states, many other countries are represented as well, such as Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, Ethiopia, Gabon, India, Israel, Mauritius, Moldova, Qatar, South Africa, Tunisia and Ukraine.


Experts & sessions

EAVE’s 2020 pedagogical core team includes EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller (Magic Hour Films, DK), the four group leaders Diana Elbaum (Beluga Tree , BE), Ankica Jurić Tilić (Kinorama, HR), Michael Kitzberger (Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH, AT), and Riina Sildos (Amrion, EE); the script consultants Clare Downs (UK), Jacques Akchoti (FR), Martin Daniel (USA), TV series consultant Ossi Nishri (Quiddity, IL), and documentary expert Sylvia Stevens (Faction Films, UK).

They are supported by the specialized experts for Pitching: Sibylle Kurz (DE), Finance: Linda Beath (Ideal Filmworks, IT) and Legal Issues: Pierre-Emmanuel Mouthuy (BE). They are joined by sales expert Hédi Zardi (Luxbox, FR).

Script consultant Anita Voorham (Bravado Film, NL) will share her insight with the producers on how to make creative collaboration work, while script consultant Martin Daniel (USA) will discuss with the scriptwriters how to deal with feedback.

Renowned producer Eilon Ratzkovsky (Quiddity, IL) will give a masterclass on writing for TV series.

Sergio Garcia de Leaniz (Eurimages, FR) will give an insight into the rules and regulations of Eurimages and share concrete tips for preparing your application.

Michael Comyn (Fearless Organization, IE) will prepare the EAVE participants for individual meetings during which he will work during the third workshop week of the year with the participants on resilience.


Spotlight on Irish film industry

The Irish film industry presents itself to the EAVE participants in a special panel session on Producing in and with Ireland by Cian McElhone from Screen Ireland, Prionsias Ní Ghráinne from TG4, documentary producer John Murray from Crossing the Line and drama producer, EAVE National Coordinator in Ireland Katie Holly from Blinder Films. The panel is moderated by EAVE graduate, producer Paddy Hayes from Magamedia (Galway, Ireland).

In addition, EAVE organises various special plenary sessions designed specially for the Irish film industry professionals. EAVE Finance Expert Linda Beath gives an overview of European Film Financing and EAVE Head of Studies Lise Lense-Møller shares her long experience on the producer’s role from development to audience. EAVE Marketing Expert Sarah Calderon (The Film Agency, ES) shares her recent experience on trends and new models in marketing and distribution that have been evolving in the 2020 pandemic.


Also the plenary sessions of the whole workshop are open for Irish industry professionals.


EAVE is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union, Film Fund Luxembourg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli Venezia Giulia, PACT – the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television, the Polish Film Institute, Doha Film Institute, Telefilm Canada, IDM Südtirol Alto Adige, Fonds Jeune Création Francophone, Projeto Paradiso, Berlinale Co-Production Market and the partners who have hosted the workshops since 1988.

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Call for EAVE Producers - Busan International Film Festival

Dear EAVE Producers,

For the upcoming online edition of the 23rd BUSAN International Film Festival - Asian Contents & Film Market 2020, which will take place from October 26 – 28, we are offering free accreditations to 10 EAVE alumni from Asia and Europe.

If you are interested, please send us your company profile by September 30, 2020.  

The selected producers will have the opportunity to meet with the APM projects and set their other meetings at the digital market with all registered industry participants. They will also be invited to attend the EAVE TIES THAT BIND Online Pavilion featuring industry circles on recent co-productions with Asia and few other events to facilitate access to Asian content and decision makers.

If you are interested, please contact Tanika by SEP 30:

More information:

Asian Contents & Film Market (Oct.26-28, 2020)

BUSAN International Film Festival (Oct.21-30, 2020)

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How to run sustainable film companies: EAVE+ wrapped up in Luxembourg!

The 10th edition of EAVE+, took place from September 22-27, 2020 at the hotel Parc Belle-vue in Luxembourg. We were thrilled to be able to hold the event physically in Luxembourg with a slightly reduced size and with reinforced sanitary safety measures.

8 experienced producers from 6 countries and 6 seasoned industry professionals gathered for 4 days to discuss the structure of their companies, best management practices and new business models.  Find the full list of participants at the end of the press release.

«EAVE+ was a ground breaking step in the shaping of the future of our company.»

Santiago Gallelli, Rei Cine, Argentina, EAVE+ 2019

During immersive design thinking exercises, group work, plenary sessions, one-to-one meetings and through an interdisciplinary approach, the EAVE+ workshop tackles the business requirements of running an effective film company.

