
TRIANGLE OF SADNESS in cinemas around Europe

In Cinemas September 2022

In French cinemas

  • PLAN 75 by Hayakawa Chie, producer: TTB graduate and EAVE participant Eiko Mizuno-Gray, co-producer: TTB graduate and EAVE participant Alemberg Ang. September 7.

  • 107 MOTHERS by Peter Kerekes, producer: EAVE graduate Katarina Tomkova, co-producer: EAVE graduate Jiri Konecny. September 14.

  • TRIANGLE OF SADNESS by Ruben Östlund, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE participant Danae Spathara, EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. September 28.


In Belgian cinemas

  • RITUEEL by Hans Herbots, producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert. September 7.

  • TORI AND LOKITA by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, co-producer: EAVE graduate Peter Bouckaert. September 7.

  • SPEAK NO EVIL by Christian Tafdrup, producer: EAVE graduate Ditte Milsted. September 14.

  • SOY LIBRE by Laure Portier, co-producers: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont, EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guégan. September 14.

  • TRIANGLE OF SADNESS by Ruben Östlund, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE participant Danae Spathara, EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. September 28.


In UK cinemas

  • PUENTES project CLARA SOLA by Nathalie Alvarez Mesén, producer: EAVE graduates Nima Yousefi, co-producer: PUENTES graduate Géraldine Sprimont, EAVE graduate Anne-Laure Guégan. September 16. 


In Dutch cinemas

  • BO by Joost van Ginkel, producer: EAVE graduate Ellen Havenith. September 27.

  • BEAUTIFUL BEINGS by Gudmundur Arnar Gudmundsson, EAVE graduate Anton Mani Svansson. September 29.


In German cinemas

  • HIVE by Blerta Basholli, producer: EAVE graduate Valon Bajgora, co-producer: EAVE+ and PUENTES graduate Britta Rindelaub. September 7.


In Danish cinemas

  • WHERE IS ANNE FRANK by Ari Folman, producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges. September 29.


In Hungarian cinemas

  • AS FAR AS I CAN WALK by Stefan Arsenijevic, producers: EAVE graduates Miroslav Mogorovic, Gilles Chanial, Borislav Chouchkov, EAVE+ graduate Kestutis Drazdauskas. September 29.


In Italian cinemas

  • WHERE IS ANNE FRANK by Ari Folman, producer: EAVE+ Head of Studies and EAVE group leader Jani Thiltges. September 29.


In Lithuanian cinemas

  • VESPER by Kristina Buozyte, Bruno Samper, co-producer: EAVE graduate Benoït Roland. September 30.


In Slovak cinemas

  • TRIANGLE OF SADNESS by Ruben Östlund, co-producers: EAVE graduate and Greek National Coordinator Konstantinos Kontovrakis, EAVE+ graduate Giorgos Karnavas, EAVE participant Danae Spathara, EAVE graduate Per Damgaard Hansen, executive producer: EAVE graduate Dan Wechsler. September 28.


In Spanish cinemas

  • THE INNOCENTS by Eskil Vogt, co-producers: EAVE graduate Lizette Jonjic, EAVE graduate and Finnish National Coordinator Mark Lwoff, EAVE graduates Misha Jaari, Katrin Pors, TTB graduate Mikkel Jersin. September 30.

Page published 29 September 2022.

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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