
EAVE Network

Lina Badenes

Lina Badenes

Producer , Turanga Films, Spain

EAVE Project: The Cabin

Céline Baggen

Project Controller , IDTV Film, The Netherlands

EAVE Project: Lost for Words

Muhammad Bahir

Muhammad Bahir

Producer , Wayang Works, Malaysia

TTB Project: Motif

Jean-Pierre Bailly

Producteur , MC4, France

Georgina Baisch

Georgina Baisch

Producer , Murillo Cine, Argentina

Puentes project: Jesus Lopez

Valon Bajgora

Valon Bajgora

Producer , Ikone-Studio, Kosovo

PW project: Silence of Sirens

Frank Bak

Producer , Theorema Films Productie BV, The Netherlands

Amra Baksic-Camo

Amra Baksic-Camo

SCCA/, Bosnia & Herzegovina

National Coordinator Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amra Bakšic-Camo

Amra Bakšic-Camo

SCCA/, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Michel Balagué

Michel Balagué

Producer , VOLTE, Germany

PW project: Not A Word

Bianca Balbuena

Bianca Balbuena

Producer , Epicmedia, Philippines

TTB Project: The Sigbin Chronicles

Bianca Balbuena

Bianca Balbuena

Producer , Kroma Entertainment - Anima Studios, Philippines

Ties That Bind Group Leader

Myriam Ballesteros

Producer - Director , M.B. Producciones S.L., Spain

Sarah Bamberg

Sarah Bamberg

Executive Officer , Film Fund Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Sarah Bamberg

Sarah Bamberg

Film Fund Luxembourg, Luxembourg


Costanza Julia Bani

Costanza Julia Bani

Creative and executive producer , Fasad Production AB / free lancer , Germany

EAVE Project: BOO DOT COM – you only live twice

Tania Banotti

Tania Banotti, Ireland

Vivian Yeran Bao

Vivian Yeran Bao

Partner , Guanyu Film, China

TTB project: Sheep in the Forest by Tian Guan

Szabolcs Baranyai

Szabolcs Baranyai

Marketing and Communications Director , National Film Institute, Hungary, HUNGARY

Mariana  Barassi

Mariana Barassi

General producer , Programa Ibermedia and Márgenes Film Festival, Spain

Carole Baraton

Carole Baraton

Charades, France

Jean-Marie Barbe

Délégué Général , Ardèche Images Production, France

Stefano Barberi

Nomad Films / Digitalmaster srl, Italy

EAVE Project: Restless

Patricia Barbieri

Patricia Barbieri

Executive and Creative Producer , Prana Filmes, Brazil


Nina M. Barbosa Blad

Nina M. Barbosa Blad

Barbosa Film, Norway

Stanisław Bardadin

Stanisław Bardadin

Specialist in Festivals, International Cooperation and Licenses Department , Documentary and Feature Film Studios (WFDiF), Poland

Cait Barden

MEDIA Desk Dublin, Ireland

Radoslawa Bardes

Radoslawa Bardes

Producer , Studio Produkcyjne ORKA Sp. Zo.o., Poland

MW: Iggy the iggle

Aleksi Bardy

Aleksi Bardy

Producer , Helsinki-Filmi, Finland

EAVE Project: Young Gods

Aleksi Bardy

Aleksi Bardy

Helsinki Filmi, Finland

The 3 Acts of Startegic Development

Frida Bargo

Frida Bargo

Producer , B-Reel Feature Films, Sweden

EAVE Project: Hotell

Stefan Baron

Stefan Baron

Nice Drama, Sweden

Jose Barrio

Acidmedia, Spain

EAVE Project: Gangster

Sebastian Barriuso

Sebastian Barriuso

Director | Producer , Creative Artisans Media, Canada

Puentes: UN TRADUCTOR (1989)

Yolanda Maria Barroso

Yolanda Maria Barroso

Creative Producer , Maria Farinha Filmes, Brazil

Adrien Barrouillet

Adrien Barrouillet

Producer , Furyo Films, France


Ciara Barry

Ciara Barry

Producer , barry crerar Ltd, United Kingdom

EAVE Project: Little Dog Boy

Conor Barry

Conor Barry

producer , SP Films, Ireland

EAVE Project: 14/88

Kristoffer Barslund

Kristoffer Barslund

Junior Producer, launch project manager and outreach/impact producer , Magic Hour Films, Denmark