Top-notch business and management coaches explore topics ranging from cash management tools, leadership skills, long term company strategies, negotiations with financiers and partners, distribution models and revenue streams, to raising corporate financing from private investors.

Marketing strategist and business development consultant AC Coppens (The Marketing Catalysts) introduces a special innovative workshop supporting the producers in their entrepreneurial effort - as company founders, leaders or managers. With strategic scenario development tools and exercises specifically designed for their individual purposes, we explore strategy options to sustain and develop their company in a challenging and competitive context.

EAVE Finance Expert Linda Beath (Ideal Filmworks, IT) and Marc Bordure (FR), General and Financial Manager of the French production company AGAT FILMS & Cie / Ex Nihilo, explore the topic of how to develop an efficient slate of projects. Marc Bordure also tackles questions related to company finance, and Linda Beath addresses the topics of company formats and platforms today.

Management coach Michael Comyn (Fearless Organization, IE) works with the producers on team leadership and management skills.

Questions related to working with banks are addressed by  Christophe Vidal (Natixis Coficiné, FR).

EAVE+ Head of Studies Jani Thiltges (Samsa Film, LU), leads group discussions following each plenary session.

Additionally, participants are able to go into more detail into the topics which are most urgent and most important to them and to their particular companies, during one-to-one meetings with the EAVE+ pedagogical team and with each other.

Some comments from previous editions:

«EAVE+ is THE workshop for you when you feel that your production company needs an upgrade.»

Francine Lusser / Tipi’mages Productions, Switzerland

« It is a fantastic opportunity to gain some perspective on your business. I learnt to be more strategic and less reactive. »

Elias Ribeiro / Urucu Media, South Africa


The selected participants for the 10th edition of EAVE+ are:

Alva Film Production: Britta Rindelaub, Germany/Switzerland

Akka Films: Palmyre Badinier, France/Switzerland

Akka Films: Philippe Coeytaux, Switzerland

Fidelio Films: Mauro Mueller, Mexico

Kaléo Films: Olivier Charvet, France

Storyhouse: Maarten Schmidt, Belgium

Tangaj Production: Anamaria Antoci, Romania

Tangaj Production: Anda Ionescu, Romania


EAVE+ takes place once a year in Luxembourg with different experts and curates the most urgent, contemporary topics for each session according to industry needs. 

EAVE+ is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union and the Luxembourg Film Fund.

More information on: 

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EAVE on Demand Russia 2020

EAVE in partnership with ROSKINO, launches an educational programme in co-production among Russian producers - EAVE ON DEMAND IN RUSSIA.

ROSKINO is announcing the start of the competition to participate in the workshop, EAVE ON DEMAND IN RUSSIA, which will be held in November 2020. The project has been developed specifically for Russian feature film producers wishing to work in international markets, in cooperation with a leading European organization engaged in professional education and development of production training, EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs), with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Selected participants will have the opportunity to take part in the program, which includes training masterclasses, individual sessions with international experts. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to present their projects at the Industry @ Tallinn & BalticEvent business platform.

ROSKINO considers the development of co-production to be one of the most important areas contributing to the integration of Russian projects into the international markets. The first online market for Russian content, Key Buyers Event, which took place in June 2020, showed the rapid growth in the number of producers and projects focused on international co-production. More than 90 projects were submitted to participate in the Key Buyers Event co-production section.

“One of the tasks of ROSKINO is to help raise the level of Russian projects in the international scene. Observing the growth in the number and quality of co-production projects, we considered it necessary to address this request and initiated an educational program in Russia for Russian specialists working in the co-production segment. The training was developed jointly with one of the main European associations - EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs), which has been doing similar programs around the world for many years. We believe that it is extremely important not only to give theoretical and practical skills to producers but also to help films find their way. Therefore, the culmination of the program will be the presentation of the most successful projects at the BALTIC EVENT in Tallinn”, said CEO of ROSKINO Evgenia Markova. 

The curator and ideologist of the EAVE ON DEMAND IN RUSSIA project is Natalia Drozd, a successful co-production producer. The selection of projects will be carried out by an authorized commission: Chairman of the Board of the Association of Producers - Sergei Selyanov, CEO of ROSKINO - Evgenia Markova, Head of the Department of State Support for the Production of Non-Feature and Animated National Films of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation - Leonid Demchenko, General Producer of Metrafilms - Artem Vasiliev, General producer of the film company "Koktebel" - Roman Borisevich and Natalia Drozd.

