
EAVE launches comprehensive and high-impact Green Policy

press release

EAVE, known for high-level training workshops for producers and other audiovisual industry professionals, is launching a new comprehensive green policy. EAVE annually brings together hundreds of professionals from all over the world to various locations to develop people, projects, and companies; to make all of these activities as green as possible is a daunting prospect, but EAVE has been thinking about sustainability for many years and now has taken the important next step to introduce a concrete and comprehensive green policy.

EAVE recently has reviewed all its processes and practices, identified improvements, and defined concrete actions to reach its sustainability goals. These actions will affect the daily operations of its staff, the pedagogical team and guest experts, as well as workshop participants; it also will have an impact on the choice of EAVE's providers such as hotels and restaurants as well as event destinations.

EAVE has organised its green policy in three key areas:

  • Daily functions at workshops, including choice of locations and partners.
  • Travel to workshops, festivals, other industry events and meetings.
  • Daily office practices, including purchases of equipment and materials.

Just a few of the actions outlined in the policy include less printing and shipping of materials; avoiding plastic cups and other single-use products when possible; smarter use of digital communications; buying local when possible and being freight conscious when not; considerably reducing meat consumption at workshops; choosing train travel over air travel, and public transportation over individual where possible; and offering suggestions for EAVE’s partners and suppliers (including hotels) to also improve their own practices.

Kristina Trapp, Chief Executive of EAVE, says, “We wish to set a positive example that others can follow. In order to reach this goal, we are making our green policy public and sharing our list of actions and recommendations for our staff, experts and workshop participants.”

She continues, “We also wish to initiate and encourage an active exchange for the sharing of best green practices within the EAVE network, with all our partners as well as generally in the film industry.”

Trapp adds, “We hope that this may in fact have a very significant impact. EAVE workshop alumni say that their workshop experiences have substantially changed their minds and practices. Even if EAVE does prompt some traveling for workshops, its huge and active professional network also makes it possible for producers to cooperate across borders without the need for single-purpose or single-project travel.”

EAVE is happy to share its full green policy with interested parties so they can adapt the ideas and recommendations for their own needs. The organisation also welcomes feedback and dialogue to further collaboration on sustainability best practices.

To read EAVE GREEN POLICY 2021 in full, please click here.



Satu Elo

Programme Manager Europe, EAVE

+352 661 44 52 10



EAVE, working with a worldwide network of partners, is involved in programmes for producers in Europe, Russia, Latin America, the Arab world, Asia and Africa.

Founded in 1988, EAVE’s objectives are to provide professional training opportunities and to bring producers from different regions of the world together with the aim of facilitating co-production relationships. We believe that the support of independent voices, creative imagination and culturally driven companies within the global media industries is an urgent necessity in the 21st century. Through our work we aim to contribute towards the creation of strong networks of producers and to encourage the exchange of knowledge and skills that will strengthen independent production across the world.

Page published 7 April 2021. Updated 28 April 2021.

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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