Kristoffer Barslund

Kristoffer Barslund

Will and Agency / Publikum, Denmark

Sherien  Barsoum

Sherien Barsoum

National Film Board of Canada, Canada

Raphael Barth

Producer & Director , Golden Girls Filmproduction, Austria

EAVE Project: Bye Bye Jacksonville

Montserrat Bartuí

Producer , Montserrat Bartuí, Spain

Amy Basil

Amy Basil


Jenna Cato Bass

Jenna Cato Bass

Writer, Director, Producer , Fox Fire Films, South Africa

Larry Bass

Larry Bass

Producer , Screentime ShinAwiL, Ireland

Larry Bass

Larry Bass

ShinAwiL UK, Ireland

Darya Bassel

Darya Bassel

CEO , Moon Man, Ukraine

PW project: Red Zone

René Bastian

René Bastian

Producer , Belladonna Productions, USA

EAVE Project: Song Without a Name (Puentes)

Rakasree Basu

Rakasree Basu

Founder & Producer , Momentum Films, Scotland, United Kingdom

Fabio Battistin

Fabio Battistin

Producer , Movimenta, Italy

EAVE Project: The Perfect Circle

Yves Baudechon

Yves Baudechon

Social Lab, Belgium

Guest Expert Social Marketing

Simone Baumann

Managing Director , L.E. Vision, Germany

Sophia Baumgärtner Perez

Sophia Baumgärtner Perez

Sales & Marketing , Films Boutique, Germany

Daniel Baur

Daniel Baur

K5 International division of K5 Media Group GmbH, Germany

Lene Bausager

Producer , Ugly Duckling Films Ltd, United Kingdom

Christian Baute

Producteur , Celluloid Dreams, France

Ossama Bawardi

Ossama Bawardi

Producer , Philistine Fillms, Israel

EAVE Project: Wajib

Paola Bay

Paola Bay, Italy

Timo Bayer

Timo Bayer

Schiebe, Preil und Bayer, Germany

Marketing Expert

Linda Beath

Linda Beath

Ideal Filmworks Italia, Italy

Finance Expert

Julien Beauvois

Julien Beauvois

project manager , Wallonie Bruxelles Images, Belgium

Stig Bech

Stig Bech

CEO , Filminvest AS, Norge


Frank Becher

Producer , Rixfilm Ltd. & co. KG, Germany

Danilo Beckovic

Danilo Beckovic

Director / Producer , Mali Budo ltd, Serbia

TTB project: Trials of Chul

Sébastien Beffa

Sébastien Beffa

Playtime, France

Sales and acquisitions

Roshanak Behesht Nedjad

Roshanak Behesht Nedjad

Producer , In Good Company GmbH, Germany

Roshanak Behesht Nedjad

Roshanak Behesht Nedjad

In Good Company GmbH, Germany

Group Leader

Dorothe Beinemeier

Dorothe Beinemeier

CEO/Producer , Red Balloon Film GmbH, Germany

Alea Aquarius

Alya Belgaroui

Alya Belgaroui

MK2 Films, France

Head of Studies

Mohamed Ali Ben Hamra

Mohamed Ali Ben Hamra

Producer , Polimovie International Pictures, Tunisia

Interchange project: Thala Mon Amour

Sarra Ben Hassen

Sarra Ben Hassen

Producer , INSTINCT BLEU, Tunisie

PW project: Roman Ruins

Semira Ben-Amor

Semira Ben-Amor

PR & Marketing , Iron Sky Universe, Finland

Mohamed Amin Benamraoui

Taziri Production, Morocco

Darren Bender

Darren Bender

Producer , Bigger Pictures, United Kingdom

EAVE Projects: A Walk on the Beach (EPW) - Glendragon (TTB)

