W1 online, November 16-26 & December 1-4, 2020
W2 online: June 7-11 & hybrid: June 30-July 2, 2021
We will publish our next call for the TIES THAT BIND applications in June 2021.
TIES THAT BIND is the leading training programme for European-Asian co-production. The participants will work with top-notch industry professionals from both continents. The sessions will focus on script development, co-production between Asia and Europe, public and private financing in the two regions, marketing and distribution, and the legal aspects of co-production. They will meet leading Asian and European sales agents, funders and potential co-producers during the FOCUS ASIA in Udine and the Southeast Asian Film Financing (SAFF) Forum in Singapore.
TTB is targeted at European & Asian producers. We will select 5 European and 5 Asian producers. In addition to feature fiction films, we are open as well to TV series or animation fiction films in development. We encourage that you bring your directors to the workshop.
We also welcome applications of European professionals interested in working with Asia such as sales agents, financiers, distributors, festival programmers, co-production market representatives, or European producers who wish to focus on their career development. We will select 5 career participants to be an active part of the group. In order to benefit from all aspects of the programme, they will be able to partner with project participants and attend the meetings with the experts and decision makers together.
The 15 selected participants will attend 2 workshops:
Workshop 1 will take place online from November 16-26 & December 1-4, 2020. Workshop 2 will be organised in June 2021 in Italy.
“The TIES THAT BIND workshop felt like a natural place for European producers who want to work with Asia and vice versa; a very fulfilling experience."
Maria Drandaki, Homemade Films, Greece, Ties That Bind 2019
"The TIES THAT BIND is very intense workshop, which pushes our limits to achieve maximum results, both for our film project and our professional career."
Siska Raharja, Elora Films, Indonesia, Ties That Bind 2019
TIES THAT BIND is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival and Southeast Asian Audio-Visual Association (SAAVA), and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA sub-programme of the European Union and Aurora Media Holdings. TIES THAT BIND is held in conjunction with Asia TV Forum & Market and ScreenSingapore.
For more information please contact:
EAVE Coordinator - Tanika Sajatovic: tanika@eave.org
www.eave.org, www.tiesthatbind.eu
Read more:
TIES THAT BIND Announces its 2020 Selection
Page last updated 14 June 2021