
Sara Afreen

Sara Afreen


PW Project: Iron Stream

Company details

Position Filmmaker/ Producer
Company BEGINNING Production


Sara AFREEN Sara is one amongst very few young upcoming Producers from Bangladesh. Her first feature-length creative documentary ‘Are You Listening!’won herGRAND PRIX at 35th Cinema du reel Paris, GOLDEN CONCH in Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) and JURY AWARD in Film Southasia. Sara participated inEuropean Producers Workshop2012and, organized by EAVE and European Post-production Connection (EP2C) 2013on scholarships from CNC and MEDIA Mundus respectively. She was a participantof Produire au Sud, Nantes 2013 and La Fabrique des Cinemas du Monde in Cannes 2014. Sara graduated as an architect, and gathered diverse experience in creative production before enrolling into film. She worked as ‘Head of Campaign’ in a leading multi-national and produced more than 30 top-rated television commercials, working with almost all the top-chart TV Commercial Directors from Bangladesh. As a creative producer in communication design and advertising, she explored different aspects of production from conceptualization, creative design, creative writing, photography, and groomed new talents in the industry. Sarawas featured as the \'Member of the Month\' by European Documentary Network (EDN)in 2013.She currently runs her own company BEGINNING Production, a studio dedicated to support 3600 film production in Bangladesh. Filmography: Are You Listening! (Shunte Ki Pao!) - Producer Creative Documentary/ BEGINNING Production/ 90 Minutes/ HD / Release 2012 I GRAND PRIX, Cinéma du Réel 2013, France I I GOLDEN CONCH, Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) 2014, India I I BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY, Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) 2014, India I I AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD, Seattle South Asian Film Festival 2014, USA I I JURY AWARD, Film South Asia 2013, Nepal I I OPENING FILM & INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION, 55th Dok Leipzig 2012, Germany I I OFFICIAL SELECTION, Reflecting Images: Panorama, IDFA 2012, Netherlands I ICOMPETITION: NEW ASIAN CURRENT, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2013, Japan I I BEST PITCH, ‘Asian Forum for Documentaries: DocedgeKolkata 2011 I I GRANT AWARD: Jan Vrijman Fund (JVF) from IDFA I I GRANT AWARD: Visions Sud Est, Switzerland 2011 I Silence of the Seashell (Shonkhodhoni/ Les Silences du Coquillage) - Producer Drama/ BEGINNING Production/ 100 Minutes/ HD/ Target Release 2016 I Goteborg Script Development Grant I EAVE Producers Workshop 2012 I EP2C Post-production Workshop 2013 I Produire Au Sud 2013 I La Fabrique des Cinemas du Monde, Cannes 2014 I Day after Tomorrow (Agami) - Producer Documentary/ BEGINNING Production/ 60 Minutes/ HD/ Target Release 2016 I IDFA Bertha Fund 2013 I Sundance Institute Documentary Film Grant 2013 I Made in Bangladesh- Producer Documentary/ NHK / 52 Minutes/ HD / Target Release 2015 I Asian Pitch Winner 2013I Let’s Talk (Kotha Hobe)- Producer Docu-Drama/ H&M Production/ 24 Minutes/ HD / Release 2011 Executive Producer – 30+ Commercials, Docu-drama, Documentary/ 30 Sec – 30 Min/ HD, 35 MM, DVCam / 2009 – 2011 Stories of Change (Din Bodoler Pala) –Executive Producer Documentary/ Production for BRAC/ 55 Minutes/ DVCam/ Release 2008

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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