Pilar Benito

Pilar Benito

Morena Films SL, Spain

Company Case Study

Brigita Beniušytė

Brigita Beniušytė

Producer , M-Films, Lithuania


Hayet Benkara

Hayet Benkara

PRODIGY 360, Canada

Development/(Co-)Production/Distribution, Marketing and Festival Strategies

Artemio Benki  †

Artemio Benki †

producer , Plan B, Czech Republic

Grainne Bennett

Fas Screen Training Ireland, Ireland

EAVE Project: The Rising Tide

Fraser Bensted

Fraser Bensted

Audio Visual Film Marketing Consultant , TOKYO

Trailers & Showreel

Andrea Berentsen Ottmar

Andrea Berentsen Ottmar

Producer , Oslo Pictures, Norway

Anne Beresford

Anne Beresford

Produer , Anne Beresford, United Kingdom

EAVE Project: Gal Planet

Karianne Berge

Karianne Berge

Indie Film AS, Norway

Jozsef Berger

Managing Director / Producer , Mythberg Films Ltd, Hungary

Karin C. Berger

Karin C. Berger

Producer , Lots of Stories Filmproduktion, Austria

Katharina Bergfeld

Katharina Bergfeld

producer , Filmproduktions GmbH, Germany


Joonas Berghäll

Joonas Berghäll

Director, producer , Oktober Oy, Finland

EAVE Project: Baby Jane

Karin Berghammer

Karin Berghammer

Developing Producer, PM , Amour Fou Filmproduktion, Austria

Vjosa Berisha †

Vjosa Berisha †

Producer , B2 agency, Kosovo

Julia Berkes

Julia Berkes

Producer , Proton Cinema Kft., Hungary

EPW Project: Bad Poems
National Coordinator Hunagary

Tami Berkovits

Okofilm Productions GmbH, Switzerland

EAVE Project: Mary\'s Ride

Julien Berlan

1.85, France

Julien Berlan

Producer , Neon Cinema, France

EAVE Project: Marsilla

Ester Bernal

Ester Bernal

PIANO, Mexico

Nuno Bernardo

Nuno Bernardo

BeActive S.A., Portugal

National Coordinator Portugal

Nuno Bernardo

Nuno Bernardo

beActive Entertainment, S.A., Portugal

Wendy Bernfeld

Wendy Bernfeld

Rights Stuff BV, The Netherlands

Norman Bernien

Norman Bernien

Producer , kurhaus production, Germany

Marketing Workshop project: Nachtwald

Tunje Berns

Tunje Berns

Producer , Ardîne Filmproduktion, Switzerland

EAVE Project: Dawn

Sigrid Bersmann

Sigrid Bersmann

Project leader Marketing & Events , Film i Väst, Sweden

Henrik Berthelsen

Freelance Producer , Filmloc , Denmark

Paolo Bertolin

Paolo Bertolin

Venice International Film Festival, La Biennale di Venezia - Settore Cinema, Italy

