
Ties that Bind 2014

Ties That Bind – EAVE Asia-Europe Producers Workshop

W1 in Udine (IT), April 29 - May 3, 2014
W2 in Busan (KR), October, 2014

TIES THAT BIND kicks off in Busan! 

We are delighted to announce that the TIES THAT BIND Asia - Europe Producers Workshop will kick-off in Busan from October 4-8, 2014!

TIES THAT BIND is a workshop programme bringing together producers from Asia and Europe to work on feature film projects in development under the guidance of top-level experts from both continents. Among a wide range of issues, the sessions focus on script development, co-production between Europe and Asia, financing in the two regions, marketing, distribution and sales, as well as legal aspects of co-production. 

The ten selected producers from Asia and Europe will meet for five days of workshop in Korea during the Busan International Film Festival, where they will pitch their projects to leading decision makers at the ASIAN FILM MARKET

Furthermore, the industry professionals attending the Asian Film Market will have a possibility to discover the TIES THAT BIND participants and their projects on Festival Scope, which will also showcase previous works of the directors of the Ties that Bind projects.

Festival, is the B2B Internet platform for film professionals allowing programming of festivals around the world to be viewed online. Festival Scope’s main objective is to support independent cinema and filmmakers by increasing access and reducing costs for all parties through an innovative service. All members of Festival Scope can check information about the TIES THAT BIND projects and watch previous works of the directors by clicking on the following this link.

The 10 selected producers will work on the development and financing of their projects under the guidance of top industry professionals from both continents, such as:

  • Jean-Baptiste Babin, Backup Media Group, France
  • Nicolas Brigaud-Robert, Films Distribution, France
  • Christophe Bruncher, Ici et Là Productions, France
  • Clare Downs, Script Consultant, United Kingdom
  • Samuel Y. Ha, Union Investment Partners, Korea
  • Elise Jalladeau, Charivari Films, France
  • Diep Nguyen Hoang, VBlock Media, Vietnam
  • Michelle Son, M-Line Distribution, Korea

In addition, the participants will meet prominent industry guests of the APM during the VIP networking coffee breaks throughout the week, such as:

  • Judy Ahn, Showbox/Mediaplex, Korea
  • Guillaume de Seille, Arizona Productions, France
  • Emmanuelle Deprats, CNC, France
  • Hong Hyosook, Asian Cinema Fund, Korea
  • Thierry Jobin, Visions Sud Est, Switzerland
  • Mette Marie Katz, XYZ Films, USA
  • Chris Liu, East Light Film, China
  • Jean-Christophe Simon, Films Boutigue, Germany

A special festival screening of Flapping in the Middle of Nowhere directed and produced by TIES THAT BIND 2011 participant Diep Hoang Nguyen (VBlock Media, Vietnam) will be part of the programme. The film is a co-production between Vietnam, France, Norway and Germany. One of the co-producers is TTB 2011 participant David Lindner (Filmallee, Germany). Both producers met during the 2011 edition of TIES THAT BIND. 

Flapping in the Middle of Nowhere premiered at Critics’ Week in Venice this year and has travelled on to Toronto, Busan, etc.

The following producers were selected for TIES THAT BIND 2014:

  • Karim Aitouna, Hautlesmains Productions, France; project: Women of the Weeping River, director: Sheron Dayoc
  • Joenathann Alandy, Outpost Visual Frontier, Philippines; project: Rizal Avenue, director: Dwein Baltazar
  • Valérie Bournonville, Tarantula, Belgium; project: Walkers, director: Olivier Meys
  • Weronika Czolnowska, EasyBusyProductions, Poland; project: Baby, director: Kei Ishikawa
  • Antonin Dedet, Neon Productions, France; project: Black Stone, director: Gyeong Tae Roh
  • Justin Deimen, Silver Media Group, Singapore; project: Lanun, director: Oman Dhas
  • Julius Ponten, Habbekrats, The Netherlands; project: Ratu Adil, director: Jim Taihuttu
  • Alina Yan Qiu, Jampa Films, China; project: Mazu, Guardian of the Seas, director: Xiao Zheng and David Ebner
  • Masumi Soga, Japan; project: Kodokushi, director: Janus Victoria
  • Lina Tan, Red Films, Malaysia; project: Five Star Billionaire, director: Bernard Chauly

Through their participation at TIES THAT BIND, the selected producers become part of a unique professional network in Asia and Europe.


Some comments from the previous editions:

“TIES THAT BIND is wonderful! It helped me to clarify the practicalities of working within the real world of co-productions in Asia.”

Reinette van de Stadt, Trueworks, The Netherlands, TTB 2013

“TIES THAT BIND made me aware of my own market and the other side, the ups and downs of international co-production, and gave me friends who might be future collaborators.”

Bianca Balbuena, Epicmedia, Philippines, TTB 2013

“I would really recommended TIES THAT BIND to other Asians producers, because it connects us, Asians and Europeans, excellently!” 

Gita Fara, Set Film Production, Indonesia, TTB 2012

“I have a feeling of having a producer friend in almost every South-East-Asian country thanks to TIES THAT BIND.”

David Lindner, Filmallee, Germany, TTB 2011

TIES THAT BIND is organised by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Audiovisual Fund, EAVE, Udine Far East Film Festival, Busan International Film Festival/Asian Film Market/Asian Project Market, in partnership with Festival Scope & with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union & Creative Encounters: Cultural Partnership between Asia and Europe - the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Arts Network Asia (ANA) in collaboration with Trans Europe Halles (TEH).

For more information please contact: 

EAVE - Tanika Sajatovic, International Coordinator:

FVG Audiovisual Fund – Alessandro Gropplero, International Relations:

Asian Film Market – Sora Bae, Workshop Coordinator:,,  

Ties That Bind / Asian Film Market

Page last updated 13 January 2015

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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