


Alemberg Ang

Alemberg Ang

President, Producer , Daluyong Studios , Philippines

TTB project: Dancing the Tides (Pangalay) by Xeph Suarez, PW project: Dream of Grape Gardens

Geremia Biagiotti

Geremia Biagiotti

Sales, Marketing & Acquisitions Manager , Intramovies Srl, Italy

Julia Cöllen

Julia Cöllen

Producer, CEO , Fünferfilm UG, Germany

TTB project: The Greenhouse by Luise Donschen, PW project: Petty Thieves

Silje Anette Grüner

Silje Anette Grüner

Head of Marketing and Distribution , Evil Doghouse Studios & Europafilm A/S, Norway

Sigmund Elias Holm

Sigmund Elias Holm

Film Commissioner and Market Representative , Western Norway Film Commission, Norway

Tsai Hsin-Hung

Tsai Hsin-Hung

Producer , House on Fire international, Taiwan

TTB project: Lost and Found by Natasha K. Sung

Naoko Ishise

Naoko Ishise

Producer , Jackfruit International, Singapore/Japan

TTB project: Purple Sun by Carlo Enciso Catu

Amalie Lyngbo Quist

Amalie Lyngbo Quist

Film producer , Beo Starling, Denmark

TTB project: Longevity by Rasmus Kloster Bro

Richard Mewis

Richard Mewis

Producer , 108 Media, UK/Singapore

TTB project: Mrs Raffles by Alison Hume (showrunner)

Luong Hang NGUYEN

Luong Hang NGUYEN

Producer , East Films, Vietnam

TTB Project: Youthfully Yours by TRINH Dinh Le Minh

Filipa Reis

Filipa Reis

Producer, Director , Uma Pedra no Sapato, Portugal

TTB project: UK KEI by Leonor Teles



Director / Producer , Third Floor Production, Myanmar

TTB project: Fruit Gathering by Aung Phyoe

Nadia Trevisan

CEO and producer , Nefertiti Film, Italy

EAVE Project: Menocchio TTB project: The Rope by Alberto Fasulo

Bérénice Vincent

Bérénice Vincent

International Sales Agent , TOTEM FILMS, France

Agathe Vinson

Agathe Vinson

Consultant , Film Development Council of the Philippines, France/Philippines

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Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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