


Nathalie Algazi

Nathalie Algazi

producer , La Voie Lactee, France

PW project: Shadow Land

Teresa Alldén

Teresa Alldén

Producer , Eyeworks Film & TV Drama, Sweden

PW project: Players

Anamaria Antoci

Anamaria Antoci

Producer , Tangaj Production, Romania

Larry Bass

Larry Bass

Producer , Screentime ShinAwiL, Ireland

Orla Bleahen-Melvin

Orla Bleahen-Melvin

Producer/Writer , Footnote Productions Limited, Ireland


Ailish Bracken

Ailish Bracken

Producer , Against the Grain Films, Ireland

Miha Cernec

Miha Cernec

General Manager / Producer , STARAGARA, zavod za kulturne dejavnosti, Slovenia

PW project: Ivan

Emilija Chochkova

Emilija Chochkova

Fragment Film, Macedonia

Secret Ingredient

Didar Domehri

Didar Domehri

Producer , Maneki Films /Full House, France

Janneke Doolaard

Janneke Doolaard

Producer/ Managing Director , DOXY, Netherlands

In The Arms Of Morpheus

Clement Duboin

Clement Duboin

Producer , GOOD FORTUNE FILMS, France

EAVE project: For the beauty of it

Milena Dzambasovic

Milena Dzambasovic

Producer; Creator , Film Road Production, Serbia

MW Project: WOOL; PW Project: A Stinking Fairytail; Sotto Voce

Asli Erdem

Asli Erdem

Producer , Beatrice Films, Turkey

Cristiana Giaccardi

Cristiana Giaccardi

Ventura Film, Switzerland

Verena Gräfe-Höft

Verena Gräfe-Höft

Producer , Junafilm, Germany

PW project: The Begging Hand
National Coordinator Germany

Dyveke Graver

Dyveke Graver

Junior Producer , Cinenord, Norway

Oslo Love Story

Ulrik Gutkin

Ulrik Gutkin

Producer/Director , CFC Kort og Dok., Denmark

There Will Be Water

Karin Haager

Karin Haager

CEO/Managing Director , Flimmit GmbH, Austria

Sebastien Haguenauer

Sebastien Haguenauer

Producer , 10:15 Productions, France

PW project: The Bare Necessity (Perdrix)

Sarah Hamilton

Sarah Hamilton

Producer , Sarah Hamilton Productions Ltd, United Kingdom

Magdelena Ilieva

Magdelena Ilieva

Producer/Director , Little Wing, Bulgaria

EAVE Project: LILIANA / MW Project: Eternity Package

Emma K Dixgård

Emma K Dixgård

Producer , Red Sister Ab, Sweden

Killer`s Fee

John Keville

John Keville

Producer , SP Films , Ireland


Piotr Kobus

Piotr Kobus

Producer , Manana Ltd, Poland

United State of Love

Agnieszka Kurzydlo

Agnieszka Kurzydlo

Producer , MD4 SP. Z O.O., Poland

PW project: The Story of the Sign

Jessica Landt

Jessica Landt

Producer , Beleza Film (Hamburg + Berlin/Germany), Germany

Interchange Project: I DREAMT OF EMPIRE

Atte Laurila

Atte Laurila

Producer , Favex / Helsinki-filmi, Finland

New York Stories

Jan Macola

Jan Macola

Producer , Mimesis Film, Czech Republic

Nathan Magoola

Nathan Magoola

Writer/Producer , NTICE MEDIAWORKS, Uganda

Vicky Miha

Vicky Miha

Producer , asterisk* & asterisk*post, Greece

Summer Treasure

Philipp Moravetz

Philipp Moravetz

Producer , Echofilm, Italy

Matthias Nerlich

Matthias Nerlich

Producer , Little Kong Films GmbH, Germany


Christina Pelekani

Christina Pelekani


Malika Rabahallah

Malika Rabahallah

Director , Filmfest Hamburg, Germany

Matija Radeljak

Matija Radeljak

Producer, founder/stakeholder , Aning Film, Croatia

Elias Ribeiro

Elias Ribeiro

Producer , Urucu Media, South Africa

PW project: The Tree

Esko Rips

Esko Rips

Producer/CEO , NAFTA Films, Estonia

Mini EAVE project: Secret Society of the Souptown

Katryna Samut-Tagliaferro

Katryna Samut-Tagliaferro

Filming In Malta, Malta

Laurette Schillings

Laurette Schillings

Producer , Topkapi Films, The Netherlands


Mariana Secco

Mariana Secco

Producer Uruguay

Porn for newbies

Konstantina Stavrianou

Konstantina Stavrianou

Managing Director, Co-owner , Graal s.a., Greece


Milan Stojanovic

Milan Stojanovic

Producer , Sense Production, Serbia

PW project: Bacha
National Coordinator Serbia

Anton Máni Svansson

Anton Máni Svansson

Producer , JOIN MOTION PICTURES, Iceland


Ingmar Trost

Ingmar Trost

Producer , SUTOR KOLONKO, Germany

EAVE project: 3/4

Derk-Jan Warrink

Derk-Jan Warrink

Producer , Keplerfilm, The Netherlands

Pat & Mat ( buurman & buurman)

Anna Weitz

Anna Weitz

Producer / Director , RaFILM & Mantaray Film, Sweden

The Language of Silence

Marcin Wierzchoslawski

Marcin Wierzchoslawski

Producer , Metro Films sp. Z o.o., Poland

Emine Yildirim

Emine Yildirim

Producer /Writer , Ursula Film, Turkey

Siren`s Call

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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