EAVE Innovation
EAVE’s constant innovation and the renewal of content, expert pool and methods are fundamental elements of EAVE’s DNA, and EAVE IMPACT is part of the same strong community that includes all kinds of industry professionals – financing experts, script consultants, sales agents, distributors, exhibitors, film-fund representatives, advertisers and more – wishing to explore other aspects of their particular field, thus fostering innovation and thinking out of the box.
EAVE fully embraced the new opportunities and the innovation that online training modules can offer and integrated those into our method with:
- blended learning and e-learning modules
- development of a unique learning platform for online workshops during the pandemic: virtual spaces have been created for group works, meetings, social events, libraries, etc.
- development of hybrid workshops
- EAVE Impact Sessions and Ped Talks online
- online and hybrid Think Thanks
- design-thinking methodology
- new methods, apps and tools using data analytics
- supporting data-driven decision-making processes, tech-based marketing and distribution approaches etc.
These modules are complementary to our onsite programme offering face-to-face encounters and the immersion of a residential workshop to create professional relationships that last throughout the producers’ careers and change their professional lives.