Special offer for EAVE graduates: Galway Film Fair 2022
press release
Dear EAVE producers,
We are happy to announce that Galway Film Fair 2022 will take place from July 7th – 9th this year and it is now open for applications!
“A unique opportunity to meet with the world’s leading financiers in an intimate and informal atmosphere, fostering the discovery of new talent and building long-term partnerships.”
The Marketplace (8th & 9th July) at the Galway Film Fair takes place during the Galway Film Fleadh (festival) 5th - 10th July 2022 and co-ordinates pre-scheduled meetings between filmmakers with projects in development (and/or completed films) and invited Film Financiers, Distributors, Sales Agents, Broadcasters, Film Funds and Major Producers. A pre-selected group of producers with feature films/documentary projects will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of these companies.
The Marketplace’s unique selling points:
• Transatlantic Bridge
• Intimate and informal atmosphere
• Privileged access to the world’s leading financiers
• Showcasing new European and International cinema to leading Film Buyers, Distributors and Festival Programmers
Alongside the Marketplace many other industry events take place at the Galway Film Fair including conferences, seminars, masterclasses, debates, workshops and much more.
For further information visit fair.galwayfilmfleadh.com or contact us via email: annette@filmfleadh.ie.
Thanks to the successful partnership between EAVE and Galway Film Fair, up to 6 EAVE producers from outside of Ireland and UK will be selected to attend the Galway Film Fair 2022, in-person.
Our partner will cover the cost of accommodation for 3 nights and waive the entry fee for the Marketplace at the Galway Film Fair for the six selected producers.
Projects can either be in development and/or completed films or documentaries.
If you are interested, please send an email with a CV and motivation letter to Satu Elo satu@eave.org by May 12!
Page published 28 April 2022.