“There is a great potential for international co-production in Russia at the moment. After a successful first cooperation between EAVE and ROSKINO for the KEY BUYERS EVENT, we are delighted to continue our partnership, training Russian producers and preparing their projects for the international market in a specially designed EAVE ON DEMAND session in Russia. Leading EAVE experts will work with a group of selected Russian producers to develop their feature films in development in terms of script development, production, packaging, sales and distribution", comments EAVE CEO Kristina Trapp

“The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation actively supports projects related to coproduction. In 2019, we announced the first competition for the distribution of minority support for Russian film producers to participate in the creation of co-production projects. The development of the educational vector, despite all the challenges of this year, is a priority task for us and a stable foundation for the development of the industry. We are glad to start working in this direction with ROSKINO and colleagues from EAVE,” notes the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova.

After submission of projects and selection of the best by the authorized commission, participants will participate in a 2-day workshop, which includes master classes on project development, packaging, financing in Europe, legal aspects of co-production, marketing strategy and festival distribution. Participants will also be able to hold one-on-one meetings with international finance, marketing and legal advisors. In addition to the workshops, there will be one-to-one online sessions with instructors to discuss and develop scripts. At the final stage, producers will be able to present their finished projects at the Industry @ Tallinn & BalticEvent business platform and meet with potential financiers, co-producers, global sales agents and distributors.


Terms of participation in the project:

5 to 7 producers from Russia will participate in the training.

Participants will be chosen from the feature film producers with experience in the field and desire to work in international markets and create long-lasting business and cultural relations between Russia and Europe. Producers interested in the training should provide a project of a feature film in the development stage. 

Criteria for the project selection

A project of a full-length feature film suitable for international co-production and with a potential for release in cinemas. 

National financial support is desirable for the project.

Personal motivation of the producers to work in different countries and create projects with cultural or technical connections with other regions. 

Participation in the program is completely free

Terms of participation include the attendance of seminars and lessons and the acknowledgement of the participation in the EAVE ON DEMAND IN RUSSIA project in the film credits. 

English is the official language of the seminar

All the documents and applications should be submitted in English. 



October 11th, 2020, 23:00. 



End of October 2020





For participants – Anna Ryasik / Head of International

For media – Natalia Armaganova/ Head of PR

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In the framework of Capitals of Culture Galway and Rijeka 2020, EAVE has selected a group of 5 Irish producers and 5 Croatian producers to join workshops 2 and 3 of EAVE Producers Workshop 2020 to develop their projects and skills further, to build professional relationships with each other and to network with the EAVE 2020 participants.

Some of the Irish and Croatian join with a project, some as participants focusing on career development. During the workshops, they join the EAVE plenary sessions as well as work on their projects, company structures and careers in group work.

The selected producers for the EAVE Special for Irish and Croatian participants 2020 are:

David Burke, Dot Television, Ireland

Ciaran Charles, Rockal Films, Ireland

Ben Evans James, Ireland

Nikolina Hrga, Kome, Croatia

Morana Ikić Komljenović, Little Red Dot, Croatia

Zoran Krema, Okodoko, Croatia

Sabina Krešić, Fade In / Okodoko, Croatia

Borko Novitović, Filmaktiv, Croatia

Darach Ó Tuairisg, Fíbín Media, Ireland

Clifford Parrott, Magpie 6 Media, Ireland

The Irish and Croatian participants work together as a group led by experienced producer and EAVE group leader Titus Kreyenberg (unafilm, DE) and under the guidance of several EAVE experts on script analysis, development and production financing, legal aspects of co-production, marketing, pitching, packaging and other relevant topics.

At workshop 3, 60-70 international Decision Makers (commissioning editors, national and regional media funds, sales agents, etc.) will meet the participants in pre-scheduled one-to-one meetings, which offers unique access to Europe's key Decision Makers.

The workshops take place in September-October 2020 (online version in collaboration with Galway, Ireland) and December 2020 in Opatija/Rijeka, Croatia.

The workshop partners:

Ireland: Fís Éireann /Screen Ireland, Greasán na Meán, Screen Skills Ireland, BAI, TG4, Creative Europe Desk Ireland – MEDIA Office Galway and Danú Media.

Croatia: Croatian Audiovisual Centre, City of Rijeka, CED – MEDIA Office Croatia.

EAVE is supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union, Film Fund Luxembourg, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, Fondo Audiovisivo Friuli Venezia Giulia, PACT – the Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television, the Polish Film Institute, Doha Film Institute, Telefilm Canada, IDM Südtirol Alto Adige, Fonds Jeune Création Francophone, Projeto Paradiso, Berlinale Co-Production Market and the partners who have hosted the workshops since 1988.

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Join EAVE Yoga online on THURSDAYS

© Geraldine Aresteanu


"During the EAVE Producers Workshop, we have been offering morning yoga sessions to our participants for many years. Thanks to Tanika, it is now also possible online. Tanika’s wonderfully calm, positive, and radiant energy and her careful and professional guidance are a wonderful way to start or end any day. Her restorative yoga classes help you to be focussed, restore body and mind in stressful times and give you an energy boost."

