Mental Health & Work Life Balance
“Thanks EAVE, for being so open to parents bringing their children and including them in the workshop - it should be, but is not yet the usual way to do so, especially in the film business. On the long term we all together will be able to change this part of the business and create a new way of working together.” – EAVE graduate Regina Jorissen, 2Pilots Filmproduction, Germany
EAVE has partnered up with Parenting at Film Festivals and Red Balloon Alliance aiming at helping industry professionals with kids achieve a better work-life balance. We support and promote the activity of Red Balloon Alliance that offers childcare services at major film festivals in Europe (for example in Cannes, in Berlin or in San Sebastian).
At EAVE workshops we do our best to create a family friendly open space for producers with families to be able to attend the workshops. We offer childcare solutions based on individual needs (collaboration with childcare institutions and individual babysitters).
Since 2009, EAVE integrates morning yoga sessions at our workshops. EAVE YOGA is available also during the year as an online session twice a week with EAVE project manager and certified yoga teacher Tanika Sajatovic.
We have trained therapists among our experts and we offer optional mindfulness sessions and sessions for stress reduction at Producers Workshop.
An online training module has been implemented to train Producers Workshop participants extensively on leadership and especially on resilience by a professional coach. Conflict management and teaching specific negotiation techniques are also part of our programme.
EAVE’s pitching training is provided by a trained and experienced psychologist and participants have the opportunity to have one-to-one meetings about their personal development.
“As a producer you are often very alone but after EAVE, I don't feel alone at all. The workshop gave me possibility to not just talk about my issues but also mirror myself to the situations of my colleagues and to realize that we are in very same boat no matter which part of the world we are from.” - Marja Pihlaja, Tekele Productions, Finland