Applicant Profile
Established feature film producers in their own countries and related European film professionals wishing to work on an international scale and to create long term creative and business relationships between Europe and Latin America.
- Participants focusing on project development (bringing a specific project):
EAVE is looking for experienced feature film producers in their own countries wishing to work on an international scale and to create long-term creative and business relationships between Europe and Latin America. Interested producers should apply with a fiction film project in development stage. European producers applying must be able to demonstrate a clear involvement with Latin America and vice versa.
Please note that only fiction feature films are eligible.
- Participants focusing on career development (not bringing a specific project):
EAVE is open to receiving applications from related European film professionals (such as sales agents, distributors, festival and market representatives, financiers) or European producers focusing on career development and wishing to work on an international scale and to create long term creative and business relationships with Latin America.
· Producers must have at least 5 years of industry experience and completed at least one film released theatrically in the last 3 years
· Feature-length fiction film (for theatrical release)
· Projects suitable for an international co-production and looking for co-producers
· Projects suggested by European applicants should have a link to Latin America (thematic, cultural, technical) and the producer should be motivated to work with / in Latin America and vice versa
· Applicants applying with a project must be the lead producer of the submitted project
· 1st draft of the script should be available in English for the first workshop and at the latest by June 1.
All materials should be submitted in English. For Spanish-speaking applicants, we kindly request, as an optional addition, that you submit all requested materials in Spanish (if available). When submitting your materials in Spanish, please make sure that they match the ones submitted in English.
Page last updated 29 May 2024