
Claudia Wohlgenannt

Claudia Wohlgenannt



Company details

Position Producer & CEO
Company Plan C Filmproduktion



Plan C Film is a Vienna based award-winning production company with more than 10 years of experience. Founded in 2012 by Claudia Wohlgenannt who then had already worked as a set production manager on international feature fictions, tv series and documentaries for several years. The latest documentaries realized by Plan C "Die Dohnal" and "Elfriede Jelinek - Die Sprache von der Leine lassen" won the Austrian and German Film Award among other prizes. In 2017 the company was joined by writer and developer Wolfgang Schmid, so recently Plan C has taken the step to producing fiction formats as well. Our first feature film “Nebelkind – ‘The End of Silence” (a Co-production with Axman Prod. Prague) will premiere in 2024. Plan C’s main focus is to produce films with heart that are relevant for our life and our world today. For this purpose, Plan C looks for and encourages young talent with creative ideas and interesting perspectives, but most importantly who take stands. Wohlgenannt is a graduate of EAVE 2011 (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs), has held a Master of Business Administration from University of Economics Vienna since 2019 and has 2 children. She has also been active in industry policy issues for many years, currently on the board of the Academy of Austrian Film and in the professional representation of the film and music industry of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. She is also chairwoman of the "Professional Group Committee for Gender Equality and Inclusion".

Donate to the EAVE Alan Fountain International Scholarship Fund

A scholarship has been set up to honour the memory of Alan Fountain, former Head of Studies and President of EAVE, who passed away in 2016. Its goal is to enable one producer from outside the EU to participate in all three sessions of the EAVE Producers Workshop each year.

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