Kristina Trapp, EAVE CEO

"When I started with Yoga@EAVE, I never thought I’d be a yoga teacher. When I became a yoga teacher, I never thought I’d be teaching online. Now I’m very happy to connect EAVE yogis online from all over the world!"

Tanika Sajatovic, EAVE Coordinator

© Silke Albrecht


You are most welcome to join the EAVE Yoga on THURSDAYS:

08:15 – 08:55 Berlin time on ZOOM

19:00 – 19:40 Berlin time on ZOOM



FREE online classes on September 17 & 24!

You just need to register to receive a zoom link.


From OCTOBER onwards, all EAVE graduates will have a discounted price:

SINGLE Class: 6 Euro

10X Class Card: 50 Euro


Restorative YOGA classes will connect you to your body and your breath in a gentle way. We will put emphasis on asanas allowing your body to recharge and reenergize, and asanas releasing the tension in the shoulders, back and neck. We will also practise simple breathing exercises to calm your mind and reduce stress. Yoga has the quality of being able to quiet your brain, soothe the nerves, and refresh and pacify your mind.


"Simply addictive! Soothes body and mind and gives you both calm and an energy boost."

Lise Lense-Møller, EAVE Head of Studies

"Yoga class with Tanika is a wonderful way to start a day with new energy and positive mindset. Tanika knows all the back-pains of film producers and the exercises do wonders for desk-chained professionals (like myself), so my muscles are grateful!"

Joanna Szymanska, SHIPsBOY (PL)

"I had never really taken to yoga but working with Tanika has been a revelation. I have so much more energy when I begin the day with Tanika's routines, and under the guidance of her own calm and radiant energy. Richly recommended!"

Elhum Shakerifar, Hakawati (UK)

© Silke Albrecht


"Calm, clear instructions on how to move, stretch and breathe. It is such a pleasure to spend time following Tanika with her great smile, her positive attitude and her profound knowledge of this type of yoga."

Linda Beath, Ideal Filmworks Italia (IT)

"Tanika's yoga classes are an excellent way to start the week! Gentle and deep, she will never let you risk any injury; on the contrary, I would say Tanika's yoga classes are one of the most healing and calming experiences, body, mind and soul. Excellent to cut with the stress and be focused on here and now, connected with your body in a very kind and caring way. Absolutely recommended!"

Constanza Arena, CinemaChile (CL)

Additionally, there are free yoga videos available to practice at home or in the office suitable for all.



Hope to see you at the online EAVE Yoga sessions soon!



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EAVE Producers Workshop 2021 - deadline extension until September 7!


EAVE, European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, is one of the leading training and development providers for producers in Europe, renowned for its EAVE Producers Workshop.

  Who is it for?

EAVE is aimed at producers, both fiction, documentary and TV series, who are already working in the film and television industries who wish to expand their operation internationally by increasing their knowledge of producing and co-producing in Europe and by building up a pan European professional network. We also welcome applications from associated branches of the industry – e.g. commissioning, funding, legal and finance, festivals & markets, media administration. Each year fifty participants are selected from most of the EU countries and beyond and take part in three one-week long workshops.

  How does it work?

Half the participants attend the course with projects and it is an excellent means of development through intense focus on the project with colleagues and experts throughout the year. The other half come to EAVE in order to focus on developing their companies or careers. Most participants attending with a project also bring their writer for the first two weeks which enables producer and writer to benefit together from one-to-one sessions with script experts.

During the first two workshops, participants work within groups led by experienced producers and with several experts on script analysis, development and production financing, legal aspects of co-production, marketing, pitching, packaging and more. In the third workshop 60-70 Decision Makers (commissioning editors, national and regional media funds, sales agents, etc.) join the participants to discuss the projects, companies and careers of the participants, a process which offers unusual access to Europe's Decision Makers.

EAVE graduates join a unique network of active European producers which forms one of the backbones of the industry. Furthermore, EAVE participants and members benefit from our partnerships with the leading European film festivals and markets where EAVE facilitates graduate participation.

The interviews with a pre-selection of candidates will take place in autumn 2020 and the selection will be announced in December 2020. The 3 workshops take place in March 5-12, 2021 in Luxembourg (LU), June 2021 in Orléans (FR - TBC), and October 2021 in Catalonia (ES - TBC).
EAVE is a residential workshop programme with a strong focus on network building. Should local travel restrictions occur, alternative digital solutions will be proposed.

Check out the EAVE website for more information and the application form or contact us!


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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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