
EAVE+ 1st Edition

An intensive four day workshop event for independent producers with a solid track record and international experience reinforcing their managerial and financial capacity to compete successfully in European and global markets and to run sustainable companies.


EAVE+ is a workshop event for independent producers with a solid track record and international experience, wishing to network with their colleagues from Europe and the rest of the world over one long weekend (4 days).

High profile international key note speakers will be invited to jointly discuss with the invited producers issues of business development, new business modelsfuture ways of financing/producing/distributing filmscompany sustainability and future developments of the international market, taking a look also at other industries and best practices on an international level.

EAVE+ will take the form of an intense four day group work session led by of EAVE Head of Studies Jani Thiltges (Samsa Film, LU) together with EAVE+ consultant Michael Weber (The Match Factory, DE). Each day will start with akeynote session by one of the international guests. All speakers will participate actively in the group work and be available for 1-2-1 meetings in the afternoon.

The event will take place in Luxembourg from September 19-23, 2013 in the design hotel "Le Place d'Armes"

Guests of the first edition include:

US indie producer Mike S. Ryan (Greyshack Films, USA), Bo Erhardt (Nimbus Film, DK), Andy Doherty (NL), Michael Weber (The Match Factory, DE) and management coach Michael Comyn (The Fearless Organisation, IE) who will work with the attending producers on management strategies, presentation to funders and investors, communication on new media platforms and other related issues.

Topics tackled: 

How to grow as a company? How to reinvent yourself after failure? How to sustain a viable business and structure your company? What kind of manager are you? What is the future of film finance? Where are we heading with VoD? What can we learn from the US indies? Which new business models are there? How to achieve a better life work balance? 

EAVE+ is especially designed for professionals wishing to extend their network internationally and to actively participate in a global forum seeking new opportunities and models for the future.

The event is open to a maximum of 12-15 independent producers from Europe and the rest of the world.EAVE+ will be organized twice a year with different keynote speakers and topics addressed at each workshop session.

The extended deadline for applications is June 28, 2013.

Page last updated 12 January 2015

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

Find out more...

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