
PETIT FLEUR by Santiago Mitre now in post-production

In post-production August 2020

  • PETITE FLEUR by Santiago Mitre, producer: EAVE graduate and group leader Didar Domehri, co-producer: EAVE graduate and PUENTES Head of Studies Fernanda del Nido is in post-production. Written by Santiago Mitre and Mariano Llinas, the script is an adaptation of the novel Petite Fleur by the Argentine writer Iosi Havilio. The story centres around José, an Argentine national who has recently moved to France with his partner and daughter, and who makes the acquaintance of his neighbour. On an impulse, whilst listening to the jazz piece Petite Fleur, he kills his new friend. However, the next day, to José’s astonishment, his neighbour is the picture of health. He decides to kill him again. It’s at this point that José finds himself caught up in a strange new daily routine: looking after the baby and the house, trying to save his relationship… and killing his unwitting neighbour... Produced by Didar Domehri on behalf of Paris-based firm Maneki Films and co-produced by the Argentine firm La Unión de Los Ríos, by the Belgian outfits Panache Productions and La Compagnie Cinématographique, by the Spanish group Setembro Cine, but also by the French firm Logical Pictures and the regional outfit Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Cinéma. Supported by Eurimages, Argentina’s National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts INCAA and the Île de France region (in partnership with the CNC), the feature film has been pre-purchased by Ciné+ and is shored up by Movie Tax Invest. Developed with the backing of the CNC and its Aide au développement (Development Grant), and supported by Creative Europe Media, Indéfilms Initiative, B Media Développement, Procirep, and the Provence-Alpes-Côté d'Azur region.

Page published 31 August 2020.

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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