
Emine Yildirim

Emine Yildirim


Siren`s Call

Company details

Position Producer /Writer
Company Ursula Film


Emine Yildirim is an award-winning screenwriter and producer. After graduating from METU Business Administration, she pursued a career in film and attended the Bilgi University Film and Cinema Studies MA Program. She has produced films such as Son Çıkış/Siren’s Call ( 2018, Tokyo IFF Main Competition, BAFICI, Santa Barbara IFF), Kusursuzlar/ The Impeccables (2013, Busan FF, Antalya FF, Ankara FF, Romania International FF), Canavarlar Sofrası / The Monster's Dinner ( 2011, Montpellier FF, Antalya, Ankara FF), Ziazan (2014, Cannes Diversity), Gri Bölge/ Mother Virgin No More (2015 Berlinale FF Generation). She has also written the screenplay of Kusursuzlar/ The Impeccables which garnered her a Best Screenplay Award from Ankara FF and the Flying Broom Women’s FF Bilge Olgaç Achievement award. Androktones (2018) , the short film she directed was showcased at the CICA Museum Experimental Video Festival and the Pera Museum. As a screenwriter Emine has worked on hit Turkish TV series such as Zengin And Yoksul / The Rich and Dismal (2019), Menajerimi Ara / Call My Agent ( 2020, adaptation of “Dix Pour Cent”) and Ada Masalı /Be My Sunshine (2021) . She teaches screenwriting at Kadir Has University Institute of Graduate Studies. She is an EAVE Producers Workshop alumni. She is also currently working as screenwriter on the development of the feature project “Şerife Tavşan” ( CNC Award at Istanbul FF Meetings on The Bridge) and is in the post-production stage of her directorial debut “Apollon By Day Athena By Night” (Berlinale FF Script Station, Antalya FF Regional Production Award).

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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