Anais Bertrand

Anais Bertrand

Producer , Insolence Productions, France

PW project: Northern Lights

Aija Berzina

Aija Berzina

CEO , Tasse Film, Latvia

National Coordinator Latvia

Montse Besada Vergara

Head of Acquisitions , TELEVISION DE GALICIA, Spain

Marie Besson

Marie Besson

Eklektik Productions, Belgium

PUENTES Project: The Blood of Your Blood

Bruno Bettati

Bruno Bettati

Jirafa, Chile

Overview of the Latin American Market

Jelle Beuger

Jelle Beuger

Audience Design & Marketing , Freelance, The Netherlands

Yulia Evina Bhara

Yulia Evina Bhara

CEO and Producer , KawanKawan Media, Indonesia

TTB project: Autobiography

Yulia Evina Bhara

Yulia Evina Bhara

KawanKawan Media, Indonesia

Geremia Biagiotti

Geremia Biagiotti

Sales, Marketing & Acquisitions Manager , Intramovies Srl, Italy

Olivier Bibas

Olivier Bibas

Executive producer and Co-Managing Director , Atlantique Productions, France

Serge Bierset

Serge Bierset

Head of Drama , DRAMADAMA tv and film, Belgium

Samantha Biffot

Samantha Biffot

Producer/Screenwriter/Director , Princesse M productions, Gabon

PW project: Fresco of the Forgotten

Thibaud Billiard

Thibaud Billiard

COO Producer , YPR FILMS, Dominican Republic


Helga Binder

Helga Binder

Film und Medienstiftung NRW, Germany

Producing and Co-producing in NRW and Germany

Terry Bird

New Town Films Ltd, United Kingdom

Brynhildur Birgisdóttir

producer , Pegasus Pictures, Iceland

EAVE Project: Halldór the Fish

Nina Bisgaard

Nina Bisgaard

Financial Producer , Meta Film & SAM Productions, Denmark

Hazim Bitar

producer, director , Amman Filmmakers Cooperative, Jordan

Marta Bite

Ego Media, Latvia

EAVE Project: the Enthusiast

Mariam Bitsadze

Mariam Bitsadze

CEO , 17/07 Productions, Georgia


Angela Bittner

Author - Director - Producer , Face the Press Film GmbH, Germany

Flavia Biurrun

Flavia Biurrun

Producer & Co-Head of Development , Saga Film, Belgium

Ona Biveiniene

Film Studio Kopa, Lithuania

EAVE Project: Home Without Marquis

Klara Björk

Filmkreatörerna, Sweden

EAVE Project: Whistleblower

Sam Björklund

producer , Stormborg Productions Oy (Lt), Finland

Mille Bjørke

Mille Bjørke

Producer , Mastiff, Denmark

Jarle Bjørknes

Jarle Bjørknes

Producer , Incitus as, Norway

Martin Blankemeyer

Martin Blankemeyer

Sachverständiger für Film- und Medienwirtschaft , Arepo Media GmbH, Germany

Orla Bleahen-Melvin

Orla Bleahen-Melvin

Producer/Writer , Footnote Productions Limited, Ireland


Martina Bleis

Martina Bleis

manager of official projects , Berlinale Co-Production Market, Germany

Malene Blenkov

Producer , Produktionsselskabet, Denmark

Maria Blicharska-Lacroix

Maria Blicharska-Lacroix

producer , Blick Productions, France

EAVE Project: Love in Time of Communism

Mattia Bloise

Mattia Bloise

Designer , WYTH, Italia

Eva Blondiau

Eva Blondiau

CEO , COLOR OF MAY, Deutschland

B`EST project: Otar's Death, PW project: The Kiss of the Grasshopper

Franco Bocca Gelsi

Franco Bocca Gelsi

Creative Producer , Gagarin srl, Italy

EAVE Project: Silent Identities

Eva Bodas

Eva Bodas

CEO , Entre las piedras , Spain


Claire Bodechon

Claire Bodechon

Producer , Timshel Productions, France

PW project: Unwanted

Aurélien Bodinaux

Aurélien Bodinaux

Producer / Director , Néon Rouge Productions, Belgium

TTB Project: The River of Cloud

Germen  Boelens

Germen Boelens

Producer , Revolver Films, Netherlands

PW project: Play Dead

Anna M. Bofarull

Anna M. Bofarull

CEO , KaBoGa art & films, Spain

Bozena Bogdziewicz-Onkol

Bozena Bogdziewicz-Onkol

Producer/ Director/ Screenwriter , Bo Dream Productions, Belgium

Virginia Bogliolo

Virginia Bogliolo

CEO - Producer , tarkiofilm, Montevideo


David Bohun

David Bohun

Producer , PANAMA Film KG, Austria

PW project: Architecture for a Broken Planet

Ewa Bojanowska

Ewa Bojanowska

Festivals & Marketing , New Europe Film Sales, Poland

Marketing Workshop project: Lamb

Mirko Bojovic

Mirko Bojovic

Producer, film editor , BaBoon Production, Serbia

