Registration procedure
Early bird registration deadline: September 16, 2024
Final registration deadline: September 23, 2024
Extended registration deadline: September 30, 2024
Registration Requirements
To register for the EAVE AI SKILLS BOOSTER, please start by preparing one PDF file (Maximum 10MB) that contains the following elements:
- 1 page CV
- Brief description of your company (if applicable) and productions (where relevant) OR a description of your professional activities
Please note that the CV and company description should not exceed 2 pages in total.
All written documents must be in English!
Please name the PDF file as follows: FAMILY NAME OF APPLICANT_COUNTRY
Register by completing the following form: https://eave.org/apply/introduction/ai-skills-booster-2024/eave-boosters
To secure a spot, participants must:
- Submit the registration form;
- Complete the payment of the registration fee upon reception of the invoice per email.
Registration Requirements for scholarship applicants
If you are applying for an EAVE scholarship, please start by preparing one PDF file (Maximum 10MB) that contains the following elements:
- 1 page CV
- Brief description of your company (if applicable) and productions (where relevant) OR a description of your professional activities
- A short motivation statement explaining why you are applying for a scholarship. If you apply for the scholarship targeted at candidates from diverse backgrounds, please specify.
Please note that the CV, company description and motivation statement should not exceed 3 pages in total.
All written documents must be in English!
Please name the PDF file as follows: FAMILY NAME OF APPLICANT_COUNTRY
Register by completing the following form: https://eave.org/apply/introduction/ai-skills-booster-2024/eave-boosters
Your scholarship application will be reviewed in the evaluation process.
Page last updated 23 September 2024