


Costanza Julia Bani

Costanza Julia Bani

Creative and executive producer , Fasad Production AB / free lancer , Germany

EAVE Project: BOO DOT COM – you only live twice

Ossama Bawardi

Ossama Bawardi

Producer , Philistine Fillms, Israel

EAVE Project: Wajib

Karin C. Berger

Karin C. Berger

Producer , Lots of Stories Filmproduktion, Austria

Joonas Berghäll

Joonas Berghäll

Director, producer , Oktober Oy, Finland

EAVE Project: Baby Jane

Vjosa Berisha †

Vjosa Berisha †

Producer , B2 agency, Kosovo

Aija Berzina

Aija Berzina

CEO , Tasse Film, Latvia

National Coordinator Latvia

Fran Borgia

Fran Borgia

Producer , Akanga Film Asia, Singapore

EAVE Project: Endless Day

Guillermo Carreras-Candi

Guillermo Carreras-Candi

Producer / Director , Freelance & AtzucacFilms, Spain

EAVE project Disturbed Earth

Paula Cosenza

Paula Cosenza

Producer , Bossa Nova Films, Brazil

EAVE Project: Dolores

Bogdan Craciun

Bogdan Craciun

Producer , Libra Film, Romania

At the Side of the Moon

Gary Cranner

Gary Cranner

Producer , Mantra Film , Norge

National Coordinator Norway

Jean-Laurent Csinidis

Jean-Laurent Csinidis

Managing director and producer , Film de Force Majeure, France

Sean Cuthbert

Sean Cuthbert

Producer , Spencer Street Productions, Ireland

Jan Doense

Jan Doense

Producer / Director , House of Netherhorror, The Netherlands

EAVE Project: Amsterdam Gothic

Károly Fehér

Károly Fehér

Producer , Popfilm Ltd., Hungary

EAVE Project: The Estate

Cecilia Forsberg Becker

Cecilia Forsberg Becker

Producer , Stellanova Film / Filmlance International, Sweden

EAVE Project: Eldalek

Dewi Gregory

Dewi Gregory

Producer , Truth Department, United Kingdom

EAVE Project: Nuclear Mountain

Marina Gumzi

Marina Gumzi

Managing director , NOSOROGI, Slovenia

EAVE Project: Stories From the Chestnut Woods / MW Project: The Jungle Film

Marion Guth

Marion Guth

Producer , a_BAHN, Luxembourg

Ashley Horner

Ashley Horner

Producer/CEO , Pinball Films Ltd, United Kingdom

EAVE Project: Blight

Oana Iancu

Oana Iancu


Izabela Igel

Izabela Igel

Producer , Alter Ego Pictures, Poland

Vanja Jambrovic

Vanja Jambrovic

Producer , Restart, Croatia

EAVE Project: Araf - The Elevations

Henning Kamm

Henning Kamm

Managing director/ Producer , REAL FILM Berlin GmbH, Germany

EAVE Project: La Vita Nuova



Producer , Yedi Film, Turkey

EAVE Project: 16

Andrew Keogh

Andrew Keogh

Creative Director / Producer , Bread&Circus;, Ireland

Katarina Krnacova

Katarina Krnacova

Producer , SILVERART, Slovakia

National Coordinator Slovakia

Oriol Maymó

Oriol Maymó

Producer , Corte y Confeccion de peliculas SLL, Spain

EAVE Project: Pontianak

Ditte Milsted

Ditte Milsted

Producer, Partner and managing director , Profile Pictures ApS, Denmark

EAVE Project: We Watched the Sun Disappear

Sergi Moreno

Sergi Moreno

Executive producer , Lastor Media, S.L., Spain

PW project: Anchore and Hope

Danijel Pek

Danijel Pek

Manager/Owner/Producer , ANTITALENT, Croatia

EAVE Project: I Miss You

Laurine Pelassy

Laurine Pelassy

Producer , Les Films de la capitaine, France

EAVE Project: Look Down, Fists Clenched

Elina Pohjola

Elina Pohjola


Giovanni Pompili

Giovanni Pompili

Producer , KINO produzioni, Italy

EAVE Project: Sole
National Coordinator Italy

Katrin Pors

Katrin Pors

Producer , Blond Indian Films, Denmark- Colombia

Puentes Project: The Resistance, EAVE Project: Birds of Passage

Claudio Cao Quintas

Claudio Cao Quintas

Producer/ Partner , Latina Estudio, Brazil

EAVE Project: Sons of Fidel

Jan Roosens

Jan Roosens

Producer / Director , Rococo Content, Belgium

EAVE Project: Franco

Pascaline Saillant

Pascaline Saillant

Producer , Insolence Productions, France

EAVE Project: Beau-père du bled

Barbara Sarasola Day

Barbara Sarasola Day

Producer , Pucara Cine, Argentina

EAVE Project: Rojo

Dario Schoch

Dario Schoch

Managing Director & Producer , Cognito Films Ltd., Switzerland

EAVE Project: THE BUBBLE (ex. Full Steam Ahead)

Joanna Szymanska

Joanna Szymanska

CEO / Owner / Producer , SHIPSBOY SP. Z O.O., Poland

Eero Talvistu

Eero Talvistu

producer , Kinoport Film OÜ, Estonia

Ruben Thorkildsen

Ruben Thorkildsen

Producer , Ape&Bj;ørn, Norway

Psycho Bitch

Nadia Trevisan

CEO and producer , Nefertiti Film, Italy

EAVE Project: Menocchio TTB project: The Rope by Alberto Fasulo

Katya Trichkova

Katya Trichkova

Producer , Argo film Ltd./Contrast films Ltd, Bulgaria

EAVE Project: The Other Man

Gökçe I??l Tuna

Gökçe I??l Tuna

Producer , Motiva Film, Turkey

EAVE Project: Kendi Aram?zda / A History of Women

Julianna Ugrin

Julianna Ugrin

Producer , Éclipse Film, Hungary

EAVE Project: Afterglow

Simone Van den Broek

Simone Van den Broek

Producer, company owner , Basalt Film, Netherlands

PW project: Fuxen

Vladimir Vasiljevic

Vladimir Vasiljevic

Producer , EED Productions, Serbia

Lena Vurma

Lena Vurma

Producer , Dragonfly films, Germany

EAVE Project: Ghosts of India

Mikael Windelin

Mikael Windelin

VFX producer , Windelin Consulting, Denmark

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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