Inese Boka - Grube

Inese Boka - Grube

Producer , Mistrus Media, Latvia

Natalia Bolek

Natalia Bolek

Freelancer England

Juan S. Bollain Tienda

Producer & Architect , Luna Imagen S.L., Spain

Ioanna Bolomyti

Ioanna Bolomyti

Producer , Atalante Productions SA, Greece

PW project: Behind the Haystacks

Ulrik Bolt Jørgensen

Ulrik Bolt Jørgensen

Producer , Arena Film ApS, Denmark

Eberhard Bommarius

Regular Films, Germany

Moritz Bonatti

Moritz Bonatti

IDM Südtirol, Italy

PW project: Souvenirs of War

Lorena Bondarovsky

Lorena Bondarovsky

Producer , Conspiração Filmes, Brasil

Cedric Bonin

Cedric Bonin

Producer , Seppia, France

EAVE Project: On the move Nomads in the global world

Edmund Booth

Freelance , Wall to Wall Television, United Kingdom

Shiladitya Bora

Shiladitya Bora

PVR Group, India

Aurélie Bordier

Aurélie Bordier

Producer , Les Enragés, France

Marc Bordure

Marc Bordure

Agat Films & Ex Nihilo, France

Fran Borgia

Fran Borgia

Producer , Akanga Film Asia, Singapore

EAVE Project: Endless Day

Fran Borgia

Fran Borgia

Akanga Films Asia, Singapore

Ties That Bind Group Leader

Sarah Born

Sarah Born

CEO, Producer , Catpics AG, Switzerland

MW project: The Naughty Girls Bookclub

Ezequiel Borovinsky

Ezequiel Borovinsky

Producer , Wanka Cine, Argentina

Sangre (Blood)

Ewa Borowski

Ewa Borowski

Producer , Eastart Pictures, Germany

Alessandro Borrelli

Alessandro Borrelli

CEO , La Sarraz Pictures, Italy


Nadine Borreman

Directrice de Production , K2 s.a., Belgium

Christiano Bortone

Christiano Bortone


Alba Bosch-Duran

Alba Bosch-Duran

Development producer and producer , Oberon Media, Spain


Guillaume Boscher

Guillaume Boscher

Netflix, France

Social Media Expert

Chiara Boschiero

Verdeoro, Italy

EAVE Project: The Lost World Cup

Stienette Bosklopper

Managing Director - Producer , Circe Films, The Netherlands

Gabor Böszörményi

Gabor Böszörményi

Owner and managing director , Mozinet Ltd., Hungary

Paola Botrán

Paola Botrán

Employee , Cattleya Producciones, Spain


Peter Bouckaert

producer , Eyeworks Film & TV Drama, Belgium

EAVE Project: Marina

Litsa Boudalika


Patrick Boudet

Rédacteur en Chef - Internet , - Le Guide des Meilleurs Contenus du Web, France

Georges Bourély

Directeur Général , Corto Pacific, France

Siobhán Bourke

Producer , Rough Magic Film Productions, Ireland

Valerie Bournonville

Valerie Bournonville

Producer , Tarantula, Belgium


Valerie Bournonville

Valerie Bournonville

Tarantula, Belgium

Abdullah Boushahri

Abdullah Boushahri

Beyond Dreams Productions, Kuwait

Alexandra Boussiou

Alexandra Boussiou

producer , Wrong Men, Greece

EAVE Project: Smells Like Blood

Sophie Boutros

Sophie Boutros

Writer/ director , American University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Interchange project: Bound

Dominique Bouyala Dumas

Executive Producer, Sales agent , Creative camera productions, France

Yves Samuel Bouzaglo

Yves Samuel Bouzaglo

Producer , Lunica Productions Ltd, Switzerland

PW project: The Earrings

Jonathan Daniel Bouzali Dayan

Jonathan Daniel Bouzali Dayan

General Producer , Phototaxia Pictures & KUTER, Mexico


Veerle Bovens

Veerle Bovens

Employee , Netherlands Film Fund, The Netherlands

Steve Bowden

Steve Bowden

Producer , Vita Nova Films, United Kingdom

School for Seduction

Ailish Bracken

Ailish Bracken

Producer , Against the Grain Films, Ireland

Monika Braid

Braidmade Films, United Kingdom

EAVE Project: Mind the Gap

Claudia Brandt

Accento Films, The Netherlands

EAVE Project: Out of Mind

Ivry Braun

Ivry Braun

Yilisoo Films, France

TTB project: Spin by Baer Xiao

Raúl Bravo

Raúl Bravo

Producer , NorteSur Producciones, Venezuela

EAVE Project: Lucía

Fay Breeman

Fay Breeman

Manager , Hubert Bals Fund / International Film Festival Rotterdam, Netherlands

Ann Brehony

Producer , Ann Berhony, Ireland

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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