
Katriel Schory: Finding Ideas & Talent

EAVE PED talk and Q&A April 24, 17:00 CET

Take part of an inspirational session by EAVE expert Katriel Schory offered exclusively for EAVE graduates via ZOOM.

Finding ideas (and talent), developing ideas is one of the most obvious and important things to do for a producer in these times when production has come to a halt.
Where to start? How to inspire ourselves and our creative partners? How to find new connections, new inspiration sources in a world of lockdown?

Apply by Monday, April 20 by filling in the registration form.
A maximum of 30 participants can be accepted to take part of the session and the Q&A, acceptance will be based on first come first served.

The session will take place on Friday, April 24, at 17:00 CET and will be about one hour long including Q&A.

Katriel Schory was born in Israel 1947.
Studied at the New York University (NYU) Film School and returned to Israel in 1973.
1974–1999: Founder/Producer and Managing Director of BELFILMS LTD. Produced over 150 films and television programs, including Feature Films, Documentaries, T.V Dramas, International Co-Productions and production services.  
1983-1984: Associate Producer and Line Producer of "Beyond the Walls". Nominated for Best Foreign Film, American Academy Awards ("The Oscars" 1985).
From 1999 and for more than 20 years the Executive Director of the Israel Film Fund. Authorized the support and the promotion of more than 300 full length narrative feature films, in Israel and worldwide, of which, more than 80 films were International co-productions, mainly with Europe.
Among the films he authorized, many won prestigious awards, including 4 “Oscar” nominations in the Foreign Film Category of the American Academy; Golden and Silver “Lions” in Venice and “Bears” in Berlin and “Golden Globe”.
Voluntary Public Activities and Functions:
Member of the Board of the European Film Academy (2017 – Present)
Chairman of Israel’s Film and TV Producers’ Association. (1988-1994)
A member of the National Council of Arts and Culture. (1992-1998)
Lectures at the Tel Aviv University - Department of Film and television (1985-present).
Represented the Israeli Film Industry in International Forums and Organizations (1994 – 2019).
Guest lecturer, Training & Masterclasses:
- Lectures in leading training and workshops, Festivals and Film Schools in Europe, North America and Asia
Among the awards:
- Chevalier de l'ordre des Arts et des Lettres – France
- Berlinale Kamera for Outstanding Contribution to the Film industry
- The Special Medallion Award – Telluroide Film Festival for Outstanding achievements.
- The VARIETY Award for Creative Impact on the International Film Industry
- Special Achievements Award – ARTE France / Germany
- Lifetime achievements – Jerusalem Film Festival
- FIAPF Award – The FIAPF – International Federation of Film Producers Associations Award

Page published 17 April 2020.

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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