B`EST 2015:
Application B`EST 2015
The deadline to apply for B`EST 2015 is July 1, 2015
Project criteria (only for applicants with projects):
- full-length feature film with potential for theatrical distribution
- suitable for an international co-production and looking for co-producers
- preferably national support in place
- projects from the European Union and Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldavia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are accepted
- projects should have a link to the other region (thematic, cultural, technical) and the producer should be motivated to work with / in the other region
Requested materials for submission:
With projects:
- completed application form (available below)
- synopsis (1 page) in English
- treatment in English
- screenplay in English (first draft)
- director’s note on aesthetics and structure (1-2 pages)
- biography/filmography of the director
- biography/filmography of the producer
- production company profile (max. 800 characters)
- budget outline in English
- financing plan
- motivation letter from the producer
Without projects:
- completed application form (available below)
- biography/filmography of the applicant
- company profile (max. 800 characters)
- motivation letter
The selection will be published by the end of July 2015.
Please send all the requested materials to: For applications from the European Union: Riina Sildos balticevent@poff.ee
For applications from the CIS countries, Georgia and Ukraine: Natalia Drozd drozd@ctb.ru
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact as at coproduction@poff.ee.
Application form - with a project
Application form - without a project
Page last updated 16 June 2015