
TIES THAT BIND project DOUBLE HAPPINESS is in pre-production

In Development September 2021

Nordisk Film & TV Fond

  • AFTER WORK by Erik Gandini, producer: EAVE graduate Costanza Julia Bani received funding by the Nordisk Film & TV Fond.


Georgian National Film Center

The Georgian National Film Center supports the following films by EAVE graduates:

  • PANOPTIKON by Giorgi Sikharulidze, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimer Katchavara
  • SPELL CASTER by Ana Kvichidze, producer: EAVE graduate Vladimer Katchavara


Croatian Audiovisual Centre

The Croatian Audiovisual Centre announced the following grants:

  • ONLY THE DEVIL HATES WATER by Lidija Mojsovska, producer: EAVE graduate Danijel Pek
  • PRVI MAJ by Mladen Dordevic, producer: EAVE group leader and Croatian National Coordinator Ankica Juric Tilic
  • THE NEW IMPERIUM by Anna Shishova-Bogolyubova, producer: EAVE graduate Sinisa Juricic


  • FACING DARKNESS by Jean-Gabriel Périot, producer: EAVE graduate Eugenia Mumenthaler is in preparation. The documentary will plunge into the heart of the 1325 days of the siege of Sarajevo (April 1992 - February 1996). The first part of the documentary will be made up of film clips shot during the siege by young filmmakers who took their cameras with them as they defended their city concretely and militarily. The second part of the film will be made up of interviews with these filmmakers who today testify to this singular experience. Aged between 18 and 25 at the time, some had voluntarily joined the army, others had been mobilized, and still others had preferred to be integrated into the civil protection. How and why did they start or continue making films? Did they pick up their cameras as they might have picked up guns? 25 years later, they remember the dark experiences they had. Produced by EAVE graduate Cécile Lestrade for French company Alter Ego Production with the Bosnians of Pravo Ljudsky (Kumjana Novakona) and the Swiss from Alina Film (David Epiney and Eugenia Mumenthaler), FACING DARKNESS will be co-produced by the Germans of Blinker Filmproduktion (Meike Martens). Amongst the partners are already the South region, the CNC and Méteore Films. Shooting will begin next April.


  • TIES THAT BIND project DOUBLE HAPPINESS by Sebastian Mihailescu, producer: EAVE graduate Diana Pariou, EAVE graduate and Romanian National Coordinator Ada Solomon is in pre-production. The film follows Camil, a troubled 39-years-old man who wakes up one night without his penis. The nightmare continues when his partner Andreea also disappears after meeting a former lover. He sets out looking for her and, wearing women’s clothes, reaches a secret community dedicated to fertility, where no men are allowed. There he finds something far more disturbing. Diana Paroiu and Ada Solomon are producing through Romania’s microfilm in co-production with Ewa Puszczynska through Poland’s Extreme Emotions and EAVE graduate Nina Frese through Germany’s Pandora Film. HiFilm Productions, another production outlet of Ada Solomon, is also co-producing. The project is being made in association with: Visual Walkabout, nomada.solo, Aeroplan Studios and XANF, with the support of the Romanian Film Centre, the Polish Film Institute, Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, and the Creative Europe MEDIA Programme of the European Union. The financial partners include: Cinema City Romania, Provident Financial Romania, Hochland Romania, Help Net and Bilka Steel. The project has participated in: EAVE Ties That Bind, Torino Film Lab Extended and When East Meets West Co-production Forum. The film will be shot entirely in Romania - Bucharest and Siriu (Buzău County) for 18 days, from 4 October to 1 November 2021.

Page published 30 September 2021.

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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